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Fandom Winged

Callie smiled and watched Lillie go from geing sad, to happy in an instant. "Hey Lillie, we can go get more chocolate right now, if you want. We can fly into town and buy some before we head to camp." She picked the little girl up, setting her own her hip and smoothing her hair down. Keanu watched the newcomers. They obviously where not bad, like they originally had thought.
Adrianna sat down feeling better. She pushed her hair back behind her ear again. She sighed and looked at the ground in thought. Drake on the other hand was thinking of a way to get her motivated and start talking to the others again.
Demitri's stomach growled demandingly, he moaned, "Caaaaaallieeee...." then he slid down onto his stomach, spread eagle, he said softer, "foooood...." Blai rolled her eyes and poked him in the side with her foot, "You are a real piece of work, you know that?"
Lillie's eyes lit up as she spoke in a bubbly tone, "A beautiful necklace AND more chocolate!" She turned to Alex her eyes alive with joy, "Is it my birthday?" He shook his head, "Nope Cuddles, not yet." She grinned and then frowned, "When is my birthday?" Slight sadness filled his eyes as he thought about how she didn't even know when her birthday was, the school would never make an occassion of any of their birthdays, it was casually mentioned to them, maybe as spite. They wanted them to know that it was their birthday and their present was another needle jabbed into their arm, or perhaps another surgery. "Alex?" He blinked and looked back at Lillie as he was dragged out of his thoughts, "Uh...not for a while yet Cuddles." She nodded and then grinned at him, "When's your birthday?" He frowned as he remembered what the date was today, then his eyes widen, "Oh sh--" He looked down at Lillie, "Shish kebabs..." He quickly covered up the almost swear word, "Umm...My birthday's in a week Lils." Lillie let out a squeal, "A week!" He groaned as he realized attention was probably drawn to them now.
Callie nodded. "Yeah, as mich chocolate as you want." She winked, because by what she meant, was that they could steal all the chocolate they wanted. Her eyes then widened when Alex said his birthday was in a week. "A week?!" She asked him, her voice rising. Keanu rose an eyebrow, and shook his wings for a second. He didn't remember Alex saying his birthday was anytime soon. But then again, he didn't really pay much attention to those things.
(Hm, didn't really think about that. I'd say probably mid fall, like late October early November? It's only so hit because their in Florida. I think it will be fun in winter, because it will be harder for them to survive in the clod and snow)
Adrianna sighed. She didn't care about birthdays. But the little girl not knowing when her birthday was, was quite interesting to her. She looked at the sky as she leaned back on a tree. She made the sunlight to redirect so it wouldn't hit her. She listened to them but didn't say anything.
Alex shrugged, "Yeah...7th of November." Lillie jumped up and down, "Alexxxx! Why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Her eyes widened and she grabbed his arm, "What do you want as a prezzie Alex?" He frowned, "Nothing" Lillie folded her arms and gave him a dissaproving look, "Alexius Kane Lozier. You tell me what you want right this second!" She stamped her foot and Alex's eyes widen, "Ok! Just please don't call me by my full name Lils!" She grinned at him and he went with the easiest answer, "Uh...a yo-yo?" Lillie frowned, "A yo-yo?" He nodded, getting a memory from when he was little, before the accident and before the school, smiling slightly, "Yeah, a yo-yo." Lillie shrugged, "Okai!" She ran over to Callie and whispered in her ear, "Callieeee, can we go get some birthday prezzies for Alex soon?"
Hearing about birthdays made Blair think about her own. It was autum but she didn't pay attention to dates; all she knew was that her birthday was on December 6th, whenever that maybe. Blair couldn't care less, to her, age was but a number. Demitri seemed to make it a big deal that she was several months older him, he could never stress the importance of birthdays enough. He got crazy over parties, Blair thought it was because he wanted to show off. She shrugged. Then saw Demitri's eyebrows raise misciviously at the topic of birthdays, know that parties were in order.

>>Fun fact: i use dec 6 as all of my charries bdays, cuz my brother made the mistake of asking me when my bday was so i popped a random date off and told him, he believed it for a while. so i always use it :D <<
Adrianna giggled a little at what Alex wanted for his birthday. She looked at Drake who was tapping his foot at her and the smile from her face fadded as she crossed her arms and glared. It was kinda funny for her is all.
Callie giggled, and nodded. "Yeah we can," She whispered back. "And I'll need your help planning a party." She added, tickling her for a second and then letting her go. She stood up straight, and looked around. "Ok, if we don't go get food in the next two minutes, someones gunna get hit." She warned, and scary part was, she wasn't joking. "Let's go."
Demitri was already ready, at Callie words he ran and shot in the air. Blair rolled her eyes at him and shouldered her own back pack. She stretched out her wings a little, and took off with a running jump. Flying through the air she turned to the side and did a barrel roll out of expirementation. Finding it particually enjoying she did another and laughed out of fun.
Adrianna and Drake got up. "Ok let's go!" Drake said as he walked up to them Adrianna following the shadow following her. She smiled staying pretty cool. Drake stood in front of her keeping cool himself.
Alex nodded, grabbed his backpack, swiftly pulled his t-shirt on and grabbed Lillie, throwing her up into the air and watched as she giggled and shot off after the others, he quickly leapt up into the air after her and followed, catching up to her easily as they followed the others.
Callie shouldered her bag, and took a running start. She jumped into the air, snapping her wings out. She quickly made her way to the front of the flock, and started in the direction of town. Keanu followed after the others, not taking a running start, only jumping into the air. He followed behind Blair.
Adrianna and Drake flew off following them Drake wasn't as fast as Adrianna so she had to help him keep up. "Serriously why are you so slow?" Adrianna asked as she flew backwards helping him. Drake sighed he never really had cought on how to fly faster.
Blair grinned and she called out, "Demitri, come here a sec," he flew closer, "Take my hand, I want to try something!" She told him what to do then carefully they moved their wings in sync so they didn't hit and Demitri grabbed her outstretched hand. Demitri layed on some speed then twisted, rotating tightly in midair. Blair tucked her wings in while Demitri swung her around. When he let go of her hand she stuck her wings out, spiraling within a giant spiral. She let out a carefree laugh. When Demitri caught up with her she grinned and said, "You gotta try that!" He smirked, "Air acrobatics?" Blair shrugged and thoughy, 'Why not?'
Alex was flying by himself once more, Lillie had sped up to go beside Callie and talk to her about his party and whatever else. He couldn't help but think of the old times, think of his 5th birthday party.

"Mummmy! Daddy!! Wake up! It's my birthday!" Jennette opened her eyes and smiled at her excited child, ruffling his - already messy - brown hair and gently kissing her husband's cheek as she spoke to him, "Pete, wake up, it's Alex's birthday" Alex beamed at his mum happily as his dad opened his eyes and smiled at his boy, "Happy birthday son" He grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap, sitting up in bed as his wife leant over and picked up one of the presents from the huge pile beside their bed. "Here you go Alex honey, open this one first." He nodded and eagerly tore at the present, it was tradition to open the smallest first and open the largest last. He grinned as he discovered a bright red yo-yo inside the wrapping, exclaiming in delight as he jumped from the bed and tried to yo-yo it. He failed miserably. He looked up and saw both of his parent's happy faces as they watched their only son, his dad leaning over and showing him how to use the toy.

Alex quickly blinked away the stupid tears in his eyes before they could fall and make themselves visible, they were gone, he needed to get over it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(I gotta go to bed! Night night, i'll probably be gone a while 'cause I got school tommorrow and it's my sisters birthday so we are going out afterwards! Hey just wondering, are you guys American? 'Cause whenever I'm asleep your online xD (It's 11:19pm right now for me))

(I had school today so that is why my characters are so far behind)

Rosa watched everybody take off. She sighed, if they would just pay attention to her maybe they would actually learn a thing or two. For instance when someone gets food from a store they can eat that before they buy more. Rome shot after the other leaving Rosa to refreeze the chocolates and set up a better campsite. She knew everybody would return later but for now she was going to get the necessary work done. She also needed to just relax but she still felt invisible. She tried so hard to contribute but it never worked out for her, things were forgotten and people only seemed to remember her snide comments instead of the comments and actions that showed her true character. She began to set up the hammocks higher in the trees where they wouldn't be visible and might have a chance of escaping if anybody showed up.
(Hey want to role play on blood pack.)

Adrianna looked at Drake and sighed deeply. She let go and watched has he tried to keep up. His flapping annoyed her. "Drake watch me!" He watched for a while and then started to go faster.
Callie silently talked to Lillie about Alex's party. Of course she was excited to throw it, but at the same time nervous. She didn't know where they would be living in a week, if they would have full stomachs, or even enough money to afford even the smallest of parties. She sighed at that thought, and at remembering her "birthdays" at the school. If one could even call them that. She glanced over at Alex, and noticed that he looked sad, more then usual. She sent him a quick thought. "Are you ok?" She made sure to catch his eye before sending it, to make sure it only went to him and didn't spread around the whole flock.

( I live in the northest of america, and it's 9:00 pm exactly over here (: )
News of the party drifted to Demitri's ears and he livened up. If there was going to be a party, he was going to be apart of it. He looked over his shoulder to see where everyone was, then let the wind fill his wings and he drifted back and to the other side of Lillie. He raised his eyebrows and grinned comically, he spoke in a 'hush-hush' tone and looked around pretending to make sure no one was listening--mostly for the girl's amusement, "What's this talk about secret parties? I want in!"

Being in the air reminded Blair that her water bottle was almost empty. She rose higher into the cloud bank, then swiftly pulled out her bottle from her pack, and bended the water vapor from the clouds into the bottle. It took roughly two miles before it was full but it beat being unprepared.
Rome caught up with the group his powerful wings pumping him faster and faster until he could just glide. "A party sounds fun," he commented wondering why they were even going out. Blair swooped above his head gathering water in a bottle and Lillie was already chatting with Demetri. He realized he had pretty much just talked to no one because everyone was already caught up in their own thing.

Rosa was surprised that nobody besides her had stayed behind. Callie usually told at least two people to stay behind if they were going to split up but maybe it had slipped her mind. The icebox she had created was melting and she worried how long the meat would last. Rosa refreeze the box hoping her raid had not been worthless. All of the hammocks were hung carefully out of view but now she just had to move the remaining bags up into the trees. She did so placing each backpack in a nook obvious to anyone climbing the tree but otherwise invisible.

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