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Fandom Winged

Alex floated behind them all slightly, suddenly feeling like his old self again; the one who didn't help people and lurked in the background. Before he could even see her coming Lillie had flung herself at him - in the air - and hugged him tightly as she whispered in his ear, "That was really nice Alex!" He rolled his eyes and spoke back, "All I did was find a sleeping guy Lils, it's not like I saved the world or anything." She giggled and hugged him tighter, "You saved Blair's world." Alex froze and his eyes flicked to Blair as she wrapped her arms around Demetri's neck and he shrugged, "He wasn't going to die Lils...and can you let go off me? I think I'm running outta oxygen!" He faked himself choking and Lillie quickly let go, her eyes wide as Alex gasped and then fell down into the water below - forgetting that it wasn't just him and Lillie and that the others might see his outburst of personality. He popped his head up out of the water and stuck his tounge out at Lillie as she folded her arms and swooped down, flicking his forehead, "Alex! Don't do that!" He chuckled and kicked his legs lazily as he went onto his back, splashing Lillie with water as he did so. "Alex! I'm gonna get you!" She dived further down, barreling her small body into him as her plan backfired and he began to tickle her crazily, still managing to make sure that she didn't fall into the water.
Blair gasped when she saw Alex coughing then falling into the water, thinking there was seriously something wrong. But she laughed, realized it was a joke and he was just humoring Lillie. Blair thought it was odd how Alex was acting recently, she wondered why the sudden change. Alex usually kept to himself in seculsion--with the excaption of Lillie.
Callie had the same reaction as Blair, and thought there was something wrong with Alex. But she started laughing when she realized it was just him playing with Lillie. She smiled and watched them, and nudged Keanu, telling him to watch. Keanu looked over at the two, and raised an eyebrow. It wasn't often when he saw Alex like this. In fact, he couldn't remember a time when he ever had seen him like this.
Alex suddenly looked up and noticed their eyes on him, the kind of look that a kid gets when they've been caught eating the last cookie or painting on their mum's bedrooms walls appeared on his face. He stopped tickling Lillie and she immediately flew up into the air, trying to glare at Alex but failing miserably because of the smile on her face. Alex also flew up as the water particles from his clothes, wings and hair fell back into the lake, leaving them super dry. Lillie frowned when she noticed Alex had looked away from the others and his 'aura' had gone back to his usual, leave me alone feeling. She sighed and turned back to the others, putting on a smile as she pointed - in the wrong direction anyway - "To the camp!"
Callie rose an eyebrow at Alex when his natural personality came back, like being happy was a sin. She quickly sent him a thought. 'You know, it's ok to be happy.' She said, looking directly into his eyes. She did that fir a second, and then looked at Lillie. "Um, honey, that's the wrong direction." She chuckled, pointing the right way.
"Uh, camp?" Demitri said, "Am I out of the loop here or what?"

Blair glared at him and said sarcastically, "Just a little,"
Alex caught the look, and caught the thought, 'You know, it's ok to be happy.' He made a 'Pfft' sound that was audible to everyone but only sent Callie the next part, 'Is it.' The way he spoke was almost like he was having a normal conversation, it wasn't a question at all.

Lillie blushed and she giggled, "Oh..." She pointed in the right direction, "To the camp!" And began flying off before anyone else could utter another word.
Adrianna watched from the trees. She looked out at them but kept herself hidden. She put her hand onver he mouth thinking if she should go down there. No one knew her name, but they know she was around. However her brother was sitting at the bottem of the tree looking at them and wave. "Hey." He said as he got up not knowing his sister was in the tree.
Callie caught Alex's attention again, and nodded. 'Yeah, it's actually fun to be happy. You don't have to be so afraid of it.' She thought back, and ran a hand through her blond hair. She then watched Lillie fly away, and she jumped into the air without a running start, snapping out her wings. Keanu flew after Lillie as well, thinking it was proably not a good idea going by herself since she most likely didn't even know the way.
Alex sighed and shook his head, happiness can't last forever. That thought he kept to himself as he also took off after Lillie, Callie and Keanu. Knowing that Blair and the others would soon follow.

(Gotta go! Night night!)
Drake looked up at the others watching them fly. He streached his wings and flew up. STopping for a while grabbing his older sister and dragging her out of her tree. "Come on sissy!" He flew up but was slowly down because Adrianna refused to fly.

Adrianna streached her wings out and flapped trying to get away. "H-hey! I was watching! Let go!" She flew back as he flew forward but her wider wings were beating Drake's smaller wings. Drake however gave a big pull and made Adrianna fly running into a group of other winged people.
Callie sighed, and turned away from Alex. She had tried. She made her way to the front of the flock, and turned around, still flying. "Do you guys want to go get dinner before we go to camp?" She asked, still flying backwards. She was hungry herself, and they had enough money for a pretty decent meal at a nice restraunt. Even though they would probably look trashy walking into a nice restraunt looking the way they did. Keanu snapped his head up. "I do!" He raised his hand. Then again, Keanu was always up for food.

(Ok! See ya tomorrow)
Demitri shot both of his hands in the air in agreement. Blair nodded, she was circling in the air when something caught her attention. She swooped in next to Callie and quietly told her about a kid on the ground waving to them.
Callie nodded. "I'll take that as a yes." She smirked, and then listened as Blair whispered something to her. She rose an eyebrow not really understanding her, and then jumped when she saw Adrianna and Drake. She didn't know what to do, and looked over at Keanu for help. Keanu followed Callie's gaze, and shrugged. Keanu being Keanu, he waved at them. "Hi." This earned him an elbow to the ribs from Callie.
Drake looked at the one that said hi and waved back. "Hello!" He flew up and grabbed his sister and pulled her back. She looked mad. "I'm Drake and this is my sister Adrianna. He looked at her face which was annoied with him. "what?"

Adrianna pushed him away and sighed raising her hand slightly. She pushing her white hair behind her ears looking down. She wasn't good at making friends and she knew it. After a quick look at them she looked at her wings and then at theirs.
"Er...should we...go talk to them...?" Blair asked hesitantly. This was quite a weird situation, and it looked like Callie and Keanu didn't even know what to do.
Callie tilted her head. She interupted before Keanu could talk again. "Who are you?" She asked, staring at them. She didn't believe that they were dangerous, but she was still catious around them. Keanu was going to talk to them more, but was interupted by Callie. He took that as a sign to just be quiet.
Drake blinks and was about to say something before he noticed Adrianna's glare and crossed his arms. "..." Adrianna answered the question herself. "Like he just said I'm Adrianna and he is drake. other then that I guess we are like you?" She said a hint of her shyness about talking in her voice. Drake smiled and patted her on her head. "Oh good you talked....more then normal." He laughed teasing her. Adrianna closed her eyes annoyed and then opened them as she sighed deeply.
Blair smiled, they seemed decent enough personality wise, though she was still suspicious of two bird kids that happen upon the same park, "I'm guessing you guys have wings?" she flexed out her own, only showing about six feet of them.
Callie was still kind of suspicious of them, but knew if they were trackers or someone bad they would have attacked by now. She also showed some of her wings. "Did you come from the school?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of them.
Drake nodded. "Yeah." He said looking at his sister who suddenly looked down not wanting to think about it. She grabbed her arm showing her shyness. Drake sighed deeply and showed all 14 1/2 wings. As he looked at his sister she showed all 15 feet of her wings. Her white wings were only stollen of there beauty by a scar on the top. Looking like a bullet scrap.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Crap I got to go my mom is making me get off. ugh.)
Demitri nudged Callie slightly and murmmered so only she could hear him, "They look like they've been through hell," Noting the weary look in their eyes, despite the brother's cheerfullness, probably from hard night of light sleep, wondering the whole time when they would be attached next. There was no doubt they were stragglers who had to fend for themselves, not able to find a flock of their own.

Blair stepped forward, "How did you escape?" he said suspiciously. Testing if they really were legitimate escapees, and not a couple of hustlers sent out by the school to trick them.
Rosa watched as the whole flock flew away in search of Demetri, "Thanks Lillie," she said holding up her daisy chain. "Maybe I'll make you a crown," she said. But before she could finish everybody returned and started their hustle and bustle just expecting Rosa and Rome to follow as usual. Her brother had walked out of the water dripping water everywhere, he shook his head and a cascade of droplets fell on her skin. Rosa froze the drops on her skin adorning herself with frozen crystals. As usual they trailed behind the rest of the flock standing a little to the right of them as these new people appeared, "They have wings," Rosa whispered. Rome just nodded trying to listen to what was going on.
Adrianna sighed deeply and thought about it. "We just ran. The guards were after us like crazy as we headed for the gate. Before long....we were out however they did take long to follow. Flying to get away I was shot. My brother helpped me to fly while it healed. We've been on our own since then." Her brother raised an eyebrowl. "Still waiting for a thank you." he said crossing his arms. Adrianna just looked at him.
As soon as he saw the two new people Alex's guard was immediately up. He had just gotten used to keeping out Callie, Keanu, Blair, Demetri, Rosa and Rome. Did he really have to try his best not to engage with these people aswell? By the looks of the girl though, he wouldn't have to try too hard. She seemed almost as quiet as him. Though the boy might be harder, he seemed a bit like an older, male version of Lillie, cheery and joyful even though life was a piece of sh** right now. He sighed mentally and faced away from them all, pretending to look at something else in the distance, perhaps that tree over there could suffice.

Lillie watched the newcomers a bit cautiously at first, were they trackers? But as they showed their wings and told their story she began to feel like maybe they needed a hug, a bit of kindness. So she quickly sped over to them and looked up at them both with her sky blue eyes and smiled her very best smile, "Hi! I'm Lillie!" She leant in and quickly gave them both a hug, pulling back and smiling at Adrianna, "I like your hair, it looks pretty"

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