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Fandom Winged

Lillie smiled as she finished the second daisy-chain, leaping up and taking the bag from Rosa as she beamed her brightest smile at the girl, "Thank you!" She noticed her downcast eyes and frowned slightly at the girl, then a smile appeared on her tiny face as she held out the daisy chain and looked at Rosa, "Here you go! This one is for you!" She placed the flower bracelet into Rosa's hand and kept that adorable smile on her face as she waited for her to lift her head. Smiles always made people feel better, at least they usually did.
Rosa looked at the child and the sides of her mouth twitched a bit. It was about as close as she was going to get to a smile for now at least. She looked at the bracelet crudely made but so sweet, "Thank you," she said and stood their for a moment awkwardly before finally sitting down beside them. This choice even surprised herself but something about the child made her feel welcome, kind of like she belonged.
Meanwhile Alex was thinking about...strangely enough, Blair. Thinking about what she had mentioned earlier, if he ever needed to talk? Alex always needed to talk, he always wanted to talk. But he knew he couldn't; it was just too much of a risk. He'd taken enough risks with getting close to Lillie, he couldn't afford any more. "What happened? What made you like this? Why are you so indifferent to the world? I know we all went to the School, but its more than that isn't it? More of Blair's word's drifted through his head and he turned his head to the side as he looked over at her and Keanu. His deep green eyes grazing over her happy appearance, soaking in her dark, chocolate brown hair and happy - for now - sparkling, bright blue eyes.

(Hope I got her features right! xD )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lillie smiled at her choice to sit with them and also sat back down beside her as she smiled at her once more, pointing to the daisy-chain as she asked in her melodic voice, "Do you know how to make them?" She picked a few more daisys and placed them in a pile inbetween them both, looking at her as she waited for the answer.
Callie nodded. She didn't bother answering. She knew Alex, and could tell he didn't want to talk about it. She sighed and leaned back on the grass, fanning her face with her hand for a second. She looked over at Rosa and Lillie, smiling. She didn't know what time it was, but she figured they should probably start going before it got too late. She wanted to get their by dark. Keanu had by this time taken his shirt off, too hit to deal with uneccesary clothes. He was still on his back next Blair, and was starting to doze off, which wasn't easy being in the sun.
"Why don't you show me," Rosa replied picking a handful of daisies and giving them to the small child. She twirled the little bracelet around her wrist looking at each flower. It was funny how from a far they looked the same but if you really took the time to look at them you could see how different each one was. Maybe that was how people were, when you looked at the world as a whole everybody kind of blended together into a swirling mass but surprisingly each person was very different.
Blair sat up while she was eating, resting her arms on her knees while they were propped up to her chest. She gazed at the water, twinkling in the sun, luring her in with the promise of cool redemption from the utter heat. She frowned in concentration, the water poured out of the spring in a controled wave. It floated around the back of Blair, and growing from the ground it formed a thick pole with a wide spreading canopy. Thin enough to not be so heavy, but thick enough to shade from the sun's heat, distorting the light coming through, making the ground look like water. With an extra dose of concentration, she formed the water canopy to ice.

Her face relaxed as instant relef from the sun cooled her skin. It was very tricky, and as long as she was around it, the umbrella wouldn't melt.

Meanwhile, Demitri was exploring the area, a waterbottle in his hand. He was on top of the rocks that cascaded into a waterfall when he heard a strange noise, over the roar of the water he heard a hollow sound. With his powers, he broke away loose rocks to make a floating staircase he could walk down. He sent the others back to their places, but stayed on one that was hovering on the surface of the water, making it look like he was standing on it's surface. He looked closely at the waterfall, with mild curiosity.

--- Merged Double Post ---

>> :D Blair just has blue eyes. I edited a picture i had on photoshop, but the file was too big so i had to shrink it and it lost all its quality. Thing is i reused the pic so i dont know why it didn't work. But it works now so i don't know the deal...<<

http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1618-Winged-Character-Sheets?p=33228#post33228 there fixed it.
Lillie could have squealed at the delight of showing an older girl something she already knew! She felt incredibly smart as she began to chatter endlessly, demonstrating with the daises as she spoke, "Well first....you make a small, little cut right here with your nail!" She made a small incision at the base of the stem with her thumb nail and looked over to make sure Rosa was listening and following her steps, her rich brown hair falling around her hands as she fiddled with the daisies.

Alex was still looking at Blair, endless thoughts running through his head as he looked her with an expression of confusion, intrigue and slight sadness; of course he didn't know these emotions were available for her to see, for if he did, he would have immediately looked away or shut down his feelings.

(Oh right sorry, I'll change it xD )
Callie continued to lay down for a few more minutes, and then sat up. She wrapped her arms around her legs. "Do you guys think we should get going soon? I think we should get their before dark." She suggested, and shrugged. She was getting kind of hungry herself, and figured they might be able to stop for diner somewhere. Keanu sat up as well, and rubbed his eyes. "Doesn't matter to me." He mumbled, and yawned. He wondered what time it was, but realized he didn't have anything that said the time.
Blair was just getting comfortable, she was tired, but "Callie knows best" so she nodded, "I guess...". She stood up under her make-shift umbrella and stretched out, flexing her wings a bit as well.

Demitri didn't hear anything over the rumbling of rushing water. He moved his rock closer to the waterfall, keeping his wings tight to his back so they didn't get wet. He stuck his arm in the waterfall...and he didn't touch anything. With a leap of faith he stuck his head in, almost loosing his balence. There was a small cavern, big enough to fit maybe two adults comfortably. He stepped inside and enjoyed the instant cool air that envelped him. A place that saw no sun but was eluminated by light through the water, it was cool and refreshing. As he stepped inside, little mushrooms that glowed florestently sprang up, along with slow-growing illuminating crystals and moss on the walls. He grinned, it was so perfect for a little getaway. He wondered why he even wanted to swim with a place like this around.
When Blair moved Alex was suddenly shaken out of his daze and nodded, pulling himself up as he slung his t-shirt over his bare shoulder, his bicep muscles rippling as he picked up both his and Lillie's backpack; Alex had quite a bit of muscle on his arms - but not too much to freak you out, and he also had a visible six-pack. His eyes flicked to Lillie and he spoke normally, "Hey Cuddles, we gotta get going." Lillie turned her head and nodded, jumping up with the finished daisy in her hand as she spoke to Rosa, "Come on Rosa! Your daisy bracelet looks great! Who are you going to give it to?" She smiles at her and her dimples show, "Your brother?"
Callie watched Alex's muscles, and felt her face turn red for the slightest second. Not that she would ever admit it, but she always kind of thought he was cute. She stood up, and stretched her back out, and then sling her backpack over her shoulders. "Hey, where's demitri?" She asked, doing a 360. She panicked for a second, thinking he might have gotten caught, but knew that was impossible without one if them noticing. Keanu stood up as well, and looked at the pond. "Last time I knew, he was swimming." He shrugged, and rubbed the back of his head getting his backpack.
Blair felt someone watching her, she turned around but didn't see anyone, she shook her head dismissively. When there was talk about Demitri she went on alert, she hadn't been paying the least bit attention ot him, "Demitri?" she called with no answer. She walked around the spring trying to find him, when there was no luck, she spread her wings and shot into the air. There was no sign for the aireal veiw.

She landed swiftly and smoothly and ran up to Alex, "Can you hear him?" she demanded in a bit of a panic.

Demitri was doozing off, the soothing sound of rushing water was very relaxing and personally pleasing.
Alex turned his attention to Blair and then his eyes took on a focused, distant look as he looked around. He chuckled and his eyes returned to Blair, "Yeah I can hear him alright. Something about relaxing, soothing, rushing water?" He shrugged and looked around, "It's faint though, he must be about to sleep or something, but wherever he is, he doesn't sound in danger" Alex reckoned that was probably the most he had ever spoken to anyone in one sentence besides Lillie, and even then they spoke in their heads to each other or in a private place.
Callie thought for a second. "Rushing water?" She bit her lip, thinking of somewhere with rushing water. "Like a water fall?" She thought suddenly, fixing her backpack. She snapped her wings out, and flew straight upwards looking for one. Keanu rose an eyebrow. "A waterfall in Orlando, next to a park?" It sounded weird to him, but clearly bird kids were an example of how anythings possible.
"Waterfall..." Blair mused. She closed her eyes and focused on all water outlets. In her head she saw an underground map of waterways, submerged creeks, reseviours, as well as streams, rivers, and ponds on the surface. It was like a underground map in grayscale with veins of water paths marked in bright neon blue. She concentrated on large faucets, the waterfall. Blair clenched her teeth, stretching her view out farther, finally at the edge she saw it...it was dim as the picture faded on the edges, but she saw the water glowed brighter with power then the smaller bubbling brooks around it. Her eyes stayed shut, keeping the picture in her head, "He's about a mile away, due North-West!"

Her eyes flew open and she looked at Alex with soft kind eyes, "Thank you," she thought to him.
Alex looked surprised at the kind look in her eyes and the thank you he received, answering back with his voice sounding slightly surprised and strangely warmer than usual, 'Uh, you're welcome...' He couldn't help but notice how beautiful her blue eyes looked up close and his eyes softened slightly without him knowing.
Callie heard Blair from her spot in the sky and nodded. "I think I see it from up here." She yelled down, staying a float. She didn't bother going down, since they had to fly to it anyway. Hearing Blair, Keanu jumped in the air. He snapped his large wings out, and flew to where Callie was. He flew in circles, waiting for everyone else.
Blair gave a small smile at his reaction and the look in his gorgeous dark green eyes. But she had to turn away, she shoved her stuff back in her bag while waiting for the others, then threw it around her shoulders, and leaped in the air without a running start. With a few hard strokes of her white and black wings she was up high, she hovered for a moment, then set off.
Alex turned around once she had leap into the air and he watched as little Lillie and Rosa both took off up in the air together. He smiled and then his big, dark green wings pounded against the air as he also took off up into the air without a running start. Still holding his t-shirt and both backpacks as he followed after Blair, Rosa and Lillie, he sent a little message to Lillie up ahead, just in case. 'Stick with Rosa, okay' He almost instantly got a message back, 'Ok!' Lillie sounded happy and that's all he really needed to know; he didn't want her to be sad. A five year old deserves better than the life she had been given; they all did.
Callie followed behind Blair. Usually she would lead, but Blair knew the way better then she did. She styed towards the back, her cream colored wings flapping. Keanu stayed to the right of Alex, but enough that it didn't make either of them mad.
Blair angled her wings down, now seeing the waterfall where a river emptied into a medium sized lake that narrowed into a smaller white rapid steam. She touched down on the water's surface, the water contracting under her feet, allowing her to stand on it--she didn't like hovering. "Demitri!" she yelled for her brother. She looked at the flock abover her, "Spread out, we can find him faster that way,"

She walked along the surface edge. He wasn't in the water, she knew that for certain, she would feel it if he was. Blair tried searching for the water naturally inside the body with no luck, it was too deluted with blood to keep a trace.
Keanu stopped flying suddenly, hovering above Blair. "Wait!" He yelled. He closed his eyes and sighed. He kept his body still, the only movement his wings flapping slowly to keep him up. "I can feel his body heat." He said calmly, eyes still closed. He opened his eyes, and flew over to a group of rocks. He stood on them carefully. "It feels like it's coming from over here." He nudged the rocks with his foot. Another perk to controlling fire? He could feel and sense body heat.
Alex also floated over to the water, finding it incredibly beautiful and nearing closer to it as it made a path underneath his feet, allowing him to stand on it. He frowned as he noticed where he had taken water, it had thinned out slightly, but rather than a bunch of rocks it looked almost as if there was an empty space behind it. He frowned and placed his hand through the water, it parted slightly, and he peered through, smirking at what he saw. He flew straight through it and landed beside the snoring Demetri. He laughed, properly this time, probably his first real laugh since....since before the school. Too bad no-one was around - or awake - to hear it. He flew back over to the waterfall and stuck just his head through it as he shouted over to Blair, "Hey Blair! Found him!" He made sure her eyes connected with his before he stuck his head back into the secluded area and flew back over to Demetri.
Generally waterfalls had a cavern behind them from the decay and erosion in rock over hundreds of years. She ran over to the cascading water. Blair looked at Alex and smiled sheepishly, appriciating his newly found initiative and generosity. She put a hand loosely over her head and the water coming down glanced off as if there was a dome over her head. She stepped through as the water parted and saw Demitri slumped against the wall with his eyes closed. Ducking her head she shook his arm. His eyes flickered open groggily. "Demitri!" His eyes flickered again and he groaned. Blair sighed and pulled him up by the arm and out of the cavern. She stepped on the water's surface, but forgot that Demitri couldn't he fell into the shallow water and it jogged him back to reality.

"Woah! What's going on?" he said, blinking in the sudden sun. Blair offered him her hand and she stepped him up on a platform of ice.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Why did you do that!? You had me worried!"

It caught Demitri by surprise, "You worried about me?" he chuckled.

Blair pulled back, and with a hardened look she punched him in the arm, hard, "Yes, and you are such an ass. Don't do that again without telling us!"

Demitri rubbed his arm, "Jeeze...Since when did you switch personalities with Callie?"

Blair rolled her eyes and let him fall into the water again, then jumped into the air to join the flock. Demitri got up, shook the water out of his hair, and ran a hand through it. He raised himself on some of the rocks under his feet so he had a stable place to kick off. He joined the flock in the air, his wings not terribly damp.

--- Merged Double Post ---

>>gah, started writing before you posted, i shall fix. hold on...<<
Callie sighed in relief when demitri was pulled out of the cavern ok. She quickly flew over to him, and hit him lightly on the forehead with the back of her hand, but enough to make a point. "That's for scaring the crap out of me!" She yelled, and crossed her arms over her chest. She then narrowed her eyes at his remark about her personality. Keanu flew over to the group, hovering above all of them. "God, I'm gunna start putting leashes on you guys." He mumbled, and then smirked.

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