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Fandom Winged

Callie winced as the blade sliced into her arm, which just barely slowed her done. She frowned, seeing that it had gone through her sweatshirt and was now soaked in blood. She dropped kicked another tracker, and slammed ones head into the side of the van. She tried attacking another one, but two of them grabbed her arms at the same time, moving her towards the door. She tried fighting back, but she was tired. They had lost. (Yeah, I wanted them to loose anyway)
Alex saw them dragging Callie but as he went to help her the man had recovered from the punch to the gut and had slashed his blade across Alex's back, causing him to let out a yell of pain as blood began to seep through his top, he turned back to the man and with a flick of his wrist the blade in his hand shot straight through the man's neck, causing him to stagger back and gasp before crashing to the floor. Alex winced, his arm was hurting like hell and his back was stinging painfully, another tracker had a smarter approach and rather than charging at him he pointed a gun straight at Alex's head, glaring at him. "Give it up kid." Alex's eyes narrowed, "I'm not a kid." Two trackers cautiously approached him, ready to restrain him like they had done Callie, His eyes flicked to one of them as they stopped and looked at him, a hint of fear in their eyes, "Stay away from me." The guy with the gun chuckled bitterly, "What you going to do kid? You got no weapon left and a gun at your head." Alex raised an eyebrow and the man who had the fear in his eyes gasped as the rain began to shoot into his mouth, straight down into his lungs as it began to drown him. "Stop it!" The man with the gun yelled as he got closer, Alex stared at the guy defiantly as the man continued to drown, he lowered the gun and shot at Alex's already bleeding arm. Alex let out a yell just as the drowning man fell to the floor, dead. The other tracker quickly slammed cuffs onto his hands, knowing he wouldn't be able to restrain him without them, to be honest though, Alex felt like sh**. He was about to pass out any minute now.
Callie managed to kick one guy in the leg, giving her enough time to look around and see Alex with a gun pointed at his head. Before she could run or do anything, two more trackers came and held her down, shooting a needle into her arm. Almost immediately, she felt dizzy and relaxed. But mostly, weak. The feeling she hated the most. She heard a gunshot, and tried to turn her head with little luck. "Alex!" She tried to yell, but it didn't come out very loud, probably only loud enough for him to barely hear. Since she didn't see where he was shot, she immediately thought the worst. She felt tears tugging at the corners of her eyes, and she bit her lip to keep them from spilling everywhere.
Blaire smiled kindly when Lillie came over to her, she wrapped her arms around her comfortingly. When Lillie mentioned the others were fighting she looked alarmed, "Theyre fighting back?" she murmured they might have a fleeting chance, the guards there would surely overwhelm them soon at the fist sign of a riot, "We have to go help them," There was another ridiculous crack of lightning and Blaire regarded Keanu's arm around her, her cheeks went pink. She hid her face in her hair by looking down at Lillie, and bit her lip. Demitri rolled over, finding the finding the ground unsatisfactorily hard and unwelcoming after waking up from his nap. He blinked and looked around then sat up and ran a hand through his already messy ashy pale blonde hair. He saw Blaire near the front of the cave sitting with Keanu, 'Surprise, Surprise,' he thought to himself, they seemed to be spending a lot of time with each other recently. Rome snored loudly and Demitri reached over to poke him a bit resentfully since had woken him up a few times during his nap. He could tell something was going on from the mood in the air, he poked Rome again, "Dude, you need to wake up now," Demitri stood up, stretching and yawning hugely.
Rome swatted at something in his sleep rolling over again and bumping into Rosa. She sighed, "Here let me do it, a poke hasn't woken him up since he was in a test tube," she said forming a sphere of ice in her hands. "You might want to move," she told Demetri before lining herself up above Rome's head she then melted the ice above his head so that a gush of ice water drenched him. And with that Rome stood up swinging his hands clenched into fists and he was huffing and puffing, "What the heck?" he growled softly eyes glinting.

"We need to leave grouchy," she replied rolling up her mat which she had managed to keep dry in the whole process.
Demitri chucked at her joke then all out laughed, "You're worse than Blaire, she just dumps water on me," he nudged Rome in the side, "Feel sorry for you, man, ice water in the morning, that's hard core,"
Rosa smiled, "I wonder if just regular water would wake him up, maybe Blair and I should trade alarm clock duties sometime," she said playfully. Rome looked at her a little shocked, his sister was never this talkative but he wasn't going to complain. Rosa ignored him, it was getting easier to be a part of the flock she just needed sometime.
Alex heard Callie's feeble call but he was losing too much blood to even have the strength to respond, the pain was filling him quickly now and he felt his eyelids dropping. Then the world went black as he fell into the creepy world of unconsciousness.

Lillie's eyes widened, "BLAIRE!" She screamed and ran over to her, grabbing her by the bottom of her t-shirt as she looked up at her with massively distraught eyes, tears already spilling over and slipping down his cheeks, "I can't hear Alex anymore! He's not even THINKING! People always think!" She sobbed loudly as she tried to carry on, "S-Something has hap-happened to hi-him!" Lillie was terrified, what if Alex was dead?
Keanu jumped up, kind of sorry he had to let go of Blaire. He quickly walked into the cave, nudging everyone with his foot on the way to get his bag to make sure everyone was up. "Wake up, we gotta go," He said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. The rain was letting up a little now, and the sun was starting to rise. Callie tried to fight the trackers again, but she was so sedated and tired she could barely keep her eyes open. By now, she let the tears spill over. She was worried about Alex. She knew how mich blood he was loosing, if the gunshot wasn't directed at him.
Adrianna fell down. She had down her bet but it wasn't enough. Her light and fire disappeared as she breath slowly. A tracker kicked her hard knocking her from her knees to her side. She coughed and tried to breath.
Blaire put her hands on Lillie's small shoulders and looked her in the eye, "We're gonna go get them. Alex is strong and tough, most importantly--he's one of us, and we fight to win. He's strong, Lillie. And we're going to help them," She gave her a reassuring hug then ran over to get her back pack. Demitri was rolling up his bed roll, he stuffed it into his pack and flung it around his shoulders.
Keanu stood at the edge of the cave, waiting fir everyone else to be ready. He watched the sub slowly rise, and sighed. He hoped that everyone was ok, but mostly Callie. If anything ever happened to her, he would be lost. He watched Blaire comfort Lillie.
Rosa knew they needed to get moving and started throwing stuff into bags. At points she wasn't even sure if it was her stuff but she just kept going she had both Lillie's bedrolls and her own packed up. Rome was waiting on the edge of the cave holding his stuff he looked jumpy and ready to go, "I'm just gonna carry your stuff again Lillie," she whispered to the small child. Fire burned in Rosa's eyes as she thought of how much fear and pain the child must be experiencing.
Blaire's words didn't comfort Lillie much, but now Lillie's sorry began to mix with anger. Alex was like her big brother, and if someone was going to hurt Alex, they were going to hurt Lillie. She nodded as Rosa whispered to her and looked around, she ran towards the exit and her small wings carried her as anger burned inside her, she flew quickly and sped off. She knew inside of her that she would wait for the rest of the flock. But she couldn't help it, Alex needed her. She focused on her flying and strangely enough she was heading in the right direction. She kept on searching for Alex's thoughts as she flew, but she still got nothing, causing her to fly even faster.

Alex was still unconscious as the trackers managed to grab Adrianna and drag all three of them back into The School. The huge, evil doors shutting behind them as they began to drag them all to their separate 'rooms'
Adrianna screamed as they did. "Alex! Callie!" She tried to excape them but it just ended in another beating. With a now bleeding face she cried and went to the corner and hid. Very upset about everything.
Blaire jumped off the cave ledge after Lillie, not waiting for the others, She was quite upset and Blaire didn't want to take any chances of her getting hurt. Blaire noticed Lillie was going pretty fast and Blaire had to lay on some speed than usual to catch up with her. Demitri looked at Rosa quickly seeing all the stuff she was carrying, "Do you need any help? Seems like a lot," he asked her quickly as they made they way to the cave entrance.
"I'm but thanks," Rosa said taking off after Blaire and Lille. She hovered for a moment making sure everybody was coming before flying after them. She knew the child would probably tire soon and if she sprinted after them she might waste her energy. She readjusted the straps of the backpacks until she could grab the pocket knife, just in case. Rome flew below her carrying the food in the ridiculous ice box she had made.
Callie was dragged into her room. Usually she would have put up a fight, but her arm hurt and everything was quiet. A few tears were still running down her face. Keen jumped into the air, having to speed pretty quickly to get up to where Lillie was. He flew on one side of her, actually pretty impressed that she was going the right way this time.
There were multiple School Institutes, Blaire had no idea which one the trackers had taken them to but she knew Lillie would lead the way. She had the telepathic link.
Alex blinked his eyes opened and groaned immediately, his arm was in so much pain and his back was almost as bad. He sat up and looked around his 'room'...if you could call it that. It was a square room with bland grey walls and no windows - they were worried the kids might use their powers to escape using the windows. Alex looked at the cheap bed he was lying on and then his eyes flicked over to the full length tacky mirror, great. He was back at the school. He suddenly heard a small, scared yet hopeful voice in his head, 'Alex?' He blinked and then his eyes widened, 'Cuddles?'

Lillie breathed a sigh of relief and slowed slightly, 'Alex? Are you ok?' She heard Alex groan in her head as he replied, 'Is Blaire there?' She frowned, why hadn't he answered? She looked beside her and saw Blaire, 'Yeah' 'Ok, I'll talk to you in a sec Lils.' Alex's voice left her head and she frowned, why didn't he answer her?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alex focused in on Blaire, he was in a lot of pain and he couldn't tell Lillie that. He zoomed in on her and projected his slightly pained voice into her head, 'Blaire? Blaire are you there?'
Adrianna held her face her tears burning the wound on her face but she couldn't help it. She looked around and hit the wall with her fist light and fire spreading across the walls. She coughed but it was the only thing to try and brake free.
Callie woke up a little while later, on a cold hard bed. She sat up as quick as she could, and immediatly regretted it. Her arm was throbbing, and so was her head. She groaned, and looked around the empty gray room. She rubbed her forhead, and tried to think of ways to escape. It was pretty impossible. She tried to find Keanu in her thoughts? "Keanu?"

Keanu jumped slightly at the voice in his head. At first he thought it was Balire's, and then figured it out. "Callie? Are you ok?" He sent back, sighing in relief. This meant that she was at least awake. "Hows Alex and Adrianna?"
Blaire gasped, not expecting Alex's voice shoved into her head, especially not with the pain that sounded in his voice, "Yeah, Alex, I'm here," she thought back to him, "What's going on? Are you hurt? How are the others? Are they injured? What's going on?" she repeated the last question. She had to admit she was scared for them, knowing how much she loathed the School, with just the thought of going back to that place turning her stomach and making her feel sick, she could imagine what it would feel like to be taken back there in captivity. Blaire shuddered.

>>hate to say it...but, maybe they should have shock collars? it would make things harder and since the School usually treats them like animals--the cages and all<<
Alex managed to chuckle despite the pain as she repeated her questions, 'Well, the school got us. Um, yeah I'm kinda hurt. I'm not sure about the others, I know that Callie got hurt aswell but I'm not sure about Adrianna.' He answered her questions in order, swinging his legs around so he was sitting up on the bed, he sighed and rubbed his forehead, 'How's Lillie holding up?'

Lillie was flying faster and faster with a determined look on her face, she was beginning to tire but she wouldn't let it show. She had to get to Alex. He hadn't answered her question about being hurt and that scared her more than it would have done if he had told her that he was hurt. Sometimes she wished that people wouldn't hold stuff back from her, she wanted to know the truth, she didn't like being kept in the dark.
Blaire rolled her eyes when Alex said he was "kinda hurt". She looking at the girl in front of her racing to get to the School, Blaire mentally frowned, "Hysterically distraught, but determined overall,"

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