WW - The New World

Hearing Kalypso's voice, Jirou found her in his dream, as well.

"Ah, let him sleep," Lola said, pulling back some wet strands of her hair as she looked down. "He's gonna need the energy, especially since we're waking up so early. If it's really bad, he'll be up crying in five seconds," she finished, confident that it won't happen.
Sam sighed

"oh for crying out..."

he looked out the window

"not as bad as jumping out of that mansion back home..."

he rubbed a bit more salve on his arms, apart from some shivers, he kept it contained this time.

"Sayonara and all that..."

Sam leapt out of the window like a madman, he grabbed a branch then swung to a lightpost, then landed on the ground and rolled to lessen the impact

he glanced up, back at the window, and gave them a look that almost said "surprised? *sarcasm*"

the clothes he were wearing had a hood on them, he threw it up over his head and ran off into the shadows before anyone could hear or see him.
After he was done being healed, Riyoshi heard some commotion on the floor above him. Glancing both ways down the hallway, Riyoshi looked for a set of stairs or even an elevator.

"Thank you very much." Riyoshi said politely over his shoulder at the nurse.

Turning down the hallway, Riyoshi ran for the stairs that he saw and bounded up them with a ton of energy. What was he hearing? Was it friendly, would he even care to be around this commotion that he heard?

Arriving on the third floor, Riyoshi stopped running and peered down the hallway looking for any hope to finding this noise. Just as he was about to give up, he heard some more talking. Smirking at the noise, Riyoshi took off in his casual walk down the hallway towards the noise, periodically dragging one of his stones across the wall.
Lola popped her head out of the window, looking down, from where Sam once was. "What the-?!" She grumpily shut her window and looked back at Kalypso. "What is wrong with him?! He could've gotten hurt even more than he already was!"

Soon lightning struck, followed by a loud, yet low BOOM caused by thunder. She had not noticed before that the thunder and lightning occured much more often and powerful when she was crying earlier, then occured softer and more rarely as she was talking to Sam. Now that she was upset, it was getting a little louder.

Lola sighed. Before she bid farewell to Kalypso, she heard someone coming down the hallway, followed by a dull scraping noise on the hallway walls. "Oh, great. Someone coming this way to find something they can add to their gossip story?"
Kalypso sighed and shook her head. "I have no idea. I hope he doesn't get hurt." SHe said and then said farewell to Lola and walked into the hallway, accidentally bumping into Riyoshi. "omph!" She fell to the floor. "Hey!" She growled.
Moving over the field, a mere ghost of the night, Leslie worked quickly. Pausing over every body, big or small, wrong or right, and saying a small word. Soon, the night sky was littered with ghostly apparitions of what had been living. Watching them for a moment, living out the petty battle they had been, before realization started to click in. Floating up into the air, the group parted as she walked down the row, looks of horror and regret coming onto their faces as they looked at her.

"That's right. You all killed each other. You took life. Innocent life. Life with a purpose. And yet you chose to destroy it. To slaughter each other like pigs. Fools. All of you are fools."

She stopped once, as the souls started to disappear, sucked into the endless torture known to them as Hell. Yes, she had sent them their easily. And as they all vanished, one remained. A child.

"All, except for you, John Samuel Tucker. You never killed, in fact, you gave your own to save another. A commendable act, one even he approves of." The child smiled boldly, tipping his army cap to her before floating up and vanishing as well, leaving Leslie and her shadow alone.

"We still have the car crash.....those poor children are lost and waiting for a friend..." She said sadly to the shadow, who wept in silence at the loss of life.
Sam made it back to his dorm, and took his hood off

"where were you?" asked the dorm-mistress

"sorry ma'am, i wa-"

"no backtalking, i'll see Mr Adams see-"

"but Mr highland is-"

"oh.. alright, just get back to your room, i'll be telling Mr highland that you are late, on top of your current offense"

sam ran up to his room.

every room had an enhchantment to adjust itself to the likings of the inhabitant, Sam's room was big and had posters decorating the room and a heavy-duty gaming computer on his desk.

he took off the wet cloak and hung it up

"*sigh*... first day and i'm already in trouble"


Marco opened a channel to Leslie in her wonderland, but she was'ntthere

"Leslie?.. hello?... oh you must be the shadow, can you take a message?... tell her "i have a date planned, i'll pick you up at 6:30pm tomorow, dont eat dinner before it""

he cut the link, he has seena lot of things, but that shadow still gave him the creeps
Lola sighed. Hopefully, Kalypso would have taken care of the person in the hallway. She closed her door and began to undress. She threw her wet clothes inside her empty hamper, where they made a loud splat sound. She walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, ready to wash the whole day off. She realized there was a bit more grime than she thought had been on her body, and noticed that some of her hair was singed in the front as she shampooed it.

She began to yawn as she was nearly done, then decided to meditate in the shower to save time. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, thinking of a slow, steady melody she could follow. As she meditated, her body was rid if the the few scratches and scars it recieved while down in the storeroom. When she opened her eyes, it was almost as if what had happened earlier, never did in the first place.

She came out of the bathroom with two towels, one around her body and a smaller one on her head. After she got dressed in she pajamas, she patted more of the water on her head her towel didn't get the first try, then combed and brushed it straight. She hadn't bothered doing much to it, since she was getting up so early. After looking at Jirou, now still, and then up at the window, she clicked her light off and went to sleep.
Sam also had a shower, he used the salve like a liquid soap.

by the end, his body was almost spotless.

he dried himself in front of the fireplace his room had, soon he got in to his pjyama pants, read a book and went to bed.

his light was among the last to shut off in the dorm.


since the message had been sent, and the storeroom cleaned up, Marco went back to his place, he made himself some stew for dinner, he sucked at cooking so it was half cold, but he had worse.

soon, after cleaning up he went to bed as well.

sleep was just a luxury for Marco, with how much his body had been altered by magic, he no longer required sleep to live, but still...
Guiding the two small children home from the crash, Leslie sighed, staring at the moon. As black tendrils wrapped around her, she sunk back into wonderland, the first thing she was greeted to, a shadow running around frantic. As soon as it saw her, it launched to her side, unhinging it's jaw as Marco's voice poured out in a message.

"I see...do we still have the box....?" Leslie asked simply, the shadow nodding, as the two stepped inside the old house. Shedding herself of her reaper's cloth, she nodded to the shadow, extending her hand as the two meshed back together, her shadow fully there as a cast off of light. Crawling up into the simple bed she had made in the house, she fell asleep, excitement racing through her, mixing with the sadness she normally contained after a nights work.
The wolf was about to fight, when she found that people were starting to turn off thier dorm lights. "I... uh.. I have to go!" She said, then darted towards where she slept. "No!" Kalypso yelled as she found that the door was closed. "Marco! Open up." She whined and scratched at the door. "Marco!!!!! Marco!!!!!!!!! Marco!!!!!!!!!! Marco!!!!!!" She yelled, still scratching on the door. "Open up." She whispered to the door, her eyes wet.
the door opened

"damn Kalypso, i thought i told you to just phase through the wall... or did you forget how?"

he wiped her eyes

"there there..."

he whistled and walked back to his room

"hop up, i was ignoring you today so you can sleep up on my bed tonight"

he left half the bed untouched, so Kalypso could hop up.
Kalypso shrugged. "Too tired to think?" She smiled a bit and walked into the room. "Really? Your going to do that? You're the best!" THe wolf hopped onto the bed and slept ontop of a pillow. "Good night Marco."
Marco mumbled a reply, then soon began snoring relatively quietly.

his dream included a forest, a music box, cookie dough, a fan and LOTS of clowns
Alec sighed after a while, she hadn't gone asleep after Leslie had left, instead, she had poured herself another cup of tea and sat their quietly. Well aware, of the pare of eyes watching her. "Want to come out and sit with mom?" She asked, not even turning around. The soft sound of a slow padding of feet met her ears before a tiny body nuzzled up into her lap.

Drawing out a cookie from the table, she offered it to her daughter, smiling softly. "Who was she...?" Hannah asked quietly, accepting the cookie and nibbling on it. "A good friend." Alec said back, equally as quiet. "Why was she so scary..?"

Thinking about that one, Alec shrugged a little, "It's just who she is. You know, she's really a nice person inside, a bit of faults, but I'm sure that once you meet her, and it's not your bedtime, you'll see she's not so scary." Rubbing her daughters hair, she chuckled a little. "And she gave you a present, didn't she?"

Hannah nodded her head, holding out her other hand, a paint brush in it. "It works without paint....and a bird flew through the picture." She said happily. "I see..."
Kalypso shut her eyes and started to dream.

~INside the dream!!!!!~

Everything is black. "Where am I?" Kalypso asked, as she tried to see where she was. A bright flash of light hit her eyes, and in another second, there were dark green eyes staring at her. "Kalypso. You are alive. Why?" A male voice asked and The wolf's tail went between her legs. "I.... I don't know what you are talking about." "The attack. You survived the attack." Kalypso's eyes widened. "WHo are you?" She asked, trying to make out the shape as it stepped forward to reveal a strong tall wolf with dary grey/black fur. "Don't you see? I am your father." The little wolf's memory clicked. "Oh papa!" She cried, her eyes watering. "I remember now. I remember everything!" She ran and hugged her dad. "I love you." Tears streamed down her face, but soon, the leg she had been holding started to fade. "No.. where are you going?" She asked, trying to grip onto her loved one. Her father shook his head. "I must go back to the heaven's where your family and pack are. Have a happy life, and always remember me!" THe bright light shined again and Kalypso nodded. "I'll always remember you father! Always!"
in the real world, Kalypso's sleep twitches were scratching Marco

"hey, hey! wake up Kalypso"

he shook her a bit then yawned

"whats wrong?"
Kalypso's eyes blinked open as she looked at the man shaking her. " Aaaaa!" She screams and falls off the bed. "Don't touch me!" She shakes her head 'no' and starts to run away. The wolf bursts through the doors of the school and hides behind a park bench.
Marco raises an eyebrow as she runs off


when she is hiding, marco appears behind her

"Kalypso, you feeling okay?"
As the man grabs Kalypso, she squirms in his arms. "Let go of me you... you beast! You killed my father! You killed my friends! I... I hate you!" THe wolf says, tears straining out of her eyes. " Let go of me!" She cries, biting the man and running away from him, far enough away that he couldn't find her. Later on in the evening (or should I say earlier since its like 10:45 pm where they are), the wolf stops to clanking noises. "What the heck?" She pants, and looks around to see a hole covered up by leaves. "I wonder what's in there." With that, she jumps in, remembering what Marco told her. A Light grey and white wolf turns to look at Kalypso and her eyes widen. "Kalypso? What are you doing here?" She says through her teeth and runs over to the pup, picking her up and putting her in a place where no one can see her. "I ran away. This guy I was friends with turned out to be the guy that killed my clan." THe other wolf gasped. "Okay, I know you're probably not going to believe this, but I"m your older sister, Kilani. Your dad sold me and some others from our clan to the evil old clan so we can breed in exchange for power." THe little wolf tilted her head in confusion, though she did understand this. "Our father was going to sell you too, but thought you were too young to breed and brought you to that animal lab where there, he carved the runes into your head." Kilani continued. Kalypso looked at her sister and the others in her clan, who were sweating from the heat of the under ground. "I must get you and the rest out of here!" Kalypso cried, but was silenced by a bell. "Go! Leave! Before the elders find you and keep you. RUN!" Kilani yelled and boosted her sister out of the underground place.

"What am I to do now? Its midnight and I have no where to go. I wish Marco was here!" THe little wolf was about to cry, but paused. "Marco's a filthy little brat, why should I ask him for his help?!" She paused again. "Yet, he's the only one I can go to for help now. Oh, Marco! Come back!"
After a while, Alec had whisked Hannah to bed, and had gone to sleep herself. Curving around her full body pillow, she silently wondered where Vent was. Closing her eyes, she had started to wish she could at least sense him to know he was okay.Stirring from the shadows of the room, two eyes, a fiery red watched, waiting for it's moment.


Up in her room, Hannah bounced around silently. She was too hyper to fall asleep, and even though it was way to late for her to be up, she couldn't help it. Clutching the paint brush in her hand, she pulled out a large sheet of paper. Setting it to the top, she imagined a pretty place, with a moon lit cove and a waterfall and dragging the brush down the paper, it appeared. Looking at it closer, it seemed almost real, and reaching out to touch it, she fell through.

Landing in a swirl of muted greens and blues, she found herself sitting in cool grass, the sound of water close by, and the smell of a forest all around. Standing slowly, she looked about, she was in her painting.
Kalypso would then dind a chain wrapping around her at insane speeds. and an old one hunter came from the bushes

"ooh, she a pretty one..."

another old one put on the mask, stopping her from biting.

"heh heh, she small, but she shrunk herself, she big!"

the hunter laughed

"go ahead, grow! ye'll just get sliced up nice and small"

the old ones began dragging Kalypso, in the direction of their camp.
Kalypso yelped as the old ones grabbed her. "Let go of me! Help! Marco! Help!" She cried, and started to grow... She grew bigger than what the hunters thought. "You mess with me, and I kill you!" She sliced at one, but they stepped back. "Come on and fight you mongrels!" the wolf laughed. A great roar was heard and Kilani jumped out from where she was. "Get away from her! She's mine!"
A smile broke out over the child's face as she spun around in a circle. Looking down at the paintbrush, Hannah mouthed a, Thank you, Auntie Zie.... before tumbling through the grass to the waters edge. Peering down into it, it was clear as day, and gorgeous, small ripples spreading over it and a faint white froth further in starting. Flopping there on the small sand bank, feet in the cool water, Hannah wondered what else the brush could do.

Slowly, she began to draw out a rather large cookie, and when she reached in, she did indeed pull out a large, real, warm cookie. Giggling a little, she drew herself a mug of cocoa to go with it, and watched the water a little longer. As her 'treat' was finished, she stood up, and placed the brush tip to the water, drawing a mermaid. As she pulled the brush away, a large splash of water came up into her face. Giggling, she looked at the creature staring back at her, smiling happily.

After a while, she started to get cold and thought of the school. Smiling, Hannah drew a picture of the school in general. Jumping into the picture, she didn't think of a specific place, and ended up landing on a bed, with a person in it. Bouncing off the bed, she hit the floor and instantly tears welled up into her eyes. Leaning her head back, the seven year old burst out crying.
Lola quickly woke up when she heard crying. She clicked her table light, on looked around, and saw a little girl laying on the ground. WHAT THE-?! She tought, wondering where she had come from. She lifted herself from the bed and sat next to the girl. "Are you ok?" Lola asked.

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