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Fandom Winged

Adrianna looked at Rome. She stared for a while but looked ahead not really sure if she wanted to talk. Drake however pointed to Adrianna and smiled. "She's never been to a party..." He said trying to get her involved with the group. Eventhough she didn't like it.
"We throw small ones for birthdays but they are fun. We might splurge and get a cake, its just small things thrown together for something fun and different. It gets the flock out of a funk if we are feeling a little down and everybody loosens up," Rome said looking at the newcomers.
Drake patted Adrianna on the head and smiled. "Oh that would be good for you!" Adrianna glared at him. "Oh come on! Leave me alone already." She said smacking his hand away. "I don't need to go to a party I don't have fun. I always mess it up so stop trying to get me talking!" Her brother smirked. "Well it works does work doesn't it?" he said chuckling.
Callie joined in talking to the group, since everyone was pretty much talking to eachother. "Try to keep it down, we want to try and make it a surprise for Alex in some way." She whispered, glancing at him for a second and then turning back to the group while she flew. "I think he could use a party. He's just been so...quiet. Like more then usual. A little fun will do him good." Keanu flew in all different directions around the flock out of boredom. He flew over to Blair, and bumped her a little. "That was cool what you did with the water earlier. Ya know, to find demitri and the water fall." He said, swoping under her and coming up on her left side.
Adrianna looked at her. Was there something wrong with being quiet. However I normal don't speak at all but Drake was making me angry enough to provoke me. I sighed and crossed my arms flying normaly. I wasn't into impressing anyone.
Demitri looked at Adrianna, "You don't like parties...?" he said as if the concept was foreign to him. But a smile light his face and he suggested amiably, "If you've never been to one you'd never know that you might actually like it. I could teach you how to dance too!"
Adrianna crossed her arms. "He's not the only one...and I don't want to dance." I said and sighed deeply. Drake of course started yapping in my ear till I snapped and grabbed him throughing him down. He was able to fly soon before he hit the ground. I flew faster getting ahead of the flock not wanting him to follow.
Callie chuckled as well and nodded. "Well probably, seeing as how we throw one for every birthday. But I know for a fact if we told him we wanted to throw a party he would straight up say no. So this way if we dont bring it up and just spring it on him, he can't object." She shrugged, flying a little higher. Keanu smirked when Blairs cheeks flushed. He listened to his sister, and then turned back to Blair. "Yeah, I do. It gives time for the whole flock to just relax and let loose, even if it's only for a little while." he flipped his hair out of his eyes to look at her. "Do you?"
Blair laughed, "I'm not as hard core as Demitri is obsessed with it, but yeah, I like to do my fair share of partying. He taught me a few dance moves," she said modestly hearing Demitri offer others dance lessons. She made a gesture in the air like she was nudging him with her elbow accompanied with a wink, "You got any wicked moves?"

Demitri dropped back a bit to speak quietly to Drake, "Let her go, man, just give her some space to cool down. She'll get comfortable when she's ready," he gave a shy smile, "I learn from my own experiences not to mess with chicks when they're angry. She'll come around,"

>>frickin computer it deleted the first part of my last post :( <<
Keanu smirked, and nodded. "Of course, I'm an amazing dancer." He joked, poking her side quickly. "And unlike the stereotypes, I'm a teenaged boy who knows how to do more than just grind." He stated matter of factly. Though of course, he knew how to do that too.
"I'm just going to have to see for myself," she smirked, "And you have no idea how much of relief that is, I happen to find it quite offensive to both myself as a person and a dancer."
Keanu chuckled and did a backflip in the air out of boredom. "How come I've never seen you dance?" He asked, going back to flying next to her. He probably had before at one of the other parties, but just hadn't remembered or thought much of it.
Blair did 'jazz-hands', "There you go, now you've seen me dance," she giggled. Blair watched as Keanu did a back flip, she smirked. Folding herself in a ball and tucking her wings in a bit, she did an immediate tight front flip, hardly straying from their path flight, "Literal 'aerobatics',"

>>Gotta go to bed, school tomorrow, night all!<<
Drake shurged. "Hey have you even seen a girl go days on end without talking? Adrianna does it all the time. Her record is five days. I have to talk to myself sometimes!" He said holding his head in irratation at the thought. He looked at Adrianna who flew faster then anyone else.
Alex caught Callie's thought and frowned, why did everyone care so much about his well-being? He sent a message back in her direction, 'I'm fine.' The tone of it was intentionally sharp, he didn't care what anyone thought of him as long as they left him alone. It was too dangerous. He sighed and spun around so that he was flying on his back, looking up at the white clouds. He smiled slightly to himself and with a clench of his fist the cloud began raining on him. He sighed and let the coolness of it hit his body as he closed his eyes, his wings still managing to keep dry and able to fly.

Lillie was absolutely thrilled at the idea of throwing a party for Alex, maybe he would have a bit of fun? She frowned to herself, Alex didn't have much fun. He never really let himself have fun. She flicked her eyes back to him and smiled as she watched him fly on his back, even though he looked a bit like a depressed guy - making it rain on only him. Lillie knew that he liked the rain, loved the feel of it and the coolness it brang.
Adrianna watched Alex for a second then everyone else. She sighed as and looked at the ground. She dove down and grabbed a few white wild flowers and pulled up suddenly. She liked white flowers because they were the same color as her hair. She felt the petels of the flowers before sticking one in her hair.
"Well," Demitri sighed, contemplating what Drake said, "If she want's to sulk, let her...maybe your pushing her away when you constantly rag her. She might feel like you're critisizing her when you make fun of her for being a introvert...but if that's the way she want's to be...you should let her, man, don't make her feel like she's being forced into friendships. And besided, if you're feeling lonely now," Demitri punched his shoulder lightly, "You've got us to talk to as well," he suggested it mildely from the stand point of suggestion, staying positive. Demitri was usually quiet and mild mannered which him allowed him to observe people; otherwise, when he is given the opportunity/provoked, he could be a regular teenage guy.
Alex was thoroughly soaked now, smiling as he spun back around and the cloud stopped raining, shaking his hair so that droplets of water flew off his hair. His eyes flickered once again to Blair and he wondered why she intrigued him so much, maybe it was the whole killing thing. Callie had made just as much effort to get him to talk, yet it hadn't worked as well as Blair's attempts did. He sighed to himself and looked down at the ground they were flying above, he realised they were quickly nearing the restaurant and wondered if anyone besides him had noticed yet. Oh well, they'd notice soon, no need for him to alert them, it just caused unnecessary talking.
Adrianna suddenly flew into a tree out of sight. When she was a child her parents never let her outside. She wasn't able to hid her wings like Drake always managed to do. His wings could be hidden by his jacket because they were small enough. However her wings were always bigger then her till she grew into them so to speak. So she couldn't. When her parents died she went to the school. That's why she never went to parties or done anything with other people.

Drake looked at his sister and sighed. "I guess I try so hard because I feel gilty...when we were young our parents wanted to hide us. I don't know why, but my wings could be hidden easily while hers were always alittle to big for her. She grew into them but still. She never got to go outside or do stuff with other people. I remember she always asked to go outside with me. But it wasn't untill our parents died when we were sent to the school. That much excultion made her this way. As you can see she's scared to go eat with us." He said pointing at her in the tree.
Demitri nodded, "It makes sense..." he mused, then smiled, "Well, now that she has people around her, she can get use to having human contact and eventually become more comfortable. Baby steps..."
Drake shrugged and sighed deeply. "I'll let up a little bit but don't blame me if she doesn't want anything to do with us." He said watching his older sister. As he looked around and continued to fly he ran into a tree branch. "Ow my head..." He said rubbing his head.
Callie almost flew right past the restraunt. She came to a quick halt, making Keanu nearly fly into her. "We're here." She said loud enough for the others to all hear. She pulled over to the side, seeing a small but secluded group if trees. She quickly and quietly dropped down, making sure not to draw attention to herself. Keanu tolled his eyes playfully at Blair and then clapped. "That was the most amazing dancing I have ever seen." He joked, nudging her again before following Callies lead.
Drake flew into a tree where adrianna was at and then talked her into comming with them. They were quiet and waited for Callie.
Alex landed just after Lillie, his clothes and hair now dry as he folded his wings back, hiding them from view as he pulled out a black jacket and tugged it on over his dark green wings, he smiled at Lillie as she tugged out her own white jacket which went nicely with her blue summery dress, folding her own tiny wings back in an imitation of Alex. Pulling on her own jacket over her wings and grinning at Alex as they waited for the others, Alex had already decided he didn't feel like talking for the rest of the day. If Lillie wanted to chat with him then he'd do it with Telepathy.

(Gotta go! Night night! x )
"I know right, I should be on America's Got Talent. Im sure a dancing freakshow with wings would really win over the judges," she said sarcastically after she quickly landed on the ground, Demitri shortly behind. "Of course they would probably expect me to do something with flying, but I would dazzle them with my amazing footwork!" .................Demitri grinned when he saw that Drake had convinced Adrianna to come to dinner.

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