WW - The New World

Steven shook his head when Marco told him he was talking to Leslie. His abbhorently slow magic recharge meant he had little juice,so he squeezed out as much as he could to write a message in the air with an illusion.

"Later. Finish with Leslie. I can wait."

Steven's eyes lost focus for a brief moment,then he was back to normal,albiet a little wobbly. He taken a seat at the table,and saw a child sitting there,bundled in a thick blanket. A quick glance at the window revealed a blizzard,straight out of fiction. He looked back at the kid,and said, "I'm Steven Adams. I teach here." Not really,anymore...But maybe that'll change after I depopulate Asia a bit... "Who are you?" Steven tried to look friendly,but being bald,with black,metal hands,and glowing red lines on your face and neck,on top of being bald,didn't help his case.
Sam slowly held out his hand, and met Steven's and shook it.

"Sam Karver... what classes do you teach?"

Marco looked over Steven

"Hey Steve, you dont look too good, looks like you're running on empty, here"

he rubbed his hands together, son hishands were glowing.

"take off your shirt, i'll re-supply your magic reserves"
Putting down the book, Charolette closed her eyes and rested for a bit. She just spent quite a lot of time reding nothing else but information on one certain spirit, that this book vividly descibed. Hopefully Marco won't be mad at her for not showing up every few minutes... Speaking of wich, she better check up to see if he needs any assistance. Getting up, she made her way to the place, most liekly to be his current location.

After a gentle knock, the young succubi stepped in a room, that happened to be far more cramped than she expected it to be. "Oo...oooh, wow, Mr. Highland, I see you have company." Charolette recodnized the kid as the one Marco was having snowfight earlier, and gave him a polite smile. Right after, her eyes focused on older man. She has watched the footage on the race between him and the Incubus, so she immedietly knew who was standing there.

"If I am not mistaken, you must be Steven Adams." She said with a small smile, and offered him a handshake.
Sam gave her a smile back, and nodded.

Marco nodded to charlotte as well

"yep, that steven adams, in the flesh... or in the steel, or whatever"
"Well, Mr. Highland, do you require any ofheassistance, I can offer at the moment?" Succubi asked after a small chuckle. Very discretly she eyed Steven a little bit. Trough his looks he appeared just like a bad guy from an action packed film! So cool! Makes me wonder how it came to this! That same thought knocked on her feeling as it probably wasn't a happy story, but still...
Given his tone, Alec was able to figure out he was busy. Sighing, she responded softly, "Nothing.... absolutely nothing..." She'd be getting the witch's seal and a pik's poison by herself then. Leaning her head against the wall, she stared at the ceiling wondering how to go about it and not get herself killed with no magic.
"n-come on Alec dont be like that, tell me, i'm not busy or anything, i'm just sitting in the staffroom at the school, come on talk to me"

he stood up, nodding to the rest, he left the room, leaning on a wall in the hallways

"whaddy need Alec? anything you want"
"Your busy. You don't need to be bothered." Alec replied, before standing. Moving herself around her office, she began searching for a small paper. Truthfully, she didn't know how to make a seal, but given that it needed the name in the old language, a jar, and mandrak, she could probably figure it out.
"for crying out loud Alec, i'm standing in the hallway, i have no worlk for the rest of the day, not stop trying to drop the subject and tell me what you want"

he crossed his arms, Alec was helpful, but stubborn as a mule.
"I can get it myself....your fine to go relax with your girlfriend..." She responded back. Finding the paper, she slowly curled her surname, then her full first on the white sheet, all in a language long forgotten.
Marco's eye twitched when he mentioned Leslie

"okay Alec, what the hell is all this about, no you klnow what, i can trace you, i'm coming"

he opened a portan, and walked through it, re-emerging near Alec

"okay alec, what the hell is this all about?"
Not even phased, or looking up from her work as she dropped the paper in a jar, Alec responded easily. "Nothing you'd approve of." Moving across her office, to a shelf of jars, she pulled out the one with mandrake in it,before pulling a peice out. Dropping it in the jar she was building, she started looking for something sharp.
Steven responded to Sam, "I teach Telekenetics,Mysticism,and Illusions. I'm also on the stand-in list for Pseudomagic. I'm also the Dean of Telekenetics and Illusions. On top of all of that...I handle discipline,sometimes. The military way." He chuckled. "But I'm not trying to scare you. To be honest,I'm on health leave,at the moment." When a succubus entered the room,he chuckled. "Cubi everywhere." When she noted who he was,he chuckled,as everyone began to confirm her statement. He shook her hand,and noticed her checking him out. "A frankenstien turns you on?" He raised an eyebrow,and was completely straight-faced.

He sat back down after pulling out a seat for the succubus. "So,since I've become a celebrity all of the sudden..." The statement was drowning in sarcasm. "And you are,ma'am?"
"Not this....I know you to well for that.." Alec said, settling on a pair of scissors before slicing the palm of her hand open. Letting a bit of blood drop into the jar, she looked at it, the witch's seal was complete. For the pik's poison on the other hand, it wouldn't be so simple. "You wouldn't happen to have a soul stone on you, would you?"
"well you wonk know unless you ask, will you?"

he thought for a second after she asked about sould stones

"uhh, i've got a few hundred thousand at one of my warehouses, why?"
"I need to find a Pik." Alec said, looking at him, before checking the page in her book again. "Or a night orc.....either one of them will do, but a Pik can't bash your skull in...." Pushing the witch's seal jar next to everything else she needed for the potion, she looked at Marco.
"Marco's hand began to glow as he prepared to summon a soul stone

"before i do this, i wanna know exactly what that potion is, and what it does"
Alec sighed, "And those were the words I was so wanting to hear..." Sarcasm dripped from her voices, before she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Scindo Vita." Giving a partial truth to it, she continued. "And it will allow me to fix myself a lot faster."
"allow you to heal?... ugh, i know if i dont get this for you, you'll just steal one"

there was a flash in his hand, in his hand was a stone, it looked just like a normal fist-sized rock, but Alec could feel the soul trapped within it

"this should do it"

he handed her the stone

"i'm staying here, i dont know what you're planing but if it goes wrong, which these things usually do, you'll probably need me to pull you out"
Looking at him, Alec shook her head, before taking the stone in her hand. Setting a piece of ivory over it, she watched the thing spin around before it pointed towards the window. Adding the lemon grass, it began a suction portal for the pik floating around outside. As the little small ball of light came in, Alec looked at it before nodding. A drop of floating rose water did the trick to draw out the poison without hurting it, before the creature was released.

Looking at Marco again, she added it to her collection of things. Mixing together everything in one small bowl, she sighed softly, before pouring it into the witch's seal. Pulling out a match, she lit it, and dropped it in. Giving him one more look, she smiled faintly in a sad fashion, "See you in a few days, Marco...."

Closing her eyes, before opening them again, giving way to confusion. Looking down at her hands, she flexed them back and forth, before extending the arms. Blinking a few times, she looked around a few times, before her eyes landed on the note under the witch's seal, which was swirling in a light that would burn for five days before reverting back to normal.

Pulling it out, she read it quickly, before smiling and looking up at the man in the room. "Your....Marco Highland, I presume?"
Marco raised an eyebrow, he had never seen anything like this before

"why es, yes i am..."

he looked over her... no new tail no strange aura, this was alec through-and-through but she seemed so.. off

"so, what did that potion do exactly?"
Smiling, she stepped back up to the desk, before reading through the page. "It affects only those with a broken psyche, and allows the better half to take control." Her voice was peaceful, happy even. Moving at a relaxed pace, it started to put the remains of products back in their proper place, humming softly.
"Better half?.. huh, i didn't know Alec had such a thing.. i know i do, and my other half is a ****!"

He helped her clean the place up, occasionally glancing over to alec as she hummed... it had been a long time since Marco sa Alec happy like this.
"Better half of a broken emotional grid. You are in your state of better, so naturally, your other side would be in a state of bad condition." She replied softly, while setting the book back on a shelf. Running a hand over the wound on her side, she sighed a little, before nodding her head. Returning to humming, she looked back at Marco, "Shall we return you to your office then?"

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