WW - The New World

"I suppose it is..." Leslie said, rubbing her thumb over his hand as she looked down at their hands. "I suppose this is a good night then...."
"i guess so"

he held her hand up and kissed her ring finger

"this finger is gonna have a ring on it one day, i promise"

he wrapped his arms around her slim waist and kissed her passionately

"one for the road"

he winked and took a step back, then he began to fade

"goodnight Leslie"
Holding up a hand in a half way, Leslie watched him disappear without saying a word. As he was gone, she entered back into her house, before the shadow freaking out horribly drew her back out. Running across the field of wonderland she completely disappeared mid stride.

Reforming back on the top side, in the middle of a lake, she faced a large beast destroying and killing many young children that were screaming on a boat, while a wizard stood hands glowing as it absorbed the souls of those killed. No wonder the shadow had been horribly tyrant when she had returned.
Marco re-appeared inside his house. he colapsed on his bed, a big grin on his face.


he breathed in deeply then got a message

"Commander, we have a problem!"


"sir, its a horde advancing on zone 88.54, all we have there is an outpost in that area"

"okay, mobilize battalion 76 and have them ready to go, and i want the 42nd airborne and the 44th artillery division ready to go as well"


Marco removed his date clothes and put on his uniform.
Moving quickly over the water, barely even skimming it, she form shifted into a true reaper torn shady clock, skull form, and glowing eyes of red souls, the shadow morphing into her blade long, crooked and deadly.

The wizard turned it's head at the sound of water moving. Yelling in surprise the beast stopped, before turning and looking down at her as she sped towards them. "Kill, Guntcha." The beast roared in agreement before bounding forward to meet her.
Marco re-appeared in Battalion 76's main camp

"alright ladies, a**holes and elbows! lets move it!"

the alarm was blaring, and some of the mages were already working on the portal to get to the zone

the soldiers lined up, the elven snipers, the orcish Berserkers, the human general infantry and more.

"move out!"

the portal opened and the battalion began marching through it, emerging at the correct zone. in another area, the artillery was being prepared and the air forces were being re-fuled (with crystals... its a magic army dont be surprised) and as they were ready, they were being marched through the portals.
As the beast barreled over the water at Leslie, the children left in the boat remained screaming for help, almost certain the new thing that showed up would kill them as well.

Jumping out of the way just as the beast's hand connected with the water, she was slammed forward as the Wizard used a spell to pull her towards him. Nailing the beast's shoulder, she growled a little, as the thing wrapped a hand around her.

Tendrils of darkness wrapped out around it and boiled against the thing's flesh, before it dropped her, howling. Stopping just about the water, she took off again, going under the beast and throw it's legs, aiming for the wizard.
on the other side of the portal, the forces began to form up, the batalion came in 3 great columns 7 troops wide, the artillery came in pairs, 2 tanks, then 2 Howitzers ect... the air forces came one at a time, but they came fully assembled and there was plenty of room for take-off.

"begin digging the trenches along the tree line, i want as many mines as possible between us and them, and boobytrap the dummy-trenches with C-4 where the hell is my scout report!?"

"sir, the scouts are dead, only one came back and his mind has been erased"


Marco thought for a minute

"get an arial drone to scour the area, and arm it with cluster munitions, if it shot down i want it to explode when it hits the ground, and i want it to his right in the middle of them"


Marco's assistant, a young elven girl, began strapping on his armour.

"Commander, sir... are you nervous? i'm only asking becau-"

"i'm nervous Dhalia, there is someone i'd lose if i died here... now i have something real to lose, i'm kinda nervous"

she finished strapping on his under-armour, and she began hooking in the plates of metal around him.

"i'm sure you'll see her, Commander"

"i know Dhalia... after you're done here, i want you to go to central command's medical facility, i sent Kalypso there and i want someone there i can trust to help her recover"

"yes, commander"
Within stricking distance of the wizard, Leslie aimed to strike, before he flipped his hand up and sent her flying with just a pull of magic on her. Mid air, she twisted countering the magic pull up with her own to go down. The beast had caught up by this point and in her descent down, the thing clapped it's hands around her only to pull back a few seconds later, hands bleeding and torn up beyond belief. Another magic pull sent her diving under the water.
Dhalia finished Marco's armour, and bowed before dissapearing in a cloud of leaves.

the forces began setting up, getting into the best possitions they could, but the shield bearers formed a line, and the artillery began setting up to the back.

sounds could be heard from the forest, the old ones were also mobilizing.
As she felt herself getting dragged further under the water, she had to thank this form for having no lungs. Cracking bones and pushed back with her own force propelling herself back out of the water and nailing the tip of the blade into the wizards arm. As the eyes flashed a deeper red, the skull grinned.

Pulling the blade from it's arm, she moved over towards the boat, form shifting as they looked terrified of what she had been. Gently pushing the boat back away from them, she didn't seem the least bit worried about the wizard or the beast. As the boat guided itself back to shore, she looked around at the souls of those that had died, before feeling a faint tug on her. Looking at the wizard, she pointed down at his corpse, his soul suddenly stunned into a silence.

Dragging her blade back up, she cut it across the air and as she set it back down to touch the water, they were all gone. The shadow reformed from the blade, looking at Leslie in a silent mannor before it started to twig out again. "Another one...really?" The shadow tugged her hand and she was forced through another warp.
the battalion was ready, Marco stood on top of the scout post on a hill overlooking the battlefield.

"get my aircraft off the ground before their pathetic air-fighters ruin the strip"


the fighters were launched first, and soon the bombers followed, the artillery were aimed at the direction of the enemy

"load our.. "special" ammo into the Howitzers"


the special ammo was loaded, the troops looked awkward.

"better give the troops a speech"

He launched up, reaching a height of 30 metres before landing out front of the soldiers

"alright listen up!... most of you have been into battle before, so i won't bore you with the details, just keep your head on a swivel, a finger on your triggers and we go home in one piece... if its our time to die, its our time... all i ask is, IF we have to give these bastards our lives... WE GIVE THEM HELL BEFORE WE DO!"

of course, no-one noticed this was just an extended version of the speech from the 3rd matrix movie, but it had the effect, the troops were pumped and ready, morale was high and thats what matters.
Phasing through on the middle of woods that looked into a field, Leslie frowned a little. There was no souls here, but the atmosphere was sheer bloodshed. Taking hold up into a tree top, the shadow masking her very presence, she waited. There was a reason she was pulled here, and knew that the shadow would have her wait, no matter how long.
Marco's forces settled and put up their shields.

"sir, theenemy horde is advancing"

"how many?"

"about2-1 or 3-1 in their favour"

Marco grinned

"then its an even fight..."

from the treeline the old ones emerged, the big ones towered over the human worshippers, soon their commander, a colonel stood before them

"Legion of Magi... lay down yuor weapons and you may live!"

the old ones began laughing, but they were cut off by a spear through the commander's chest

Marco tilted his head towards his communications officer

"burn their mongrel hides!"

the Artillery fired high into the air, it seemed like it was about to overshoot the entire horde... but then the shells exploded, and white phosphorus rained down on the enemy lines, they screamed and howled in pain, the smell of their burning flesh filled the air, monsters and their human worshipers, burning together, it was a sight both horrible yet beautiful.
Leslie watched the scene unfurl in front of her eyes. The shadow was right, it would be a rather nasty job to clean up after though. Tucking one knee up, she rest her chin on it, watching with sad eyes at the carnage.
the old ones burning or not, charged the Legion's lines.

the big ones were cut down by a concentrated rain of elven enchanted arrows, and not to mention the armour-piercing bullets from the non-magic human soldiers as well.

the smaller infantry hit the lines, they were stopped by the shields, the spears shot through holes in the shields, killing many of the old ones.

on the horizon, massive black and purple birds flew towards them.

"sir! we've spotted the enemy air forces, they're coming in from the east"

"take out the phospherus from the flak cannons and redirect them toward the enemy air support"


"and get my aircraft off the ground!"

another comm officer relayed that order, soon the first few fighters began taking off.

"i want this entire area drenched in old one blood by nightfall, i want the entire horizon to be aflame with their burning corpses!"

it was amazing, the Legion had used this strategy before, but the old ones never learned. and they were too proud to let human strategists give orders so they always had a "swarm them" strategy...which was failing miserably so far.
Leslie frowned deeply, and with a gentle tug from the shadow, she knew the souls already dancing about the air weren't going to wait much longer for her before they caused problems. After all, it doesn't take a person who went down fighting long to figure out how to do damage in the after life, and yet...something held her in place.
the battle was going well, some of the old ones were falling back... but now the s**t hit the fan.

"Commander, we have a report of incoming unknown contacts"

"what are they like?"

"big black Airships with armour plating"

"strange.. keep an eye on them, but dont take any a-"

another Comm officer came running

"Commander! out air support is under attack by unknown contacts! small fighters comign from these big, black airships!"

Marco growled

"okay, re-divert our air forces to the unknown contacts"

over a nearby hill, another airship came around.

"how the hell was that not noticed!?"

"sir, our scouts that way are unresponsive"

things had gone bad, from the south was the Old ones, to the east and north were these unknown hostiles and to the west there were cliffs, and for some reason, no portals could be maintained, as if they were being cut off from somewhere else.
Leslie turned her head as another airship, large and black, appeared. Frowning, she looked at the shadow which was positively buzzing. This was clearly getting bad, could she really sit back and watch the carnage of lives with families to go home to go on? As her form flipped into skeletal, she stood, only to get pulled back down by the shadow. "Your kidding me." She muttered, as the black thing pulled out a scroll saying this was one bloodshed she could put no hand in, too risky, too much in the balance, wait till all have died and collect.
one of the airships came around, and began firing explosive rounds into the ranks of the Legion

"damnit! if we split up the old ones will swarm us, if we dont those airships will blow us to pieces..."

Marco thought for a minute

"what about our ar-"

there was a huge explosion behind them

"and that was our artillery"

he looked around, his ranks were falling, the old ones had broken through, and they were killing his rtroops

"okay... tellall troops to fall back and regroup, i'll take care of these airships"

he cast a huge bolt of energy at one of the airships, it hit but the power just spread across the armour harmlessly

"damn, looks like i'll have to go into close combat"

Marco cast a spel to give himself wins and he launched at an airship.

although he couldnt see or feel her, he flew right through leslie, heading straight for the airship behind.
Steven was in a hostel in Berlin. His stay was free,and,thankfuly,no one asked questions. His leg was splinted,and he was walking on a crutch. Currently,he was in his bed,reading a book he found. "DragonLance: Eve of the Maelstrom". He found it interesting. However,he wasn't completely enthralled;he kept an ear out. He fought many people recently,and he was in no condition for a prolonged fight,with his leg out of commission like this.

"Interesting...Never expected that..." He licked a finger,and flipped the page.
across the street in a dim room, there were 2 men,both in complete black, one was watching Steven with Binoculars another with a large sniper rifle.

"Target remains stationary, orders?"

the radio crackled

"yes sir, continuing observation"

there was a knock at Steven's door, it was soft but easily heard, a young german girl's voice came through. although she spoke in german

"Herr Steven, habe ich gebeten, Ihnen diese zu bringen..."

if he opened the door, he would see it was a young Arab Muslim girl, about 16 years old.
Steven looked up. "Coming,coming." He set his book down,and hobbled over to the door. He had no idea what the girl was saying. "Now,I only speak English,so,may you please repeat that in English?" He opened the door,and saw the girl. "Umm...Guten tag?"
the girl was holding a tray, on it there was a bowl of soup, 3 pieces of toast, a boiled egg and a glass of orange juice

the girl tried to speak english

"m-my father knows you, he served with M-M-Marco's Legion, he said you are a friend of the c-commander, so this is for you"

she looked past him

"should i put it on the table?"
Steven waved his hand dismissively. "No,no. I'll take it. Thank you. Tell your father I said 'Thanks'." With a smile,he taken the tray in one hand,and began to slowly hobble towards the table. He checked the window,and saw,across the street,two shapes. Both looking at him,one holding a long,tubular object. He couldn't make out what it was,but he had a good idea. He muttered to himself, "Well,shit..." He silently wrapped himself in a telekenetic envelope,hoping it would be enough for what he assumed was next.

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