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Fandom Winged

Callie shrugged, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Beats me." Almost right after she said this, the waiter showed up at their table, asking what they wanted. Callie gave him her order, and Keanu after her. Keanu yawned, and stretched his arms out, one landing on Callies shoulder and the other on Blairs. "Well, what a nice family dinner this has been so far." He smirked.
"I'll have the baby back ribs, please, with a coke," Blair said politely and leaned back in her chair happy she was finally get food in her system. It was Demitri's turn and he order a double cheese burger and fries. He glared a bit at Keanu when he put his hands near his sister.
Callie glared at Keanu and lifted his arm off if her shoulder. Keanu stuck his tongue out at her. He then realized that he now only had an arm around Blair, and figured it was probably awkward. He quickly removed his arm, feeling his face redden
Blair wasn't paying attention to Keanu until he moved his arms away. She didn't know what to do, usually on circumstances like this she would play around with her powers, howerever there was no way in hell she would do that here in surrounded by of a bunch of humans...so she made something up, "Anybody see the game last night?" a steriotypical generic small talk question that was mostly an inside joke to them because none of them had a tv to watch anything on if they wanted to. Demitri chuckled, "Oh, yeah, that was a great game...You see that pass Greggorivan made in the third quarter? Poetry in motion." on the spot he started making up statistics and random players names, and mixing in terms from different sports. Blair jumped in, "Then bottom of the fifty two, Rednicky tosses the ball to Howenwein, they go over second base and boom, just narrowly ther, touch down. The other team is down seventy points, they get mad and takle Rednicky, turned into a bloody mess, four guys carried out on stretchers, two others wounded but continued playing, one guy sprained his ankle shortly after. Coach got pissed and hit a fan over the head with his clip board when they asked for his autograph." Blair nodded, Demitri laughed and added a few more player staticstics with a few soccer players too as well.
Adrianna said nothing. She sat there and didn't even order. However Drake did get her something and with her very shy look on her face he put a hand on her shoulder trying to cheer her up. WHich didn't work. Adrianna just looked down. In fact she was causing people to stare....mostly because of her hair color. Well....the cloak didn't help.
Alex still hadn't spoken, in fact, the only time he had opened his mouth to speak was when the waiter gave him a polite smile, "I'll have a hamburger and fries." He went with the simplest - and cheaper - option, he knew Callie was struggling for money, what with them being runaways and all. Even though Alex may seem like a jerk when he ignored others and gave sharp answers, he was actually a nice guy. His eyes flicked to Lillie and she smiled up at him, he grinned and without even needing a mind message to confirm his thoughts he looked back at the waiter, "She'll have a small ham and pineapple pizza please." He added the please for Lillie's benefit as she smiled and at him and gave him the sort of look you'd give to a child when they had just done something right. Once the waiter had gone he picked up his glass of water, stared at it slightly, like he really wanted to twist it around and turn it into various shapes, then drank it before he could be tempted. Lillie rolled her eyes at him and smiled at the others, trying her best not to fidget even though tucking her wings in bugged her slightly.

(Can they do children's colouring at this restaurant? Like in Pizza Hut!
:D )
Adrianna sighed deeply. Till her chair was knocked back by some carless boy. She yelled out landing on her wing which hurt alot. They were still hidden and weren't revealed at anytime during her fall. Having to hold her arm pretending that got hurt and not her wing. "..." She was silent as she got back up. Not even bothering to look at the boy who did it she set the chair up and sat back down. Drake was worried and checked her over. 'h-hey what hurts?" He said and the looked at her arm. Adrianna just glared at him trying to get across that it really wasn't her arm. A man sitting alone in the back watched them all carfully he snuck the boy a few bucks while no one was looking. However not seeing any wings from Adrianna he went back to his meal.
Alex noticed the boy and his eyes followed the kid as he tried to discreetly walk over to an older man who was sitting at a table across the room from them, he narrowed his eyes as the man handed the kid some money and his eyes flicked to Adrianna, he didn't bother looking into the man's mind. Instead he heard from Adrianna's mind that it was her wing and not her arm, so he directed his focus to her brother, 'She hurt her wing' Sending him the message and then focusing on Callie, 'Callie, that kid just knocked Adrianna over by purpose, the man in the back of the restuarant sitting by himself, the one eating the steak, is watching us and paid the boy to knock her over. I think something is going on.' Even though Alex hated having to communicate with them, he would never compromise the safety of The Flock.
Adrianna head bows. She tried not to make any noise with her wing. She looked drake who nodded now know what was wrong. He patted her on the back really feeling if her wing was broken...lucky it wasn't it. Adrianna let go of her arm and then looked up at everyone feeling like she almost blew the whole dinner away. She looked down again not only in some pain but in sadness as well. I always ruin everything... she thought to herself.
Alex had heard her thought, he sighed, he wanted to tell her she didn't always ruin things, he honestly did. But he knew it was too risky. He couldn't make any friends, it was better if he kept to himself and kept quiet, things would work out better.

Lillie also heard Adrianna's thought after noticing her sadness and focusing in on her, she frowned and projected her small voice into Adrianna's head, she didn't want it to seem like she had been prying, but she also didn't want the girl to be sad, 'You haven't ruined anything Adrianna! In fact you've made this dinner even better because now we have more people in our family!' Lillie always thought of The Flock as her family, I mean they were the only family she had. What else could she see them as?

Callie was like the mummy of The Flock, always telling people of when they crossed the line yet caring for each and every single one of them indivually. Keanu was like the Dad, quiet and thoughtful but full of jokes and fun. Blair, Rosa and now Adrianna were all like her big sisters, supportive and each different in their own way, sometimes playing with her and sometimes needing their own space. Demetri, Rome, Blake and now Drake were all like her big brothers, each one an indiviual and each one ready to protect her and her 'sisters' if need be. Then there was Alex, he was defiently like a big brother to her, but he was like the brother she was especially close to, he was always there for her and would snap someone's neck if they so much as glared in her direction. She looked over at Alex and smiled, yes, Alex was defiantly her brother.
Blair decided on coloring with her finger slightly touching the placemat, she would drag her finger through some water to make watery marks into images on the paper. When someone walked by she would causally smear the delicate image looking like she was just dragging her finger around a large watery stain in the paper. She smeared it as a boy walked by, knocked into Adrianna and caused her pain, Blair was on the edge of her seat ready to do something. Discreetly her eyes followed the boy, like the others in the flock, and she say the old man pay off the boy. Blair was halfway out of her seat ready to shove away from the table when Demitri caught her shoulder. She was ready to jerk away from his grip, but he narrowed his eyes and his grip tightened--a silent 'no'. Blair sat down, she was frustrated but she didnt show it. She turned her attention back to Adrianna, she was holding her arm, but she didn't hit her arm. "Are you alright?" she asked concernedly.
Adrianna nodded to herself and looked at her giving her a slight smile. She leaned back but then sat straight up because of her wings. Maybe she had hurt them more then she first thought.
Adrianna didn't answer she just gave a slight shake of her head meaning no not really. In fact she didn't want to go anywhere.
Lillie leapt up from her seat, running over to Adrianna and tugging on her arm as gently as possibly, "Adrianna!" She flicked her eyes to Blair, "Blair! Can you guys pleaseee take me to the bathroom! I need to pee!" To anyone else in the restaurant she looked like a desperate toddler/child but when she looked at Blair she had a twinkle in her eyes, she didn't need the toilet. But it would look strange if Blair and Adrianna suddenly left without a reason.
"Sure, honey" Blair soothed, "Adrianna, how about you come too?" Before she could answer, Blair got up and tugged Adrianna out of her chair by her good arm gently then took Lillie's hand and led them to the bathroom. She smiled like they were just a bunch of girls going to the bathroom to powder their noses, Blair had her arm hooked through Adrianna's so she couldn't sneak off. Everyone in the flock had had wing injuries before, and they all knew how painful they could be if they weren't treated right.
Lille skipped happily beside them as she clung to Blair's hand, humming a tune to herself as she secretly worried about Adrianna's wing, would she be alright?

Alex watched the girls leave, he couldn't help but watch Blair and the happy vibes she gave off. He realized he may look like a weirdo by staring for too long and quickly switched his attention to his half full glass of water, sighing as he urged so badly to move it, do something magical with it. He blinked and looked around the restaurant, frowning to himself as it reminded him of something, something from a long time ago.
Adrianna sighed deeply and followed. They just had to bring her once they got there she had no intention of looking at her wing.
Blair discreetly checked the restaurant for signs of people getting up before they went in the bathroom. Blair made sure the door was shut behind them and checked the stalls before speaking, "Lillie, honey, can you stand gaurd at the door and tell us if anyone is coming, please?" She went back to Adrianna, "Lets see that wing of yours. I can't self heal anymore than the average bird kid, but I can reduce swelling and hemoraging," Blair reassured her, "My water has some healing healing properties. It helps if the water is pure mineral water, but tap has some mineral, it will have to do. I like to study anatomy when we have the chance, and I've had my fair share of wing wounds. Are you comfortable with this? I don't want to force you into doing anything you don't want to."
Lillie nodded and instantly jumped by the door, she closed her eyes shut tightly and focused, relaxing herself as her body blocked any entrance through the door, she was using her Telepathy so she would know if someone was approaching the door and she could warn the others before it opened.

Alex frowned and tried to think where he had seen this restaurant before, he knew he had seen it and even been in it. Maybe The Flock had come here before? He frowned to himself; Callie didn't tend to let them go to the same restaurant twice. They raised enough suspicion being there once.
Callie watched the incident, with wide eyes. Just by the way the boy knocked the chair over, you could tell it wasn't an accident. She caught Alex's nod. She instantly stood up, not caring how much attention she was causing. It was obvious they would be leaving soon anyways. "Come with me." She said to Alex. It wasn't a choice, he was coming with her to talk to the man. Alex seemed intimidating at first, so maybe the man would cooperate with Alex there.
Adrianna sighed and nodded. Removing her cloak she looked at the injurd wing. There was a slight dislocated bone near were the wing grew off of the body. Nothing else really hurt. But there was a crash scar on the wing. As Adrianna looked at it the memory of the boy that was her ownly friend suddenly came to mind. There was a huge basement that was like another house set up for her. A boy that snuck in her house once found her. Adrianna was real little then. Over the years the boy snuck in and plaied with her. The basement was big enough for her to fly in and once snuck out of the house to give the boy a flight. Then it happened she had crashed and broken her wing. Then the boy died. Adrianna looked away trying to push the memory back.

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