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Realistic or Modern Woodhurst Boarding Academy

"It does, doesn't it? Works like a real pen too." Spanner informed him, her arms crossed over her chest. "That's why I'm giving this to you."

She snatched the pen from him and removed the barrel of the pen, revealing the long, sharp blade where the ink cartridge should have been.
Spanner smiled at the praise, practically glowing in pride and happiness at having another satisfied customer. Reattaching the barrel to the pen, in turn hiding the blade once more, she handed it back to Reznos.
"Thank you madame. I hope that old geezer didn't destroy my gun....." He thought aloud. His face had remained blank the entire time, the trademark of someone who is almost dead inside
"It's nothing." Spanner waved it off, before noticing something off about his expression. It seemed almost... dead. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Depends on how you view okay...." a mreznos replied honnestly. He didn't want her to tjink he was being a smart ass with his dead tone. He was honnestly suprised she noticed he seemed dead. No one else had.
"No offense, but you look like one of the corpses that one of my friends embalm for a living." Spanner told him bluntly, looking at him straight in the eye with a firm stare. "Basically you look like you're alive, but you're actually dead, if that makes sense."
"Ive... had to kill... a lot... to stay alive... my sister was murdered and I lived on the streets my entire life.... I atended public school and was declared a genius or something.... that's how I wound up here...." Reznos summed up his entire life in a short moment.
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"Oh, I see." Spanner murmured, closing her eyes as she pondered on the paragraph over her head.

She stayed silent for a moment, brooding for a small while, before speaking up again, opening her bright, leafy green eyes.

"I can't say that I understand what you've been through, since I haven't." Spanner told him honestly, not sugarcoating any of her words. "But you've done what you had to do, so I have nothing to hold against you."
"I'm starting to feel like I can trust you." Reznos told her honnestly. It suprised even him, that he was already starting to trust her. But she hadn't huffed at him, made fun of his name, tried to fight him, told him killing was bad, or taken anything from him so she was already nicer than everyone else he met so far.
"It's for you to decide whether or not to trust me." Spanner told him with a shrug as she began to gather up her things. "After all, I did have weapons with me, didn't I? Who knows what I could be planning."
"Anyone who comes armed is simply prepared for anything in my book. I brought my gun.... till that man took it..." Reznos said bitterly as he spoke of the man who took his gun.
Spanner stared intensely at Reznos for a while, as though trying to see his intentions, before giving a small smile at the words that came out of his mouth.

"I like you, you're not that bad of a guy." She commented as she hefted up her cardboard box with little to no effort. "But that guy surely had a reason for taking you're gun, right? I mean, he sounds like someone with authority here, so surely he has some sort of reasoning for his actions."
"He said something like....' you should be expelled for this!'.... what does that even mean?!" Reznos was steemed, though he hardly shows it due to his dead expression
"Who knows." Spanner shrugged, checking her luggage to see if anything was out of place. "Maybe he was worried about you harming the other students with it, but it could mean anything."

"If one of my old teachers, Renato, taught me anything, it's that anything and everything is possible." She told Reznos, looking up from her luggage, locking eyes with him. "But anyway, I need to go find out what I'm supposed to do now since I'm a new student here."
"I must do the same... all I've managed to acomlish thus far is to pull a gun on someone who wanted to fight me and beat a bully almost to death...." Reznos replied to her.
Spanner gave a low whistle of amazement at the statement, looking rather surprised at what he said.

"Wow, you're nearly as violent as Alaude and Daemon." She told him with a bright smile. "Very impressive for your first day."

"So, do you have any idea what "newbies" like the two of us should be doing right now?" Spanner asked him, genuinely confused about what course of action they should take.
"Well... we were all told it was time to head to the doorms.... but where those are is beyond me.... I didn't get a map." Reznos said, looking around him for some sort of directions.
"Maybe we should look for a teacher, or something." Spanner suggested, pulling out a brand new lollipop from one of her pockets, this time an orange flavored one, and popped it in her mouth.
The nerd just stands there and watches the two. Nico soon blushes,

"Awe! I ship you too!" He says and blushes.
As soon as she heard those words, Spanner froze. She blinked once, then twice, as she let the words sink in, before the implication finally registered in her mind.

A deep, cherry red bled into her cheeks as she tried to hide her face with the box she was holding. Shakily, she peered over the box to stare at the slightly older boy, whome she didn't notice until now.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Spanner stuttered out, biting on her lollipop, a habit she does whenever flustered.
"I would like to know the same..." Reznos said a little confused. He had never heard this term growing up on the streets.
"Y-you really don't know?" Spanner asked Reznos with a shred of disbelief, her face still a cherry red, but she supposed it was expected, since he grew up on the streets.
"W-well," Spanner cleared her throat as she tried to explain what the word meant. "It's a term used when somebody pairs two people that they think suit each other, typically in a romantic relationship."

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