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Fandom Winged

Callie nodded, starring at the structures. "Yeah, I think it is. Let's go land in those woods over there, so that way we don't get seen." She nodded her head in the direction of the small patch of trees. She moved over to the right , and slowly started flying downwards. Alex's thoughts started interrupting Keanus mind, and he rolled his eyes. Yes, I will eat whatever I want thank you. He thought back, following Callies movements. He finished his granola bar, and made a point of straightening out the wrapper, just to annoy Alex some more. (Sorry I can't like italicize Keanus thoughts or anything, I can't from my iPod. >.
For the first time ever, Alex felt the need to actually communicate with someone besides Lillie as he remembered what Blair had said - well thought - before they left. He focused on her flying wings up ahead and sent his words into her head, this was the first time he had ever done it to anyone besides Lillie...and even then none of the others knew about it. None of the others knew they could do it. "You 'swear to god' what?" He knew Blair would be able to tell it was him, his thoughts sounded just like his own voice.
Blair let out a sigh, a tiny bit surprised Alex could project, "Nothing," she said, last thing she wanted to do was create conflict in the flock, "Please, if you wouldn't go plifering through my thoughts it would be much appreciated. I'd much rather you talk to me civilized." She was quiet for a moment, "Alex, are you alright?"
Callie pulled her wings in slightly, making sure she didn't catch them on a tree branch. When she was a few feet above the ground, she pulled her wings in completely and dropped to the ground. She stretched her back, and waited for the rest of the flock to land. Keanu landed a few seconds after Callie, but his wasn't as graceful. He had to run a few steps after he landed to keep from falling on his face.
He frowned to himself and answered her simply as he landed after Lillie did, 'Why do you ask?' He sighed to himself mentally as he kept the rest of his thoughts to himself, he knew it wasn't a good idea to start talking to them. It wasn't like he had any issues with any of them - besides Keanu of course - but none of them really knew anything about him, including his past before the school, and he'd prefer to keep it that way. In fact, not even Lillie knew about his past properly. Keeping to himself was the best option and the easiest one.

Lillie ended up landing by crashing right into Keanu and knocking him over - thankfully it didn't really hurt either of them because Lillie is so light and Keanu cushioned her soft crash. But it probably shocked him slightly. She jumped up and reached out her tiny hand to try and help Keanu up. "Sorry Keanu!" She grinned sheepishly and barely noticed Alex land behind her silently.
"Well...You just ended two people's lives. Doesn't matter what they did, even if they didn't try to kill you, or Lillie. You are phased in the bit, are you?" she said softly, not harshly, or accusatory, more in the tone of realization.

She hung back in the air a bit, letting the others fly down, she slowed her speed.
Derik and his flock had been defeated. How? They had failed it was time to return to base and accept there failure's punishment.


Blake was quiet he was normally talkative but after this mornings attack. The attack aught him off guard. Not only had the attack taken him off guard, the tracker's leader, the one with the red wings had appeared in his dreams many times.
Alex stood slightly behind Lillie as he watched her try to help up Keanu, usually he would have a smirk on his face at the fact that Keanu just got knocked over, but as he heard Blair's thoughts his left fist clenched, strangely enough that was usually the hand he used his power with. He knew Blair could probably see his fist clench but he didn't notice that his body subconsciously tightened slightly, even his thoughts sounded a bit sharper, 'No, I'm not phased in the slightest. People die. It happens.'
Callie put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at Keanu and Lillie. "I'd give that landing a ten." She said, a giggle escaping. Keanu had just finished getting his balance from his own landing, when he felt Lillies small body crash into his. He landed on his stomach, with an 'oof.' Of course she was as light as a feather, no pun intended, so it didn't hurt. "Looks like I'm not the only one that has to work on my landing." He joked, tickling Lillie.
Lille started to giggle as Keanu tickled her, making her squirm around and wriggle uncontrollably, she laughed once more before quickly leaping away from Keanu's grasp and hiding herself behind Callie's legs, peeking her small head around to stick her pink tounge out at Keanu and put her thumbs in each ear while wiggling the rest of her fingers.
Blair floated to the ground, diving with her wings tucked in slightly, then sticking them out just before she hit the ground, her legs swinging forward, and tapped lightly to the ground. She let her wings out loosely, not really folding them in. There was obviously a conflicting history he didn't want to share, judging by his actions. "Yes, people die," she began calmly, "But that doesn't mean you get to play god and decide their fate for them."

When Demitri touched the ground, the bare earth beneath his feet reacted to him, grass grew thicker and full of vitality, and little flowers popped up out of the ground slowly growing from buds to full blooming flowers in the span of five minutes, as if the plantlife were coming to greet him as their own personal sun. He smiled.
Blake landed gracefully. his wings extended as he hovered above the ground until he dropped to ground. "You know the boy in my dreams I keep telling you guys about. That boy showed up this morning. He's the tracker's leader," Blake said.
Keanu laughed at Lilles reaction to him tickling her, and then let her go. He decided to stay on the ground because he was comfortable, and plus the flock didn't seem to be doing anything at the moment. Callie laughed when Lille hid behind her legs. "You ready to go to the park now?" She asked, twisting her head to she could see her better. She then looked over at Blake. "Really?"
Lillie nodded eagerly, "Yes yes yes yes!" She squealed and ran over to Alex, he saw her coming and dropped down so that her arms wrapped around him like a normal hug rather than hugging his legs, he chuckled at her, "Careful Cuddles, any more energy and I think you may explode me." She giggled and let go off him and then ran off in the direction of the park as Alex stood up slowly. His eyes wandered after Lillie to make sure she was alright, he then turned around to face Blair and his eyes connected with her as he sent her a thought rather than speaking, 'It's either them...' His head turned to look at Lillie before he looked back at Blair, 'Or us.' Then he turned around and started walking off after Lillie as he sent another thought to her, hoping it would end their conversation, 'Besides, they decided their own fate when they took the job of hunting us down.' He replaced the word 'tracking' with 'hunting' feeling it was more appropriate.
Blair wasn't about to let go so easily, "You didn't hear me. I said it didn't matter if they were going to kill you or not, you still wouldn't care. You aren't bothered at all by the thought of murder," she paused, "What happened? What made you like this? Why are you so indifferent to the world? I know we all went to the School, but its more than that isn't it?"
CAllie shook her head and followed after Lillie, a little more slowly then she was running. She peered back at Alex and Blair, who clearly had something going on. Probably a head conversation. It didn't seem too bad, so she didn't interupt. She sighed, and motioned for Keanu to follow her and Lillie.
Alex paused for a moment, still in Blair's line of sight. He was by this point not near either Lillie or any of the others, he sighed and shook his head slightly, mad at himself. You idiot Alex. Don't get close. Don't let them in. His fists clenched as he thought, then unclenched before he carrying on walking as if she never spoke, following Lillie to the park.

( Gotta go to bed! Night night, don't go too far without meees! (Although who am I to speak? Just realized we completely left 14hca behind :o Its hard though when everyone is offline and online at different times xD )
Blair knew what was going on, the same thing Demitri when through when they were trying to find their legitimate parents....pff, boys. "Just don't shut me out just yet, okay...? If you ever need to talk..." her sentence drifted off, he got the message.

She sighed, she needed water. She wasn't thirst, but water gave her a calm sense of mind--something she could really use. It was still hot out as well. 'Cursed Flordia weather,' she said to herself, sweat beading on her forehead now that she was standing stationary in the heat of the sun, different from flying when the wind kept her cool. She could feel water nearby, she grabbed Demitri, and Blair lead the way to the spring.

There was a waterfall cascading down a fifteen foot drop of rock, into a clear blue pool with light coloured beach sand at the bottom. It was kind of like a big tide pool that the park reservers kept clean and protected. However, over the years the salt dried up and it was filled with a stream that came in from the Appalaians.
Callie glanced over her shoulder at Alex again. He seemed even madder then before. She rose an eyebrow, and decided to try and talk to him. She looked him in the eyes. 'Are you ok?' She asked in her mind, not wanting to embarass him by saying it out loud. Even though most people just assumed that Callie was hot headed and dint really care about people, she did. And she got especially concerned about the kids in the flock. Keanu opened his backpack, and pulled out a water bottle. He frowned though, when he saw that over half the bottle was empty. God, he couldn't wait to get out of Florida. To think he used to be excited about it.
Blair saw that Keanu was out of water, she slung off her pack and dug through it, "Heads up," she said then tossed him her own bottle. She didn't drink alot of water mostly, and usually never got thirsty, she didn't need to she had an eternal kind of water inside her, or it was like she naturally absorbed the water around her.

Demitri pulled off his back pack and shirt and dove into the cool water.
Keanu turned his head at Blairs voice, and caught the water bottle with one hand. "You aren't going to drink it?" He asked, already unscrewing the cap. He brought it to his lips, and took a few sips. After he drank some of it, he put the cap back on and tossed it from hand to hand.
Blair shook her head, being by the water was helping clear her head, she sat down by Keanu and laid back in the grass with her arms behind her head, still a little tired, "No, I don't drink much water__I dont really get thirsty--but I get water other ways I guess. I'm not even sure how it works...But since maybe I can do this--" she moved one hand in front of her and twisted her hand. A cord of water curled up from the spring and hovered a couple feet over her head. She waved some fingers and the stream of water contorted and changed shapes, "--I'm always linked to water. I only carry it around for emergencies, like it we get attacked in the air."
Rosa and Rome flew behind everybody carrying the supplies. She didn't know what it was about them but she and her brother were never quite in the loop. I mean Rome could probably be "in the loop" if she weren't dragging him down with her fiery tongue and sharp attitude but she did her part. She would smile and laugh if she got comfortable enough but that take time. At least her brother would wait for her. Rosa wasn't very good at taking orders either sneaking out, stealing stuff she didn't play by anybody's rules but her owns. She never did things without cause though, most of the time she tried to repay the people if she stole. Example A she helped those Walmart guys fix the ice truck before she raided the store.

Rome landed beside his little sister a few feet from the others. She had been silent the whole time but he could tell she was struggling again. His sister wanted to be accepted but he wouldn't deny she was a little hard to get along with. Sighing he could tell the others were at it getting fighting and bickering with each other but as always it was in their minds so you could only feel the tension not hear it.
Keanu laid down next to Blair, and watched her play with the water. "So I'm guessing you have water control power then? I have it for fire. So I can raise my body temperature, and I rarely get cold. Plus, I can do this." He fished around in his shorts pocket, and pulled out a small lighter. He flicked the wheel, and watched the little flame appear. He put his palm above the flame, and watched as a fire ball appeared directly below it. Once it was big enough, he put the lighter down next to him, and passed the fire ball from palm to palm, without the fire actually touching him.
"Rosa, Rome!" Demitri yelled from the spring, they were standing around awkwardly and guessed they were probably feeling left out, "Come on in the water's fantastic!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blair saw the fire and her eyes widened in amazement.The water being twirled around more in a jerky movement, not as smooth as before, like it was pumped with caffenine. "To be honest, fire kinda freaks me out sometimes, its...hard to explain. Like whatever gave me my power is screaming inside when im around it...I know it wont hurt me if I'm careful, but it's just instinctual..." she mused watching facsinated with the dancing fire. It was very pretty.

>>haha, sorry, i didn't see your post after, faith's, sorry it took so long<<

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