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Fandom Winged

Blair automatically went on alert when she heard the crash, instinctually Demitri swivled around so they were back to back. "That didn't sound like a friendly crash..." Demitri said slowly. Blair motioned him for silence with a nudge to the ribs. They heard Callie from the next room over and her direction to split up, "I don't like this," Blair hissed through her teeth. There were two archways that lead to other rooms and three windows in the room they were located in.
Rosa heard a window crash and then fighting in the room over. She stuffed the supplies into her backpack and darted into then next room Rome on her heels. "Oh come on, why couldn't you wait until I showed up. You guys know I love to watch," she teased jumping. She grabbed a tracker by the back of his neck spinning him around to face her. She knew her body was taking on that icy glow like the way sun sparkles off of snow. Her fingernails were elongating into claws of ice and she released the tracker's neck right before she could kill him. She wasn't big on the whole killing thing but leaving wounded was another. Curling one hand into a fist she coated it in a layer of ice and drew it back before letting it swinging forward hitting the tracker in his ugly face. "Night Night," she crooned as he fell at her feet.

Rome was more of a brawler. He picked out the beefiest of the Trackers and started with a good kick behind the knee to drop him to the ground. The tracker shot back up spitting and swinging at Rome. One punch landed and that's when the fire came into his eyes. "Of you've done it now," he snarled barreling into the beast.
Callie was at the top of the stairs in a second, and ducked as a tracker jumped at her. She held back a laugh as the tracker fly all the way down the stairs, landing in a pile. She ran into her and Keanus bedroom, where two trackers had just climbed through the window. She wasted no time kicking on straight on the chest, knocking the wind right out of him and causing him to collapse in a fit of coughing. She spun around and elbowed the other in the face, hearing a satisfying crunch. By this time the other tracker had recovered and stod back up. Callie grabbed the heads of both the trackers and knocked them together, watching them both collapse. Keanu made his way to the kitchen, where one tracker had made it downstairs. He touched the stove that was luckily still the slightest bit warm from breakfast, feeling the heat form in his palm. Soon he had a good sized Heatball, and threw it at the tracker. He watched it explode in his face, burning his face and chest. While the tracker was holding his face in pain, Keanu took the opportunity to smash the trackers face into the kitchen counter.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oh, and sorry for any spelling mistakes. I'm on my iPod, and it has autocorrect. xp)
Blair and Demitri darted upstairs. Another tracker crashes through the window, Demitri smacked him down hard to the floor with a roundhouse kick. The tar ker started to get up, Demitri pulled him to his feet by the collar and slumped over as he punched him with a killer right hook. Demitri tossed him to the ground. . . .Blair forged on ahead, a tracker popped out from behind a door. She smirked, catching him with an uppercut. He reflexively bent over. Blair caught the back of the guys shirt and threw him down, she kneed him in the face. She shoved him over with a kick of her shoe. She made her way to Callie, "Where's Lillie?" she asked worried over their littlest flock member. Blair didn't particularly like kids...but it was impossible to irresist the little kids charm.
Two more trackers looked up at Alex's actions and one pulled a gun out. Pointing it straight at him as he spoke, "Don't move or I'll shoot!" He tried to keep his voice steady but Alex could hear the shake it in; he smirked. "What's so funny kid?!" Alex chuckled at him, "You really brave enough to shoot?" The man clenched the gun tighter and Alex saw him swallow, "Of course I am!" Alex's eyes flicked to the man on the floor and back to the man holding the gun, then to the other man standing idly by, watching Alex to make sure he didn't do anything unexpected. Alex slowly held his hands up in the air as he heard Lillie's little voice in his mind, 'Can you get the one without the gun? I got the other one!' He frowned to himself as he directed his thought back at her, not daring to look at her since when he moved his head the guard might freak out and shoot him. 'What do you mean?' He could hear Lillie's exasperated sigh in his head as she spoke once more, 'Just answer me!' 'Ok, ok! I'll sort him out!' Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lillie sneaking up behind the man with the gun, he acted as if he hadn't seen her though and spoke to the men, "I'd rather die than go back to that school." He spoke bitterly and it was the truth, '3, 2....1!' His hand shot out and he had taken enough steps to grab the other man's throat and squeeze as he heard a yell of pain from the guy with the gun. The man spoke bitterly and Alex could hear that he had fallen as he spoke towards Lillie, "YOU LITTLE B**CH! I'M GOING TO---" His sentence never finished because Alex's foot had slammed onto the man's face, hard, causing a strange disfigurement and a broken nose. The man who he was holding gave his last breath as Alex dropped him to the floor and then slammed his fist down onto the other man's stomach, causing him to cough up a small amount of blood. He then grabbed the man's head with both hands as he spoke to him with vemon in his voice, "You don't swear at kids! And you especially don't swear at HER!" His hands quickly turned the man's head to the side as his neck snapped and he dropped the man. Picking up Lillie as she clung to him, he walked over to the man who was still gasping for water and he looked down at him with hate in his eyes, "You got off easy." He walked away from the three men as he tried to find Callie and Keanu, they were the 'leaders' of The Flock afterall.
Callie brushed off her arms, where there was a small cut from one of the trackers. "Probably with Alex." She answered, walking down the hallway to Alex and Lillies room. She walked in, looking at the trackers on the floor, especially the one with the gun. She winced, looking away and then at Alex. "Hey, everything ok?" She asked, looking around the room. She guessed all of the trackers had been handled now, since she wasn't hearing or seeing any more of them. Keanu made his way up the stairs, pushing bodies out of the way as he made it to Alex and Lillies room where everyone else seemed to be.
Alex nodded, he wasn't much of a talker, only when he was talking to Lillie did he say much. "Yeah. Two are dead, that one's still alive." He nodded to the gasping one who seemed to be twitching in the slightest. He watched as Keanu also entered the room and held back a scowl, the two boys didn't seem to get along in the slightest.

Lillie smiled at Callie brightly, hopping down from Alex as she ran over to her and hugged her legs, she then looked up at the girl with her baby blue eyes, "Are you ok Callie?" Her voice sweet and young as her eyes held concern for the older girl. She then noticed Keanu and smiled, ignoring Alex's annoyed thought as she ran over to him and also gave him a quick hug before looking back at Callie and waiting for her to answer.
Callie smiled at Lillie and picked her up for a second to hug her. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little cut." She shrugged, looking at the small cut that just barely drew blood. She then put Lillie back down, and looked at the bodies again. "Well we should go. They know we are here now, and it will only be a matter of time before they send more here. We have to go." She sighed. Surprise surprise, she thought knowing very well all the mind readers could hear her thoughts. Keanu look down at Lillie hugging him and ruffled her hair. "Hey, kiddo." He smiled, and leaned against the door frame. He then looked up at Alex and smirked, just because he knew it would piss him off.
Blair glared at Alex when she heard the word, 'kill'. She didn't say anything but swore she would bring it up with him later in private. When it came to fighting, there was no holding back--but killing and ending people's lives was below her. Demitri saw her expression and elbowed her in the side, "Yeah, we better get going," he agreed. He went downstairs and picked up their back packs, shouldering his own he tossed the other to his sister. She caught it an slung it around her shoulders. Blair looked around at the icicles lining the wall and smiled, "I think i might want to stay here now, who cares about trackers," she joked with a chuckle at the refreshingly cool room.
Rosa watched as the last of the tracker left. Rome was standing beside her panting, he had a black eye and a few minor cuts but nothing too bad. Rosa's new shirt was ruined, it had a huge gash across the stomach and a little bit of blood ebbed. It was just a scratch it just looked worse. "Come on there already downstairs," she said ripping of the bottom half of her t-shirt. It worked, most people payed extra for half of a shirt she just made her own. As they walked down the stairs she cleaned off of the cut. It wasn't that deep but it was still annoying.
Lillie smiled at Keanu and then turned to Alex looking pissed off, "Aww, calm down Alex! Everyone needs a hug once in a while!" Ale smiled lightly at her as he spoke, "Sure thing Cuddles" He focused on her eyes and sent her a quick message, 'Let's go. We need to move.' She nodded and ran out of the room quickly, Alex rolled his eyes and followed her, giving Keanu a death glare as he left the room to help Lillie sort out her things and sort out his own.
Blair looked at Demitri and realized he had a cut over his eyebrow. Silently she pulled out a pocket sized first aid kit, opened a disinfectant pad but realized there was a peice of glass still in it. She pushed him into a chair. She gulped and bent over him to pulled the peice of glass. She swallowed the nausia brewing in her stomach. She could handle her own blood, but when it came to other people it sickened her. She would be the kind of person to vomit at the site of a decaying corpse or something. The strange thing was, mentally it didn't bother her, but seeing it must trigger some kind of lost memory from the School, and she reacts instinctually. Demitri's body unclenched when she finished pulling it from his head. The glass plinked on the table as she discarded it. She wiped away excess blood with a peice steral pad, biting her lip, then used the disinfectant pad on the cut, finally patching it together with two of those narrow white bandaid things that look like brackets.

"Thanks," he said in gratitude, knowing she hated doing it the whole time. She nodded, looking a bit pale. She saw Rosa had come back, just in time to help, she was walking down the stairs, "Hey Rosa, awesome job with the room," she smiled, then noted her brother, "Hey, Rome,"
Callie rolled her eyes at the boys. "You need to grow up." She mumbled, at Keanu. She moved around him, and into her room. She opened the bedside table and took the money that was in their. It was only a few twenties. Which, of course, were stolen. Keanu shrugged, and walked downstairs. He sat on one of the living room chairs, and pulled out the map the flock had taken. He tried to figure out the next best spot for them to go to, with little luck.
"Thanks, I got us some real food and some clothes," Rosa said plopping her backpack down on the table. There was an assortment of shirts and shorts that everybody could pick through along with some winter clothing. The only thing she had grabbed specifically for a certain person was Lillie's clothing. She had bought things a size to big just because she knew the child was going to grow pretty quickly.

In terms of food she had a few packs of hot dogs, cans of soup, bread peanut butter and assortment of other food. She pulled all the meat products out and set them in a pile. Slowly Rosa began to shape a box around the meat, it was taking her a while because she didn't want to make the walls solid. Just thick enough not to break but also not to heavy. When she was done she grabbed an old towel and laid it across the open top. Rosa closed her hand into fist and when she open it four icy spikes were in her hand. She drove them through the towel so that they had a little flap to open whenever they wanted food. She smiled looking at her work.

Rome nodded to Blair before grabbing a granola bar out of the pile of food.
Callie finished her packing, and walked downstairs. She looked over at Rosa, with all the clothes and food. Her eyes widened at all the things she got. "Wow, good job. This should last us a while." She looked over all the items, and was happy to see she got summer and winter clothes. God only knew where they would be going next. Keanu finally gave up trying to find a good place. He was never good at that. "Hey, do you guys have any suggestions of where exactly to go?" He asked, tucking the map back into his bag.
"Oh, wait," Blair said, she crossed the room and took the map back out of Keanu's back pack and spread it out. Her eyes narrowed out of concentration as she thought. She dragged her finger across the page from Orlando through their exact route from the last housing spot. Finally she found it, there was a cluster of little trees symbolizing parks, she pointed to a specific one out of the four they flew over, "Thats it. I saw it when we were going over it. I remember about five miles from that spot seeing a sign saying 'Lazy Sycamore Park'. There was only one or two cars at a camping gound about six miles away from it. It was surrounded by rocky area with heavy underbrush and swampland around it about a mile off, it wouldnt make for an idea hiking spot, it would be too difficult and time consuming for a family or even a group of hikers. It would be perfect." She grinned.

Demitri snagged a granola bar and dipped it in the peanut butter. He nodded, definately a good combo. He looked up at the map, not listening, "Sounds good to me,"
Lillie sped into the room with Alex trailing her, she flung herself at the seat beside Keanu and smiled broadly at them all as she clutched her small backpack, "A park! Can we go there? Plleasseeeeeeee" She elongated the 'Please' as she pouted mainly at Callie. Her eyes quickly flickered to Alex who was leant up against the corner without a smile on his face. The two really were opposites.
Keanu and Callie hovered around the map, following Blairs finger. Callie nodded ever so often, listening to her. "Oh yeah, I remember that place!" She said, standing up straight. "I think that would good, or at least for a while." Callie then turned her attention to Lille and smiled. "Yeah I'm sure we could probably go to one." Callie couldn't say no to her even if she tried. She glanced at Alex, and then at Keanu. "So, are we ready to go?" She looked around the flock, waiting for an answer.
Blair and Demitri picked up a few clothing items and stuffed them into their packs, "All ready to go, captain," Demitri saluted.
Alex shrugged as an answer, grabbing his backpack up off the floor and slinging it around his shoulder. Lille nodded, almost bouncing with her excitement at being able to go to a park. She couldn't wait. She turned her attention to Alex and smiled at him happily, her eyes shining with joy, "Are you ready Alexxx?" Her small wings flapped slightly as she bounded over to him with energy shining off of her, she looked up at him with her massive blue eyes and he nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched her enthusiasm spread around the room like a forest fire. Lillie turned to face the others and her eyes fell upon Blair and Demetri, "Are you readdyy?" She smiled at them as Alex's eyes found Blair, finding the thought in her head about 'talking to him about killing people' he rolled his eyes and looked away from her.
Callie rubbed her forehead and walked through the doorframe that was in fact doorless thanks to Keanu. It was going to be a long day, she thought. Once everyone got out of the destroyed house, she did a quick headcount, and then snapped her cream colored wings out. "Let's do this." She said, getting a small running start before jumping into the air and flapping her wings a few times to get some height. Keanu followed after Callie, his huge black wings making him look almost like the angle of death against the bright morning sun. "To the park!" He yelled, doing a few backflips. Of course, he didn't actually know where this park was.
Alex watched as Lillie flapped her small wings and took off, making sure she was safely flying and in the air before he took off, flying behind her slightly as she did a bunch of spins and twirls while giggling to herself. He smiled the tiniest bit and chuckled to himself, "Silly girl." He focused in on her and sent her a mind message, 'Having fun there Cuddles?' She spun around and giggled, doing another spin, 'Yup!' He laughed once more to himself, making sure he kept his eye on her - just incase.
Callie made sure to fly in between Alex and Keanu, because the last thing she needed was another fight. Last time a fight broke out between them, it wasn't pretty. It never was. She looked above and below her, just to make sure they wherent being followed. Keanu flew next to Callie, and carefully took his backpack off. He unzipped it, careful not to drop the back. He fished around for a garnola bar, finally finding one. He put his backpack om again, opening his granola bar. Callie hummed silently to herself, when something colorful caught her eye. "Hey I think that might be a park." She pointed out the colorful structure just ahead if them, and then noticed a few more.
Lillie let out a squeal at the sight of the park and Alex hushed her, "Calm down Cuddles, don't want anyone to look up and see a bunch of flying kids." I bet that's why we keep getting caught so easily. Not a very good method of travelling, Alex thought to himself. Lillie giggled, "Sorry!" Alex's eyes flitted over to Callie, who was managing to fly inbetween him and Keanu. He rolled his eyes as he noticed the stupid guy had pulled out a damn granola bar. Obsession much? He sighed and thought once more in his head, Whatever. Let him eat what he wants. "Do you think that's it?" Lillie asked happily, eager to play in the park.
Blair saw the fishing looking in Alex's face when he looked at her, she recognized immediately what he was doing, and then confirmed it when he reacted. "Stay. Out. Of. My. Head. I swear to god..." she warned, knowing he would be listening. She never really liked him, he was alway invaiding other people's privacy. She huffed angerly and ran out the door of the house. The second she was outside she snapped her wings open. Within a few strokes she was sailing far above in the air with the flock. Blair beamed, the sun reflected off of her white wings, almost making them look like they were shimmering.

Demitri rolled his yes and jogged out the door, he jumped, and pushed down powerfully with his dark speckled wings. He kept to the back of the formation, cooly enjoying the sensation of flying with a satisfied grin on his face.

Blair pulled the map out of her back pocket and folded it carefully to the square where they were headed. She layed on some extra speed and drifted up to fly under and between Callie and Keanu. She held out the square, "We need to head north--north-east for about thirty miles and the park should be about fifty miles off the coast.

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