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Fandom Winged

Keanu watched curiously as she looked over his hand. He winced slightly as she put his finger back into place. Hi hand felt much better now, just a little sore. He nodded, smiling. "I will," He then sighed and fixed his hood. "Let's go get our family back." He yelled, to no one in particular, before setting out into the night.
Blaire flew back and helped Lillie and the rest get into the air, Demitri flew on ahead. Blaire jumped back into the air and flew near the back doing a quick head count making sure there were no straglers.
Keanu flew with the others for About an hour and then turned around, flying backwards. "The weather seems to be getting worse the farther we get, so just be careful and stuck together. I don't need to loose anyone else today." He yelled, hoping everyone heard him over the thunder.
Blaire frowned, "Sorry I can't do anything more," she shouted over the noise, "I'm not really able with weather, that seems to be more of Alex's thing," She kept the rain off of the, but it became harder as the lightning started, somehow it disturbed her, and being so close to it with the high risk of being hit, it scared her to the bone, making her adrenaline pump and her heart pound. She started to suggest, "Maybe it's best if we go above the lower cloud bank--" but she cut herself off, going above the clouds meant going into the clouds and they would surely get struck then. She stuck close to Lillie, flying as close as she could above her, she didn't want to think how frightened she might be.
Keanu jumped as a huge clap of thunder erupted, followed by lightening. "Can't. We would have to go through the clouds first." He figured she had known this, since she had cut off half way through. He quickly pulled a watch out of his bag, to check the time. Just passed one in the morning. He saw a cliff up ahead, with a small cave-like enclosure above it. He signaled for the flock to follow him inside of it.
Blaire axiously followed after him. She landed in the cave helping Lillie as well. Thankfull to be there though it was dark and cold.
Keanu stood near the entrance of the cave, and shook his wings of any water that had gotten on them while entering the cave. He saw that Blaire looked cold, and he slipped his sweatshirt off and threw it to her. He could rise his body heat, he didn't need it. he took a breath, and shoved his hands in his pockets. "It's one thirty in the morning. We're all exhausted. It would be dangerous to keep going in this weather, even with the shield. I think we should just crash here for the night, and go first thing in the morning. If we sleep even for a few hours, we would be at our best. We can't fight good tired. I know it's kind of cold, and the floors hard. But it's the best we can do." He said, his eyes soft.
She smiled and pulled on his sweat shirt muttering a thanks, after Keanu's speech, she nodded in the darkness, "I'll take the first shift while everyone sleeps," she rubbed her arms and turned to glare a the rain pouring down outside, "We could use some light..." She turned around and went to unpack Lillie's bed roll away from the draftiness of the entrance.
Keanu pulled his lighter out, and made a ball of light. He set it down in the back of the cave, away from any rain. He set up his bed, but didn't go to sleep. He went over to the entrance if the cave, and sat down. He pulled his knees to his chest and sighed, watching the rain fall.
Rosa threw Lillie's backpack on with hers and took off with the others, she smiled back at Demetri half-heartily. The trip really was miserable with the pouring rain and the grey overcast. Her eyes remained focused on Lillie although she could hear the steady beating of Rome's wings beside her. The trip felt like it would go on for days but eventually they landed in a small cave which once it was packed with people became quite cozy. She began to unroll Lillie's bedroll when she heard Demetri offer to do it, "I've already got it Demetri," she called softly laying out the small bed for the child while Rome quickly set up his and Rosa's mats.
Blaire went up to the rest of the flock, Rosa, Rome, Drake, and Demitri, "How are you guys feeling? If your hungry we have rations too," she smiled and talked to Drake privately, "I'm so sorry about your sister, I promise this doesn't happen a lot. We're gonna get Adrianna and everyone back," she gave him another reassuring smile. Her stomach rumbled a bit and she went over to pick up a stack of crackers and the container of pb, one of her favourite comfort foods, and went to sit over by Keanu.
Keanu glanced over at Blaire, and stole one of her crackers. He smiled, eating it all in one bite. He store at the moon, which unfortunately was being covered by the pounding rain. He sighed, glancing over at Blaire. He took another cracker, dipping it in peanut butter.
Blaire didn't say anything but smiled wearily, she dipped her cracker in pb and sighed, munching away. She set the food beside her and drew her knees to her chest. She closed her eyes, imagining the rain going away, out of experimentation. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated...she didn't feel anything. Blaire opened her eyes again, everything was the same. She sighed deeply and ran both of her hands through her hair.
Keanu ate a few more crackers, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Go to bed." He said to Blaire, not looking directly at her. He then looked at her, smiling. "I got it." He fixed his hair, moving it out of his eyes.
Blaire frowned slightly and shook her head, "No, it's fine. I don't think I could fall asleep if I tried. Besides you were tired earlier, go to sleep," she urged him. It was true was she said, her nerves felt hard-wired yet her mind felt disconnected and dreary at the weather. The weather always made her feel like this, she found solace in it yet it made her feel like she was slowing down. Rain didn't make her feel sad, it just made her feel neutral and blahzay. "It's fine," she repeated then stuck another cracker in her mouth.
Keanu shrugged, leaning against the hard rock wall. "I don't think I would be able to either. Even if I am tired, I just couldn't." He shrugged, grabbing another cracker. He noticed that the rain had let up, but only slightly. He figured it was probably past two now.
"I wonder how they're doing," Blaire said softly, she looked at Keanu, "It must be bad, Callie being your sister and all," She thought about Demitri, annoying as he could be somethimes, he was her right hand man, he knew her the best, and they had known each other forever...he was her brother and she would be devastated if something where to happen to him.
Keanu sighed at Callies name. Not that he would admit it, but he was worried sick about Callie. He trusted Alex enough to watch after the girls though. He knew she would be ok. "It is. We're never separated for long, especially if one of us is in danger." He looked over at Blair.
"Same here," Blaire said quietly, "Demitri and I arent actually related," she chuckled as she realized that was a bit redundant, they looked nothing alike, "But we've grown up together from such an early age it's weird thinking we actually aren't." she got glum again, "Thanks to the school..." Blaire shut her eyes tight and rested her chin on her knees. She jumped and her wings shifted nervously under Keanu's jacket as there was a sudden crack of lightning followed by an astonishing rumble of thunder.
Rosa simply shook her head when Blaire asked if she was hungry.She had eaten her meal from the restaurant while she was flying and Rome had already eaten another granola bar from the pack. As she sat down on her mat Rosa could feel the aching of every bone and muscle in her body but of course she couldn't go to sleep. Rome on the other hand hit the bed mat and was out like a light. Rosa woke him a few times if his snoring was getting out of control, sometimes he would maintain a slow growling snore but eventually it would turn into this absolute that could practically shake the room. She began to draw moisture from the air freezing it in a sphere in her hands, she began to look for things she could put in the sphere, she wanted to layer it with designs.
Alex sighed as Adrianna's light ball only burned the doors, "Nice try though." He nodded and then watched as she sighed and sat back down, the van suddenly stopped and his fists clenched as he faced the door, he could hearing them unlocking it and you could see that he was ready to punch them across their ugly faces as soon as they opened those damn doors.

Lillie lay down on the bedroll and sighed, the thunder made her jump and she squeezed her eyes tight; she was scared, really really scared. Her eyes shot open and she ran over to her backpack, she quickly unzipped it and pulled out a pink, floppy rabbit with blue eyes, running back to the bedroll and squishing the rabbit against her as she buried her face in it. Another flash shot through the cave and the sound of the thunder rolled through the cave, her small body shook. She had been scared of thunder storms ever since that night at the school when one of the guards - feeling especially spiteful - had told her a horror story about how ever time there is a thunder storm, the horrible flashes of lightning would seek out small girls and strike them, making them vanish into nothing but a pile of ashes. It wasn't a particular scary story, but that guard and the school were scary, and he had told her the story after she had just endured the school's version of 'surgery' She couldn't take it anymore, she wished Alex was here so that he could give her a hug and tell her it would be alright. She looked over at the empty spot on the other side of Blaire and another rumble of thunder made her quickly drag her bedroll over to beside Blaire and drop down next to her, without thinking she snuggled into Blaire's arm - still clutching the rabbit - and whispered in a small voice, "Blaire, I'm scared."
The crack of lightening followed by rumbling roll of thunder spooked almost everybody, especially if they hadn't already passed out from exhaustion. Rosa had jumped so much that the sphere she had been working had fallen from her hands landing in a shattered mess at her feet. It really had been pretty for she had taken the time to pick up small leaves and twigs that, once bent and twisted to her liking, had created intricate design across the frozen pallet. Looking up she from her destroyed sculpture she saw Lillie rush to Blaire side. Rosa had never understood this idea of seeking comfort in the the physical touch of people around you, this was mostly another result of her solitary confinement back at school. She watched out of the corner of her, Lillie obviously found comfort through surrounding herself with people but why? Her brother let out a particularly loud snore and with that she punched his shoulder getting him to grunt and roll over, he swiped aimlessly with his hand as if he was trying to ward her off.
Adrianna gave a smirk. "Hold on I'm not done yet." as they opened the door she jumped out and kicked them in the face. Suddenly light blasted out and spread out wide. She breathed fire and light turned into a hand hitting everyone away. Her wings stretch wide and blazed with fire. As they got close she jumping punching one and drop kicking another. She grabbed one burning his arms and threw him to the others light crushed the ground and protected her from bullets. She created a fire tornado flames going everywhere. Her wings flapping blasting out fire and light. She created a good amount of damage but her strength was going fast. This much released fire and light was draining her.
Keanu nodded. "I can tell that you guys are close." he looked at her when the thunder cracked, followed by lightning. He kind if liked lightning, mostly because it was similar to fire. He absent mindedly put his arm around her, to calm her nerves. He then looked down at Lillie. "There's nothing to be scared of. We're all here to protect you." He gave a kind smile. Callie followed after Adriannas lead, jumping out if the van and kicked one if the trackers trying to hold her right on the chest. She swung around and punched another in the nose.
Alex watched the girls kick butt and then, dragging water from the rain around them, formed a huge ball of water and blasted it straight at three trackers, knocking them down like pinballs in a bowling arena. One of the trackers pulled out a shining blade and it slashed down across Callie's arm, Alex saw red. He leapt from the van, gripped the tracker by the neck and spun him around, slamming him against the van as he drained all the water from the man's body, causing him to drop the floor with the life sucked out of him. He swept up the blade that the man had dropped and spun around in time to slash it across another Tracker's face, blood gushing from the cut he had just given the tracker. The tracker let out a yell of pain and a metal blade of a knife pierced through Alex's left arm as the Tracker got his revenge, Alex barely noticed it with the adrenalin pumping through him but he still let out a wince as he slammed his fist into the man's gut.

Lillie looked up at Keanu and a small, weak smile appeared on her face, she nodded and then re-hid her face in Blaire's arm. She was still linked to Alex's mind and she heard his undirected thought, 'Dammit that hurt' She sat up suddenly, her eyes wide as she sent him a message, 'Alex? Alex what's going on?' It was a few seconds before she got a response, he was obviously trying to focus on something, 'The van stopped at the school, we're fighting the damn trackers but I can tell we're all getting tired.' Lillie looked to Keanu and Blaire, she knew that they needed to rest, but it looked like no-one was actually sleeping anyway, "Alex just told me they stopped at the school." She paused and jumped slightly as the thunder scared her once more, "T-They're fighting the trackers right now."

(Can Alex, Adrianna and Callie lose this fight if that's alright with you guys? I want the others to save them! :D )

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