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Realistic or Modern Woodhurst Boarding Academy

Nico blushes and claps his hands,

"I shall plan your wedding!" He says, and takes out a notebook,

"Daisies or Baby blue bells?!" Nico asks excitedly.
"Wait what...?" Reznos asked, looking a mix of confused and dumbfounded. Plan a wedding? That was waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too soon. They weren't even at the 'let's be friends' stage. Close, he asumed, but no one had said it.
"Wedding.." nico says with a serious face.

He then burst out laughing,

"I'm kidding chiiill" He mutters, and rips out the paper and crumbles it into a ball, and throws it at the taller boys face. He then puts his notebook back into his jansport book-bag.
Reznos catches the paper without thinking. This 'being social' thing realy was odd. He couldn't tell of people were messing with him or trying to die half the time. It sure confused the crap outta him.
"W-Woah.. how did you c-catch that?!" Nico asks, curiously, and interested.

"Wait don't answer that.. Wanna go to the library?! It's so much fun!" Nico says and smiles.
"A-A-Alright.. Isn't there a saying called... Bros before Hoes?" Nico asks and chuckles, and then takes out his cracked phone due to the bullies, and texts in the Saying 'Bros before hoes'. After that he then puts his phone away.

"Yea, nope" He mutters and rolls his eyes.

The bell Then rings.

A crowd of people start to walk from all directions. Nico yelps seeing a huge group of jocks walking this way, laughing and having fun. Nico hides behind his tall, buff friend.
"Nico... nico... I need you to focus. They aren't going to touch you after what I did to their friend. Now to the dorms " Reznos said, having a mission to get the luggage he carried to the women's dorm. He wanted to sleep himself. He hadn't for days, after all.
Reznos looked back at her and smiled. Then mouthed the word "marrage" and shrugged with a funny loom on his face as if to say, he is trying to marry us off already
"Pfft! Hahaha!" Spanner laughed softly, a light pink bleeding into her rather pale skin. While she found it funny that Nico wanted to wed them already, it still made her flustered, even if it was less than before.
Reznos chuckled to himself quietly and fell back a little to walk beside her "so... when us the honeymoon?" He joked
"A few days after the wedding, maybe?" Spanner joked along with him, a bright grin on her face as she twirled her favorite spanner in her free hand.
Reznos started laughing again, you could almost hear it this time. Laughing was something he wasn't use to doing, but it felt good. He smiled at her. "You think so? Well how many kids should we have?" He said jokingly still, maybe it was time for the joke to die, but he wouldn't know.
"Well, honestly, I only want two." Spanner told him truthfully, her wide, joking grin settled into a small, soft smile.
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Reznos noticed her slight change in tone and smile. He smiled back at her. "Well that seem like a good number. One boy one girl or.... boy and boy... or the other way around?" He asked
"It doesn't really matter to me." Spanner answered him with a soft smile, continuing to twirl her spanner in her hand, occasionally tossing it in the air. "I'm an only child, and as a kid, it was pretty lonely since I didn't meet any of my friends until I traveled abroad for robotics competitions, so I atleast want my kids to have someone with them as they grow up."
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"I had one friend growing up... my sister... she was raped and killed when I was 10.... I killed the man who did it and took his gun...." Reznos said. He didn't know why he felt he could be so open with this woman, but he did
"You did what you thought was right, even if the world would be against you if you did, that takes courage." Spanner told him as she slid her spanner into one of her pockets. "I'm sure that your sister is at peace, knowing that her brother avenged her, and is living the life she would have wanted for you."
"Th..thank you.... that... that means a lot to me to hear you say that." Reznos said. No one had been this kind to him befor since his sister died.
"Nah, don't mention it." Spanner stated, waving it off with a bright grin. "After all, we're friends, aren't we?"
Reznos smiled "yeah. I supose we are. Glad we met ya know?" Reznos said. Plus one friend. His first real friend. This was turning out to be a good day.

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