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Fandom Winged

Rosa cracked a smile small and quickened her pace. She set the bags down beside an old gnarled tree while Rome just jumped into the water. "You know I got you a bathing suit," she called softly but he couldn't hear her. He was to busy swimming diving below the water, running his fingers through the muddy sand until swirls completely clouded the water.
Demitri frowned looking at the now muddy water, "Why'd you do that for?!" He climbed out of the water, sand and water sticking to his skin, he used his power to pull the dirt off.
Keanu waved at Rosa and Rome with his free hand, and then went back to making shapes with it. "When I first discovered my power, I didn't use it for years because I thought I would burn myself." He chuckled, making the fire into a legit ring of fire. "It looks really cool at night. And it scares the trackers a lot, too." He tilted his head to the side to look at her face and study it. He then took the fire, and started to make the outline of her face.
She raised an eyebrow at the outline, not exactly sure what it was. She held out her hand and the water dropped on it, turning to a perfect ball. She wasn't good with solid water, mostly just liquid and gas. Blair stuck out her tongue and with difficulty she changed the ice to a state between ice and water, making the tips more of liquid and the center more of a slushie consitution, and she made her own fire out of water. It jerked and twisted just in the same way as natural fire, Blair beamed, proud of herself, she had never attempted making something so intricate as it before.
Keanu glanced over at Blair for a second, and then went back to his ball of fire outline. In a few minutes, the image looked exactly like Blairs face, only everything was read. He had even made the image smile. It was the most complex thing he had ever done with fire, and until now didn't know he could do such detailed designs until now.
"Why not?" he said diving back underneath the water. In reality Rome liked to watched the swirls of mud settle in the water. If you looked close he could see each granule of sand. Some of it was simply brown while other pieces had a slight golden flicker to them.

Rosa smiled at her brother sitting on the beach of the lake. She had grabbed a white bikini with intricate blue designs that reminded her of snowflakes. She was wearing it underneath her clothes right now and it had been ages since she had just indulged in the warmth of the sun. Soon enough she would get in the water to cool off but for now she could just play with ice as she sun bathed.
Blair looked over at the fire and realized what it was, she flushed red and grinned. She nudged him softly in the arm, "Thats so awesome!" she said amazed, "I don't think I could do that, it's so detailed!" She wiggled her fingers and the liquid flames in her palm danced around.
Keanu blushed slightly and shrugged. "Callie always says I'm artistic. I just didn't think I was artistic in fire." He kept the image the way it was for a second, and then just made it back into a ball again. He played with it for a dew more seconds, and then blew air on it. As soon as he did, it disappeared. He sighed, and looked up into the sky with his arms behind his head.
Blair closed her fist and the water few back to the ground as normal a liquid and put her arms behind her head again, "Of course you're artistic. It goes to show you're smart enough to apply your creativity. Fire isn't all death and distruction. It's life, energy, art." she smiled. "Think how many people use fire to make something beautiful, craftsmen, cheifs...definetely cheifs."
Rosa began to make a small figurine of a leaf using glass. In one hand she held a leaf that fallen from a tree and landed on her stomach. She inspected the veins in the simple leaf. It had an acute tip but it wasn't sharp, the side that connected to the stem was rounded and all along the age it was serrated. Once again the edge was not sharp it just had a sharp jerk in her. Kind of like her, Rosa wasn't sharp her edges were just a little rough.
Keanu laughed, nodding. "Yeah, I like chiefs. They make food." He smirked, and got hungry just thinking about it. He sighed, and closed his eyes for a second. "I hate this." He said suddenly, opening his eyes. "Moving all the time, I mean. It's annoying." Keen realized how random he was being, but that wasn't anything new to him.
Demitri narrowed his eyes, "Not everyone wants to swim in filth."

>>short post is short<<

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blair's eyebrows knitted together and she looked at him, "Keanu, do you ever think we'll ever be able to settle down?" she sighed, "When people stop trying to hunt us down."
"Geez, you know there is a whole other side of the lake if you want to go over there. I didn't ask you to bring your sour butt over here," Rome growled. What was his problem? Everybody is entitled to their own fun even if it is a little different. He saw Rosa sitting on the beach messing with her powers as always. Something about sculpting always kept her occupied however he knew her real focus was animals. He was the only one who knew about the little figurines she always kept in her backpack. Rosa had three little figurines one was a cat, another was a dog and the last one was a horse. Each one had a place on their back where the paint had practically been rubbed away, she always held them when she got nervous or tense.
Demitri dismissed him with a wave of his hand. He walked off and tried to get the fine silt out of his feathers.
Keanu shrugged, and thought about her question for a second. "I hope so. I think they have to give up, eventually. I don't think we'll ever break up completely though." He said, talking about the whole flock. He couldn't imagine the flock someday all going different ways. As of right now, they all depended on each other to live. Then he started to think about the future. Would people in the flock date? And have kids? And then he started to think about what babies born with wings like. He shook his head, he was getting way off topic.
"I would like to think so," Blair said raising her eyebrows thinking about it in mild curiousity, "We bird kids have to stick together. To think that a corrporation would waste all their money, research, and resources, and manpower to chase after a couple of kids until they have arthritis is depressing. Anyway, I couldn't imagine we would be able to get good jobs on our own. We have no actual elementary education, let alone college. Who would hire a bunch of stupid hobo kids?"
Keanu chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, good point." He glanced at Blair for a second and then looked away. "I wonder what they even planed on doing with us. Like were they going to put us in the circus or in sine kind if freak show?" He wondered out loud, staring at the clouds. He had always wanted to know the answer to that question.
"Well, thats the thing. People are smart in different ways. You can be totally smart in the books, and have zero street smarts, or you can have people who are great at figuring out stuff, but need to be told what to do and cant think for themselves. I have a feeling these scientists have the Id personality type: instant gratification with no reprecussion. They wanted bird kids, they got them, then didn't know what to do with them. They probably thought they could break us mentally to the point we were just robots, then they could aution us off across the world as ultimate military weapons." She laughed as she pictured the flock in Captain America uniforms.
Keanu smirked, picturing someone like little Lillie in some kind of army. "I think that's probably what they had planned. Clearly there's no real use for us, so I don't understand why they don't just leave us alone. We are street smart, we don't need school. Theres no way we could probably even go to school or get a job in our 'condition' anyway." He made air quotes are the word condition. He couldn't picture anyone in the flock in school or having a job. They where all way too stubborn for that.
"Oh, yeah," she said sarcastially, "I can imagine one of us working at McDonalds and yelling at someone when they ask where the bathroom is, or throwing a Big Mac in someone's face when they complain we forgot to leave out the pickles or something."
"This is exactly why we don't have jobs." Keanu joked, stretching his back. "Not that I want one anyways." He shrugged, and looked around the park. It was completely empty except for the flock. Probably because all the smart people were inside their nice air conditioned houses. Keanu frowned as his stomach growled. "I'm hungry." What a surprise.
"Join the club," Blair told him sarcastically, "We've got jackets." She was hungry as well, but she was more lazy than she was hungry. "Wait, I have an idea." She rolled over on her stomach and waved a hand. another stream of water curled up from the spring. It floated through the air over to the bags of food. She influenced it to wrap around a box of crackers and a jar peanut butter and had it return to her. She grabbed them, the water fell back to the ground, and Blair rolled back onto her back. She pulled out a stack of crackers and opened the container of pb, setting it between them. "Vio-la!"
Out of the corner of Rosa's eye she watched Keanu and Blair amiable. How did they do it? How could they be so relaxed around each other? This skill of social mannerisms and the ideas of companionship were genes that the scientists had just not placed in Rosa's system. The more likely scenario was that she actually had that gene but they had just broken her. Rosa was by no means jumping on the pity train, everybody in the flock was a little broken for one reason or another.
Alex looked up at Callie, his deep green eyes slowly turning from anger and slight pain, to nothing. No emotion was there as he stared right into her eyes, 'I'm fine.' His response was short and clipped before he walked off towards Lillie, who at this current moment was sitting on the grass a little bit away from Keanu and Blair, making a daisy chain with a look of concentration on her face - which made her look adorably cute. He plonked himself down beside her lazily as the sun beat down on him, he groaned and Lillie flicked her eyes to him as she giggled, "It's not THAT hot Alex." He rubbed his forehead and fell onto the grass, laying on his back as he looked up at the hot sun, "I'd disagree with that Lils." Lillie suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked at him worriedly, "You ok Alex?" He rolled his eyes and then pulled himself up slightly so that he was looking at her, "Do you know, three people have asked me the same question within the past 5 minutes? I'm perfectly fine!" He flopped back down onto the ground again and suddenly saw Lillie's concerned face as she put down the daisy-chain and edged closer to him, leaning over him so that she could see his eyes, her hair hanging just above Alex's face. "Alex?" He looked at her and that's all it took, just for her to say one word, his name. "I'm sorry Lils, this heat is just making me a little cranky is all." She frowned at him, you could tell she didn't believe that for a second. She shrugged and pulled back, picking up the daisy chain once more, "Ok" He sighed and sat back up, this heat really was bugging him, his hands went to the bottom of his t-shirt and he tugged it off lazily, throwing it beside him as the sun now hit his skin instead. He laid back down once more, closed his eyes and with a flick of his hand a stream of pure water shot out from the lake and gently hit his torso and face, avoiding getting any of his hair or eyes or nose. Lillie giggled loudly and he opened his eyes to see she was dangling a daisy chain over his face, he frowned at her and she smiled happily, "It's for you Alex!" He chuckled, feeling a bit better now that he was cooled off, and took it from her gently, putting it around his wrist to make her smile. She immediately began making another one, probably for Callie or one of the others.
Rosa looked at Lillie and Alex playing across the beach. Se wondered if Lillie had seen the clothing she had grabbed for her, Rosa had tried to channel her in child when she grabbed it but it ranged from pretty plain to kind of girly and frilly. Rosa had also grabbed a color book and some crayon for the child hoping it would give her something to do when they were stuck in boring houses. Rosa tossed her ripped shirt in her bag and readjusted the bathing suit top so that her wings feel comfortably over the string. She picked up the shopping back with all of Lillie stuff and walked over shyly, "I uh I picked up some stuff in the Walmart I thought you might like, everything is a little big but I figured you would grow into it," she said her eyes focused on the ground as she held out the bag to the child.

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