WW - The New World

Steven watched as Marco taken the woman down. Whenever he stopped,Steven always crossed his hands at the small of his back,to keep himself from flinging them out to do something that would compromise their cover. When he moved,he focused entirely on marching in step with Marco,who was posing as the officer. His riot visor hid his face,but underneath was blank. No pain. No joy. Nothing. He was in the belly of the beast,the beast that ruined his life from day one,and he was determined to put it down.

They reached the elevator,which was flanked by a pair of soldiers,each heavily armed and armoured.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Steven watched as Marco taken the prisoner down. Whenever he stopped,Steven stood with his hands crossed at the small of his back. Whenever they moved,he focused solely on marching in time with Marco,who was posing as the officer,all in a neffort to keep himself from attacking the Nightrise soldiers that surrounded him,and blowing their cover. He was in the belly of the beast,the beast that ruined his life since day one. He will succeed,no matter the cost. Because,when faced with extinction,every alternative is prefferable.

They reached the elevator. The door was flanked by two soldiers,each wearing an incredible amount of armour,and wielding heavy weapons.
Marco walked up to the elevator with confidence, even witrh the 2 men either side

"Sir, can we see you're I.D?"

"I am Colonel Adam Sanders of the eastern european nightrise front, i've been transfered here to personally deliver over 70 precision strike co-ordinates, my team here each hold memory devices detailing enemy possitions"

"sir, we find that hard to believe we-"

Marco pulled out his gun and pointed it at the eye-hole of one of the heavy troops, everything seemed to stop as Marco himself caused a scene.

"HOW DARE YOU!? OUR TRANSMITIONS HAVE BEEN INTERCEPTED FOR MONTHS BY THE LEGION AND YOU THINK WE CAN JUST TRANSMIT THIS!?... and i don't have I.D so i would just seem to be another sergent to the enemy, so i coul deliver these coordinates securely without painting myself as a target"

Marco turned his head to Steven, nodded then turned back to the big guy, lowering hs gun, the other heavy lowered his shotgun as well.


Marco reached up and turned on the heavy's radio, then tuned it, soon Steven could hear a static-like crackling in his head

"go ahead, ask command"

the heavy did so, of course unknown to the heavy, he was actually talking to Steven, all steven had to do was communicate the reply and they would have access.
Steven smirked to himself when he replied,using voice filters to change his voice. "Captain Grissom,you are cleared to allow the Colonel's detail access to SatCom. Command out." Steven cut the link,and put his efforts into keeping himself from laughing. The situation was hilarious,in stark contrast to their objective. He piped up,after disengaging the filters,in an attempt to keep his cover, "Captain,are we cleared,or not?"
The heavy troops saluted

"yes sir, i apologize for the disruption, sir"

"not at all son, if i were an enemy spy i would be in big trouble, i'll put in my report how you kept your cool even with a gun to your eye"

Marco entered the elevator, followed by the others, they clicked the "control room" button, once the door closed Marco took off the beret, it was amazing how different he looked with his hair stuck up in the beret

"righty-o, we get in, take the codes, insert them into Steven's brain, then we get the hell outa here then we wait"

he began bunching his hair back up to fit under the beret

the door opened again, they were greeted by a technitian, a man in a white shirt with a blue tie and thick glasses.

Marco pushed this man asside and walked up to the base's commander

"and who the hell are you?"

"Sir, Colonel Adam Sanders, reporting"

".. why?"

"sir, my squad and i were just transfered here, didn't you get the message from my comm officer?"

"ugh, it must be in that pile of shit i haven't done yet"

"piles up, eh sir?"

"too right"

while Marco distracted the commander, Drusilla whispered to Steven

"Mr Adams, i see the terminal we need, lets download those codes"

she walked in front of Steven, leading him to the console, Elvis went to another part of the room, and began talking to the guards, using his charm aura to keep them focussed on their group, not on whats happening around them.

the technicians and operators were too focussed on whats on their screens to notice them.
Steven subtly interfaced with the terminal wirelessly with his enhanced brain. He was able to override all of the security,and make his brain the central firewall for every device attached to the base network. He was in control. He planted a Trojan that was on a timer. When activated,it would cause the IF/Fs for the automated systems to go haywire again,and cause them to self destruct after they run out of ammo.

After that particular piece of work,Steven began to mine the servers for the launch codes and the targeting algorithms. He memorized the locations of the algorithms,and changed the ordinance launch codes to;


He returned to the elevator after he finished,and kept online. As far as the network admins were concerned,he was the SatCom Master Terminal,since he piggy-backed it's IP.
Marco saw Steven was ready to go

"well sir, my team and i will be in the south barracks untill you find something for us to do"

"you could start right away by securing the south-east courtyard, our team there has failed to report in"

"probably all this rain, sir"

"no, most likely osome lightning struck a comm antenai, just check in with them then report back"

"yes sir!"

he went to the elevator, Elvis finnished up as well and they all got in the lift.

again, as soon as the door closed Marco began giving new orders

"Steven, i want the timer for the launch to be locked in, i do not want any possibility of an override, and change the password"

tey stopped again at the jail, they went through, they were still cleaning up the blood from the girl that escaped

they got back out, and into a seperate jeep

"just borrowing this, the commander asked us to check in on the courtyard to the south of here"


they went off in the jeep, of course they were going south, but they wouldnt stop at the courtyard.

"good work everyone, so long as something doesnt blow it now, i think we can safely say we pulled this off and ended the war"
Steven rewritten the passwords and hard-coded the launch time. "Done." When they got in the jeep and drove off,Steven said, "The IF/F Trojan will activate one minute after launch." As they left visual range of the base,Steven tore off his uniform,and shredded it with Hyperion. "The systems will prioritize the Anti-Magic Field Projector."
the jeep was almost at the outer gate

"okay guys, last hurdle..."

they stopped, but this time they didn't ask what was happening, they just said "little use patrolling, no-one gets close, oh well"

they left, of course this being china they werent going into the forrest, they were going into shanghai, they headed directly for the docks

"our outpost in Shanghai is evacuating, we're leaving with them"
Steven was anxious. "Can't this piece of crap move any faster? Or will I have to push?" As they left the walls,he felt his power return to him. He wanted this conflict to end. He was tired. So very,very tired.
"shut up, steven! this isn't the time for complaining"

they drove through the city, almost running over at least 2000 people in a mere 200 metres.

after a few minutes of driving they got to the docks, the massive docks that all the "made in china" stuff comes through.

at a small part of the docks, was a small speedboat with casually dressed men boarding it

"thats them"

he gave the wheel to Drusilla and stood up on the sear, removing the beret

he began shouting in cantonese, and the men stopped, then waved.

when they stoped the jeep, the men set to work loading it into a random shpping crate.

"whares that headed to?" asked Elvis

"f**ked if i know" replied Marco, shrugging.

they got on the speedboat, and they headded off, keeping close butnot too close to the big ships, to avoid collisions, since everyone else avoids the big freighters.
Steven slumped down in a seat on the boat,and buckled up,then closed his eyes. He wasn't asleep,but he was trying. However,sleep never came. He knew what he will have to do. There was no other way. It was the only way to remove Nightrise from Earth for good. The only way to survive as a whole. So,instead,he began to pray.

For the lost. For the innocents who will die in the blasts. For himself. For the survivors. He wasn;t praying to any deity in particular;any one would do. He wanted peace of mind.

"I'm so sorry...I'm truly sorry..."
Marco turned his head to Steven

"Steven, they're launching"

in the distance, 3 bright lights could be seen, the rockets were in the air

"you know the plan Steven, but the satelites wont be in orbut untill we're well away from here"

they cleared out of the massive boat-highway, into open waters, a plane began to get lower and lower, coming up behind them, flying just over their heads, a ramp at the back of it opened up, on the inside there was a boat holder, like those on the boat trailers.

"chaaaaarge!" called out Marco, as the boat went into the back of the plane, the ramp at the rear began to close up and the boat was secured on the plane.

"okay... thats it... the satelites should take a few minutes to reach orbit and about 3 hours to settle in and arm themsleves, Steven, take a breather, thats an order"
"Yes,sir..." Steven sounded empty,resigned. He belted himself into a seat in the back of the craft,and bowed his head.

In three hours,he'll commit an evil greater than that of Hitler...And he'll somehow be hailed a hero. "What have I become in the pursuit of peace...?"
Marco leaned on the side of the plane next to Steven

"get used to it, Steven, sometimes to stop the fire, you have to stomp on the burning man... i've done so much evil in the pursuit of saving the human race, Steven, i'vs sacrificed my own troops to fuel some of my most devestating machines, i have killed women and children, as they begged for mercy, i have ordered tanks to crush even babies, in crowds of screaming people, i have committed attrocities time and time again... we will never be hailed as herows, Steven, we will go down as those who, to save humanity, sacrificed the humanity of ourselves and millions of others"

he lay his head back

"sometimes, i think thats why i love Leslie, she was the previous grim repaer's daughter, and she's the grim reaper now... her, death incarnate, and me.... her number one supplier"
Steven shook his head. "You never comitted genocide. I will launch those bombs,no question. But it will still wipe out more than half of the Earth's population." He ran the numbers through his head again. It wasn't a pretty number.
"genocide?... of i've caused genocide, entire towns, burned alive with white phospherus, just to show the enemy our resolve and that hostages wouldnt work"

he tooka puff of his cigarette, then put it out.

"get some sleep, in a few hours we save humanity, by sacrificing our own humanity"
Steven chuckled. "Sleep? Hardly likely." But,indeed,Steven found sleep. He closed his eyes,and actively told his brain to go to sleep. It wasn't relaxing,but it passed the time.
"just try, i'll stay awake, i'll contact Leslie, let her know whats happening"

he opened a channel to Leslie

"Leslie... something big is about to happen, you may wanna put the reapers on standby..."

he knew, and by the way he said it, both of them would know "big" was the understatement of the century
"I already know." Was the only reply given by the reaper.

Looking at the shadow, blood dripping down from a gash on her forehead, she nodded.


The two connected, sparks flying off clashing metal. Each pulled apart, and struck again, and repeated. A perfect stalemate, both injuried, and yet both level in power.
she was gonna kill him and send him to hell for this.

a crew member of the plane walked in

"sir, the rockets have seperated from the saelites"

"okay good"

"sir, the satelites seem to have smaller thrusters attached to them, they will be in possition in 1.5 hours"

"okay thank you"

Marco sat down, taking a drink of water., looking at the sleeping Steven

"Leslie, after this... will you still want to be with me?"
Falling back, each with a new injury, they stared at each other. A sudden clapping brought both of their heads in unison towards the door.

"Wonderful, just wonderful...is this how the reapers always trained? Attacking a simply light trick..?"

"What do you want Chaos."

"Just to let you know, your little....human up there, is stepping into my domain...if he gets hurt? You. Have. No. Say." The sneer on his face was just perfect.

Twitching a little, she straightened up, "Why would it matter, it's not like he's mine anyway..."

"That ring setting on your stand says other wise.." The blonde smirked, before laughing as he elecited a surprised reaction out of her. "What you think we don't know? That your world is impregnable? Your a cheap witch, a fake demon, and an unfit reaper, nothing you can do will ever be good enough, hell, your nothing but a burden, even to him, to all of us really....I don't see why you even hold this position, you don't want it, you just wanted revenge on your dear old dad. Guess what cupcake, you did it, and now your stuck with it, all of it, of course...you could just pass it off to someone else..."

Shrugging, the man turned, waving. "Either way, I'll see you in Hell..." And Chaos disappeared, leaving Leslie and the shadow standing there. Blinking a few times, the black eyed woman frowned, before turning back towarsd the shadow. "Again."
Marco sighed heavily, setting his head back

"its so close... so damn close... years of fighting... its almost over, the old ones, the force my dad spent his entire life fighting, nightrise, the force dad spent almost just as long fighting... all of it, its about to end"

a thought came to him... the Creeper.. that was the real reason he told Steven to keep 50 bombs in reserve, for when the Creeper revealed herself.

he finished his drink and looked out the window, the lights of hong kong were small in the distance, but the trail of lights from the shore still gave the night sky an orange-like glow, about 4km away he could see a jumbo jet full of tourists coming in to china... poor fools.

he reconnected with leslie

"leslie, you know whats about to happen.. but after it happens... will you still want to be with me?"
Stopping short of an attack, Leslie paused at the voice. Looking over at the stand, she frowned. Thinking about everything she knew would happen, she sighed. "The real question, Marco, is will You still want to be with you...."
Marco frowned, the truth was, he never gave himself a choice in this matter, he hated himself, of course he did, that is why at most times, he had killed his emotions and all urges of compassion, except for when he was with leslie, when they all came rushing back.

he didn;t want to live hwith himself, he wanted to live with her, he wanted to live FOR her.

"I don;t know Leslie... i just don't know"
"Then I don't know. When you come to find the answer to my question, you will find the one to yours....Good luck..." Leslie coughed into her hand, shaking her head. "I really don't know what to do with him sometimes...." The shadow just shrugged.

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