WW - The New World

"People. Sometimes, people make me shy.Believe it or not, I was the shy one when I was little and Tobi was the one who was always socializing. Then things happened and our roles reversed in a way, but it's not like I've completely changed," she said quietly as she sat down with her legs dangling over the edge of the school building. "I'm not shy with magic, but I do find it difficult and frustrating at times."
Jason nodded ," we can't have it too easy now can we?" Jason tapped his toe on the edge of the building ," what is taking tobi so long."
Scarlet snickered. "What is taking him so long? It could be a number of things." Thinking about her brother's silly antics of trying to find her was cute and just made her want to give him a big bear hug. "One, he can't find the roof. Two, he won't run in the hallways unless necessary because it is against school rules. Three, someone dropped their stuff so he decided to help pick it up. It could a combination or all three of them. It's just how he is." She smiled.
Riyoshi looked at how sam was injured and clinched his fist tightly.

"You bastards!" Riyoshi yelled at the top of his lungs.

Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed out all five of his stones. Placing all but the blue stone in his left hand, he held the blue stone out towards the demon.

"You want to fight someone! Then fight me!" Riyoshi said as he took his stance and awaited the demons response.
in a few soconds, Sam lashed at the demon

"Katsura... WIND BREAKER!"

at this moment, he pulled out the blade, by himself for the first time in his life...

to no effect.

his magic was weak and un-controlled, it barely had the cutting power of a basic sword let alone a magical one


Katsura replied

"my power matches that of the weilder, i figured it would be best to point that out now"

"well why th-"

he was cut off by the one with the sword coming at him again. and again Sam dodged but was still wounded, this time he got more cuts on his face and his arms.

"this guys fast for his size.

Riyoshi's announcement of him joining the battle was met by the one that spat the lava at Marco.

he looked like a hound crossed with a boar then given scales and spikes on it's back.

it walked on all fours, a quadroped unlike the other 2 demons.

"i'm Tesla, i figured it would be best to introduce myself first... considering whatever remains of your life will be spent in agonizing, burning pain..."

the female demon appeared behind Lola and wrapped her arms around her.

her voice was layered with charm spells, every one of her words resonated within Lola.

"oh so hard, is'nt it? so hard to fight, so hard to run... would'nt it be better to stop it? to stop those who dragged you into this..."

the demon read her mind, seeing she came there with Sam

"that one thee... the girlish looking one with purple hair and red eyes... he dragged you here, you could have avoided it if it weren't for him..."

the demoness smirked and her voice became demonic, yet the charm spell got stronger

"Kill him and this will all be over..."
"No!" Kalypso yelled as the demon talked to Lola. "Don't let her trick you! Oh Marco! Let me in there!" She pawed at the glass trying not to break it. She turned towards her friend. "Jirou. I must put you somewhere so you don't get hurt."
Jason laughed ," We're polar opposites, I can already tell we aren't going to like each other." Jason snickered at the idea of actually obeying the age old no running in the halls rule.

Jason sighed by the second he was getting more and more bored... He would do something to liven the mood soon.
Lola nearly gasped at the demoness when she came behind her. She was slowly succumbing to the lady's charm, noticing that she was casting a spell. She remembered a meditation trick her dad once taught her, just in case she needed it. It allowed her to hide inside her mind, but only temporarily. It was as if she was inside a glass box getting smaller as the demon put on more of the spell. She heard Kalypso's voice yell "No!" and instantly was reminded of her description. As soon as the Demoness said "Kill him and this will be all over," the box shattered.

But not by the demon's words. She came right out of herself as a large wolf. She looked very much like kalypso, but she somehow captured the entity of the demon that withheld her. She broke from the demon's arms, and ran directly towards Sam. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back into the deeper part of the storeroom.
Scarlet had just opened her mouth to speak in response when she heard the roof door blast open. "See? He made it," she whispered to Jason so Tobi couldn't hear. Tobi was bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath desperately. Scarlet stood up and slowly walked over to him. "Are you alright? You shouldn't have rushed."

Tobi gave his sister a look as he continued his uneven breathing. "I can't believe you just ran out in the middle of class," he said with disappointment in his voice. Scarlet opened her mouth to speak but Tobi shushed her. "I don't want to hear your excuses or your apologies or your arguments. I just want you to know that I refuse to look after you as long as you are letting that guy over there," he pointed to Jason. "influence you into bad decisions."
Jason smirked , " who says she needs you to look after her?" Jason dug his heels in at the edge of the roof ," What was it that turned you into such a teacher's pet? Are you really content to sit while the world goes to hell in hand bag?" Jason laughed ," You under estimate your sister. Only the weak are influenced Tobi."
Tobi sighed as he looked at Jason, finally catching his breath. "It's how it is. She looks after me and I look after her. We're there for each other since we're siblings," he said, keeping his cool. He was one for avoiding confrontations mainly because of his shy side. "I'm not a teacher's pet," he said emphasizing the word "not." "I just don't step out of line. I don't kiss up and I don't misbehave. I'm in the middle which is a good place to be." He took a deep breath before continuing on. "I do not under estimate her either. Even the strongest fall to influence at times. It's not my fault if you don't know that."
Jason shrugged ," Must be nice having someone, but don't be so indecisive... Just take...." Jason chuckled ," A leap..." Jason leaned back over the roof dropping off the side of it. The speed of the fall was really exhilarating wind whipped Jason's hair into a tizzy and made his eyes water.

Gradually a golden aura over took Jason and against all odds Jason moved his hands and caught a branch near the bottom of his fall. Catching the branch Jason slid off to the ground below. Jason held his head which was now aching and sunk to one knee before letting a sly grin stretch across his face ," That never ceases to amaze me..." Jason pushed himself up feeling light headed but there was no way he would show it incase Tobi and Scarlett looked on from above.
Slasher walked around for a long time "where to go where to go" he said. He sat down for awhile then began to look around. "I've walked around this whole school what should I do now" he got up and walked up the hall until he saw tobi. he walked over to him "hey tobi" he said.
Tobi rolled his eyes at the comment, but when he actually saw Jason step off the edge, he panicked. "Oh my god he's going to die," he said over and over again quietly. While he panicked, Scarlet ran over to the edge just in time to see Jason land fairly safely. She wasn't sure if yelling from that height would do any good but it was worth a try anyway.

"Are you nuts??" she yelled down to him as loud as her voicebox would allow her. Tobi slowly made his way to the edge, not enjoying the possibility of falling because he knew he would land fast first into the ground. Scarlet gave Tobi a reassuring look, telling him that he was fine, just idiotic. Tobi still was spooked so Scarlet pushed him away from the room and forced him to sit down. Making her way back to the edge, she yelled down again. "Can you even hear me?"
Jason stared up straining to hear. Jason took a deep breath and let out a scream ," Never cross a man not afraid to die!" Jason laughed ," Don't tell me you are done with the stern words?! How is Toby? Did he get the point?" Jason leaned on the tree smirking. Hiding the fact that he was tired Jason casually whistled biding time.
“I do not know why you are telling me your name, you are not going to be the one that lives after this fight. I am going to be the victor!” Riyoshi yelled as he looked at this ugly demon.

Gripping the blue stone in his right hand, Riyoshi ran at the demon full force. Leaping into the air, Riyoshi raised his right hand above his head and took in a deep breath.

“Water wave!” Riyoshi yelled out as a large pool of water formed over his head.

Bringing his hand down, the large pool of water followed and was sent crashing down towards the demon.
Marco chuckled

"not bad... she almost resisted the demon's charm... Kalypso, normally i would scold you for interfering but... well done"

he looked at the other 2

"a water wave against Tesla?... damn, Tesla is weak but not that weak..."

"and it looks like that Sam fella is getting his ass kicked"


As Sam was dragged, the demon he was fighting swung again, he managed to spread his legs in time, the enemy blade landed not even 5 inches from his junk.

"ok this is ridiculous!"

he swung the blade again, this time making a sharp air-blade come off the sword and into the demon, but it had no effect, the demon's skin was to tough.


Tesla curled up and rolled to where Riyoshi was, completely dodging the water.

he un-curled, turned up and launched lava at him while still in the air.


Marco's eyes opened

"hes got 2 seconds to deflect that, if not he's getting some burns and i'll have to step in..."
Jirou looked worrily at Lola and Sam. "Don't kill him," he whimpered.


Looking at the first demon she encountered, Lola swung sam into a dark corner, having him slide and hit the wall. Purposely knocking down a shelf with her tail, she went over to Sam and licked each of his wounds once. Those wounds gradually healed as soon as her tongue came in contact.

She turned away from Sam to the fallen artifacts, moving her paws in a digging motion so they were closer to him. She looked up and found a chain hanging from one of the shelves. She set her paws to a lower shelf and nudged the chain so it would wrap around her nose, go over her head, and stop at her neck.

She moved over to a clear area, dragged her front paws on the ground, and lowered her ears. She began running back into the "war zone," thinking work, pendant work! The pendant glowed brighter as she moved faster. Soon, she was moving so fast that everything around her seemed to move slower. She centered in on her target, the demoness, who was somewhat quick to react as she lunged, but somehow, Lola was just a split-second quicker.
Steven's eyes opened. He saw blurred shapes. Faintly heard a clamour. The shapes sharpened. The noise grew clearer. Men in yellow hard hats and orange safety vests. They were murmuring,wondering who this loon was,and why he was here. He felt beneath him concrete. Above him,above everyone,a tower,made of girders,with a flame at the top.

An oil rig?

He heard water beneath and around him,through the clamour. He was at sea. A naval oil platform. He slowly began to sit up. People gasped,backed away,and began to mutter more. He picked up "Mage" and "One eye?". He looked around,and people's faces showed the same thing;fear,and insight. They knew exactly who he was.

Steven stood up. "Where am I?" The men responded with various central and south american dialects. He probed their minds. Most of them got nosebleeds instantly,some bled from the eyes. One man's head exploded outright. They sprung into a panic,but he got the information he needed. The Gulf of Mexico. Steven looked up to the crowd. They were fleeing to the various structures,some coming out with handguns and rifles. "No." He waved his hand,and each weapon's firing mechanism was removed from the weapon.

Steven turned to leave,and summoned Igni. The red,burning scimitar appeared in his hand. "Torch it." With a devilish laugh,Igni complied. The oil rig exploded into a massive mushroom cloud blast,as Steven streaked across the water's surface on the wings of telekenesis. Igni spoke up. "You're different,human. What changed?" "Nothing."
Sam blushed heavily when she licked his wounds, especially the wounds on his upper thighs.

Lola's attack hit dead-on, but there was no effect.

after the attack, the demoness laughed

"oh that was SO cute!"

the demoness looked at Lola, giggling

"i hardened my skin, not bad, eh?"

she went over to Lola, her hand began to glow.

"goodbye cutie... such a shame, so pretty..."

the demoness leaped at Lola, thrusting her hand forward, this demoness was a blur.

the demon Sam was fighting thrust his blade forward straight at his head.
Growling, Lola ran straight towards the demon. Once the pendant she wore glinted brightly, she somehow ran fast enough to run under the demoness. What?! she thought, looking above her. She figured the demoness would be on the ground by now, but she still wasn't. She noticed the behavior of the demons, and sees that the female is clearly the leader, so obviously she would be stronger. It would take a bit of examination to find some kind of weakness. But she knows she does not have enough time for that. Or did she?

It can't be me doing this, she figured, and blames the power on the pendant she wore. She looked over to Sam and the other demon and noticed the direct hit he would have to his skull. She gained enough speed to run into the demon, altering his target from Sam's body. She quickly bounced back and ran into another shelf of artifacts, hoping find another that would help her better.
CRAP! Riyoshi yelled out in his mind.

Looking down at the beast forming lava, riyoshi had maybe a second before he was a piece of charcoal. Throwing three stones into the air, he kept the blue stone and the tan stone. Holding the tan stone against his chest and the blue stone underneath him, he started to chant.

"Protect they soul and thy body! ROCK ARMOR! Douse this fiery inferno. WATER WALL!" Riyoshi yelled out as rock armor enveloped his entire body and a pool of water formed below him.

As the lava hit the water, it started to cool, but nowhere near fast enough. The water was only able to cool a couple of inches on top of the lava, but for Riyoshi, that was enough. Reaching up and grabbing the three stones he threw into the air, he placed his foot upon the hardened lava and used it as a jumping stone. Leaping from the creature, Riyoshi looked around at his situation.

I need to figure out a spell strong enough to counter that lava. Water itself is not cold enough, well, not the amount i can create. Riyoshi thought as he landed on the ground.

Canceling out his rock armor, Riyoshi looked over at sam.

"You would not happen to have any lava countering spells would you?" Riyoshi asked sam, just hoping sam would have some good news.
Sam was exhausted and in pain.

the demoness laughed

"too late"

Tesla already had his next strike ready and aimed point-black at Riyoshi's back.

the sword-weilding one swung his blade.

then things really happened.

suddenly. the huge sword shattered, making the demon stumble.

Tesla's attack cooled inside him.

and the demoness actually wet herself.

why did she? because in front of her stood Marco

"you..." she said, scowling

Marco smiled friendily

"yes me"

he shoved his hand into the demoness's chest, blue light begin to come from her insides, shining out.

"me, me, me...."

Tesla re-heated his attack and charged at Marco, planning to spit it out as he got close enough to hit.

the demoness screamed out her last words


but too late, Marco flickered behind Tesla, and suddenly the lava-spitting demon fell in half.

then came to last one

"no, no... i'm sorry..."

"yes you are.. but you know i can't let you go after this..."

the big demon began to cry, honestly like a toddler, he began bawling his eyes out

"i dont wanna, i dont wanna die!"

"i'm sorry Bongo..."

*snif* "does it hurt?"

"not at all..."

he held out his hand and Bongo took it.

then Marco lifted his other hand in a fist, and when he opened his fist into an open palm, Bongo exploded, he was dead in less than a microsecond.

"now... i'm gonna send you to the nurse's office... and tommorow i want you all in my office at 5AM sharp, understood!?"

Sam spoke up first

"ok, i got it.. ow"
Kalypso was shocked with what happened to Lola. As the glass shattered, she blocked Jirou, making sure none of the blades hit him. "A ledge!" She said and grabbed ahold of the pup, putting him up there. She stood there, watching the fight, wanting to interfere, but afriad if she left the pup alone, something would happen. As the fight ended, she saw that Sam was hurt. The wolf took Jirou and brought him to Lola, bowing, then walked over to Sam. "Let me help you." She told him, growing a little bit so when he layed on her, she wouldn't collasp.
Sam leant on Kalypso, he could stand, but he was uneasy.

"Kalypso, i'll teleport you..."

Kalypso and Sam began to glow, soon, as far as they could see, they appeared in the nurse's office.

Sam managed to get on the bed in the Nurse's office


Marco pointed back to the entrance

"you two get out of here, remmeber, my office, 5AM sharp..."

he opened a telepathic channel yo Alec

"Alec, we have a hurt boy in the Nurse's office, mind patching him up?"

he picked up Katsura.

"i'll give you back after tomorrow's punishment

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