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Fantasy Witch Hunt

Luna sat there bewildered. These peoples powers were much greater than her own. She looked up to who was holding her. "I want to help, what can I do?" She glanced around at the chaos nervously
November sighed. Did he offend her? Maybe. He didn't care. Whatever. He walked towards the exit, the iron gate, heading towards outside. How long since he didn't see sunlight with his own eyes. He reached for the door, and tried to melt it with his breath, when he heard a gun fire. It missed him by an inch.

"No you're not!"

Yelled a guard. November looked at him. He was trembling.

"I go near you, you die. I can still walk if you shoot me."

He said. The guard lingered for a moment, and ran away, throwing away the gun. November turned around to melt the door to open it. He looked back at Eden once, apologizing with his eyes. Then he opened the doors to smell the air.


@everyone else who wants to interact with November
Eden was still frowning, but less so. She sighed, "ah, screw it." She proceeded to ram her iced over fist into the jaw of a guard attempting to stop them. He flew into the nearby wall with a good 'thud'.
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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]More people started to come looking for a way out of here. Sadly what we have so far isn't going to make it. All we have is that we're turning off the electrical system, and after that we're making our way out. Still don't know where we're going afters. He told Amelia. He leaned back in his chair, balancing it on its back two legs. He saw two new people come over to the table. Both seemed shy. So he decided to say hello. Hey guys. He said with a friendly smile. @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball[/center]


Amelia & Emaline

As the plan took off Amelia grabbed Emaline's hand and dragged her after Ange. Emaline turned her music off and moved her hedphone to hang around her neck. With all the commotion it was hard to decipher what people were saying, let alone thinking, unless she was right next to them anyway. When the young girl latched onto Ange, Amy couldn't help but growl in frustration at the way she was treated. "Emy." She said when the girl mentioned headphones. Emaline nodded, knowing what she meant and offered hers to the girl. Amelia reached out to help Ange with the girl, letting her healing powers flow into her s her hands made contact.
Jasil said:
Luna sat there bewildered. These peoples powers were much greater than her own. She looked up to who was holding her. "I want to help, what can I do?" She glanced around at the chaos nervously
OceanBunny said:

Amelia & Emaline

As the plan took off Amelia grabbed Emaline's hand and dragged her after Ange. Emaline turned her music off and moved her hedphone to hang around her neck. With all the commotion it was hard to decipher what people were saying, let alone thinking, unless she was right next to them anyway. When the young girl latched onto Ange, Amy couldn't help but growl in frustration at the way she was treated. "Emy." She said when the girl mentioned headphones. Emaline nodded, knowing what she meant and offered hers to the girl. Amelia reached out to help Ange with the girl, letting her healing powers flow into her s her hands made contact.
Takia looked down to Luna, after she asked about helping. That's all she really wanted to do was help. You wouldn't happen to know a way out of this place would you?? He asked with a smile. He then looks over to the girls who was healing the girl that was bleed. Takia was too occupied to even notice.

@femjapanriceball @Yaoke Saint @Jasil
Luna thought about it. "No," she grinned mysteriously, "but I can make a way out. Just tell me where you want to get out from, even if it's through a wall."
Her eyes brimmed with tears when someone offered her some headphones. "Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me." Her voice was still hoarse. She reached out for the headphones with trembling hands and put them on. "Do any of you have water or food? I don't even remember what those things taste like any more." She coughed some more. "If we can find a wall that leads directly out, I might be able to make a hole. At least after these drugs wear off." She swayed, then leaned on the red haired girl for support.

"You know I though we would do thing more... stealthy." Merlin says to no one in particular as everyone runs of to cause havoc and hell is breaking loose. "Whatever." He pushes himself up from the table and walks to the most nearby guard who isn't under attack yet. "Mister guard, could you please tell me where to exit is?." He didn't dare to do this way earlier because he would have been sniped down way before he got away, but with this chaos he might have a chance. "Also could you give me your weapons and do everything in your power to make our escape succeed?" The guards her had such a weak will that one could only think that they weren't even human.

a few moments later Merlin had a sword and a gun and knew were the exit was and he quickly made his way to it.
Luna shrugged and decided to listen to this, Merlin
OceanBunny said:

Amelia & Emaline

As the plan took off Amelia grabbed Emaline's hand and dragged her after Ange. Emaline turned her music off and moved her hedphone to hang around her neck. With all the commotion it was hard to decipher what people were saying, let alone thinking, unless she was right next to them anyway. When the young girl latched onto Ange, Amy couldn't help but growl in frustration at the way she was treated. "Emy." She said when the girl mentioned headphones. Emaline nodded, knowing what she meant and offered hers to the girl. Amelia reached out to help Ange with the girl, letting her healing powers flow into her s her hands made contact.
Ange smiled as the girl leaned on her for support. She looked around her age, but the poor girl looked as though she hadn't eaten in a while. Ange closed her eyes and gave the girl her half-eaten apple from earlier. "Here you go. I know this place by heart; there's a wall leading directly out in the west wing." Still supporting the girl, she began to walk to the west wing. "I'm Ange, by the way. Nice to meet you."
She stared in absolute wonder at the apple before eating the entire thing in a few bites. She seemed to be energized by the music she was listening to, and her entire body vibrated. A small amount of what looked like steam rose from her body. She was still wobbly, but less woozy. She smiled. "Oh, thats amazing. Just what I needed to get going." She still grabbed onto Ange, but was more or less walking herself now. "Good to see some people who aren't in white suits and masks. My name is Tasha."

femjapanriceball said:
Ange smiled as the girl leaned on her for support. She looked around her age, but the poor girl looked as though she hadn't eaten in a while. Ange closed her eyes and gave the girl her half-eaten apple from earlier. "Here you go. I know this place by heart; there's a wall leading directly out in the west wing." Still supporting the girl, she began to walk to the west wing. "I'm Ange, by the way. Nice to meet you."
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]She stared in absolute wonder at the apple before eating the entire thing in a few bites. She seemed to be energized by the music she was listening to, and her entire body vibrated. A small amount of what looked like steam rose from her body. She was still wobbly, but less woozy. She smiled. "Oh, thats amazing. Just what I needed to get going." She still grabbed onto Ange, but was more or less walking herself now. "Good to see some people who aren't in white suits and masks. My name is Tasha."

Amelia continues to help Ange with the girl, pouring more healing energy into her as they walked. Emaline, seeing what her sister was up to, quickly moved to Amelia's other side. She was ready to support her sister at any second if she used too much energy healing others. 'Watch how much you expend, what if someone else gets injured?' She silently questioned Amy. 'I know Em. I'm only giving her a little. I didn't wang to overlays her system.' Amelia thought back, smiling at her twin. She reached out to hold her hand, glancing back at the rest of the group and hoping that the escrow was going well. "It's nice to meet you Tasha. I'm Amelia, this is my sister Emaline." She said, smiling at the girl, happy to see she seemed to be doing better.
Jekkel finally caught his breath he looked to the left corridor only to find the group from before "So they are trying to leave without me are they rude" Jake broke out into a grin "Well they will be happy that I have the weapons" he thought to himself. Jekkel started to run to them "Hello people I got the stuff, the guns I mean" He was able to catch up with them, he slung the backpack off his body "Pick your poison" He looked around at everyone he has never seen that one guy with the sword and gun in his hands and he forgot everyone else's name "I'll ask them later"

@Jasil @Embaga Elder @Kylar of Lux
November opened the door, only to be greeted by a barricade guarded by the guards, all armed.


He couldn't finish, as he was shot in the right leg before he could. How did they gather outside so fast? Did they take so long inside? He fell down, as he could hear few guards roar. He crawled back towards the door, his right leg bleeding. So this is how it felt like being shot. He crawled all the way inside the building, ignoring the burning pain.Perhaps he should warn them. But how? He stopped in the middle of the hallway, where he could see them. He opened his mouth only to close it. He leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. He felt the mask dissolving, and threw it away.

(OOC:Oh, how much I love shooting my own characters. Is this sarcasm? Maybe I should think...)

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She looked over at the twins. "Thank you so much. It's nice to meet you too." She adopted a worried expression. "Do you think we will really make it out of here?" she then spoke in almost a whisper. "I don't want to go back to that room." As they continued along the passageway, she said, "Is there a wall or for that leads directly outside where we are going?"

@OceanBunny[/URL] @femjapanriceball
Ange smiled, watching the girl finish her apple. "Nice to meet you, Tasha. Glad you're here with us." She began running towards the west wing, feeling quite excited. Finally, they were all going to escape. She climbed up the stairs to that one loose wall. "'Kay. Let's see what you can do," she said, grinning.
She smiled weakly and placed her hand on the wall. She turned the music up to a probably dangerous amount. "That might speed things up." She sat there for a minute, slight vibrations going through the wall. She grinned, more energetic than before. "Got it!" She placed both hands on the wall and a larger vibration, along with a deep sound like a foghorn mixed with the Inception music. The wall groaned, then seemed to turn to almost a liquid, along with any of the same material wall in the surrounding area. It melted to the ground before slightly resolidifying, but still goopy. Tasha half expected a ray of rightous sunlight to bless her face, but had to settle for a cloudy, rainy day. A strong, warm wind flowed in through the hole, stirring up her hair. "Wow." she breathed. "It's beautiful." She stared in awe at the sky.

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Names Takia and this is he looks over towards Sebek I think the call him Sebek ,and she is?? He looks down to Luna. Huh I never got her name. He chuckled and puts Luna down when they make it too a loose wall. Seeing what the sky after god knows how long made Takia smile and tear with Joy @femjapanriceball
@Jasil[/URL] @Mistory1997 @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
Ange looked at the sky in awe. She hadn't seen it in twelve years. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Whoa....I...." She grinned, running out. "This is just wonderful!" And after a few minutes of gawking, she jumped out the hole, into freedom. The grass was a deep shade of green, the color of spring. Flowers bloomed on the Minnesota countryside, practically grinning at her. Ange ran through the fields, whooping excitedly."OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH—I'M FREE!"

Meanwhile, Aiden had made it to the gaping hole in the wall; like the other kids, his jaw dropped.
Tasha tried to run after Ange, but fell onto her knees, her weak legs trembling after so much exertion. She stared in wonder and slight confusion at the flowers around her. The sickly blue hospital gown she wore clashed with the nature. Tears ran freely down her face, having been locked in a single room and lashed to the same bed for seven years had taken its toll on her. Seeing the sky after staring up at the grey ceiling and fluorescent lights of her rarely opened cell was more magical to her than any of the abilities she has recently seen used. Goosebumps popped on her skin under the thin gown at the sheer wonder she felt. Her eyelids drooped in tiredness, worn out from the running and drugs and she fell onto her back, not having the strength to get back up. Her long hair splayed out along the grass and flowers. “Ange,” she called out weakly from the ground, but her voice as commanding and stern as a military officer. “We must not delay here too long. More guards will be coming and I don’t know how we will run or hide from them.”

@femjapanriceball @everone else around
Luna hopped to her feet, "Maybe you'll get to know me better, when we are NOT running for our lives. I'm Luna." She turned and jumped out the hole. Conjuring a small air current she got cushion to land on. @Embaga Elder
[QUOTE="Mr jake](Quick question Jasil, Embaga Elder who are you talking to?)

Hm? I guess I'm talking to them. I don't know everyone is talking at once all the time
(I'm in the same position I ran up to you and Embaga, But I don't think I described that very well do you think I need to change it or na)

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