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Fandom Winged

Callie landed softly on her feet, waiting for the whole group to land. While she waited, she pulled out her light blue Holister sweatshirt that she had stolen from a park. She zipped it up over her wings. She didn't like pullover hoodies, because if she needed to snap her wings out in an emergency, they took to long to take off. She always felt awkward walking around in Florida with a sweatshirt on in 90 degree wheather. Other people noticed too. Keanu laughed at Blair, as he landed. Thankfully, it was better then last times landing. "I think you could win the show if you just flew in the air for a second or two, dancing or not. I hear people like flying mutant-freak kids. I guess it's the new thing. " He joked, winking at her. He pulled out his black jacket, slipping it on to cover his wings. He hated wearing it though, since it just made him even more hot.

(Bai :P )
Rome landed beside the other pulling on the jean jacket Rosa had grabbed for him. He had mainly watched the rest of the flock or kept his eye out for danger, he laughed and joked with everybody but his focus was still on potential danger. He was really uncomfortable with Rosa being back at camp alone but he knew that any argument with her would have been useless and possible cause a scene. As he thought of Rosa and reminded him, "Hey, we need to get something for Rosa she is back setting up camp," he said to no one in particular in the flock. The jacket fit nicely across his shoulders but was loose in the back so there was enough room for his wings.
Blair still had her suit on and when she zipped up her black track jacket, she looked like she were coming in for the day after spending it on the ocean; her watery-turquoise coloured eyes full of light as if her day had been exciting and full of adventure; her dark chocolate brown hair was slightly wavy as it hung naturally straight around collar bone length; and dressed in surfer wear with the kind of aura that she truly 'lived' for a life on the water. Blair laughed and joked in an announcer's ridiculously baratone voice, "Featuring the Flying Feathered Spectacular--'Blair the Bizarre'!"

Demitri pulled out a loose red and blue plaid button up shirt he threw on, keeping his wings tight to his back, he didn't bother buttoning it up.

Just for kicks, here's Blair's suit and jacket.

Callie straightened herself out, and then sighed. "Alright, let's go." She started walking out of the woods towards the restraunt, not waiting for anyone to answer. Keanu chuckled and shook his head. "If you went in the show, I'd vote for you." He looked over at her and smirked, his blue eyes catching the sunset and making them shine.
Blair gave a small smile and winked over her shoulder as she turned and trailed after Callie, "That's reassuring,"
Adrianna had a cloak and then Drake had a jacket. They both nodded following. Adrianna however looked pretty shy about it.
Rome was unsure if anyone had heard his earlier comment but it didn't really matter he guessed. Sighing he followed the others into the restaurant trying not to eye every person they passed with suspicion. He rolled his shoulders and heard the slight rustling of feather underneath his jacket and smiled but made him self stop in case people thought the sound was odd.
Callie turned back to Rome. "Hey, what kind of food does Rosa like?" She knew they had to bring her back something, but she didn't know what. She figured Rome would know, since he was her sister after all. Keanu shook his head and smirked. He walked behind her and watched her, his head tilted slightly. There was something that he liked about Blair, and it wasn't just that he thought she was cute. Maybe because she was like him. He menatlly shrugged, and stopped thinking because he knew she could read minds and Keanu was never good at being embarassed.
Rome glanced at the menu hanging on the wall, "We should probably bring her a burger or something, she likes salad but I have she wants something she can sink her teeth into. Are we stocking up on more food?" he asked looking at the tension between multiple members of the flock. It wasn't necessarily bad tension either, he thought with a smile. Rosa needed to connect somebody, maybe even romantically. Heck he wouldn't mind having somebody special to him besides his sister but that was another subject. His power of mind control was begging to be released allowed to roam through the restaurant changing people to his will but as always he kept it locked up.
Adrianna looked at the ground looking uncomfortible. She didn't look up. Her wings here completly hidden however she feared that someone might see them. She looked at her brother who was as happy as ever. Then back at the ground.
>>Blair can't read minds, she only has water bending--if youve seen Avatar the last airbender, I kinda based Blair off of her ;} I love that show

--- Merged Double Post ---

Dammit it deleted it!!
Blair leaned over to talk to Callie quietly so no one think twice if they overheard them talk about their strange diet, "We still have that food Rosa got us back at camp if we need to stay inconspicuous,"

--- Merged Double Post ---

That's okay, it's not nessecary to know the show, but I can just say that Katarra is a f*cling badass waterbender, she can bend ANY water....that includes but is not limited to 'blood bending' which she despises learning and never uses--Blair will be the same way. However her progression in her abilities is not out right, it will come over time :o
Callie nodded and whispered back to her. "Yeah, I know. I just thought it would be nice to eat a good meal for once." She shurgged, and noticed that a waiter was staring at them. He hadn't said anything yet. He probably sensed that they where talking something over, by their odd behavior. She nodded at Rome. "Ok, we can do that." Keanu had already picked up a menu, and was flipping through it. Typical.
She gasped and said normally to Callie, "I remember now! You told mother yesterday you put her keys in that drawer in the kitchen." she smiled seeing from the corner of her eye that the waiter was still watching, "I told you we didnt lose them at the beach!" The waiter walked away and Blair let out a small sigh, "What do you think he heard?"
Callie rose an eyebrow at Blair, confused for half of a second and then caught on. "Wh- oh yeah! She'll be so happy when we tell her." She flashed a fake smile at her "sister" and quickly dropped it once the waiter left. "Good one. And I don't really know. Hopefully not too much." Keanu meanwhile, was as confused as ever. "What are you guys smoking? You aren't even siste-" He was quickly caught off by Callie jamming her elbow into his side.
Blair smirked, rolled her eyes at him, and opened her menu. Demitri on the other hand, "Haha, way to go, Dr. Oblivious," he hissed, he could tell Keanu was about to spit back a remark but he cut him, "Go back to the menu and bask in the picture of the delicious looking chicken strips, the matter no longer concerns you," Blair turned her whole torso towards Demitri in shock with raised eyebrows, not sure whether to 'Gibb-slap' him or laugh.
Callie covered her face and sighed deeply at the boys. "Behave yourselves right now, both of you, or we will leave!" She hissed, and then almost laughed at how much of a mother she sounded like. Keanu, however, wasn't done with Demitri. "I'm Mr. Oblivious? You fell asleep inside of a water fall." He shot back, but was soon again punched in the arm by his sister. "Enough." She growled, and calmly went back to looking at her menu.
"It 'was' a pretty nice waterfall," Demitri mused under his breath like a reminisce, not guilty about it at all. Blair jabbed him with her elbow and glared at him. He mouthed, 'What?!' offensively in return. She leaned in closer while Callie and the others were looking at menus, "What the hell happened to table manners?" she murmured silently. Demitri shrugged and said even quieter barely moving his lips, "They ran away when we became pluckable," He smirked, Blair frowned. "Fine, 'you' sit next to him then." Demitri hissed in the same inaudible tone. He saw her ears redden and leaned back and looking at his menu again.
Callie looked through the menu. She wanted to order all of it. It had been so long since she had a decent meal, and her stomach had been completely full. She finally decided on a burger and a soda. Keanu smirked at Blair and Demitri bickering back and fourth, hiding his smirk with his menu. He couldn't hear what they where saying, though. "I want the delicious looking chicken strips." He said to Callie, making sure to quote Demitri exactly.
Blair turned the page to entrees and immediately wanted to groan, any food looked fantastic to her right now. She looked up at Callie with puppy dog eyes, "Baby Back Ribs?"
Callie looked at the baby back ribs, checking the price. It was affordable. "Sure." She answered, closing her menu. She looked over at Keanu. He was bouncing his leg, and she quickly shot her arm out and held his leg still. "You know how much that annoys me." Keanu nodded. "I know. That's why I do it." Once Callie moved her hand, he started again just to annoy her more.
Demitri raised an eyebrow. He picked up his water glass that the waiter automatically set on the table for them when they arrived, he stuck out his pinky finger, "Unlike you, I'm trying to go lite with my diet. I think I will have a cesar salad and a chicken garnèe--I don't know what it is or if they have it here or even if it exists, but it sounds fancy so I'm going to have it." he said in a profound accent. Blair exaggerated rolling her eyes, "Oh, gawd, shoot me," she mumbled and smacked her hand to her forehead
Keanu made a "pft" sound but kept his comments to himself. He didn't want to risk another punch or elbow. Callie also rolled her eyes at Demitri. "What did I tell you about accents? They are to be used around the flock, and the flock only." She joked, tearing off a piece of her napkin and throwing it at him.
"Well then it seems that you all have no source of entertainment until Rosa is here to suffer with you," he sighed exasperatedly and threw up his hands in defeat after the ball hit him. He didnt risk retaliation since it would end in an all out war with the flock being throw out of the restaurant. "So where's that nosey waiter to take our order?"

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