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Realistic or Modern Woodhurst Boarding Academy

"No, it wouldn't be. My mother would chew me out for this, but I'm sure my father would simply laugh it up like he usually does, heck, maybe even congratulate me for getting kicked out so fast." Spanner told him as she looked up at the taller man, a fond smile on her lips as she thought of the family she wouldn't be seeing for months on end.
"My father isn't exactly what you would call a "normal adult"." Spanner said, drawing quotation marks in the air. "He used to be a trouble maker as a kid, and he was proud of who he was back then, so knowing that his daughter got in trouble and was expelled, would make him brag to my mother that I'm more like him than I am of her."
"I don't really know how to explain it, but everyone is unique, that applies to parents as well. They can be supportive, controlling, or even abusive." Spanner began, carefully thinking over her words. "But deep down, no matter how uncaring they may seem, every parent has a strong love for their children."
"I see. Mine were killed when I was 4... I have no memory of them...." Reznos told her. He had never told anyone that befor.
"I'm sure they loved you and your sister dearly, just like every other parent in the world." Spanner told him with a small smile. "There is not much in the world that can compare to the love a parent could have for their children, after all."
"I like to think your right. I sometimes try to picture them in my head... what it would be like if they were still here...." He admitted
"I'm sure that if I grew up without my parents, I would be doing the same thing you're doing now." Spanner told him, shifting her duffel bag slightly into a more comfortable position. "But you can't keep on clinging to whom you've lost, sometimes it's best to move on, and live your life for them."
"Your right. I'm glad I met you. Your probably the best person I've ever met." Reznos told her, his paleg cheeks going slightly pinkish.
"R-really?" Spanner stuttered out, a light pink dusting off her cheeks as she stared slightly wide-eyed at the older male. "W-wow, thank you, that's so nice of you to say." She gave him the best smile she could produce, practically glowing at the words that poured out of his mouth, her cheeks still flushed pink.
"Nice or not, it's the truth. I only wish I had met you sooner in my life." Reznos said in a kind voice with an equallly kind smile.
"So do I." Spanner found herself saying, before she realized what came out of her mouth, and her cheeks flushed a deep cherry red as she tried to stutter out an explanation.
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"U-um, yeah, I-I guess I do." Spanner said, fidgeting slightly, cheeks a bright red as she averted her eyes from him. "D-do you think we're at the dorms yet?"
"Idk... we lost our guide in the croud. I've just been wandering around till I found something. But we are going the same way the students came from so we should be close." He told her honnestly. "But why do you wish you'd met me sooner?"
"W-well, how do I say this..." Spanner muttered, each thought going through her head causing her cheeks to flush a darker red. "M-maybe if we met sooner... I-I could have been a friend sooner to help you through the hard times in your life."
" I would have liked that. And maybe by now.... your thinking we would have been more than friends had we met sooner?" Reznos asked,
"M-maybe, but I-I think I'm a bit young for that k-kind of relationship with you." Spanner admitted, fingering the spanner in her pocket in her nervousness.
"Maybe your right. But your aura doesn't lie." Reznos said. "Forgive me... I ment nothing by what I said. I was only curious."
"I-it's fine, it's not like t-that kind of relationship is uncommon." Spanner assured him, trying to shake off the awkward air between them. "A-after all, my mother and father are three, nearly four years apart. But what do you mean by my aura?"
"When I loom at people... I see a color around them... their aura... it's an outward manifestation of the soul... it also allows me to see spirits when they don't want to be seen...." Reznos told her
"Oh, that's very interesting..." Spanner murmered offhandedly, nodding off. "Just out of curiosity, what does mine look like?"

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