WW - The New World

the bullies were soaked and filthy, one of them looked at Sam and Riyoshi

"you DO know this is just making us more pissed off

Sam grinned

"do you guys know how bricks are made?"

they raised their eyebrows

"of course its usually done with clay, but this mud is special. take a look, its already hardening into clay"

he gripped Katsura's handle

"Flame of the north.. Wind cutter KATSURA!"

as he shouted, Katsura came out, she was different this time, she was burning intensely, her air and fire powers mizing, making it a horizontal tornado of flames.
Riyoshi smiled to see sam with his power at full tilt. This just made him want to full power his as well. Taking the wind stone and fire stone, Riyoshi clapped them together as he yelled out.

"Blazing inferno!" Riyoshi yelled out as a thick cloud of fire blanketed his side of the bullies.

Dropping to one knee as he kept the fire roaring, Riyoshi looked at the clay hardening.

I cant let them get away, I will not fail! Riyoshi thought.
the clay hardened, immobilizing the bullies, but Riyoshi kept going.

"Riyoshi? calm down man.."

the hair on the bullies heads was almost gone, their skin was going red

"Riyoshi stop it!"

Sam re-sheathed Katsura and smacked Riyoshi with full force, slamming him on his back

"what the hell is wrong with you!? you almost killed them!"

the bullies were panting, the heat has sucked a lot of moisture from their bodies, they were instantly dehydrated
As Riyoshi landed on his back, he stared up at the ceiling, his eyes were a bright red, his breathing quick and shallow. He was there, but it was like his mind was somewhere totally different. Laying on the ground, Riyoshi clenched his stones in his hands.

"Can't... let... them... get away... with it." Could be heard in between his quick shallow breaths.
Sam sighed, and turned to the bullies, after a light spell, the hard clay shattered

"now run, or i'll kill you myself"

they ran.

sam looked down at Riyoshi his eyes had always been a deeper red than riyoshi's were now

"never had you pinned for a psychopath"
His eyes stopped their fiery red and turned into a deep blue color. Riyoshi took a deep breath and looked around while still laying on the ground.

"What happened?" Riyoshi asked as he coughed.

Rolling over to his right side, he forced himself to his hands and knees as he still held onto the stones.
"what happened? you were surpposed to stop thats what happened! you were surposed to stop after the clay hardened but you went all psycho on them and almost killed them! you almost burned them to death!"

he saw the stones

"Riyoshi.. give me the stones, i dont want you holding those stones until you get your head together"
"NO! You can not have the stones!" Riyoshi yelled as he rolled away from Sam.

Flipping over and getting to his feet, Riyoshi reached into his pocket and grabbed out the other stones.

"I will not just give these over! You will have to take them by force like i did!" Riyoshi yelled out as he stared at Sam.
"like you did?... Riyoshi look at yourself! you're acting crazy! think for a second"

his hand drifted to Katsura again

"please man... dont make me do this"

Sam's focussed blood-red eyes met Riyoshi's scared and angry eyes.

he shook his head slightly

"dont make me..."
"I will not let you take these from me!" Riyoshi screamed as he placed the stones in his mouth.

Swallowing the stones, Riyoshi grinned with madness as he turned and ran from Sam. Running towards the window, Riyoshi jumped through the window, shattering it upon impact.

"If you want these, you are going to have to catch me!" He said as he exited the building.
Sam gritted his teeth and ran after Ritoshi, jumping out the window after Riyoshi

"Riyoshi, i've been free-running around here non-stop since i got here, i know every part of it!"

he jumped through the branches of a large tree then jumped from it, landing just behind Riyoshi, then launching off after him, right behind Riyoshi.

"i've had enough of this Riyoshi!"

Sam jumped forward, tackling Riyoshi to the ground.

(sorry its getting let here, i have to cut some corners, cant let things drag on too long, sorry)
Riyoshi was running very fluently across the ground when he was tackled to the ground.

"Oof. You are faster then i thought." Riyoshi replied to Sam.

Placing his palms flat against the ground, Riyoshi took a deep breath.

"You know what? I would not stay on top of me much longer." Riyoshi said.

As he focused his magic into his stomach with the stones, he focused upon the earth stone. His body started to become rigid and dark in color.
Alec sighed as she sat in her 'hidden' office. Around her crumpled white balls were everywhere. Staring at the paper in front of her, she dragged her hand through her hair. Leaning back and twisting the cap off her water off, she downed it, and threw it in the pile with the others, where it neatly stacked itself into the fifth row of the pyramid that was building.

She'd been down there for hours,and if the dark spots under her eyes were any give away, it was around 12 straight. Staring back at the paper, she picked up her pen and pressed it to the paper, before pulling it back again, grumbling to herself. Alec had been plotting, and failing horribly, on both accounts that she was doing. One, was something for Vent, to make up for how she had acted upon seeing him, the other, was payback, on something that wouldn't stay dead. Or rather, die, apparently.

Feeling a familiar sense she'd learned from many times start to emerge, she stood. Unlocking the door with magic, she walked up the few steps, into the actually basement, and barely made it into the refurnished things bathroom before the morning sickness kicked in.


Leslie returned to 'wonderland' dead. Taking in slow breaths, she sighed before simply falling into the dusty armchair. The shadow buzzed around her and a hint of angry bubbled through. Snapping her fingers, the shadow was suddenly pulled into a tiny little box and sealed. She just didn't want to deal with it's nonsense at the moment.
Sam held Riyoshi's head up and threw Katsura, who turned into her human form

"get the stones out!"

Katsura rolled up her sleeve and shoved her hand into Royoshi's mouth, and began tickling him at the back of the throat, trying to make him vomit
As Riyoshi snapped back into reality he had Katsura's hand deep in his mouth and Sam was on top of him. Coughing a couple times, Riyoshi struggled a couple times tell her hand was out of his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing! Get off me!" Riyoshi yelled out as his skin returned to normal.
Katsura didn't stop, she still tickled the back of his throat

"come on Riyoshi, throw them up!"

Sam could feel Riyoshi's throat expanding, as the vomit came up.

"i hope these stones come up, Sam-Sama"

"we'll see!"
As the stones did not come up, Riyoshi forced his jaws down upon Katsura's hand. Then rolling over, Riyoshi broke Sam's hold on him and then he stood up.

"What the hell are you guys doing! We are supposed to be on the same team!" Riyoshi yelled at the two of them.
"ah back are we?"

he sat on the ground, Riyoshi's gums were bleeding... shes still a sword after all, and nothing good can come from biting a blade

Sam panted a bit then caught his breath

"ok i guess you must've blacked out.. you just went all Psycho back there and almost killed those guys we were just gonna trap, then you ran off, screaming at me, then you swallowed some of your stones and your skin began to harden, so we forced you to throw the stones back up"

Katsura was holding her hand, it was sore but nothing too bad

"and so, we're confiscating your stones until we find out what the hell made you freak out like that"
"Give me the stones first and i will tell you exactly what you want to know." Riyoshi said as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi waited for Sam's response.
Katsura held the stones from his stomach and Sam grabbed his bag of stones

"not before we have you checked out"

"Sam-Sama, should we go to Deathlind-Sensei? or Highland-Sensei?"

"hmm... this stuff is corruption, and I think Miss Deathlind deals in physical injuries, lets try Mr Highland"

he pointed at Riyoshi

"and i'm only giving these back if you get the green card from Mr Highland!"
"Those stones are rightfully mine and i killed my enemies for those. If you are seriously going to withhold me from my property, i will have no choice." Riyoshi said as he reached into his shirt and pulled out his necklace.

Holding it out in front of him, He took in a deep breath.
whatever Riyoshi had planned, Sam didnt have a good feeling about it.

he held Riyoshi's stones

"okay, explain then... what happened back there?"
Doing a back flip, Riyoshi summoned his giant lizard. The giant lizard looked down at Sam and whisked his tongue a couple of times.

"Listen to me. I don't know why you are trying to attack me all the time, but those stones are mine!" Riyoshi yelled out one more time.

The lizard looked down at the bag and moved closer just a little.
"damnit KATSURA!"

Katsura jumped at Sam, and turned back into a blade, she was then caught by Sam

"Riyoshi, you know Katsura can cut well past what her physical form can reach, your Lizard is far from intimidating!"

he gritted his teeth

"and you know this ain't helping your case, right!?"
"I don't understand why you took those from me! And he is only here to travel. My body is aching down to the bone's core. Plus those stones that you have there aren't completely mine. They are ours." Riyoshi replied.

Placing his hand down upon the lizards head, Riyoshi closed his eyes and the lizard stopped moving.

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