WW - The New World

Xavier nodded ," I can stay, that is if you have no trouble explaining to your children why a man shows up suddenly claiming to be their uncle.." Xavier chuckled , " But you know me, I won't be content to live off of you Alec..." Xavier became more serious ," What can I do for the school?"

A bold slightly light headed Jason headed inside the school. The loud click of his heals echoed through the hall, a mean pout stretched onto his lips, he was gonna find the teacher who gagged him like a suckling pig. Jason weaved his way through the hall when he came to steven's office ," Hey mister! I'm off the hook right? I'm sure you've got bigger fish to fry now?" Jason snickered as his piercing voice ungracefully hammered upon Steven's eardrums.
"Oh, trust me I know you won't." Alec said, looking at him, "And Vent already knows you, and the kids have heard many stories about you, and yes, all of them good." Smiling at her brother, she nodded her head, "That, is going to be up to you. What have you found yourself excelling at most mundane or magic wise, I really don't care."
Steven's eyes shot open. Someone found me... Without paying attention to the voice,he hurled a sphere of telekenetic force at the trapdoor,completely annihilating it,and hurling Jason backwards. He then pulled Jason towards the opening,keeping him hovering out of arm's reach. Steven raised his other arm,and cyan panels of light appeared around his arm,as a cone of red panels appeared in his palm,while finally,a menacing orange glow emnated from within the cone.

"Who the hell are you,and why shouldn't I kill you now?" His eye had a...mad property to it. Not mad angry,but mad crazy.
xavier smiled and nodded ," I don't know I think I'll go observe classes in the morning... You should just get some sleep Allie.." Xavier sighed a sigh of relief ," Guess I better introduce myself to my niece..."


Jason flew back physical as well as mental pain surged through his body he felt helpless like a mere ragdoll. Jason gasped for air managing to finally speak ," What the hell?!" Jason caught the man's eyes and saw something wasn't right. Though he would never admit it fear began to bubble inside him. Jason gritted his teeth ," you don't kill students... Because certain students can get you fired..." Or worse..... Jason strained his head to get another look at Steven ," B-Besides would you really deny yourself the privilage of having a favorite student? A protege?" Jason chuckled shakily. His fear surged in his mind though his body didn't show it.
"Interesting." Alec said, before laughing a bit. "If there's any sleep to be had..." Patting Xavier's head gently, "And yes, you should..." Smiling at him, she shook her head, "We still have a lot of time to make up, you know...." Pointing down the hall then motioning left, she silently explained where the spare room was, as she moved down a hidden doorway by the stairs and disappeared.
The glow intensified. "Children get in the way." He slammed Jason against the ceiling of the classroom above, "And what's this teacher nonsense!?" He then slammed Jason into the office floor. Steven pressed Jason to the floor,allowing no movement,beyond shallow breathing and talking. "Explain yourself. Ten,nine..."

The glow in his palm grew bright as the sun.
With each impact Jason felt the air being driven out of him. Finally as Jason crashed intot he floor he coughed up blood, but he had no time to recoil he was quickly paralyzed trapped in pain and debree. Jason stiffly breathed ," Where do you think you are?" Jason continued to gasp for air ," You are in a school. You are a teacher." Jason's eyes flashed gold and a pot fell from a self above down toward Steven. Why are my powers acting up in a time like this? Is it instinctual when I'm in danger? Thinking back to that fire when I was young that was when my powers activated. It seems I have to put myself in harms way for them to work.


Xavier stood up and went into what he thought was the living room ," Hannah? I'm your uncle.." Xavier shoved his hands in his pocket," Your uncle Xavier. It is so good to see you... Your bigger than I expected." Not that I expected kids at all...
Cuting down a tunnel, Alec sighed,pressing her hand along the cool stone. Vent still hadn't come home, she she figured he had stayed at the school, and, after what they've been through, she was going to chew him out for it should she find him asleep in his office like normal. Stepping down a flight of stairs, she kept along the teachers pass way into the school, moving quickly.


Hannah looked up as the man spoke. The second he said he was Uncle Xavier, she giggled loudly, standing up as she hopped infront of him. "Hiya Unky Xasier, it's good to see you too. Your greener than I expected." She smiled holding out her hand like she had seen adults to when meeting.
Xavier smiled," I get that a lot. If you get to know me I'm sure you'd have no doubt that I'm related to your mother. You are a bright person Hannah, I admire that." Xavier smiled sitting down already feeling older than he was ," So, what is your favorite magic to practice?"
Hannah folded her arms behind her back, before nodding her head. "Guns. I like guns." She said simply, putting her hands together as she started to focus energy into her hands, making a tiny pistol, bright pink of course, in her hands. Showing it to Xavier, she smiled.
Xavier nodded ," I like swords. Just like your grandpa..." Xavier sighed. And the occasional use of claws. Xavier examined the gun smiling ," Very cool reminds me of this like japanese cartoon... Yu Yu Hakkusho..." Xavier chuckled ," Might be before your time though..." Gosh I sound soooo old.
"...Yu....yu.....with the guy with the paci?" Hannah asked, dead serious as she looked at him. Taking the gun back, she twirled it as it disappeared. Suddenly, she padded out of the room quickly, before returning a couple minutes later with a large stack of books, all yu yu hakkusho that looked old and rather beat up.
(sorry sweetiepiepenny, but i told the others that i would make a time-skip in this post, but i'll give you the chance to fight the father)

Marco stepped back

"Kalypso, i'm gonna take the rest of your clan to the school... meet us back there"

Marco launched himself at Kalypso's sister, picking her up and he launched again at the cave where the rest of the clan were imprisoned

he cut away their chains, and freed them all, then he opened a portal, and got them all through, just before the old one executioners got there.

he sent a telepathic message to Kalypso

"dont you dare die on me...."


Sam's alarm went off, it was 4:30AM, half an hour untill his punishment began


he got up and got dressed, knowing about what happened, the Dorm caretaker bought him his breakfast early, it was bacon and eggs, the bacon still had the fat on it and the eggs were slightly runny, but the buttered toast was delicious. he ate it all with amazing speed.
With a dismissive snort,Steven said, "Since you're so eager for punishment..." He pointed the glowing palm at Jason's head. Then,the voice of an old man ripped through the room. "NO!" With a groan,Steven's arm jerked aside,and the magic beam tore through the floor beside Jason. His bindings were released,and Steven collapsed to one knee. A ghostly,tattred gray robe was superimposed on his frame. "Run,child...I can only keep him contained for so long..."
It was beginning to get light out Jason was deftly tired and ready to accept pain. However, a old man appeared out of nowhere and deflected the mind shattering blast from Steven. Jason quickly stood to his feet one hand holding his ribs the other hand clenched in a fist ," But old man what about you? I can't just leave you here. Whatever you are? A ghost? What is wrong with this guy?" He can't take a joke.
"I'm a part of his phyche. Now...FLY,YOU FOOL!" Aenor struggled to keep hold;the boy couldn't die,not to him.
As the alarm clock rung, Lola slowly stirred in her sheets. She knew she had to get up for her "sentence," but she wished she could wink in a few more minutes. Or hours. She dragged off the bed and looked drowsily up at the twilight-sky. She threw on a t-shirt and some slacks, quickly combed out her hair, put on the quickest-applying shoes, grabbed Jirou and the two bags of goodies, and walked out. She left pretty early than expected, but it seemed to be a better suit. The quicker she could get this over with, the better. She arrived at the front of Mr. Highland's office and peered in. She saw her backpack in one corner, Jirou's tinkle-ball in the other, and a clock on the wall. It was 4:41 A.M.
Sam came up to Lola outside the office

"morning Lola, Morning pup"

he leaned against the wall

"i saw Mr Highland, he was leading a pack of wolves through a portal behind the stadium... the wolves were talking, it was weird

he held up a gloved hand

"dont ask what i was doing behind the stadium"

the ground was icy, and they could see their breath, it never snowed here, but the streets still froze over in winter.
Jason nodded his head ," Thank you." Jason quickly half sprinted half limped his way out of the office furiously cursing his bad luck of happening upon the man when he'd gone mad. Jason grunted painfully with each step," Where is the bloody nurse when you need em?!"

Jason could hear the tortured struggling of Steven's pyche and hastened his pace . Jason finally blacked out after scurrying a few corridors away.
Aenor was having a problem. Steven was fighting his influence harder than before;raging in his cage. "Shut...UP!!!!" And with that,Aenor overloaded the brain of his host,causing instant unconciousness.


The next morning,a child woke up,and done his routine. He was out of place here;he had no magic. So,why was he at the Academy? Because Ezekiel's mind is impenetrable;even the legendary Marco Highland was unable to get in. As he munched on his bowl of Cheerio's,Ezekiel wondered,aloud for his parents to hear,
"Why am I going to a magic school? Can I shoot lightning from my fingers?" The seven year old was fascinated with magic;it was the mighty force that permeated the world,and governed it's forces,and he wanted to control them.

His mother,hesitantly,told him that,no,he couldn't dfo magic. He was there because the Academy rep said his mind was...Unique,but not magical,and warranted study. When Ezekiel gave his standard confused face (cocked head,quirked eyebrow),his dad said that the wizards wanted to look at his head,and it would be fun. With this,Zeke brightened up,finished his cereal,and went on his merry way to the Academy.
Alec sighed, as she sat in her kitchen, a hand over her stomach rubbing softly, a cup of cocoa in the other. Staring out the window, she knew she had classes that afternoon, but she didn't know how well she'd be feeling. And it wasn't her stomach that was bothering her, it was her worry trigger. She hadn't found Vent in the school last night, and he hadn't been on the grounds, leaving her completely clueless as to where he was.
Lola rubbed her eyes, already leaning on the other side of the doorway. "Don't worry about it," she replied. As she opened one of the paper bags, she said, trembling, "If I wasn't so tired, I would have put on warmer clothes." She closed the first bag, and handed the second one to Sam. "Want a cookie?"

As she held the bag out, a girl was walking down their hallway. Lola wondered what was her reason for waking up so early. She seemed to walk rather slowly past them.
"no thanks...."

hey stood there awkwardly, Sam noticed Lola shivering

"... here"

he took of his big jacket and put it over Lola's back, his warmth was already in it, making her feel instantly warmer.
"Thanks," She answered, blushing. The warm coat quickly sent chills, and she no longer felt cold. She pulled back the bag towards her and took a cookie. she closed a bag, took a bite from it, and looked up. She now knew what the girl woke up so early for. The girl seemed to look at both of them from the corner of her eye. When Lola looked up, the girl looked in a few different directons, and walked faster. She was spying on them the whole time.
Sam raised an eyebrow

"... friend of yours?"

he had a small fireball going in his hand, keeping him resonably warm, it was a weak fireball, barely able to penetrate the cold and it's size fluctuated, there was little control.


Marco stood in front of the pack, they all growled at him.

"so what now? you gonna kill us? beg for forgiveness?"

Marco had no emotion in his face


"then what?"

"i'm giving you a choice... either stay and protect this school and perform other duties, or leave and never come back"

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