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Fantasy Witch Hunt

Mitchs98 said:
Lucy and Alicia
Alicia sighed and frowned slightly as Ange started crying. After thinking for a few minutes how to best go about such a situation Alicia decided to get up, walk around, and hug her. "It's okay Ange. We don't blame you at all, this isn't your fault. You're stuck here as much as we are. Don't blame yourself, alright?" She told her. "We'll do whatever it takes to get out too, and we'll make it." She added.

Meanwhile Lucy was watching the scene between November, the guards, and Eden unfold. When Eden got up threatening the guards Lucy got up and stood alongside her. "
Yeah! Stop being mean to him! He didn't do anything!" She shouted defiantly. "Are you okay?" She asked November before glaring at the guards, practically daring them to hit him again.
Ange sniffled. ".......I-I dunno......it feels like I'm partially to blame for all of this. M-maybe.......I could have......no, I should have......I mean......." She sat up. "We......we need a plan. A good one. Do you think......what we came up with.....will it work?"
OceanBunny said:

Amelia & Emaline

"Thank you." Emaline said, leaning over to hug Alicia. Amelia shook her head lightly. "Just make sure you eat something other than sugar. You can't live on lollipops Em." She scolded her sister lightly. "But Alicia makes such yummy ones." Emaline replied, lollipop in mouth. "We should be able to avoid most injuries if we use my ability to know where the guards are, and Amy can always heal anyone who's injured." She tried to reassure her friend. "We might have to meet up again.. The guards will get suspicious if we all stay together for too long." Amelia glanced back towards the guards again.
femjapanriceball said:
Ange sniffled. ".......I-I dunno......it feels like I'm partially to blame for all of this. M-maybe.......I could have......no, I should have......I mean......." She sat up. "We......we need a plan. A good one. Do you think......what we came up with.....will it work?"
Lucy and Alicia

Alicia grinned at the compliment before nodding. "
Yeah, we might want to. Can't exactly eat breakfast forever." She replied. Ange seemed to of calmed down shortly after, which was good. Lucy sighed and nodded, "Yea. It should work nicely. And Alicia is right, this isn't your fault at all. We'll get out, don't worry." She told her.
femjapanriceball said:
Ange sniffled. ".......I-I dunno......it feels like I'm partially to blame for all of this. M-maybe.......I could have......no, I should have......I mean......." She sat up. "We......we need a plan. A good one. Do you think......what we came up with.....will it work?"
Mitchs98 said:
Lucy and Alicia
Alicia grinned at the compliment before nodding. "Yeah, we might want to. Can't exactly eat breakfast forever." She replied. Ange seemed to of calmed down shortly after, which was good. Lucy sighed and nodded, "Yea. It should work nicely. And Alicia is right, this isn't your fault at all. We'll get out, don't worry." She told her.

Amelia & Emaline

"I has to work.. I don't know how much more of these creeps and their tests I can take." Amelia said, glancing over at the guard table again. "It'll be alright Amy, we'll get out." Emaline reassured her sister, knowing that Amelia's main problem was that the tests always involved Emaline being harmed. Amelia sighed and nodded before turning to Ange. "What is the plan so far? We weren't here for that."

November silently watched the group have a conversation, and wrote a note: Interested, may I participate? Contact me with notes. He wrote, folded the note into a size of his finger, and threw it, though it was hard with his hands chained closely to each other. The note hit Amelia's head and fell to the table.

"Passing notes? Jeez, kids."

Said a guard. November shrugged.

randomizedrp said:
November silently watched the group have a conversation, and wrote a note: Interested, may I participate? Contact me with notes. He wrote, folded the note into a size of his finger, and threw it, though it was hard with his hands chained closely to each other. The note hit Amelia's head and fell to the table.
"Passing notes? Jeez, kids."

Said a guard. November shrugged.
Amelia & Emaline

Amelia shook her head lightly as something hit it. She looked down to see a folded piece of paper. She picked it up and unfolded it to read:

Interested, may I participate? Contact me with notes.

"What's that?" Emaline asked, leaning into her sister to read the note as well. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at November, lifting her hand to give a small wave. Amelia passed the note over to Lucy. "Looks like November wants in. Em do you think you could try contacting him without having everyone else's thoughts in your head." Emaline gave her sister a strange look at the question. 'You know I've only been able to properly communicate with one person other than you.' She silently reminded Amelia. 'I know but I thought you could at least try.. So we don't have to worry about the guards getting a hold of the notes.'
Luna was shoved into a room with people sitting at tables. She was sent to one with a tray of mushy stuff and sat. She began to eat and quickly stopped due to taste. Luna looked around at the other people and felt lonely, so she pushed her tray away
Hanako followed Luna in the room, she was sent down to the table across from Luna and tied to get her attention.

"Hey," Hanako whispered.
More people started to come looking for a way out of here. Sadly what we have so far isn't going to make it. All we have is that we're turning off the electrical system, and after that we're making our way out. Still don't know where we're going afters. He told Amelia. He leaned back in his chair, balancing it on its back two legs. He saw two new people come over to the table. Both seemed shy. So he decided to say hello. Hey guys. He said with a friendly smile. @OceanBunny @CurruptAngel @Jasil
(I'm going to go by my modo screw it, I'm just going to jump in so sorry if I make a mistake)

Jake glanced around in his cell "You know what I thought coming here would have more of a thrill" He frowned. A slot in the door opened up from his cell "Get up prisoner its time to eat" the guard said with a grimace in his eye "Really I did not notice my stomach is just growled like an animal" Jekkel said with a playing voice, the guard spit in his cell "I'm kidding but let's go" Jake got up from his cold spot on the ground and walked through the door. It was after 5 minutes of walking they got to the cafeteria "so you do know where you're going" The guard tripped Jekkel "Ya ya sorry" And he got back up and walked into the Cafeteria and got something to eat. It was not till he sat down when he noticed the food looked awful. "Is this even real food?" Jekkel said with curiosity and started poking it with his spoon "Its really mushy but food is food" He took a spoon full of the weird substance and spit it back out "No I was wrong that is not food" Jekkel looked around for some people to talk to, He saw a group of people but it was a rather large group. He decides to go over there, he started moving chair to chair to get there instead of getting up and walking over there. He got next to the group and sat there hoping to see if he could get some news drama or anything else entertaining.
Jasil said:
Luna looked up confused "What plan?"
The plan to escape this place of course. He said with a smirk. The very thought of freedom excited him. So far we know that there will be a team to turn off the power, and the others will make a break for it. Afters...wait I just thought of something. I know where we can go when we escape. My grandmother has a farm that she doesn't use anymore. It's just there collecting dust. We can hide out there. He turns to Ange. What do you think, Sounds good? @femjapanriceball @Jasil @everyone else
Luna considered this "okay, I'll join you. Is there any way I can help?"
Takia rubbed his chin as he thought about what she can do? You can help with the people who are breaking out while the electricity is out. How good are you with your abilities?? @Jasil
Luna looked down at her hands and let little sparks of light shoot up in bursts. "I'd say pretty good. And I'm a very skilled At things like changing one material into another." She placed her hand on her glass cup and closed her eyes. When she opened them, a metal cup sat in her hand. She smiled in satisfaction
Jekkel was starting to like what he was hearing "A escape plan eye that sounds fun, but how will I get in on the action" He scratched his chin and thought about it for a while "Hmmm, I'll just introduce myself, what's the worst thing that could happen" Jekkel walked up to the people with the plan "Hello I'm Jekkel and I'm just going to get straight to the point I heard something about a plan and I have some skills that might be of asset"
Luna looked at the newcomer with curiosity. She put the cup back down and it once again was glass. "What kind of purpose would you serve?"
"Well there are plenty of reasons but my main reasons are that I'm quiet and quick" Jekkel looked at her with a smile on his face "And on know your thinking if those are your main reasons why did you get caught, Well I came here on my own choice I wanted to see if there was anything her worth taking or maybe there would be a thrill, I was wrong. Then I heard about this plan of somebody and this sounds like it would be fun sooooo..... ya" He shifted uncomfortably waiting for an answer.

"The more the merrier, but really it's not up to me, talk to the big bosses." Luna gestured to the men sitting across from her
"I see I see, I will be right back" Jekkel walks over to the man she gestured to "Hello I was wondering if I could I don't know help with the escape and don't ask how I know, I just do.

@Embaga Elder
Takia shakes his head as he say I'm not the boss. She is. He pointed over towards Ange. But I'm pretty sure she won't turn you down. He looks over towards Ange. We have a lot of people now. You think we're good enough to start the escape. @femjapanriceball @Mr jake @Jasil @Everyone else
Luna smiles and shakes her head yes, eager to get out of here
@Jasil[/URL] @everyone else
Jasil said:
Luna looked down at her hands and let little sparks of light shoot up in bursts. "I'd say pretty good. And I'm a very skilled At things like changing one material into another." She placed her hand on her glass cup and closed her eyes. When she opened them, a metal cup sat in her hand. She smiled in satisfaction
@Jasil[/URL] @Everyone else
Ange grinned. "Actually, that sounds great. Right, then, my fellow escapees!" She raised her glass of (dirty) water as a toast. "Let's DO THIS!" Yes, she had been here the longest, but that didn't necessarily mean that she had abandoned all hope. That was Ange's strength; with her, giving up wasn't an option. She was positive they would make it out in one piece. The guard watching them raised his eyebrows. Ange splashed him with her magic; the guard was knocked back by the force. "Aiden!" Aiden turned around, practically giving Ange the army salute. "Turn yourself into him!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Aiden nodded and, soon enough, looked like the guard's twin. "What'll we do with him, though?"

"Hide him somewhere."

Aiden lifted the man, and, looking around, found only a window. He took a deep breath and pushed him out. "Sorry!"

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