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Fandom Winged

Keanu looked over at Blair, and then infront if him again. "I don't really know. Callie just told me to bring all of you back, and her, Alex and Adrianna would be back soon." He shrugged, and even though he wouldn't admit it, he was worried sick. He never should have let Callie, Akex and Adrianna go without the whole flock.
"I don't like this..." she mumbled in a sing-song tone, she glanced around getting paranoid, "I'm getting a bad feeling about this...This feels really sketchy," Blair drifed backward to fly next to Lillie, Demitri on her other side.
Keanu nodded, pulling his wings in closer to eachother for a second to gain speed. "I don't either. But I trust Callie, I know she'll be fine," He mumbled the last part, not really knowing if he believed himself.
In minutes the camp was in sight, she pulled down and straightened out in time to land neatly on her feet. She turned and caught Lillie in the air, knowing she wasn't too good with landings and that they had been flying fast, a small smile spreading on her lips, then she set her down. Blair walked over to the small rocky beach of the lake they made their camp around. She sat down hard cross legged and propped her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands. The water helped her, helped clear her head. She breathed in deeply, taking in the extra humid air, her body was absorbing the water around her, the barest hint of thirst she had left her. Blair frowned regardless, the water wasn't helping her conscience, it wasn't right leaving Callie and the others behind, no matter what they said.

Demitri touched down, he saw that Blair was visibly distraught, he decided against going over there--he knew better than to talk to her himself, it never worked, in times like this she didn't listen to what her brother had to say because she thought he would just tell her everything she wanted to hear. He sighed and looked around camp. Up in the trees their hammocks were all made and their clothes were all set out, "Woah, Rosa..." he said in amazement, "Wow...you really out did yourself this time..." He flapped his wings a few times and floated up the branches where Rosa was, he landed on a sturdy branch and twisted himself around to pull out her food, "We got you a sandwich, hope it's what you like. Rome thought you'd like it," Demitri said, trying to be extra nice since she did so much, "And excellent job! You didn't have to do all of this, this is awesome!" Most of the time this flock slept on the tree branches because they were either too wiped or too lazy after the day to put up their hammocks.
Keanu landed hardly on the floor of the camp, making a loud thump with his feet. He had to take a few steps after landing to keep from falling again. He stod up, impressed at Rosa's work. "Wow, this looks really good," He commented, nodding. He looked over at Blair, who was clearly distraught at the moment. He looked around awkwardly, and then grabbed his and Blairs food. He slowly walked over to her, and put her food infront of her. "Figured you where probably hungry." He dropped down besides her, opening his own food.
"Thanks," she said quietly pulling her knees up to her chest and tucked in. "God, this feels wrong..." she ripped the meat off of the bone sedatedly.
Keanu nodded, biting into his chicken. "I know." He sighed, watching the sun get lower and lower, making the world dark. He finished his first chicken strip, moving onto the second one. "I hope they get back soon. I don't want it to get too late." He said, opening his water and taking a sip.
The sky was growing darker and Blair saw clouds moving in across its vastness, "I wish the moon would come out tonight..." she sighed, "I could really use it," Her stomach was uneasy, the only thing that made her feel completely serene was the moon. Water was where she got her power and the moon was when she got her power. Only at night under the fullest moon, was where she felt she felt her most powerful, where she had the ability to use her skills to the fullest extent.
Rome followed the flock reluctantly, all this splitting up didn't suit his tastes but he also wanted to get back to Rosa. He touched down near the stream checking over his shoulder to make sure Rosa was here. She was and before he could go talk to her Demetri had already swooped in and she seemed to be talking with him. He smiled happily allowing hoping she would become more of a chatty cathy instead of a reclusive rosa.

Rosa smiled as everybody returned except something was wrong three people were missing, Alex Callie and Adrienne. "We shouldn't split up," she whispered when suddenly Demetri landed beside her. She blushed as he complimented her work, "It was nothing I figured I might as well set up while I was here," she replied. "Hey, where is everybody?" she asked realizing it was a bit of an overstatement but three people was a lot.
Keanu nodded, finishing his food. He pulled his knees to his chest for a few minutes. "Yeah, I love the moon. It always makes me feel calm when we're on the run...so always," He actually chuckled after that, and moved his hair out of his eyes. "Do you wanna go out for a fly? Like later, once it's completely dark. I like flying then the best." He stated, letting go of his knees.
His eyebrows furrowed and he looked away, "Things got a bit complicated at the restaurant...Callie is investigating, she told us to go on, Alex and Adrianna stayed with her. That's all I know..." Demitri told her hesitantly, He was telling the truth, he really had no clue what was going on.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blair beamed, "I'd love to! I find that I work best in the night time, like the sun dries up my energy...call me an owl." she joked, "Its so weird being in Florida and all, it super humid like im breathing in water, yet its so hot its slowing me down. Night time can't come fast enough," She was quiet for a moment, then said on a more serious note, "But the moon is my zen. I know it sounds...hippy-ish, but, it's my inner peace and tranquility."
Keanu smiled at her answer. "Yeah, night time is my favorite by far. I can see pretty good in the dark too. I think it comes with the fire power." He shrugged, looking at the sky. He then looked over at her. "Nah, I think it's cool. I mean, everyone has that one thing that makes them calm. And for you, it's the moon. I don't really know what mine is. Maybe drawing. That always works."
Blair raised an eyebrow, "I didnt think you would be a night person," she put out both her hands as if she were weighing ideas, "Day equals sun, sun equals heats, heat equals fire. Night equals moon, moon equals cool, cool equals water-slash-ice." To elaborate her point she held out her palm casually. Suddenly the air around them got very dry as Blair collected the humidity from the air. In her palm vapor swirled into a ball as it condensed and changed to liquid in a sphere about the size of a large marble. She blinked and it changed to ice. Another blink and it erupted as it changed instantly to a gas, and the water vapor returned to the air. Blair leaned back on her hands and stretched her feet out towards the water. "The moon also symbolizes balence, if there was no moon, the earth would crust up and die, moon also controls the tides."

--- Merged Double Post ---

She nodded at the water lapping at the shore. Blair had more concentration and control at night, which was why she struggled changing water to ice earlier in the day with the heat of the sun blaring down on her, and why she was it came to her easily at dark.
Keanu rubbed his eyes, and shook his head. "Nah. Most people would expect me to be a day person, but because I control fire my body temperature is naturally higher then the average person, so I get over-heated more easily, and dehydrated. Thats why Callie always wants me to have a water bottle, because heat stroke is common for me. Especially in this weather." He noted, nodding. "I still stay warm at night though, because my body temperature still stays high if I want it to. Nights a nice time to cool down for me. I just can't create fire from the sun at night, I need to take it from an origianl source. Like an actual fire, or stove." He explained, stretching his back out.
"Bizzare..." Blair exclaimed quietly, "Guess we're alike in that regard, yet different in another. We both can't exactly make our element but we can explicitly bend it to our will, and we both take refuge in the moon, however more of one snuffs out the other," she shrugged.
Keanu nodded. "Yeah, I know. Most people don't get it." He could understand why, he didn't really understand it either. "I think eventually, with more practice, we might be able to make fire and water without an actually source. Just make it in our hands." To prove this to her, he held his hands out, about six inchs apart. He looked at them, concentrating. He closed his eyes, and felt a warm feeling in the palms of his hands. A very small spark erupted in the space between his hands, and disappeared a second later.
Blair sighed and shook her head, "I don't know, it goes against the law: matter cannot be created nor destroyed," she started to get technical, explaining from science show about chemistry and atoms bonding into molecules, she focused on her hands making example out of water showing little orbs as atoms. She didnt know if he was actually listening or not, realizing that what she was talki g about was quite boring, "But fire on the other hand, I don't even know how it works to beginto tell you, something about friction and burning gases..." she looked at Keanu and laughed, "What am I saying? Im talking about chemistry while making water float around like Newton's laws don't exist!"
Keanu listened to her talk, but wasn't really understand a lot of it. Science wasn't exactly his thing. "You're talking about breaking newtons law? Hell, we're flying kids who can track things down, read minds, and control elements. Now I'm pretty sure that's a bigger law to break than Newton's." He said, only half joking. He had just noticed how dark it had gotten, and smiled when he saw the moon was out. "You wanna go fir a fly now? Before it gets too late?"
Blair smirked, jumping up she ran onto the surface of the water. With barely a flick of her hand, a platform of water raised her fifty feet in the air in less than three seconds, she leaped off in a free fall, then about ten feet before she hit the surface, she snapped out her wings right as the pillar of water collapsed. She sailed in the air, rocketing into the sky with just a few strokes.
(Hey guys Me and Eagle Heart(Another role player who happens to be a close friend of mine in realy life. We're checking through songs and I found the purfect song for Adrianna In fact I might use it sometime or another in the role play. Anyways I want to use it for her Theme song. Since I'm bored I will randomly put the lyrics in here and based on what you've seen on Adrianna I wanted to know if I was so right. Yes I'm weird...but I'm bored.)

You come into the threshold of another

Starless night of fear

You're running from the "demons" that

Would drag you down again

Illusions of the world are spinning out of

Time and frame and synchronicity

You're so sad

You're such a sad-eyed girl

You're so sad in your sub-plot.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Another morning it comes running

Up your bedpost with the wind

You face yourself just like you always

Do, time and time again

The mortal coil of image, inner

Peace and satisfaction.

And so you keep it on the down-low

Hiding all the secrets that are down below

And so you keep it on the down-low

Tell me baby was it worth it all.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Wassup Girl

It's my turn

You cry and your eyes burn

What's your life's turn

Beautiful girl

Who all the guys yearn

What's more to your story

You still learn

Despite why your eyes burn


I seek and find the ole merchant

The high beacon

Your eyes talk

When you ain't speakin'

And at school

You cry out

Why does water deep dry out?

Your getting gyped (Cheated)

Flat out.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance.

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all,

You're my existence

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all

You're my existence

You're my existence.

(Here's the link if you want to listen to it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN5Ygx1QbUE )
Keanu watched her in amazement. "I wish I could do that." He mumbled, before jumping in the air and snapping his wings out without a running start. He quickly caught up with Blair, soaring right above her. He looked down at her and smiled, and turned on his side to go through two trees.
Blair tipped to the side as Keanu zipped in front of her, she grinned and called out, "You wanna sky dive?"
(Hey guys Me and Eagle Heart(Another role player who happens to be a close friend of mine in realy life. We're checking through songs and I found the purfect song for Adrianna In fact I might use it sometime or another in the role play. Anyways I want to use it for her Theme song. Since I'm bored I will randomly put the lyrics in here and based on what you've seen on Adrianna I wanted to know if I was so right. Yes I'm weird...but I'm bored.)

You come into the threshold of another

Starless night of fear

You're running from the "demons" that

Would drag you down again

Illusions of the world are spinning out of

Time and frame and synchronicity

You're so sad

You're such a sad-eyed girl

You're so sad in your sub-plot.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Another morning it comes running

Up your bedpost with the wind

You face yourself just like you always

Do, time and time again

The mortal coil of image, inner

Peace and satisfaction.

And so you keep it on the down-low

Hiding all the secrets that are down below

And so you keep it on the down-low

Tell me baby was it worth it all.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Wassup Girl

It's my turn

You cry and your eyes burn

What's your life's turn

Beautiful girl

Who all the guys yearn

What's more to your story

You still learn

Despite why your eyes burn


I seek and find the ole merchant

The high beacon

Your eyes talk

When you ain't speakin'

And at school

You cry out

Why does water deep dry out?

Your getting gyped (Cheated)

Flat out.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance.

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all,

You're my existence

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all

You're my existence

You're my existence.

(Here's the link if you want to listen to it


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN5Ygx1QbUE )
She pulled up to skim the tops ofthe tree canopy. (lol, use to use theme songs as apart of our smelly at the last rp site I was on. Anyways I have a theme song for my charrie Batgirl in my Young Justice Rp. It's super awesome, I'm on my iPod so I can't give the link, but it's the Call of Ktulu --I think that's how you spell it, it's pronounced 'toodle-loo' by Metallica, it's not heavy metal or anything it's a weird album in the sense that they incorporate a symphony orchestra in it, its perfect spy music and it's really beautiful. :o )

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