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Fantasy Witch Hunt

November smirked as he saw the group work. He made sure he didn't look directly at them so the guards won't either. The escape would be easier if he helped them, but also much more dangerous. What would the choice be? He wrote a message and threw it at them. This time it landed on Ange's head. It read:

I can help you directly, but it might effect the plan greatly. Your opinion? Also, in note.

November relaxed as the guards joked to each other. They knew November always talked to others with notes, so they weren't so suspicious.
femjapanriceball said:
Ange grinned. "Actually, that sounds great. Right, then, my fellow escapees!" She raised her glass of (dirty) water as a toast. "Let's DO THIS!" Yes, she had been here the longest, but that didn't necessarily mean that she had abandoned all hope. That was Ange's strength; with her, giving up wasn't an option. She was positive they would make it out in one piece. The guard watching them raised his eyebrows. Ange splashed him with her magic; the guard was knocked back by the force. "Aiden!" Aiden turned around, practically giving Ange the army salute. "Turn yourself into him!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Aiden nodded and, soon enough, looked like the guard's twin. "What'll we do with him, though?"

"Hide him somewhere."

Aiden lifted the man, and, looking around, found only a window. He took a deep breath and pushed him out. "Sorry!"

Takia smiled as it was time for them to escape. He looks towards Sebek, and nods signaling him to transform. He him summoned his sword and charged towards November's guards. His body was coated in green Aura. He swings his bandaged sword twice release two wind slashes, one of each hits the guards. He sticks his hand out towards November. Let's escape. @femjapanriceball @Thatonechillgirl @Mr jake
Luna stood and watched them put the man out the window. She was very shocked but decided this wasn't the time for sentiments. "What can I do?"
November shrugged.

"I don't know about you guys, but I need tons of equipments with me for a normal life."

He said, standing up. His helmet beeped, but he managed to talk over it. He looked around at the group. Young, rebelous. He looked at himself. Dangerous yet tamed. Also stupid about the outer world. Will they welcome them if they made it out? What if there were rifle rounds rather than a round of applause? He was unsure. But, heck, he wanted to try. What about some sunlight?

"Your choice?"

He asked, as he looked at the hallway to his own room.
As soon as "do this" escaped her lips, a guard was unconcious against the table. Sebek glared, throwing him away with inhuman strength as he stood, cracking his knuckles. The remaining guards in the cafeteria got defensive. A quick swipe of the tongue wet his lips, and he grinned, eyes growing wild as his body shifted. Scales formed and bones relocated. The shift was seamless, and in seconds the creature gave a roar. He swiped a claw, a table sailing through the room,trapping a pair underneath. He started forward, colliding with a wall. Another step back, and he hit again, and then again. He stomped ahead as the wall crumbled, throwing a pair of unlucky guards to the side with ease,wreaking havoc on the hall as he charged, tearing through,causing as much mayhem as possible on the way
randomizedrp said:
November smirked as he saw the group work. He made sure he didn't look directly at them so the guards won't either. The escape would be easier if he helped them, but also much more dangerous. What would the choice be? He wrote a message and threw it at them. This time it landed on Ange's head. It read:
I can help you directly, but it might effect the plan greatly. Your opinion? Also, in note.

November relaxed as the guards joked to each other. They knew November always talked to others with notes, so they weren't so suspicious.
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Takia smiled as it was time for them to escape. He looks towards Sebek, and nods signaling him to transform. He him summoned his sword and charged towards November's guards. His body was coated in green Aura. He swings his bandaged sword twice release two wind slashes, one of each hits the guards. He sticks his hand out towards November. Let's escape. @femjapanriceball @Thatonechillgirl @Mr jake

randomizedrp said:
November shrugged.
"I don't know about you guys, but I need tons of equipments with me for a normal life."

He said, standing up. His helmet beeped, but he managed to talk over it. He looked around at the group. Young, rebelous. He looked at himself. Dangerous yet tamed. Also stupid about the outer world. Will they welcome them if they made it out? What if there were rifle rounds rather than a round of applause? He was unsure. But, heck, he wanted to try. What about some sunlight?

"Your choice?"

He asked, as he looked at the hallway to his own room.
Mistory1997 said:
As soon as "do this" escaped her lips, a guard was unconcious against the table. Sebek glared, throwing him away with inhuman strength as he stood, cracking his knuckles. The remaining guards in the cafeteria got defensive. A quick swipe of the tongue wet his lips, and he grinned, eyes growing wild as his body shifted. Scales formed and bones relocated. The shift was seamless, and in seconds the creature gave a roar. He swiped a claw, a table sailing through the room,trapping a pair underneath. He started forward, colliding with a wall. Another step back, and he hit again, and then again. He stomped ahead as the wall crumbled, throwing a pair of unlucky guards to the side with ease,wreaking havoc on the hall as he charged, tearing through,causing as much mayhem as possible on the way
Ange looked at the note for a moment. I think we should stick with this plan, she wrote, tossing it back to November before standing up. "Right." She grinned. "Okay, people, this is the day! This is it! I just want you guys to know one thing if something happens; those adults are afraid! They're afraid of the youth, and we are the youth! They fear our ideas, and we have the best ideas! But, most of all, they fear our magic! They want witches and wizards, let's show them witches and wizards!" She pumped her fist and then began running towards the control room. She knocked out the guards watching them, smirking. Okay......let's mess this thing up! She cracked her neck and, after stretching, drenched the entire room. Electricity crackled; all the lights in the building went out and the cell doors automatically opened. Bingo!
Eden had collected her valued items, and changed into some kind of...suit. Her eyes shimmered purple, a little red shining towards her pupil. Crystals shot up from the ground, impaling or throwing guards as she returned from her cell. She held the little girl tightly to her chest, leaping down the stairs and landing on a platform of her ice.

"YIPEE!" She cried, and froze her bracelets, which shattered. She'd always been told she'd be shot in sight if she removed them, but who would shoot her now?
A girl staggered up to the group, sickly thin and with a muzzle on her mouth. A needle with a tube still attached was hanging out of her arm. She was clawing at the muzzle trying to get it off. It seemed to be damaged, and she was slowly turning blue. Grabbing onto the girl with red hair, she made pleading motions and pointed at the mask. Her grip was weak and trembling, her skin extremely pale and slightly translucent.

[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]A girl staggered up to the group, sickly thin and with a muzzle on her mouth. A needle with a tube still attached was hanging out of her arm. She was clawing at the muzzle trying to get it off. It seemed to be damaged, and she was slowly turning blue. Grabbing onto the girl with red hair, she made pleading motions and pointed at the mask. Her grip was weak and trembling, her skin extremely pale and slightly translucent.

Ange looked at the girl clinging to her with a calm expression, then, very carefully, removed the mask. "Hey, it's all right. We're getting out of here." She nodded. That poor girl. Ange couldn't imagine being stuck with that thing covering her face. She took a minute to make sure the girl was okay, then, seeing guards running towards them, grabbed the girl's hand and bolted, sending a tidal wave at the guards.
While they ran (her being more dragged along than running) she tried to open her mouth to speak, but coughed violently instead. She finally got out a few words in a hoarse voice. "Thank you. I haven't talked for so long. I... I need my headphones. Please. I-" she coughed again. "I need them." The needle in her arm fell out, and she began to bleed. She appeared not to notice. Turning her head back to the guards she let out a horrible screech that reverberated down the corridor, making the guards clutch their ears and fall over. She slumped in the girl's grasp more, being dragged even more so than before.

Mistory1997 said:
As soon as "do this" escaped her lips, a guard was unconcious against the table. Sebek glared, throwing him away with inhuman strength as he stood, cracking his knuckles. The remaining guards in the cafeteria got defensive. A quick swipe of the tongue wet his lips, and he grinned, eyes growing wild as his body shifted. Scales formed and bones relocated. The shift was seamless, and in seconds the creature gave a roar. He swiped a claw, a table sailing through the room,trapping a pair underneath. He started forward, colliding with a wall. Another step back, and he hit again, and then again. He stomped ahead as the wall crumbled, throwing a pair of unlucky guards to the side with ease,wreaking havoc on the hall as he charged, tearing through,causing as much mayhem as possible on the way
Takia followed behind Sebek watching his people came towards him from behind he sliced them down with wind slashes. He looked towards Sebek who was mowing people down. He will soon get tired. Takia used his green Aura, creating a gush of wind lifting him onto Sebek's back. He grabs onto his back. Yo, it's me. Don't attack me. I'm about to hook you up with some extra strength and energy. Takia's aura turned from green to red and he infuses Sebek with red aura increasing his physical condition. Make him stronger, faster, more agile, ect. @Mistory1997
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Lucy and Alicia

Lucy and Alicia sat there mostly silent the entire time everyone was talking, the only noise they made whispering to each other about the plan and escaping. Apparently they were to all go to some abandoned farm Takia knew about, or something, after they escaped. It wasn't long after that the plan was thrust into action, or rather escape was seeing as Ange ran off to the electric room herself. Chaos ensued and the two soon found themselves still on the table riding out said chaos. If they moved inititally they'd probably get trampled. They kinda just hung back, Lucy tazing any guards she saw nearby. Once a breach was made they'd make a break for it with the rest.

Sakura and Lynn

Sakura was held in one of the higher security cells due to her power, and thus wasn't informed of nor did she know about the escape plan. Or rather, she didn't until she heard sounds of fighting and her cell door was opened. This brought a smile to her face, walking out of the cell she summoned Lynn who in turn rammed a guard into a wall with a sheet of metal. "
Looks like we can finally leave this place..you ready Lynn?" She asked her. "Of course I am! Let's go!" She replied before running off to the cafeteria and where the action was at. Sakura of course chased after her, by the time she got there two guards were already down. "Looks like we're a bit late..oh well." Sakura mused.

Lynn, staff." She told her while holding her hand out. About a minute later Lynn tossed a staff over to her which Sakura used to knock out the nearest guard.
Luna just followed the others, unsure of how to aid the escape. She hadn't run like this in a long time, she was getting tired.
"One minute it was just a peaceful afternoon in the cafeteria, then the next minute someone summoned satin in dragon form or something I don't really know" Jekkel looked around the room "Ya this is basically hell, let's go steal some stuff" Jekkel tries to sneak out of the room even tho there was no reason to everyone was distracted but you can never be too safe. Jekkel broke out into a sprint looking for the weapons room, "Nope, Nope, Nope, There it is, he opened the door with extream caution making sure there was no one in there but there was to his luck. Jekkel walked up behind the guard unnoticed "I wonder if a vulkin death pinch would work like in the movies" He tried it on the guard, guess what it did not work, in return he got a good sock in the mouth "Well that was not very nice" Jekkel wiped the blood from his mouth. The guard tries to shoot Jekkel but he ducks for cover, "this was not a good idea, wait I'm in the weapons room" He reaches over grabs a sword and a pistol and peers from behind his little box and shoots the guards gun out of his hand, "I'm not one on killing consider yourself lucky. He jumps from behind his box and smashes the butt of the gun on his head "I think I'll keep these weapons but I should probably grab most of them for the group. 10 minutes later Jekkel has a backpack full of weapons and even more in his arms. He gets to a good spot to Rest while he waits for the rest of the group.

(Sorry for the crappy post's I have been busy and rushing to get these posts out)
The beast went rigid as he felt a weight on his back. At first he thrashed, thinking a guard had gotten to him. Realizing he was wrong, He turned back to the hall. Then the energy flooded his system. In response, his physical actually grew in response.his claws extends and he flexed, before releasing a chilling roar. This was good. This was very good. He continued down the hall, dragging his claws across the walls and swiping at any guard that foolishly crossed his path

@Embaga Elder

November sighed. Would it frighten them? He slowly walked away from everyone among the chaos, until he thought that he was far enough. He took a deep breath, and turned off his helmet. He breathed calmly until his helmet melted enough to take off. Luckily his suit concealed his neck so his body wasn't exposed to the air. He breathed on the chains to melt them.

"Jolly day."

He muttered as he wrinkled his skinny face. He could be a turning point to the escape, good or bad.
Eden watched him in awe. "Woah...that's really cool." She murmured. She looked around, ignoring the madness, then back to him "can I kiss your cheek now, toxic boy?" She asked, smiling a little.

November backed away.

"You'll die."

He said. He moved as far away as he could, and scanned his surroundings. The disease won't last too far away from him, so staying away from others would be better. He slowly walked towards his cell, away from Eden.

"I'm only grabbing my things."

He said. The slow walk gradually turned to a sprint. He reached his cell, and stopped. He looked around. Would he live out there? When everything melts away at his breath? He grabbed a bag full of small white balls the size of candies. He then opened a box to fish out a small gas mask.

"No more beeping."

He said, as he put it on. The gas mask started operating with a whir. Science.

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"Maybe this will help..." She slowly began to frost over, her entire body covered in a layer of ice. She was beside him in a flash, removing his gas mask just enough, and despite her offer to kiss his cheek, landed one on his lips. She then stepped away, and the ice melted off in seconds. She grinned.

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November flinched.

"What is wrong with your attitude? You almost put yourself into a great risk."

He said.

"Go join your friends or something."

He turned around and wore the gas mask again. He headed out of his cell, and went out back to the scene. What a day. He never dreamed of this much, but now he saw it. The youth fighting back. If they fail, they'll be remembered. If they succeed, they'll be out. Either ways, they'll show that they can fight back. He walked, slowly, towards the exit, careful to keep distance.
She frowned softly, her grin completely gone.

"Sorry, then..." She murmured, and ran off to the join the others, albeit slower, and a lot less excited.
While on Sebek, Takia looked back, and sees Luna dragging behind. Come on girl hurry up!! He yelled. Seeing that she was getting tired. He hopes off Sebek with red aura flowing off of him. The red aura increased his physical condition and he bursted towards the girl at high speed. He stops right in front of her, looking at the guards with guns behind her. He grabs and craddles her in his arms. He turns and runs releasing a burst wave that pushes the guards back on their backs.

Takia managed to catch up with Sebek and slowed down Matching his speed.
Yo, I get a new friend. @Jasil @Mistory1997

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