WW - The New World

Smiling faintly, she looked him over as he walked, following behind him at a distance of about 5 feet, she rubbed the back of her head, as she looked around. "Hard night too huh?" Looking back at him, Alec sighed. "Would...would you permit me to do a scan? I know you normally say no, but, I'm worried about you and I want to make sure your....okay, I guess."
"Physical or mental?" Steven,meanwhile,sumoned Rudara,in the form of a throwing knife,hidden up his sleeve. She's innocent! And so's her child! No one is innocent! Her child-- The Original Sin of Adam and Eve! Her children-- I. Don't. Care. If they pose a hinderance-- ALEC DOESN'T! THE BOY DIDN'T! YOU'RE JUST KILLING FOR THE SAKE OF IT! THEY KNOW WHO I AM! That's all I need.
"Physical, If you don't mind. If anything, I can just leave and let you be..." Alec said sheepishly, putting her hands into her pockets. Offering him a smile, she looked back over the room again, tempted to set it right, but knowing that he probably had a reason for it being like that so she didn't. "I mean, I highly doubt they could've knocked you around hard enough to mess with your mental, and since your functioning fine, it's more of a formality to even do the physical..." She looked back towards him, "Right?"
Steven nodded. Still facing away,he smirked. Don't do it. Just try and stop me. Steven said, "Sure." After a moment,Steven whipped around,slid Rudara down his sleeve,and hurled him at Alec,mostly as a distraction. He summoned Igni as a flaming zweihander,and stepped forward.
As Steven turned and threw the blade, Alec's eyes went wide as she ducked to the left, " What the **** Steven?" Shaking her head, she looked back at the blade as it stuck to the wall, "Was that suppose to be some kind of sick joke?"
Moving too quickly,Steven couldn't adjust his swing fast enough. Igni sliced upwards through the air,just beside Alec. Igni then changed to a flaming broadsword,and Rudara was back in his other hand,a broadsword as well,with a blade made of razor-wind. "Does this look like a joke,whore?" The swords,poised above his head,started to come down at an angle. Steven was twisting his torso,and bringing his arms down.
Xavier walked the halls of the school admiring how the school seemed to pay omage to the two schools before it, yet this school was much grander some quiet dignity marked the hauls. Nothing seemed to really speak to Xavier as he walked the halls. Xavier stopped he faintly made out the voice of his sister with someone else he supposed he should introduce himself. Taking the main hall Xavier passed by no students for a while before finding a boy curled up on the ground.

Xavier bent down staring at him ," what happened to you?" Xavier reached out a hand to touch the boy but he recoiled groaning in pain holding his ribs.

Jason sprung awake cursing like a sailor as a green man stood over him ," That is no teacher! That is a black hearted fool!" Jason shivered no attempting to stand up yet.

Xavier raised an eyebrow , "Where is he?"

Jason motioned his head toward another corridor seeming to emit a sinister aura.

Xavier nodded ," I'll be back.." Xavier walked towards the hall pulling his hood up over his head hiding any distingushable features.
Feeling the blade go past her, she looked back at Steven before she twitched. Did he....just call her..... As the blades started to come down, she twisted herself as a way to set the blades off mark of anything vital, right leg kicking out towards his groin, her left hand drawing a pentagram in the air before a bit of a magic blast came from it, it's only purpose being to push back, not harm. "The **** is wrong with you?"
Steven keeled over as Alec's foot connected with his groin,and was knocked over by the blast of magic,just before his blades made contact. They fell to the floor,turned into streaks of light,and reformed in his hands. "Did your client forget to use protection?" Steven ignored her question. He enjoyed getting under this woman's skin... You've turned into a monster! Have I? I wouldn't know. THIS is all I know.

Steven leapt at Alec,horizontaly,feet first,and spinning like a corkscrew. He was going for a dropkick.
Twitching, Alec's anger started flaring up. As he went for another attack, she moved to the side, forcing herself back up before realizing she had gone the wrong way, and the door was now on the other side of Steven. Hands tightening into fists, she glared at him. Something was wrong with him, very very wrong. "Steven, listen to me. Your not being yourself right now, please....just let me run a scan to see what's wrong. I swear, I won't do anything to you, just, god Steven, get a hold of yourself."
Xavier reached the office right as the words ," Did your client forget to use protection?" were said. Xavier roared an almost inhuman roar and ripped off his cloak humongous raptor like wings burst out of a seal on his back. Talongs sharpened from fingernails on his hands canines sharpened to fangs and Xavier's glowed an eary silver/stormy gray.

Xavier blindly shot forward pushed forward by the wind attempting to tackle steven," You are the mongrel?!"
Steven hit the floor,and he popped himself back up with telekenesis. Then,some raving demon-man was on him. With a single telekenesis-enhanced kick,he had the man at a distance. "No,that'd be you." Steven crossed his arms after letting go of Igni and Rudara,which hovered near him. They became the heaviest swords to have ever been imagined;Buster swords,straight out of Final Fantasy,each made with an edge corresponding to their element. Igni's blade was of fire,whilst Rudara's was of razor-wind. They moved with grace and accuracy,staying close to him.

"You won't live long enough,whore-dog." Steven stood,smiling,arms across his chest.

And that one? Like Hell I'd tell you. Stop this. It'll only end in madness! You still think I care? How cute. A part of you does. Is that so? Good luck finding it.
Xavier flung back finally using the wind to stabilize him ," No, only mongrels pick on women and children... You will inevatably stand down..." Xavier flung his hands down ," In the end you are fighting just to kill... I'm fighting because what you are doing isn't right and I can't allow you to hurt anyone else..." Papers began stirring on the floor as a wind built up momentum.
Alec sighed, as her brother burst in. This could only end one way, and that wasn't good. But, she also knew her brother, she tries to step in, he'd stop her, always had when they were young, and she guessed now was no different. Looking at Steven, she sighed again, her anger was dying out fast as it was, and she had no drive to fight her old friend. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she stayed silent, just watching from the sidelines, as it was normal for her.
Steven nodded. Igni flew towards the demon man,swinging wildly,whilst Rudara went for Alec,like an arrow. "Poor choice of moves."
Xavier quickly shot his hands up and the dull wind began to form a suedo vacuum of sorts. The Igni shot faster towards Xavier who was forced to roll to the side. Magic fire, should've known no ordinary fire would've stayed burning." Alec get out of here!" Xavier rolled as the wind diminished and the igni flew past him slicing off a chunk of his hair.

Xavier managed to leap in front of his sister talons crossed in an X position he attempted to deflect the whirling Rudara. Xavier's back foot stepped back switching weight to his dominant foot to attempt to force the blade back. Xavier attempted to muster another gale attempted to feed the mad Steven's ego ," My my such swift attack...." The blade was digging into Xavier's skin by the second he was finding it hard to keep a steady tone.
Steven scoffed. "You'll still die,cur." Steven telekeneticaly pulled Xavier's load-bearing leg out from under him,and Rudara pinwheeled backwards,but recovered quickly. Igni shot in to intercept Alec. Rudara began to drop down,blade first,for Xavier's neck.
Xavier growled in rage the air beneath his feet began to condense allowing Xavier to step off of it. Leaping into the air began to spin his body wraping more and more air around him attempting to suck steven in as he tried to form a tornado. The wind needed to generate such a force was exponential and required time leaving Xavier vulnerable spinning in the air.
Igni and Rudara were sucked into the cyclone,as they attempted to orient themselves poin-in. Steven temporarily released control of the blades,using telekenesis to lock himself in place. "Very clever..." Steven raised his arm,and transparent cyan panels formed around his arm,with a cone of transparent red panels appeared in his palm. An orange glow grew behind the cone. "But it leaves you open."
Xavier cursed still spinning he had no time to throw up any shields. Atleast Alec can get out of here now. Wait he let go of his blades they're in my cyclone! If I could just distract him! Xavier kept spinning faster and faster open, but not completely without a fall back. He manages to kick Igni out of the cyclone hurdling at a much higher velocity than it entered.

Xavier couldn't predict where the blade would go he just hoped steven would be stretched to thin and would have to either blast him or capture the sword.
Steven saw Igni fly towards him,and noted it's trajectory. He taken it,straight to the right shin. Leg impaled,but cauterized,the glow intensified. He brought his free arm doun,and pulled Igni from his leg,Igni's flames cauterizing as it went. He helf Igni in his right hand,while the glow intensified in his left palm. "Check."
Xavier cursed once more. Does he not feel pain?! Xavier was building up to much momentum he had to stop. He tried to solidify the air around him to create enough friction to stop but he was finding it near impossible to concentrate while spinning. Xavier sighed. My only hope is to let lose all this energy at the last minute! But I don't know the limits of his power!
As she was told to get out, Alec clenched her fist tightly. Before a loud bang was heard in the whole room, followed by the windows cracking and blowing out, desks flying back against the wall along with the various mess that was there before. "Aenor. You better be the one on the receiving end of this you bloody bastard."

In Alec's hand was an essence, powerful and strong and well contained, full of raw magic ready to be obsorbed, and she was aiming it at Steven. Another boom, and the thing was blasted forward towards him at an insane speed, and she only hoped that Aenor was fast enough to hear her words and break out, if he was still in there. And then, as she had been told to do, she 'got out', a flat out disappearing act, with no trace left, not even a magic trail.
Steven's right leg quaked. As the glow in his hand reached it's peak,he fired a beam of magical energy;something he wasn't able to do before. However,at that moment,his right leg collapsed from under him. With a cry of surprise and agony,the beam flew way overhead,gouging a trench in the ceiling. He flopped over on his right side,and started to push himself up on Igni. "Bastard..." He pulled Rudara in towards him,and upon catching Rudara,he created a blinding flash of light,then vanished from sight.

At Alec's words,Aenor smiled. Oh,no you don't! Just try it. I'll fry your brain! You'll die! We both will! And I'd rather that than you kill another innocent!

Aenor fought his way into Steven's conciousness,and was hit with the magical essence just as Steven vanished from sight,then retreated back into the recesses of Steven's mind.
Xavier collapsed on the ground the spinning winds dispersed. Xavier was panting like a houndog on all fours. The wings on his back receeded back into a seal, the talons on his back receeded back to managable nails, and finally his canines became closer to that of a **** Sapiens. The spot where Igni had taken some of his hair sizzled meanly and Xavier could already feel a burn taking hold of his head.

The searing pain made Xavier want to hold his head but he knew better. Xavier sighed bitting down his pain ," Whatever you did Alec it worked..."

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