WW - The New World

all 3 strikes hit, the top half of Marco's head exploded, his heart was torn from his chest and his right leg was blown off

he collapsed on the ground, a total mess... but soon the body faded away and marco re-appeared completely fine, clapping and laughing

"yes! that was brilliant! well done Alec, well done! i knew you had it in you!"

he held up his hand

"you have the skill, and although your resolve is lacking, it is still there... now comes power!"

he held up his hand, and a massive bolt of lightning shot from his hand, crackling around the huge barrier their arena was contained in, demonstrating what he meant

"okay now you do it, just focus on your core, focus on your core and draw out power into your hand and release, let it build up then release!"

ps: sorry about the late post, just haven't been "feeling it" lately
"I see...." Of course, Alec was tempted to tell him he wasn't teaching her how to do anything, and that she wasn't a child, and if anything, she had helped him on school work quite a lot back in the day, but refrained. Holding her hand out, she let a dark purple ball, with hints of very pale green 'leafs', swell up in her hand. Raw energy, both her own and Meido, and as the thing let out a snarly remark, she let it go. It struck the barrier and sent ripples down it's sides that echoed for a while around them.
Marco nodded

"good, sorry i just haven't seen you use offensive magic in awhile, just figured we should run over the basics... right, lets get a bit more advanced"

he held out his hand, making a ball of energy, just like hers, he then introduced a foreign element

"ok i want you to do this, introduce some magic belonging to an element that is not the element your energy is made of, take some energy from the earth or the air and introduce it"

the ball was barely keeping shape, it was starting to look like an eratic spider in a small plastic bag

"then stop containing it and direct it's explosion in the direction of your target"

he held his hand up and did so, the blast was insanely bright, and it tore high into the sky

"I know again this is relattively basic, but i need to see you do this, then we can get to sparring"
Alec watched him, before frowning. Bad idea, very very bad idea. She knew already, the two core elements of her power hated each other, and a third would utterly destroy the very fine balance she had between them. Looking at Marco, she shook her head, "Can't do that, I'm afraid."
Marco sighed

"and why not? come on Alec, this is just like Base-jumping and i'm your rope, if something gets out of control i'll step in, just take a deep breath, keep calm, focus and do it, i wont let you get hurt i absolutely promise"

he stood near her, so she was in arms-reach, just in case.

"again Alec"
"Marco." Rather than try to explain, she did something stupid.Pulling into one hand a ball of meido, pure dark curse energy, and into the other her healing, leafs swirling around each other. "These don't mix as is. Trying to keep them together is exceeding difficult, adding another two these two, it suicide." Looking at him she gritted her teeth a little, as she pulled air energy into it, a middle floating ball, the two on either side turning sporadic.

Pushing them together, the energy skyrocketed outwards, then inwards, sending her flying back faster than Marco could react. Hitting the ground, she chuckled darkly, covered in deep gashes and the looks of a broken arm. "I tried it once, when I was younger....Yumi had come home to a nearly dead kid...."
Marco sighed, shaking his head

"Alec, come on, thats basic stuff!"

he walked over to her and offered his hand

"maybe blasts arent your thing... how about hand-to-hand? you can use magical energy to increase the force of your attacks, make yourself faster, stronger and can make you react faster"

he took a deep breath, and took off his shirt, and bought up his fists.

"you know i'm experienced in this, so how about YOU can use magic and I won't? that should make it even"
Quirking an eyebrow as her point was missed, she stood without his help. Letting her hand glow green, she ran it over her wounds, fixing them with ease. "It's not basic....I mean, I know I haven't used meido in years, like, since a kid wise thing, but it's not basic.....not even when you've had thousands of years of practice. Curses and Health don't mix..."

Looking him up and down as he offered hand to hand, she glanced over at other mages training. Pulling her hair back, Alec nodded her head. "Fair enough. No cheap shots, I know how you play, after all..."

he turned around, raising his fists

"your move, Alec..."

Marco's eyes were cool and focussed, he watched Alec, like a cheetah watches a gazelle, ready to strike, her breathing, every muscle being watched by him.

he began to move, going around her, moving in a circle, keeping pace with her, still, watching... this was a look of marco only seen by those who has seen him lead in battle, the kind of look that has kept entire regiments fighting beyond exhaustion to victory in many battlefields all over south america.

and right now, his entire world was Alec, just her and him...
Alec stayed still, following him with her eyes over anything else. Suddenly, she dropped into the floor itself, straight into the blind realm. Reforming behind him a split second later, she moved her hand quickly, the tips of her fingers turned into sharp dragon claws. Aiming that for his spine, her right leg moved quicker, trying to knock him off his feet.
Marco jumped very lightly to his left, following her foot which sliced right beneath him barely half a second after he jumped, he jumped to the left so he could grab her hand as it went at him.

he grasped her wrist, and pulled it towards him, but to the side as well, making it lose almost all it's momentum, while in the air, he jabbed his leg up, delivering a kick rirectly to her face.

as he landed he didnt let go of her wrist, he twisted it down, in a quick movement he stood to her side, pulling her arm down and around, forcing her to either flip onto her back, or have her arm dislocated.
Feeling her arm go out of it's socket, she grinned darkly, blood from her nose trickling down. Licking her lips, she laughed a little. Her eyes went purple again, and the arm Marco was holding onto turned into snakes. Thousands of them wrapping up his arm and biting his flesh.
Marco twisted his arm and pulled it out of the snakes, looking over the bite marks

"fangs.. those snakes are poisonous..."

for once in her life, and in marco's life, his face showed fear, he who has been burned, decapitated, blown appart and more... is afraid of some bite marks.

he gulped, his hands shaking a bit, but soon he looked back a her and re-took his pose, but still, his hands shook.
Alec stared at him, before her arm reformed, and she popped it back into place. Keeping her eyes locked on his face, she frowned deeply. Grabbing his arm, she ran her fingers over the marks. Soon, all of them where gone, and a sizable ball of poison was floating in the air next to them.

"Sorry...." Wrapping her hand around the ball, she lit it into fire, before nodding her head to him. "Thank you...." She knew it was about time she disappeared again, for a while this time.
"noh its ok, you did good, Alec... looks like you're a close-combat type, just like me"

he winced as she took the poison out, watching it flow out into the floating ball

"sorry about that... i guess you wanna know why i got scared huh? well the thing is, there is only 3 things that can kill me, if i exhaust all my magic, i become mortal and killed then, i can also die if poisoned... and Balonie, i'm alergic to it"

he smiled a bit as she said "thank you"

"what you thinking me for? i didnt do anything"
"You've been a big help..." She said softly, before patting his hand. "Now, go back to relaxing and enjoying yourself.." Nodding her head, Alec looked back around her for a moment, at all the various mages and non alike. "They are very lucky...." A portal behind her opened up, and she let go of his hand. "If you see Xavier, tell him I'm going to piss off the council...or what's left of it, at least.."
"which council? there are a lot of councils"

after her answer

"okay then... i think i'll go do some interogation, i hear we captured an enemy shape-shifter and i want it to talk before the next engagement"

he turned around, lifted his hand as a wave anf walked away

"No rest for the wicked huh Alec? i doubt i'll see Xavier but if i do i'll pass that along"

he felt a familiar presence approaching him


he was tackled to the ground, he impacted with a loud "THUD" and found a smiling brunette sitting on top of him

"Drusilla.. been awhile"

"over 7 years"

"and what brings you here?"

"iwanna be your weapon again"

Marco sighed

"uhh Drusilla, i think you should know tha-"

"that your wth that leslie girl? yeah i know, dont worry i moved on ages ago... i even have a husband and 3 kids!"

"awesome, well done Dru, i'm proud of ya"


she stood up, and offered him a hand which he accepted

"so, tell me, what happened after we last saw each-other?"

they walked into the main building, catching up.
"The high council of Magi...." Alec said, before disappearing into the portal. Reforming at home, she stayed for a moment, speaking to Hannah and David, promising she'd be back by tomorrow night at the latest. Kissing each of them on the forehead, she headed off again.

Reforming for the second time, she took a deep breath in. It'd been a long time since she'd been here, and she didn't really want to be back. Sighing once, she looked around the sandy planes she knew all to well, before heading south. With.....she couldn't force herself to think it, it had been, back before he showed to be a true hero....that was the last time she had been here.

Running a hand over her stomach, she grimaced slightly. She couldn't be reckless here either. She would either have to see how far she could actually push her powers, or suck it up and use her guard training. Either way though, this was going to be 'fun'.

Approaching the temple of dark arts, she grinned. Inside lay something she had stolen as a child, and had gotten her killed before. It was about time she reclaimed the lovely orb. Creating a board of magic, she stepped on and flew up the steps. Nearing the large doors, she stopped. This seemed too easy. Almost.

Looking around, she could see no visible guard, monster, or other creature type. And yet, something was very very off. As Alec stood there, she sensed nothing. Not that she would have anyway. Shutting her eyes and pulling forth the trick that allowed her to see in the blind realm, she found herself failing on seeing anything either. This was not good.
Marco laughed with Drusilla as he entered the main lobby, officers and office workers all moved asside for them.

"so whats that Alec girl doing with the huigh council?"

"i dunno, but if they know she's allied with me, then she's in for one helluva fight... lets just hope it's more of a debate-fight than a death-fight"

they got in an elevator at the back of the builidng and clicked the 2nd bottom floor button.

the elevator was almost in freefall, but luckily when it stopped suddenly, there were anti-injury countermeasures.

inside this floor, it was filled with horrific screams, and various machines.

in one room, an old-one cultist was bieng grilled for information, and every time he refusedone of his fingernails was pulled out, and the bleeding was stopped with burns.

in the next one, there was a bona-fide old one infanryman in a session of "drill-torture"

"hmm, i think i'll go for that scorpion-woman... maybe cut out her fingernails and slice her eyeballs, might have an incubus **** her in front of her unit... pour gassoline into her wounds to prevent her from blacking out"

Drusilla went pale

"what happened to you marco?"

"Drusilla, if it werent for things like that, the Old Ones could out-manouver us, and with Nightrise returning again we need all the ingormation we can get... anyway, i threw away my morality long before we parted ways"

Sam sat in class, listening to the teacher rambling on about Necromancy

"any questions?"

"yeah i have one Mr... "Murderface"... who exactly hired you? and what are you?"

"Marco Highland... and i am a servent of the dark, a master necromancer!"

"and why did he choose you to teach here"

"he didnt, it was an open invitation, and my dark urges compelled me to... (continues ramblng)"

Sam facedesked "i cannot freaking believe this..."

Mr Murderface... http://www.clipartoday.com/_thumbs/016/executioner_tnb.png
Sucking in a deep breath, she mentally unlocked and pushed open the temple doors. Stepping off the board and inside, they slammed shut being her. Plunged in the darkness, she moved easily, avoid the traps, and pit falls with ease. As she entered the room with the orb, resting on it's pedestal, with a faint light cast from it she stopped again.

Holding out her hand, Meido magic curling up in it, the orb floated to her. Suddenly, the room shook violently. The temple started crashing around her. Rather than stick around like she would have when she was younger, she took the orb and sunk into the blind realm.

Reforming back on Earth's surface, she stood atop the highest building in the world. Holding the orb tightly in her hand, knowing full well how corrupt it made ones soul, she grinned darkly. Pulling in into her being, she erupted in power. Across the sky, a dark purple, black, and red aura borealis spidered across the sky. The whole thing reading with her signal, a very clear sign to the high council, and their sub councils, that Alec Deathlind, was alive and well.

From the ground, in various locations, people looked up at the sky. One by one they started warping together, at the base of the building. Each one held a look of rage. An act of defiance and treason. But, the information it held might be very useful. They warped again, positioning around the building and casting a large group spell. The whole thing started to collapse and fall, cut to shreds.
Deep in the Legion's Basement, among the inhuman screams of the tortured demons, a young messenger ran in, Marco was torturing an enemy by slicing his eyeballs... at least, that was one part of it.

"Mr Highland! sir, we've got reports sir, a huge build up of power"


"here sir"

the messenger showed a picture taken not far from the scene

"it seems your friend who was here before is at the core of it, sir"

Marco thought for a minute

"okay, have someone else take care of this freak, i'll go see what Alec's up to"

he opened a portal at the side of the room and he appeared about 20 feet behind Alec.

he held on to the rail as he walked up to her

"you know, i thought you were gonna see the council... or at least, the council's replacements... what are you doing up here?"
"Exactly what I said I was going to do." Alec said, a dark hint of something in her voice, as the roof top slanted down. With the building falling faster, she looked back at him once, before jumping from the side of the building. Scaling down it quickly, forming a board mid air, she 'fell' towards the council members.

From the ground, they watched, some terrified, others amused, as they prepared a second capture spell. Firing it off as she got close, it missed by mere inches. They started to form another.

Alec landed, cracking the earth with the sheer power that it took to stop the board on a dime. Staring at each and every one of the remaining council, with them almost done with their spell, she laughed. A black light flooded the area.
Marco watched her fall, dodging the capture speel mid-air, the spell continued to him, but he deflected it with a wave of his hand.

he watched her down there, as the area became flooded with a black light.

"looks like i may have to interfere here..."

he jumped as well, the others ont he ground payed him no mind, he landed with barely a "thud" as he used magic to slow down dramatically just before he hit the ground.

he watched Alec, seeing this darkness in her grow, his hands began to glow slightly, as he prepared to seal her if need be
As the light cut out all visabilty, Alec's hand cracked out and grabbed a hold of the last high powered member of the council by the face. Nails digging into his skin, she pulled him very close. He screamed, shrill and high, and the other members paused in their spell.

Lifting him off the ground, her hand turned into claws, and his scream was silenced. Tossing the lifeless body aside, she looked at the others, grinning. They fired the spell, and it hit directly in the middle of her chest. Feeling the sting of it, she didn't stop.

Suddenly, the place erupted in power and every single high council member, and their slackies were gone leaving no trace. Red, on the other hand, was everywhere. As the black light disappeared, Alec fell forward on the ground, the orb in front of her, cracked, and a weird air of disappearing magic around her. Coughing hard, she spit up black sludge, setting a hand to her chest, she tried a healing spell, but other than a few weak sparks nothing came from it.
Marco appeared next to alec

"well well well... "

he turned to Alec and put hi hand over her head, sending a stun spell directly into her brain, freezing her.

"well wel, when did you become Mrs Psycho?"

he looked up, there was a finger of one of the council members on the ground

Marco clenched his fists, he then reached down and scooped up a bit of the black sludge

"and what is this exactly?"

he loosened the stun spell, allowing alec to speak.

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