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Fandom Winged

Alex looked at Callie and frowned, "It's not your fault." He spoke in general, about the man and about anything else she may be implying. "Those trackers are damn sneaky, I'll give 'em that. But what they lack is teamwork. One of them gets insulted and they flip out, they don't stick together." He looked down, this was hard for him, speaking so much. But he knew that if he didn't, Callie might bring up his parents. "We've got that." He looks up at both of the girls, making sure he catches both of their eyes, "We're a team. And I don't just mean us three here, we're all a team. We stick together even if we get separated." He sighed after the speech, hoping it had done it's job.

Lillie nodded and looked around, she thought to herself, and then ran over to Blaire, "Shall I ask Alex if they are ok?" She looked up at her earnestly, she wanted to do something to help and since she never seemed to be able to put things away correctly or lift anything heavy, she wanted to check up on the missing three, she'd be able to do that through Alex.
Blaire smiled at her, "Yes, sweetie, can you make you don't loose contact with them, do you know how far your connection goes per chance?" She said, she was rolling up hammocks tight and stuffing them into back packs, making sure they didn't take up more space than was required. The sound of the rain around them calmed her a tiny bit, but she was still nervous and worried as hell. It was now completly dark out, and she could just barely see what she was doing with her raptor night vision. She almost had everything done looked around, "Keanu, Drake, could one of you guys give us some light?"

Demitri gathered up everyone's packs and packed away things that were set out for them.
Drake lit up his hand and sighed again missing Adrianna. Even though they really weren't that close at all. He sighed and looked at them all.
Alex heard her crying and clenched his fists, these stupid trackers have ruined so many lives. Made so many people miserable. He couldn't stand to see miserable people. He sighed and made his way over to Adrianna, he sat beside her, not reaching out to touch her because he knew he didn't like it when people touched him, unless of course he was close to them. "Adrianna?" His voice was surprisingly gentle considering he had being cursing just a few minutes ago, "It'll be alright." His voice sounded broken as he spoke once more, "Please don't cry..." He looked at her with his deep green eyes, hoping she would stop crying and show her face.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lillie nodded, "I'm not sure, I think it goes pretty far though. Alex told me that I'm really good at it and that I'll be able to speak to him even if he was in Australia!" She frowns, missing Alex a lot. She then focuses really, hard, the perfect image of Alex in her mind as she shifted through various people's heads, her small fists clench with the effort of it and then she finds him, his thoughts sound upset. 'Alex? Alex can you hear me? It's Lillie!' She waits for a moment, biting her lip, 'Cuddles?' A small smile manages to make it's way onto her face, 'Alex! Are you ok?!?' She can hear his chuckle and she smiles even bigger, 'Yeah Cuddles, I'm hanging in. Adrianna is a wreck though, can you ask her brother if he knows how to cheer her up?' She nods and runs over to Drake, asking him quickly, "Drake! Alex wants to know how to cheer Adrianna up, she's pretty upset"
Blaire smiled, "Thanks guys," She tossed Demitri another roll, he zipped it into a back pack. "Looks, like we're ready to head out," Blaire said, shouldering her own pack. Looking at Lillie she said, "Do they have any idea where they're headed, even what direction?" From the time the van would have pulled off the curb, they would have been able to tell their cardinal direction from the way the van moved.
Adrianna looked up at him and then looked down again. "..." She wipped her eyes and looked at him. She nodded. "..." Suddenly grabing her left wing were the bullet scrap was. "I lost my parents to..." I looked at him. "Since I know about you I guess you can know about me...One of the reasons I was caught was because I killed my best friend...." She sighed and leaned back still crying a bit. "I didn't mean to but it still happend that way...no one knew that I had wings....because I was never alowed outside."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Drake sighed and shrugged. "I never was able to...she kept me away."
Rosa shook her head, "I don't care I can do it again, should I bring the food or leave it? The ice block is a little cumbersome?" she asked Demetri her quick hands rolling and tying shirts so that they could act as bags holding some of the little gifts she had grabbed. She left out the pocket knives and the hunting knives knowing they might come in handy. Rome worked beside her so that everytime she finished a roll he tossed it in a bag. Rosa looked up to see Lillie helping locate the others. She hated how the child was having to grow up so fast but she couldn't focus on that right now.
Callie listened to Alexs speech, impressed. This was probably the most she had ever heard him speak. She then saw Adrianna crying, and listened to her story. She felt awful. About Alex, Adrianna, everything. And now, she felt awful for making the rest of the flock have to worry and put themselves in danger too. "I know they'll get us, I just don't want to put them in danger too." She mumbled, resting her head against the van wall. The metal was cold, and she flinched. Keanu took out his lighter and made a small ball of light. He used one hand to hold the ball of light, and the other to pack his stuff up into his backpack.
Blaire helped the others with various other tasks then said, "Are we all ready?" She didn't want to loose the trail and risk loosing Lillie's connection, she suspected Alex had said it to Lillie to amuse her, but she didn't dare to find out. "We'll be okay when we're flying, I can keep the weather off of our backs, but it might be chilly because of the drafts. I would prefer to go above the cloud bank and avoid all confrontation with the rain and such, but we would risk losing them."

"No, you should take it with. Callie had all of the money from what I understand, so we might not be able to get food," Demitri told her, "If its too much, I could carry it for you, I've got some space left in my backpack."
Keanu flung his bag over his shoulder, and put the hood of his sweatshirt up. "I can transfer some of my body heat to everyone," He suggested, blinking the rain out of his eyes. He then heard what Demitri said to Rosa. "I have a couple twenties in my bag, but I don't know how much time we would have to stop to get anything. So you should bring the food."
Demitri smiled and took the box from Rosa then carefully put it in his bag separated from the clothes and hammocks with a plastic bag. He zipped it back together and put his pack around his shoulders, then gave Blaire a nod. "Are we good to go?" Blaire said, glancing around the flock, she looked at Keanu, he was the leader after all.

--- Merged Double Post ---

>>by the way, dance, XxKatherinexX signed up<<
Rosa smiled, "Thanks," she said pulling her pack onto her shoulder before walking over to Lillie, "Do you want me to carry your backpack?" she asked knowing they would be able to travel faster if Lillie wasn't waited down. Also the child could use a break she had been on her feet and wings all day and who knew how much longer the kid could last.
Lillie nodded, handing the girl her backpack with a "Thank you" Using her power so much was exhausting but she wouldn't let go of Alex. Not ever. She looked up at Blaire, "I think they are heading back to the school." She noticed how tired everyone looked, it couldn't be helped. 'Alex, have you guys arrived yet?' She got a response after a while, playing with her fingers because of the worry and nerves, 'Not yet Cuddles' She sighed in relief and quickly answered back as she looked around at the quickly disappearing camp, 'Let us know when you do, we want to double check that it's the school you're going back to'

Alex listened to Adrianna and as bad as it sounds, he felt himself warm a little bit, he wasn't the only one? He looked at her, he wasn't going to say he was sorry, he knew he hated it when people said it to him. They had nothing to be sorry about, they were just reminding him that HE had something to be sorry about. He slowly reached out and touched Adrianna's hand gently, "How?" He asked, referring to the killing of her best friend. He in his own way felt as if he was responsible for his parents death, sure he hadn't driven the car that had hit them, but he was the reason they went out that night.
Adrianna sighed. "Well he always snuck into the house so I snuck out and ran into he forest to meet him. I took him for a flight. Suddenly I was shot at I don't know who but when I fell he fell over a cliff I was going to go over. On e he go. To the hospital....he died." she said and held her shoulder. "I heard him screaming but I didn't do anything I was afraid...I let him fall."
Alex listened to the story and the van went over a bump, he knew they were nearing the school, there was massive bump in the road about half a mile away from it. "From what it sounds like Adrianna...it wasn't your fault he fell. Someone shot at you, you were young and scared. Whoever shot at you, it was their fault." His hand was still on hers and his other hand reached up and gently moved her hand off her shoulder before she broke it with her killer grip.
Adrianna looked at him. She nodded slightly and looked down. I sighed deeply and looked at down again. She felt a little better but he fact was she let him fall.
Callie listened to Adrianna. She didn't say anything, she figured Alex had it all under control. Though she did feel bad. She frowned when they went over the huge bump, a sign that they where only minutes from the school. She sighed, and immediately tried to think of ways to escape the second they opened the van doors. But of course, none of them would work.
Alex looked at the van doors, thinking the same as Callie. Could they escape then? No. He sighed and ran his hand through his head as he leaned his head back against the cold metal, groaning as he stood up and slammed his fist against the metal doors. Nothing happened. "Stupid damn trackers, I'm going to rip their heads off." He dropped to the floor beside the doors and rubbed his forehead with his hands, then looked up at the two girls, "We're almost there."

(Gotta go! Sorry!)
Flower created a light ball looking at the doors. "..." Comining her fire she created a bright flaming ball and ran up throwing it at the door. She used her wing to keep Alex from the fire. It did nothing but burn the doors a bit. Removing her wing from the way of Alex she sighed and looked down.
Blaire looked around, "I guess we're ready to go then," she decieded. She leaped off of her branch and threw out her wings, she hovered outside of the tree waiting for the others, a hand raised lazily over her head making an invisible dome over their heads that the rain would glance off, providing a pocket of protection against the rain.

Demitri grinned cheerfully at Rosa before jumping off of his branch and joining Blaire.
Callie raised her head at Alex's words. "I'll help." She mumbled, only half joking. If she could, she totally would. The thought of being back in the school made her stomach lurch. In just a few minutes, they would be back in the ugly gray building that for so long was her 'home.' Keanu jumped into the air and snapped his wings out, flying up near Blaire. The hand that he punched the tree with still hurt pretty bad, most likely broken. He was quieter then usual.
Blaire saw Keanu holding his hand gingerly and remembered how he punched the tree. She flew closer to him, "Why do you do this to yourself," she sighed softly, periodically glancing behind her to make sure Lillie was alright and she nodded at Demitri to help her, she held out her hand, "You mind if I take a look?"

Demitri flew back to the branch Lillie was on, realizing she might get cold he pulled a sweater out for her and helped her put it on, "How ya doin', kiddo?"
Keanu smirked slightly, and shrugged. "I do that when I get mad," He hesitated, before slowly holding his hand out. It was swollen, and still hurt pretty badly. Of course this wasn't the worse thing he bad done.
Blaire smiled a bit and looked at his hand, "Doesn't look like anything's broken," she mused, she ran her finger over one of his knuckles that was scraped up, she raised an eyebrow and pulled on it and the bone set back into place, she then said serenly, "It wasn't dislocated, but it was moved out of place, its...hard to explain," Blair let some of the rain fall through her sheild into her palm, she held the water to Keanu's hand, it glowed a moment then she let the water fall off, "I reduced swelling, but next time," she looked at his face and smiled, "save it for the erasers when we get our family back," Blaire patted his hand then let go.

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