WW - The New World

"i'll take uhh, chicken Parmagane, with a side of chips, chicken salted, and a glass of coke... oh and some garlic bread"

he gave the menu to the waitress, then turned to the rest.
Steven looked at the waitress,who was obviously unnerved by his appearance. "I'll have the pork tenderloin,please. Mashed potatoes,pork gravy. Glass of white milk to drink,please. French onion soup,to start." He handed the menu back to the waitress. He caught Alec's belly. He was not impressed. After she,and the waitress left,Steven turned to Marco.

"What the hell happened to her child?"
marco looked down, putting his hands together

"Steven... her baby... it's dead"

he took a few moments before continuing

"I was there, Steven... i was with leslis and she took me with her to collect a soul, the soul she collected was Alec's baby..."

he glanced over at alec

"i think it would be best if we dont bring it up"
After locking the door, Alec looked at the bandages she had wrapping her side. They were still white, so that meant nothing had started bleeding again, which was good. Fixing her shirt, she washed her hands, before ducking back out of the room. Moving around a person heading back where she had just been, she stepped back up to the table.

"Sorry about that..." Sliding back into her seat, she smiled at the two, before returning to her relaxed position of people watching.
"sorry for what?" marco said, light heartedly.

he looked around

"man, i haven't been to a normal place like this in a long time... i like it" he said with a smile.
"For being rude and leaving for a moment?" Alec replied, glancing over at him, before giggling a little. "I know what you mean...I've completely forgotten how interesting the mundane actually is..."
"we've become so interested in the extraordinary that we've been overlooking the simple"

he leaned back a bit

"so, i'm gonna start fixing up my family's old house after this, figured it would be a nice place to raise a family, waddya think?"
Steven nodded soberly. "We're conduits of fantasy. Even though it's easy to lose oneself inside the trappings of tha fantastic,one must remember that the mundane is fantastic in it's own right." When Marco mentioned his plans and intent for his family's old estate,he smiled. "Great idea. But keep magic out of it. Build it with your own hands and sweat." Steven sighed contentedly,and said, "I'm about to look like a hypocrite." Suddenly,the air around his head and shoulders distorted,and he looked like a normal human.

"I don't think regular society's ready for my mug."
"What does your other half think?" Alec asked, before looking at Steven and smiling faintly. "You look fine, love. You always have...no need to hide it."

The waitress came back for a moment, delivering their drinks before scurrying off again to deal with another rowdy table.
Marco chuckled as the drinks were delivered.

"yeah, of course i'll need some help, so, mind giving me a hand, Steve?"

he was the first to take a sip of his drink.
Steven taken a sip of his milk. He smiled. "Why not. But only if Leslie approves." He looked over his shoulder,as the waitress brought the appetizers. He said a thank you to the waitress,and taken a deep sniff of his soup. It was amazing. Cheese,onion,a hint of salt...Healthy? Not even close. Delicious? Beyond a doubt.
Marco picked upa bit of Garlic bread, it was like some bread you can only get at a bakery, with melted cheese and herbs on top.

he tok a bite, it let out a loud "crunch" as small flakes of it fell on his chin, getting caught by Marco's stubble.

he piped off the flakes, and flicked them back onto other bits of bread

"i think Leslie is okay with it, i mean, i'm not asking her to quit being the grim reaper, and i'm not asking her to completely abandon her current house, and the shaddow"

he paused, he rememebred that Steven and alec probably had no idea what he meant by "the shaddow"

"the shaddow is what i call this spirit that serves Leslie where she lives, its like a spirit but its unlike any other spirit i've ever seen, it says it serves the grim reaper so it may be one of a kind"

he chuckled a bit

"maybe i could pursuade the shaddow to move in as well, big place like that could use a house keeper that doesn't sleep, eat or get tired"

he smiled, then shook hishead slowly.

"nah, it won't come... and i really doubt leslie would agree to having kids at her current place"
Alec listened to them speak, staying quiet herself. She was running a small internal scan, looking only at one part that had spiked at a certain word spoken.Waiting for it to calm down, she took a sip of her coffee. Offering a smiling at Marco's idea, "That seems like a very thoughtful thing for you to do then."
"thanks Alec, but i'm not sure if she'd really want to move in... i mean, she seems happy in her current place, and even though she seems to hate her job, i don't want to push this too hard"

he took another sip of his drink, then leaned back.

"its maddening, really... the Old Ones, Nightrise, the school and keeping with leslie..."

he sighed heavily.

"i really just wish it was all over, or that i could just bury my head in the sand, pass on my command to someone else and live hapily ever after... but thats just not the world we live in"
"Well, haven't you spoken to her about this?" Alec asked softly, quirking an eyebrow. Cutting her scan short, she leaned forward a little, looking at him. "I'm sure if you ask her, she'll tell you what she thinks of it all, right?"
"i have asked her but,.. i dunno, i feel like her answer was just to please me"

he bought his head back up, he stroked his chin, the hairs on his chin flicked as his hand wiped over them.

"i need a shave... what do you think?" he showed Alec both sides of his face, hoping to get her opinion

"i think the stubble suits me, but its getting a bit long and thick"
Laughing lightly, she smiled. "You should know what my opinion would be considering Vent very rarely has stubble..." Winking a little, she shook her head. "And you look fine, honestly, I've always wondered what you'd look like with a beard..."
"heh yeah, i guess i'll leave it a bit longer, but i'll keep it clean, none of that "scruffy beard" nonsense"

he finished wiping over the stubble, and he reached down, grabbing another slice of garlic bread

"did you know my dad was once attacked by a vampire? for all i know, i could be 1/18th vampire, that could be why raw garlic gives me a slight reaction... my eyes water and my fingers swell up, i swear give me some raw garlic and my fingers will look like little sausages"

he chuckled

"you know, this place reminds me of a place my parents took me when i was little, it wasn't fancy or anything, it belonged to the local footy and netball club, it was called "alexandra house" one half of it was an open ballroom with tables all over, the other half was split between the bar, the bistro and the gym upstairs"

he smiled, remmeberign those good times

"they made the best pasta, they would make this cheese and cream sauce and put it over the pasta, with small bits of bacon, then drenched it in this thick mushroom sauce, it was absolutely to die for"

he snapped out of it, realizing he was probably boring Alec.
Chuckling a little, Alec smiled. "You miss them a lot, then..." Looking down in her lap for a moment, she sighed softly, "You could probably check to see if the place was still up and running? You never know..."
"maybe, i hear my old home town has become sort of a colony for non-infected people during the days of the plague, the other areas have been re-populated, but hamilton will be thriving, and if hamilton is running, then alexandra house is sure as hell going strong"

he was still smiling.

"huh, i wonder if the pluvers are still nesting on Melville Oval, thwy would always do that, since pluvers nest on the ground and they are agressive as hell during nesting season... which is incidentally during football season"

"that reminds me, remember it was only about 70km from there that Vent and i fought against Dispair and released the plague... and where i died for the first time... we should go there, see what its like after all these years"
"Yeah..." Alec said, before the waitress came back with their food. As the woman offering a smile and asked how everything was, she offered a refill on drinks before scurrying off to do so. "You know.....I have an odd question for your girlfriend in the future that you just reminded me of."
"oh? what is it? come on, you can tell me"

he leaned forward over his food.

while loooking at Alec, he began cutting off a piece of Parmagane, and scooped some coleslaw onto it, then put it in his mouth.
"Well, I wanted to ask her, if she knows when were all going to die...it's unfortunate, but still...I'm curious..." Shrugging, she felt another spike from the other half, before shaking her head. Poking at a peice of fruit with her fork, she thought for a moment, "I don't think she'd appreciate that question though...."
Marco chewed his food, savouring the taste.

he raised a finger, as if to say "just a minute"

then he finished, gulping it down

"well, i don think she would mind the qustion, but no way in hell she'd answer it"

he mixed up his salad a bit, so he could get a bit of everything with each scoop
"Maybe..." Alec said softly, before sighing again. "But it makes me wonder how hard it is for her to have mortal friends, you know? Or hell, you for that matter...I mean, I don't know if she can or not, but could you think if she did...how painful it would be to know? I mean, she told me before she can't interfere with certain things....so, how hard would it be to know that one day, you'd walk out the door for work and never come home and that she couldn't say anything?"

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