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Fandom Winged

Alex knew it wasn't an optional thing by Callie's tone so he nodded and stood up, walking over to her and ignoring the looks from the rest of The Flock as he followed her over to the man, he knew what he was here for and instantly began to give off his 'dangerous' vibe. His dark green eyes hardened as he looked at the man.
Callie glared at the man as she walked towards the man, accompanied by Alex. She made sure to add an extra strut in her step, to show she meant business. She quickly made it to the mans table, and slammed her hands down on it, causing more attention to them. "That boy hurt my sister. And I know it was in purpose." She lied completely about Adrianna being her sister, but it might make things seem less concerning for anyone who might be listening.
Alex stood beside Callie, his arms folded as he glared down at the man. He purposely put a furious look in his eyes - although some of it was true anger, this man could be a tracker, he could be out to hurt little Lillie. The man looked slightly shocked that the two had confronted him and as he looked past the furious girl, at Alex an unreadable expression filled his eyes. Alex just shrugged it off and stood silently, he knew Callie would do the talking.

(Fire, can the man be played by any of us? Who is he?)
Rome glanced at the menu, "Oh umm, Two burgers and two fries," he said and when the waiter gave him a funny look he simply replied, "I'm on the football team," as explanation. He glanced around the table making small talk with the rest of the flock about fake statistics tossing in a name here a score there. His eyes wandered in what seemed like a careless manner, he was about to jump up and go after the boys when the knocked Adrienne over but Rome forced himself to stay down knowing it would draw too much attention. However the little paycheck the boy got did not escape him. He watched the girls disappear into the bathroom but his focus was then on Alex and Callie making sure they were okay.

Once Rosa had finished setting up the hammocks she began to distribute the little things she had gotten for everybody. Lillie by far got the most but being the youngest that always happened. The presents weren't anything big mainly necessities scattered in with novelty items like gum or nail polish. What to give the new people stumped her for a second but she decided to just give them a pocket knife and a compass each. The little things made her feel more like a part of the flock.
Blair carefully stretched out the wing and looked at it. She saw where the injury was and slightly ran her fingers across the feathers. "Looks like its just a delocation of one of the denser bones that connects to the shoulder blades..." She furrowed her eyebrows and determined how the bone was misplaced and the correct way to replace it, "This might hurt a little bit...One, Two, Three--" Carefully and as gently as she could she moved the dislocated bone back into it's socket, there was a tiny pop as it settled back into place. Blair went over to the sinks and turned it on for a moment and caught the water in the air before it could touch the basin. She moved it over the area of the injury with her hands, when it touched, the water glowed slightly for about thirty seconds then it dimmed, "That should have reduced the swelling, you should be able to fly now. It may feel uncomfortable for a while, but that will go away once it's all stretched out," Blair smiled.
Callie waited for the mans response. She continued to flare at him, clearly he was scared by Alex. "Well?" She hissed, leaning over his table. She hoped Adrianna was ok. She just hoped she could get an answer of of this man and hurry up and leave.
Lillie's eyes widened and she ran over to them, "Someone's coming!" She quickly ran over to the sink and acted like she was just about to wash her hands, hoping Blair and Adrianna would busy themselves with looking normal, besides putting away the wings.

Alex frowned at the man as he gave him a strange look, the man then looked at Callie and frowned, "What do you mean? I was just sitting here eating my food." Alex rolled his eyes and once again the man gave him a look, almost as if something about Alex was confusing him.
Adrianna bit her lip as she put the bone back in place. She felt alot of pain then it just felt very sore. Nothing she couldn't handle and she nodded. As she tucked it back in and put on the cloak she smiled. "Thank you." She said in a soft voice. Then looked as the person came in and smiled. Having her wings hidden.
Callie rolled her eyes at the man, getting even more frustrated. "Then why did you give the kid that pushed her chair money? And don't try and say you didn't, m and all my friends saw it." She growled, griping the edge of the mans table to keep herself from getting up and attacking him.
"No prob," Blair said, throwing Adrianna's cloak around her shoulders, then leaned against the wall and pretended to continue a conversation as the door of the bathroom opened, "--he knows we all failed the quiz, even the honor students, but he still didn't do anything about it. Mr. Brown is the worse History teacher ever, I mean, you gotta know something is wrong when the smart kids flunk out, right?" A middle aged woman walked into a stall, Blair walked over to Lillie, "Katie, you need some help washing your hands?"
Adrianna nodded and then looked to lillie. The walked out of the bath room to the others and looks at where alex and Callie are. She blinks and watches.
Lille shook her little head, "I'm ok Sissy!" She finishes and quickly dries her hands, smiling at her as she runs over and grabs her hand, Lillie liked this, pretending that she actually was related to members of her Flock. As she walked out with Blair she frowned, seeing Alex glaring at the man sitting at the table, then her eyes widened as she sees a fuming Callie.

Alex glares at the man and the man looks at Callie, "Alright!" He looks around, "Can we talk somewhere...less public?" He then looks back at Alex, it was really beginning to bug him now and he so wanted to yell at the man, asking him what his problem was. Why did he keep looking at him like that?!? Like he knew him from somewhere but couldn't quite remember where.
Blair squeezed Lillie's hand gently and smiled at her, she was just adorable. They followed Adrianna out into the main restaurant and Blair's eyes strayed to the man where Callie and Alex were interrogating him. She wanted to join them and punch the guy's lights out for messing with their flock, but she restrained herself, knowing Callie was taking care of it--but that didn't stop her from wondering what was going on. She sat down at the table and tried to read their lips--but doing a poor job, Callie was turned to the side so Blair could only see their profile's. The waitor arrived then with their meals, she wanted to dig in, but their were more important things to worry about.
Callie thought for a second, and sighed deeply. There was very high chance that it was likely a trap. She bit her lip and looked at Alex for a second. "Fine. We talk, in a public place. If you pull anything, I'll have my friend here take care of you." She smirked, and rolled her head in Alexs direction. She then sent a though to he brother. "Me and Alex are going to talk to the man. Bring the rest of the flock back to camp." Keanus eyes widened. He didn't think it was really a good idea for them to go alone. He quickly got up. "We're going back camp." He said, to no one in particular, and started walking towards the door.
Adrianna looks at the man and then walked up standing by alex. She crossed her arms. He smiled at her and then looked at her arms. "I thought you hurt your arm?" Adrianna sighed and looked at him. "I over it...it's only a bruse." She said he couldn't see of her arm.
Lillie leapt up and nodded, hearing Alex's voice in her head, 'Lillie, I won't be back for a while, stick with Blair ok? Me and Callie need to take care of something.' Lillie looked over at Alex and nodded, he caught the nod and then refocused on the man as Lillie ran up to Blair once more and took her hand, her worry for Alex showing slightly.

Alex focused on Blair once he had sent the message to Lillie and sent her a quick one, 'Can you look after Lils for me? Thanks' He then turned back to the man and glared at him with a dangerous glint in his eyes, he would happily 'take care' of this guy, his constant stares were irritating him. The man nodded and got up, leaving money for the bill, "Ok." He looked at Alex once more and even though the fear was evident, he still gave him that confused look, he was trying to figure out where he had seen those eyes and hair before. "The park?" He asked, across the street from the restaurant was a park. Alex nodded; Callie shouldn't mind, it was a nice, safe distance from the camp and a very hard place to stage a trap since it was always packed, wait...how did he know about the park? He frowned, must have seen it on the fly over here.
Blair nodded to Alex, 'Absolutely, and go kick that guy's ass for me, will you?' she thought. Demitri looked up from his burger, "But...my food..." he sighed and quickly wrapped everybody's food up in napkins, knowing everyone else would complain about it later. Blair helped him, but in the end she had to leave her ribs, they were too messy. Demitri put the food carefully in his backpack and followed Keanu. Blair took up Lillie's hand again, "Sorry, Katie, we gotta go or we'll be late for Josh's appointment,"

They followed after Demitri and Keanu into the wooded area, "I'll give you a quick start, okay, Lillie?" She smiled then threw the girl up into the air so they could zip out without raising suspicion. Blair did a running jump and took off, stroking down hard, ascending into the air fast. She hoped Callie would leave money on the table.
Callie nodded and headed out the door. The park seemed safe enough. She walked out of the door and was about to snap her wings out, when she quickly remembered who she was with. She stoke a glance at Alex, seeing what his reactions were. Keen walked out the door quickly after Callie and Alex, with the rest of the flock. He walked in the opposite direction of them, towards the woods. (OOOOH IDEA!!)
Alex followed behind the man, he was glaring at his back and his anger increased as the man fell back to walk with him, "Uhh, hey kid--" "I'm not a kid." Alex spoke sharply and the man even flinched a little bit, Alex rolled his eyes, What a wuss. "Sorry, but I was wondering if you--" Alex held up his hand, "Look save it. Whatever it is, you can tell me in the park, infront of her." He nodded to Callie and the man frowned, "Ok.."

(What's the idea? Oh, and I really should go to bed, do you think we could pause the 'Callie, Alex, Strange Man and Adrianna' side of the RP until I get back?)
Callie silently listened to Alex and the man, but pretended she couldn't hear them talking. She walked infront if them, her head low and kept quiet. (Ok so I was thinking that maybe the man actually did lead them to a trap, and then Callie, Alex, and Adrianna were brought back to the school and then the rest if the flock had to go and rescues them. I dunno, just an idea. And yeah, that's fine.)
(Okay, well I gotta go to bed now. I also had an idea xD I was thinking that also, the man could have known Alex from before 'The School' like he was a random villager in Alex's home city and he mentions it infront of Callie and Adrianna and he goes all tense and quiet, maybe even angry. But thanks for pausing that side of it! :D Night night, I'll be back as soon as I can!)
Blair flew up next to Keanu, "What the hell's going on?" she demanded, glancing behind them periodically to see if Callie and Alex were taking to the air.

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