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Fantasy Witch Hunt

Flecker said:


The male lowers his lifted leg down on the grass, once the prison shoe that he's wearing reached the ground he darted his eyes to the various spots in this outside world, however as he about to do a complete scan on his surroundings his ears perked at the various questions being fired at him. Seeing their curiosity and a possible better way to end this uprising he lets out a sigh and moved one of his hands to the back of his head scratching it. A small chuckle escaped his lips, knowing someone probably won't be pleased if he speaks the truth the young male takes some steps back, he moved his legs tapping the tip against the ground readying for an attack.

"Now everyone, what are we doing here? We got what we want right?"

He sniffed in the air around him, his old memories of living in a simple and yet beautiful farm where he studied the beauties of nature. Can't blame him fully since he's making this deal with the guards to secure his own freedom, associating himself with the rebels would only made his life more complicated right? Even if they did manage to escape the facility it would still be a life full of threats, haunted by soldiers, guards and no more quiet Sundays where he can spent his time sleeping around.

"So people our mind are fresh, we've seen what we want, now isn't it the time to get back to our cells? It's really cruel the outer world right? I guess we'll be safe here, so can we all return to the building?"

A mind full of propaganda, they gave the deal of course with an education first.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
"You're joking, right?" Ange cocked an eyebrow, holding Tasha closer to her. "I am not going back in there." She raised her arm, preparing to splash the guy in case he was going to fight against them. "Whose side are you on, anyways?!"

"You're gonna have to go past me first," Aiden said, blocking Pong's way. "Nobody here is going back into the facility."

@Mr jake @Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
Jekkel looked at the man with his pistol pointing at the man "I guessed it I guessed it where's my money?" he looked at the man with an odd look on his face. "Tell me one reason I should not kill you right now, And let me tell you that is a bold statement from someone who does not like killing" He shifted uncomfortably "I rather not do this but when push comes to shove" He looked down his sights, he had a perfect shot but he did not shot. "Get out of here already!" @femjapanriceball
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The male was merely trying to persuade the group in the nicest way possible, he knew some of the people there and he certainly would opt not to attack them in anyway, he understood the same pain that they endured, however being a young naive man with simple thoughts and no complicated thinking he just accepts the guards' offer. As he about to continue addressing the multiple opinions of the people, a gun was lifted to his direction and another younger male suddenly leaped down blocking his advances. His grin grows wider as he saw the group's reaction, it's all just fun and games to Pong.

"Now now, that's quite a dangerous game right? Gun pointing, blocking me, resisting the righteous order, is this really how you want to live your life?"

He taps his chin as he kept his eyes to his front as his legs started moving closer to the tree which the younger male jumped down, the male's ears perked as he heard jackboots marching noises in the distant, outnumbered and possibly outgunned he can only stall them for a few moments at best and let the big guys take care of the rest. Going past the man in front of him would probably take a few minutes, but even then the gun is another problem. Once he's close enough with the tree he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Y'know I had high hopes on you guys, they're going to give us cookies and stuffs! But since I can't save you from this unrealistic dream that you have, I guess I have no choice"

The small movements that he did to the tree should be unnoticeable, even if it did it just a simple gait that he did that won't raise suspicions. He's quite close to the tree and thus the male raised his right leg, the limb slowly light up with the red color, extreme heat suddenly engulfs the leg. If he can't defeat them as group then perhaps he just need a chaotic scene where everyone would scatter.

"Please forgive me"

The heated up legs and superhuman strength powered by his own magical energy soon made a powerful contact with the tree, with such force and heat it should be broke the tree and made it fell down on the group or possibly in front of them. Due to the heat it would also probably caught fire, with these two combined then his chance of separating them and taking out one by one is high. A sly grin would appear on his face if it's indeed successful.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
Luna screamed and jumped back, using another air current to catch herself. Panicking she reached towards the falling tree and tried to change its material into fabric instead of wood, but the heat burned her hand before she got a chance. Her magic couldn't save her, so she crawled away from the tree
The last thing Jekkel heard before panicking was please forgive me, Jekkel was puzzled when he heard this then he noticed the Giant burning tree that was about to land on the group. "Why man why would you do this we are on the same team" He was trying to act quick but his legs were kind of numb so he could not do much, but then Jekkel noticed that was the tree that he had landed in before the fire extinguisher was still in there, "This is going to be a mess" (Sigh) When the tree fell there was white foam everywhere. He could not see if his friends were ok. He wiped the foam out of his eyes "You crossed the line" he yelled at the top of his voice. He tried to shoot his gun but the foam must have damaged it somehow. He tried to grab his bag praying that the backpack protected the other weapons. He unslung the bag from his shoulder and unzipped it. He was able to grab another pistol, he found his target and started shooting.

Flecker said:


The male was merely trying to persuade the group in the nicest way possible, he knew some of the people there and he certainly would opt not to attack them in anyway, he understood the same pain that they endured, however being a young naive man with simple thoughts and no complicated thinking he just accepts the guards' offer. As he about to continue addressing the multiple opinions of the people, a gun was lifted to his direction and another younger male suddenly leaped down blocking his advances. His grin grows wider as he saw the group's reaction, it's all just fun and games to Pong.

"Now now, that's quite a dangerous game right? Gun pointing, blocking me, resisting the righteous order, is this really how you want to live your life?"

He taps his chin as he kept his eyes to his front as his legs started moving closer to the tree which the younger male jumped down, the male's ears perked as he heard jackboots marching noises in the distant, outnumbered and possibly outgunned he can only stall them for a few moments at best and let the big guys take care of the rest. Going past the man in front of him would probably take a few minutes, but even then the gun is another problem. Once he's close enough with the tree he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Y'know I had high hopes on you guys, they're going to give us cookies and stuffs! But since I can't save you from this unrealistic dream that you have, I guess I have no choice"

The small movements that he did to the tree should be unnoticeable, even if it did it just a simple gait that he did that won't raise suspicions. He's quite close to the tree and thus the male raised his right leg, the limb slowly light up with the red color, extreme heat suddenly engulfs the leg. If he can't defeat them as group then perhaps he just need a chaotic scene where everyone would scatter.

"Please forgive me"

The heated up legs and superhuman strength powered by his own magical energy soon made a powerful contact with the tree, with such force and heat it should be broke the tree and made it fell down on the group or possibly in front of them. Due to the heat it would also probably caught fire, with these two combined then his chance of separating them and taking out one by one is high. A sly grin would appear on his face if it's indeed successful.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder @femjapanriceball
Aiden watched Pong set the tree on fire. Them's fighting words. Fortunately, Ange had water magic, so she at least solved the burning part.

"Everyone SCATTER!" she yelled. Always the leader type.

"Nobody interfere--Jekkel and I will take care of it!" Aiden added, his body glowing as he turned into a demon. His voice was now significantly deeper. "Pong....I'm warning you....there are ladies and children here...."

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98
Luna tried to go towards the others, crawling on her knees and cradling her burnt hand. She found some girls nearby and went to them. She watched the chaos unfold in front of her
Tasha's eyes snapped open, and she seemed even more alert than before, though not in a good way. Panic filled her eyes, her chest heaving, wide eyes, trembling limbs. Her fear gave her strength though, and she clung to Ange with an iron grip. Her unsteady eyes looked up at her, almost about to cry. "Ange. A-Ange? W-whats going o-on? Are the g-guards c-coming?" She began to tremble even more, her grip unconciously becoming tighter. "P-Please, I don't want to g-go back t-there." She looked at her with pleading eyes, then yelled out to seemingly nowhere. "Why would you do this?! How could you be so cruel as to give us hope and take it away?!" She pressed herself onto Ange and began to cry. Her thin frame had lost it's strength once more and she put almost all of her weight on her.



His grin grows wider as he saw the children started scattering, happiness and success slowly started to be visible in his sight, the sound of marching soldiers shoes also brought even more glee to his smile, as he saw one of the group members injured, he's about to kick the ground in order to pursue and attack her, however as he prepared himself a stray bullet hits his right shoulder giving him a slight tingle, but not completely disabling him due to his adrenaline rush the pain was blocked for this moment at least. The male narrowed his eyes on the two blocking his path.

"Ah resistance! This is getting fun no?"

Holding the blood flowing from his shoulder with his left hand the male then rolled his eyes on his surroundings, he watched the flame being put out with water and the white foam. His goal is not to kill, only to maim and round them up for the steel prison. The two legs grew bright red again, kicking the ground once he propelled himself up quite high above the ground, knowing he's outnumbered he decides to do another technique for this wide range.


Whilst he's in mid air he rapidly kicks at the group and the burnt tree, combining speed and heat coming from his legs he created a rain of fire directing them at the group, however his aim isn't as good as usual, the pain from his shoulder slowly started to appear making him lose a little concentration.

@Jasil[/URL] @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
Ange reddened slightly as Tasha gripped her. Then she said that last thing; "give us hope and take it away".

Take it away....?

No. No! Absolutely not!

She looked into Tasha's eyes with her own. Both of them had gone through a lot, and now Tasha was crying. What was she supposed to say? She was just as scared as the others, but she had to be strong. After all, she was the leader. The tree got closer to them; she attacked it with water again then bolted for the bus, lifting Tasha and carrying her there.

"Come on! We've gotta get out of here!" A group of guards blocked the bus. Well, shit. Ange looked wildly around; she was at least going to have to save Tasha. She ran towards another car; she'd only done this in theory. She said a quick prayer, turned the ignition key in, then began driving as far as she could, ninety miles an hour, until she and Tasha were fifty-nine miles from the prison. The car stopped with a jolt at the side of a river; Ange turned to Tasha, a grim smile on her face. Fuck. In the panic, I left everyone behind!


Aiden watched Ange run for it with Tasha and knew that, while her heart was in the right place, the girl had panicked. He sighed and, still in his demon form, motioned for the others to get on his back. It looked as though it was up to him to be the chauffeur for magical child escapees.

@Jasil @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Luna hesitantly climbed on the demon. Using Minor magic she helped herself stay on.
Tasha shivered in the passenger seat of the car, pulling the jacket tighter around her. Her face was a little green, and she was swaying from side to side, dizzy and nauseous. She looked outside the window, in complete shock and confusion. "Are we, free? What does this mean?" She had never considered actually leaving the compound forever before, not having remembered much from her life before. She seemed confused by the notion. "Well, what do we do now?" Her eyes widened and she turned back to Ange, "Wait, what happened to the others? Are they still there?! We need to-" She stopped before she said "go back," as the idea of it absolutely terrified her and went against all of her instincts. Her face twitched, in an internal conflict as to go back or run as far away as she possibly could. She looked at Ange, her brow schrunching up in a cute way. "Do you think they will find a way here too...?" She said doubtfully. "And by the way, what year is it?" She almost didn't want to know the answer, as it would tell her how much of her childhood, her life, had been spent in that room.



Looking down to see if his attack is successful he realized that it turns out one of them is quite proficient with water magic. Weak against the element he decided to cease his rain of fire, instead he used his remaining energy to harden his leg decreasing the pressure and pain from landing. Once he's on the ground again he takes a look at the panicked crowd, however his eyes quickly shifted to the group about to run towards the vehicle. A demon was sighted, noticing the creature's attention is on getting the children to safety. He decides to take care of this one.

Kicking the ground and the air around him he increases his speed keeping his eyes on the demon. Once he's within a close range using his remaining energy he heated his leg up once again.

"No more magic water eh?"

Taking advantage of the demonic creature's attention on the children leaping on his back, he uses his remaining strength to do a low kicking movement sending out a flaming bladelike sharp projectile, aiming to sweep the creature's legs and possibly tripping those who tried to escape. His grip on the shoulder tighten as he felt more pain started to catch up.

Jekkel was outraged, He has not had friends in a long time and suddenly this guy tries to take them away from him "Do you know how long I have been alone needing help with no one there to lean on but then I met these people, granite I have not known them very long but still they at least help other people that need it, Including me so how about you just screw off" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He kept shooting then a bunch of kicks came his way they were easy to dodge but with Jekkel's weakened leg it was rather hard to keep up.

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Luna saw the magic coming and sent out a burst of her own magic to push their attackers away
Allen watched as Pong and the others clashed. He was hiding behind a tree, fresh from his escape. However, not hearing their conversation, he didn't know if they were escapees or kids yet to be arrested.


He told himself. Then, he got a stupid idea. Risky and stupid idea. He summoned a random object into the middle of the scene, and counted to five. Just then, a small piano fell into the ground from thin air with a loud thud.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake @Flecker
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder @femjapanriceball
Jasil said:
Luna saw the magic coming and sent out a burst of her own magic to push their attackers away
Flecker said:


Looking down to see if his attack is successful he realized that it turns out one of them is quite proficient with water magic. Weak against the element he decided to cease his rain of fire, instead he used his remaining energy to harden his leg decreasing the pressure and pain from landing. Once he's on the ground again he takes a look at the panicked crowd, however his eyes quickly shifted to the group about to run towards the vehicle. A demon was sighted, noticing the creature's attention is on getting the children to safety. He decides to take care of this one.

Kicking the ground and the air around him he increases his speed keeping his eyes on the demon. Once he's within a close range using his remaining energy he heated his leg up once again.

"No more magic water eh?"

Taking advantage of the demonic creature's attention on the children leaping on his back, he uses his remaining strength to do a low kicking movement sending out a flaming bladelike sharp projectile, aiming to sweep the creature's legs and possibly tripping those who tried to escape. His grip on the shoulder tighten as he felt more pain started to catch up.

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
Aiden growled at the boy, who had just shot a sharp object at what was normally his left arm. He let out a roar of pain and began to randomly sweep his good arm at the boy. But then it hit the prison, breaking several windows and walls. Ouch. He roared even louder, both of his arms now badly injured. He reared up; several of the guards ran for it. He roared again, still motioning at the others to jump on. He was determined to get everyone out of here alive. He took a step forward. That guy wasn't going to stop him.


Knowing that his leg abilities have decreased significantly due to him focusing his energy on healing his wound and the bleeding shoulder getting worse he already expected that the creature won't be disabled. He saw the creature roaring in pain and raging around the ground, seeing the sharp hands about hitting him, he relaxes his body flowing like the water moving out of the way using his martial arts skills to finally get to a clearing where there's no rubbles


Taking a look to the back he noticed a group of guards started approaching the group and him. The chaos, walls collapsing, glasses breaking, people escaping, his body not in a great shape greatly decreased his chance of an accomplished mission, knowing that if he's not successful he'd be facing capital punishment, he decides to change his plan. Observing the rubble and dust around him, he decides to perform his last move, he leaped forward at the guards. A rush of adrenaline quickly blocked the pain from his shoulder and he quickly moves to a handstand pose, using his last energy he quickly spins his legs making quick rotation stirring the dust and possibly hitting some of the prison staff in the face.

The blinding dust moved by his legs should provide enough cover for him and the others to escape, but there's no thoughts in his mind about cooperating with the escapees.

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She stared at Ange, seeming to be frozen. "But, that would mean, that would mean I was in that one room, that one room for, for seven years?" Her voice grew into a whisper near the end. "Then, I'm sixteen now. I was nine when I came here. I haven't eaten for seven years. Wow." She laughed, but it was hollow. "Man, I wish I had had mush ever morning, instead of needles every second. Especially for someone with a phobia of needles." She glanced uncomprehendingly at the candy she was being offered. "Oh. Is that food? Why is it small and square like that?"

[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]She stared at Ange, seeming to be frozen. "But, that would mean, that would mean I was in that one room, that one room for, for seven years?" Her voice grew into a whisper near the end. "Then, I'm sixteen now. I was nine when I came here. I haven't eaten for seven years. Wow." She laughed, but it was hollow. "Man, I wish I had had mush ever morning, instead of needles every second. Especially for someone with a phobia of needles." She glanced uncomprehendingly at the candy she was being offered. "Oh. Is that food? Why is it small and square like that?"

Ange looked sadly at Tasha. "Wow.....they treated you even worse than they treated me....and that's saying something. I've been in there for twelve years, though." She sighed, but attempted to brighten up. "But hey, you should totally eat as many of these as possible--I've heard that they're delicious!" She took a bite of the Starburst. "And what I've heard is correct! It's candy!" She grinned eagerly, practically stuffing Tasha's hands with the sweets.
Tahsa looked down. "Yeah, well, they were trying to get something out of me..." When she was offered piles of the candy, she tentatively bit into one, not even taking the wrapper off. "You know this sort of has a weird texture-" She realized her mistake and sheepishly pulled the wrapper out of her mouth, and blushing, she shoved it into one of the seat cracks. She then tried another one of the treats, pulling thewrapper off awkwardly and her eyes widened as she chewed it slowly and laboriously. "This is amazing! But now my teeth hurt. And my jaw aches." Despite what she had just said, she unwrapped and began chewing copious amounts at once, wincing as she ate, but at the same time in complete bliss. "Mmmmmmmmmm thhgs ijois skoo ghjood..." she said with her mouth full, then turned beet red and looked pointedly toward the window.

[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]Tahsa looked down. "Yeah, well, they were trying to get something out of me..." When she was offered piles of the candy, she tentatively bit into one, not even taking the wrapper off. "You know this sort of has a weird texture-" She realized her mistake and sheepishly pulled the wrapper out of her mouth, and blushing, she shoved it into one of the seat cracks. She then tried another one of the treats, pulling thewrapper off awkwardly and her eyes widened as she chewed it slowly and laboriously. "This is amazing! But now my teeth hurt. And my jaw aches." Despite what she had just said, she unwrapped and began chewing copious amounts at once, wincing as she ate, but at the same time in complete bliss. "Mmmmmmmmmm thhgs ijois skoo ghjood..." she said with her mouth full, then turned beet red and looked pointedly toward the window.

Ange laughed, her usual tinkling laugh, then took a bite out of the Hershey's. It tasted like heaven on earth. She grinned a very chocolatey grin at Tasha and sighed. "God, this tastes so good after twelve years of flavorless food." She laid backwards in the seat. Despite having been through hell to get here, she finally felt as though she could put down her hair. She took another bite of the chocolate. Two refugee girls sitting in a stolen car, eating candy. What's the worst that could happen?
As the starburst in her mouth slowly disappeared, she somehow figured out how to open a doritos bag and ate it in a span of 5 seconds. She dusted her hands off, cheese and crumbs falling slowly to the floor of the car. "Well, what do we do now? Can you get to that farm they mentioned?" Tasha frowned. "Like, what would we do? What do people do in life? I, i'm not sure if out here we can survive. How will we get food? And water? I have no idea, I'm used to having those things pumped into me. And I can barely walk. So how can we live?" She looked up at Ange. "I know one thing though, I'd rather die out here then so called "live" in that place." She said this with absolute conviction.

femjapanriceball said:
Ange sighed, looking around. "A vehicle, huh? How about......that?" She pointed at a prison bus parked right outside of the facility, sort of reluctant to at first. After all, it was just another reminder of the cruelty everyone had been shown. She bit her lip, but couldn't really find anything to say. She smiled, seeing Tasha fall asleep. What if this had been their destiny to break out? What if....they were all going to be the heroes?
The ground shook beneath Aiden as Pong decided to land right next to him. He let out an audible gasp and nearly fell over.
"W-whoaaaaaa.....be careful...." he mumbled. He sighed slightly. "What're you up to, Pong?"
femjapanriceball said:
"You're joking, right?" Ange cocked an eyebrow, holding Tasha closer to her. "I am not going back in there." She raised her arm, preparing to splash the guy in case he was going to fight against them. "Whose side are you on, anyways?!"
"You're gonna have to go past me first," Aiden said, blocking Pong's way. "Nobody here is going back into the facility."

@Mr jake @femjapanriceball
Flecker said:


The male was merely trying to persuade the group in the nicest way possible, he knew some of the people there and he certainly would opt not to attack them in anyway, he understood the same pain that they endured, however being a young naive man with simple thoughts and no complicated thinking he just accepts the guards' offer. As he about to continue addressing the multiple opinions of the people, a gun was lifted to his direction and another younger male suddenly leaped down blocking his advances. His grin grows wider as he saw the group's reaction, it's all just fun and games to Pong.

"Now now, that's quite a dangerous game right? Gun pointing, blocking me, resisting the righteous order, is this really how you want to live your life?"

He taps his chin as he kept his eyes to his front as his legs started moving closer to the tree which the younger male jumped down, the male's ears perked as he heard jackboots marching noises in the distant, outnumbered and possibly outgunned he can only stall them for a few moments at best and let the big guys take care of the rest. Going past the man in front of him would probably take a few minutes, but even then the gun is another problem. Once he's close enough with the tree he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Y'know I had high hopes on you guys, they're going to give us cookies and stuffs! But since I can't save you from this unrealistic dream that you have, I guess I have no choice"

The small movements that he did to the tree should be unnoticeable, even if it did it just a simple gait that he did that won't raise suspicions. He's quite close to the tree and thus the male raised his right leg, the limb slowly light up with the red color, extreme heat suddenly engulfs the leg. If he can't defeat them as group then perhaps he just need a chaotic scene where everyone would scatter.

"Please forgive me"

The heated up legs and superhuman strength powered by his own magical energy soon made a powerful contact with the tree, with such force and heat it should be broke the tree and made it fell down on the group or possibly in front of them. Due to the heat it would also probably caught fire, with these two combined then his chance of separating them and taking out one by one is high. A sly grin would appear on his face if it's indeed successful.

@femjapanriceball @Mr jake
@Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Embaga Elder @femjapanriceball
femjapanriceball said:
Aiden watched Pong set the tree on fire. Them's fighting words. Fortunately, Ange had water magic, so she at least solved the burning part.

"Everyone SCATTER!" she yelled. Always the leader type.

"Nobody interfere--Jekkel and I will take care of it!" Aiden added, his body glowing as he turned into a demon. His voice was now significantly deeper. "Pong....I'm warning you....there are ladies and children here...."

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98
Flecker said:


His grin grows wider as he saw the children started scattering, happiness and success slowly started to be visible in his sight, the sound of marching soldiers shoes also brought even more glee to his smile, as he saw one of the group members injured, he's about to kick the ground in order to pursue and attack her, however as he prepared himself a stray bullet hits his right shoulder giving him a slight tingle, but not completely disabling him due to his adrenaline rush the pain was blocked for this moment at least. The male narrowed his eyes on the two blocking his path.

"Ah resistance! This is getting fun no?"

Holding the blood flowing from his shoulder with his left hand the male then rolled his eyes on his surroundings, he watched the flame being put out with water and the white foam. His goal is not to kill, only to maim and round them up for the steel prison. The two legs grew bright red again, kicking the ground once he propelled himself up quite high above the ground, knowing he's outnumbered he decides to do another technique for this wide range.


Whilst he's in mid air he rapidly kicks at the group and the burnt tree, combining speed and heat coming from his legs he created a rain of fire directing them at the group, however his aim isn't as good as usual, the pain from his shoulder slowly started to appear making him lose a little concentration.

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
femjapanriceball said:
Ange reddened slightly as Tasha gripped her. Then she said that last thing; "give us hope and take it away".
Take it away....?

No. No! Absolutely not!

She looked into Tasha's eyes with her own. Both of them had gone through a lot, and now Tasha was crying. What was she supposed to say? She was just as scared as the others, but she had to be strong. After all, she was the leader. The tree got closer to them; she attacked it with water again then bolted for the bus, lifting Tasha and carrying her there.

"Come on! We've gotta get out of here!" A group of guards blocked the bus. Well, shit. Ange looked wildly around; she was at least going to have to save Tasha. She ran towards another car; she'd only done this in theory. She said a quick prayer, turned the ignition key in, then began driving as far as she could, ninety miles an hour, until she and Tasha were fifty-nine miles from the prison. The car stopped with a jolt at the side of a river; Ange turned to Tasha, a grim smile on her face. Fuck. In the panic, I left everyone behind!


Aiden watched Ange run for it with Tasha and knew that, while her heart was in the right place, the girl had panicked. He sighed and, still in his demon form, motioned for the others to get on his back. It looked as though it was up to him to be the chauffeur for magical child escapees.

@Jasil @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Flecker said:


Looking down to see if his attack is successful he realized that it turns out one of them is quite proficient with water magic. Weak against the element he decided to cease his rain of fire, instead he used his remaining energy to harden his leg decreasing the pressure and pain from landing. Once he's on the ground again he takes a look at the panicked crowd, however his eyes quickly shifted to the group about to run towards the vehicle. A demon was sighted, noticing the creature's attention is on getting the children to safety. He decides to take care of this one.

Kicking the ground and the air around him he increases his speed keeping his eyes on the demon. Once he's within a close range using his remaining energy he heated his leg up once again.

"No more magic water eh?"

Taking advantage of the demonic creature's attention on the children leaping on his back, he uses his remaining strength to do a low kicking movement sending out a flaming bladelike sharp projectile, aiming to sweep the creature's legs and possibly tripping those who tried to escape. His grip on the shoulder tighten as he felt more pain started to catch up.

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
femjapanriceball said:
Ange smiled sadly. "Yes, we're free. I think we should just stay here until the others come." She fiddled with her hairbows again, just another sign that she was worried for them, then she laid down next to a tree. "What year....? Let's see.....I think it's.....2079. And I'm sure the others will make it." She frowned for a minute, only reminded of all twelve years spent imprisoned, then she stood up. "Right. I'm gonna try and get some food. Maybe there's some in the glove compartment." She scavenged through the car, and managed to find an entire bag of Starbursts, a Hershey's chocolate bar, and three bags of Doritos. She drooled. "Woooow.....this is not the mush we had this morning. Here, have one." She handed a Starburst to Tasha, trying her best to make light of the situation.
Aiden growled at the boy, who had just shot a sharp object at what was normally his left arm. He let out a roar of pain and began to randomly sweep his good arm at the boy. But then it hit the prison, breaking several windows and walls. Ouch. He roared even louder, both of his arms now badly injured. He reared up; several of the guards ran for it. He roared again, still motioning at the others to jump on. He was determined to get everyone out of here alive. He took a step forward. That guy wasn't going to stop him.
Flecker said:


Knowing that his leg abilities have decreased significantly due to him focusing his energy on healing his wound and the bleeding shoulder getting worse he already expected that the creature won't be disabled. He saw the creature roaring in pain and raging around the ground, seeing the sharp hands about hitting him, he relaxes his body flowing like the water moving out of the way using his martial arts skills to finally get to a clearing where there's no rubbles


Taking a look to the back he noticed a group of guards started approaching the group and him. The chaos, walls collapsing, glasses breaking, people escaping, his body not in a great shape greatly decreased his chance of an accomplished mission, knowing that if he's not successful he'd be facing capital punishment, he decides to change his plan. Observing the rubble and dust around him, he decides to perform his last move, he leaped forward at the guards. A rush of adrenaline quickly blocked the pain from his shoulder and he quickly moves to a handstand pose, using his last energy he quickly spins his legs making quick rotation stirring the dust and possibly hitting some of the prison staff in the face.

The blinding dust moved by his legs should provide enough cover for him and the others to escape, but there's no thoughts in his mind about cooperating with the escapees.

@Jasil @Yaoke Saint @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
@Yaoke Saint

Lucy and Alicia

Things were going well, then they weren't. Not even ten minutes outside and people had started fighting at each other, even worse with guns and powers lethally. They hadn't even waited for Ange to shout for everyone to scatter, they'd gotten the hell out of dodge. It was one thing fighting guards, it was another thing entirely fighting people with powers. Some far more deadly than their own. Currently they'd hidden behind a tree, which was soon uprooted so they swapped hiding spots to hide behind a car. Both of them were pretty much panicking at this point and practically scared to death. If this is what escaping meant they weren't sure if they were able to handle it, it was scary. Scarier than fighting guards to get out. What if they started killing each other?

The thought terrified them, surely they wouldn't take things that far? Right? When they'd calmed down some they finally noticed Ange and Tasha in the car they were hiding behind. Standing up slightly Alicia tapped on the window. "
C-can you let us in? Please..it's not safe out here." She asked her.

Sakura and Lynn

Lynn had formed a dome shield around Sakura with a small thin line all the way around for her to look out of the second the gun fire had started. Were these people freaking insane? If they started offing each other they'd never survive on their own outside of the prison, wouldn't last five minutes outside of it for that matter. However when Pong cleared the guards from in front of the bus and everyone started moving towards it Lynn lowered the shield and started running for the bus with Sakura. "Come on guys, we gotta go!" She told them as they ran.
Jekkel could not see crap, There was so much dust everywhere "WHERE IS THE BUS!" He shouted Jekkel was crawling on all fours, that was a lot easier than walking. He had a pistol in one hand a backpack on his pack and he had to keep wiping dust out of his eyes "Man my glasses are going to be so scratched up" He thought to himself. Jekkel had an idea "Everyone shout at me so I can follow the sound" Then he heard something someone was yelling. He blindly followed the sound, when he got to the end there were guards "I meant my friends, Baka's" He shot a couple of shots just to scare them off but that did not work, He submerged back into the dust "HELLLLPPPP!"

@femjapanriceball @Flecker

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