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Fandom Winged

Callie avoided the question of if she was hurt or not. She rubbed her arm while looking up at the metal ceiling. "Are you guys almost here?" She asked, rolling onto her side with her good arm. She just then realized how hungry she was. Of course, there was no way of her getting any food though. She sighed, waiting for Keanu to respond.

Keanu realized that she avoided his question, which worried him. If she avoided it, it probably meant she was hurt. "I think so." He looked around his surroundings, to see if they actually were close. "Yeah, we are."
Alex rolled his eyes, Lillie could be very stubborn sometimes but he hoped that she'd be smart enough not to try anything against the guards, in fact he'd prefer it if she was a safe distance from the school, 'Hey Blaire, you're pretty good at healing right? Well you any good at gun wounds?' He didn't want to mention that he got shot, but his arm was throbbing like mad and he was pretty sure the school wouldn't give a damn if he was in pain anyway.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lillie noticed the school in the distance and tried to pick up the pace, but she couldn't. She had pushed her small wings to the limit and her chest was heaving with the effort she was using. She didn't care though, she needed to get to Alex. She knew he was having a conversation with Blaire and wondered whether or not she should drop in, it was wrong but she needed to know if he was ok or not. 'Hey Blaire, you're pretty good at healing right? Well you any good at gun wounds?' Her eyes widened, he had been shot? She glared at the massive school and ducked her head slightly, speeding up the tiniest bit.
Blaire's eyes went wide and she said aloud as well as relaying the message in her head, "You got shot!" She bit her lip. shook her head, and crossed her arms regaining her cool. Blaire took a deep breath before saying calmly, "Where did you get shot? Did it hit any bones or blood vessels? And how bad are you bleeding?"
He rubbed his forehead confused with all the questions she listed, answering them sloppily as he looked at his arm, 'I got shot in the arm, I don't think it hit any bones but I'm not sure about blood vessels 'cause it bled alot and hurts like a bit**' He sighs and stands up rather dizzily, 'The school put something on it to stop the bleeding 'cause I passed out from it. But beside that they haven't - and probably won't knowing them - done anything else about it.'

They got closer to the school and Lillie slowly began to reach the ground, wondering how they were going to approach this matter as her small feet hit the ground. She looked back to see the others landing aswell and waited for either Keanu or Blaire to talk and announce what they were going to do. It took everything inside of her not to storm into that building and find Alex.
Keanu landed behind Lillie, as quiet as possible. He made his way to the front, and then turned to the rest of the flock. "Ok, as you can tell we can't just walk in there and save the day." He motioned to the two large guards standing infront of the electric fence, holding guns. "We have to plan first for this to work safely. I talked to Callie, and I know Blaire's probably talking to Alex. As far as we know, they're ok. Probably in pretty bad shape though. If we want to rescue them, we have to stick together." He paused to let all of the information sink in. "Got it?" He asked to no one in particular.
Adrianna sniffed and stretched out my wings and then tucked them in upset. She looked around just glad Drake wasn't here. Sighing deeply she curled up in the corner not bothering to move into the bed. Just more memories of lonely nights and hard times. She didn't want to remember.
Blaire landed on the balls of her feet, "Keanu's right we need a plan," she landed on the balls of her feet demitri right behind her, she had to let the dome of rain resitsaance go, it would to to suspicious, "We dont really have the element of surprise, the School is probably locked and loaded expecting us to come barging in, we have to have a plan of action"
Lillie looked up at Keanu, then at the guards, then back to Keanu, "Ok, step number one to the plan....how are we going to take out those guards?" She points at them, trying to think of ways.

Alex heard his door open slightly and he jumped back onto the bed, sitting up slightly in it, 'Oh cr*p Blaire, someone's coming. Gotta go!' He looked at the door and watched as one of the higher people of the school walked into his 'room', the door instantly being shut behind them, probably locked aswell. Alex narrowed his eyes at them as they walked closer to him, their arms folded across their chest as they tapped their foot. They tutted at Alex and his fists clenched as he glared at them, "Alex, Alex, Alex, what did you have to go and do that for?" Alex spoke through gritted teeth, having a very strong urge to rip the person's head from their body, "Do what?" His tone was bitter and the person raised an eyebrow, "You killed three of our men, Alex." Alex glared at him, "So what?" The man got closer, his polished shoes tapping on the floor as he stood beside the bed, leaning down closer to Alex in an attempt to make him feel intimidated, "So what? That means Alex, that I have to go and find three more men to take their places! THREE MORE! Do you know how annoying that is!" Alex didn't answer, glaring at the man. The man pressed a button on a remote he was holding and a horrible electric impulse flew through Alex's body as the metal band on his wrist shocked him. He gasped, his head down as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. The man leaned back into his face and spoke cruelly, "I see Freedom has had a bad effect on you Alexius. That'll soon be fixed." With that the man walked right back out of Alex's 'room' and left him there.
Adrianna was being tomented herself. Only worse The other guy was wounded by her so he was having fun shocking her. She tried to dash at him but he only caused her more pain. She cried out very loudly. Fire and Light blasted out till the guy was dead. Her eyes widened as she knew this would only make things worse. Crying at the fact she killed again and that only more pain was coming.
Keanu leaned against a tree and rubbed his forehead. He sighed deeply. "I don't know. We can't just walk up there. Maybe an aerial attack. Me and Demitri could go up and eah get one, and you guys could work on opening the door. It would have to be quick though." He warned, looking at everyone. Callie would know what to do. She always did.

Callie leaned against the wall, looking directly ahead of her. She figured it would only be a matter of time before the 'master' came in to talk to her. He probably already spoke to Alex about killing the people. They always used to get speeches for that. And usually some kind of painful punishment. She just wished Keanu would hurry up with whatever he was doing. She sent a thought to Alex. "Are you ok?"
Alex heard the thought and sent one back, the pain evident in his thought, 'Yeah...I guess. The boss dude just came and saw me.' He paused for a minute rubbing the metal on his wrist, 'Gave me a bit of a shock.' He grinned slightly at his intended pun. 'He'll probably be along to see you any minute now Callie.' His voice was serious now, 'Be careful, he's in a particularly spiteful mood today.' Alex felt strange talking to anyone besides Lillie, especially because they were in the school. He never even knew anyone in The Flock besides Lillie before they escaped.

Lillie nodded, "That sounds like a plan! Let's go!" She turned around to look at the massive building, her words lost in her throat for a moment as she blinked, memories of all the crying and the pain, the shocks and the knives, all coming back to her. Her eyes watered as she thought of going back into that building, what if they failed? What if they all got re-captured again? She couldn't do it. But she had to, for Alex.
Blaire's eyes narrowed as she stared at the guards, it was still pouring out and relitivly dark, "I got them," Before anyone could stop her, she darted away quick as the lightning that flashed across the sky. She didn't get too close to them, only so much that she could see what she was doing though the down pour. With a twitch of her finger the blood in the guard's bodies froze, making them live popsicles still standing in there regular post. Blaire didn't know if they were dead or not, but assumed they might thaw out... She surveyed the area and saw another in a tower, she froze him on sight in a fit of pure hatred. Being back in the School brought back many unnessicary, vile memory she had locked away years ago. Now that she was back, there was a permanent grimace on her face, nothing would be able to make her smile
Keanu watched Blaire freeze the guys. Well, that was easier then his plan. He shrugged, and slowly left the small forest. He walked up to the fence, where there was a small keypad with numbers, and then a finger scanner. He thought about what to do for a second. He then walked off to the side of the fence, and picked up a relatively large rock. He brought it back to the fence, and tipped his head to look at the back of the keypad. He took the rock, and smashed the back of it in. Now, the backside was revealing a bunch of colored wires. They had learned hacking skills in the school, better hacking then anyone in some white house or pentagon would know. He immediatly found the right wire, an orange one, and snapped it. The screen to the keypad shut off, and the fence was now open. He rolled his eyes. "Idiots..." He mumbled, motioning for the flock to follow him.

Callie listened to Alex, and bit her lip nervously. She knew what they were capable of. "Ok, thanks. Hang in there." She sent back, and immediatly after the Boss stepped in, flanked by two guys that looked like they came right from an FBI movie. "Well hello, California." He smirked, and Callie grimiced at her full name. "Thank you for taking such good care of the children. I see you ultimatly became the pack leader." She watched him pace back in fourth in front of her bed. "You were doing such a good job for a while there, too. Looks like you really screwed it up this time." Callie went to lung at him, but immediatly was thrown down by the two bigger guys. She felt a shock go through her body, and she whimpered in pain. Once she regained control, she glared at him. "What do you want? You don't have a use for us, you never did!" She spat, earning herself another shock. "Keep talking like that, and the bullet that landed in your little boyfriends arm will go right in his head next time." Callie glared at him again. "He's not my boyfriend." She growled. The boss laughed evilly. "And he never will be when he's dead." With that, he motioned for the trackers to let Callie go, and walked out of her room in silence.
Lillie followed Keanu eagerly but with fear filling her, what could she do if attacked? She was just a little girl with no physical strength or a useful power. What was she going to do? Mind read them to death? She shrugged off those thoughts, she could be strong if she wanted to. She needed to.

Alex sat on the bed still, his back and arm stinging like mad as he wondered how far away The Flock are, were they even coming? He frowned, of course they would come, Callie and Adrianna had been kidnapped too. He sent a quick message to Callie, 'You alright? They still there?'
Callie climbed back up on her bed and sat down, trying to calm her nerves. She caught Alex's thought and sent one back. "They just left. I'm ok, they shocked me twice though. I told him they never had a use for us, and he said if I kept talking like that they would make sure to kill my 'boyfriend' next time, meaning you." She rolled her eyes after that, and sighed. She was starting to get impatient and worried, she thought the flock would be here by now. But she knew how hard it was to escape, never mind break in on purpose, and then escape again.

Keanu slowly and quietly pushed the fence door open. He bit his lip in concentration, and then sighed in relief when he succesfully opened it without causing any attention. His eyes then widened and his stomach jumped. The hidden cameras. They were in every hall way, and room. "Shit! Everyone run!" He yelled, but he had remembered too late. There was bullets flying through the air in every direction. He expertly dodged them, but his main concern was Lillie. He quickly picked her up, and shileded her with his body. "Blaire! Your shield!" He yelled, already trying to work on figuring out the code for the front door.
Alex at first felt fury when she said that they had shocked her, then his eyes widened as he listened to Callie say that he was her boyfriend. His mind drifted and he wondered how Adrianna was, 'Oh no, we completely forgot about Adrianna, do you think they've done something to her?' He then focused in on Adrianna and could tell she was in emotional turmoil, he sent a quick thought, 'Don't worry Adrianna, The Flock are coming for us, we'll be out of here soon, just hold on, ok?'

(Sorry Guys, I gotta go! Please don't go too far without mee! I gots a surprise that Lillie needs to reveal when they are still at the school. *Sigh* Wish I didn't have to go to silly school! I'd stay up all night to RP!
xD )
Blaire's arm shot out, immediately pulled all the rain water from the area and made a super condensed wall of ice between the Flock and he shooters, "Just worry about the door," she hissed to Keanu, putting Lillie behind her. She flicked her finger out and a thin sheath of ice pealed off the side of the wall and flew at the guards, it hit them in the chest, causing a slice in their mid-torsos about two and a half inches deep before it melted in the temperature of the blood. "Fight to survive," Blaire growled softly as the guards toppled over holding their wounds.
Keanu frowned, struggling with the door. It was clearly much harder then the gate. After a few more seconds though, he clearly hacked into it and the door bepped a few times before Keanu pushed it open. He quickly pushed everyone in, closing the door behind them to block them from the flying bullets. He took no time in running down the hall at full speed, but slip on the floor when he saw a group of at least ten trackers running in the direction of them coming from the other side of the hallway. "Other way, other way!" He yelled spinning on his heels, and running down the other hallway. He held in a scream when a tracker jumped right infront of his face, and filled with adrenaline, he kicked him in the stomach, sending him back. He then put on hand on either side of the trackers head, setting his brain on fire.

Callie sighed and ran a hand through her extremely tangled hair. She caught Alex's thought and shrugged. She then felt stupid, since he couldn't see her shrug. "I don't know, I think if she did she probably would have sent a thought to one of us now. I just hope shes ok." The last part came out in a weak whisper.

(It would be so much easier if we were all on the same time zone. But ok, we won't. I know what the surprise is! xD *giggles*)
Rome finally unleashed his power and allowed his mind to wander trying to sense any oncoming being. He hated having control over other being but right now he needed to defend the flock. "There at least one guard on almost every corner," he said slowly getting a layout of the building. It was like he was seeing with two sets of eyes. Whenever he found a person he saw their surroundings from their point of view and then he would jump to the next person. However the whole time he had to slow his pace and stay close to Rosa while she defended him.
The door was still open behind them so Blaire ripped all the water she could gather and sent it in a tidal wave in the opposite hallway, then freezing it when it caught all of the guards and trackers. Blaire pulled her water bottle out and pulled a cord of water that hovered protectively around her, ready to be used at a moment's notice. She stood at the back of the group while Keanu led, "Let's keep moving!"
Adrianna was hanging by her arms. "..." Glaring at the man with anger and sadness. She had injurd 7 of his men and killed 1. But unrelenting she had tried to kill him so now she was being punished. However he didn't answer Alex. Just stared at the man with a stange glare. The man laughed enjoying her glare "I can't tell if your asking for more or if your asking for forgiveness." He said and left the room.
Lillie was watching with amazement when she saw a guard running up to them, a gun in his hand. Her eyes widened until she realized that this guard could have been the one to take Alex, he could have hurt Alex. Her eyes hardened and she faced him, he noticed her and raised an eyebrow, pointing the gun at her. She glared at him and yelled out, "Where, is, ALEX!!!!!" At the end of her yell she let out a scream of pure fury, her eyes boring into his. His own eyes widened and he gave off a loud yell of pain as he dropped to his knees, clutching his head with both hands as her scream caused him red hot pain. He dropped the gun and clutched his head tighter as her scream carried on, he thought it was going to explode.

Alex heard the scream and he instantly knew it was Lillie, he jumped off the bed and ran to his door, banging on it. Was Lillie hurt? It sounded more like an angry scream but you could never be too sure.

(You guys like Lillie's new power? 'Sonic Scream'
xD She directs a scream at someone and it causes them to feel an intense pain until her scream is over)
Adrianna once the man left she cried out. Alex! They chained me! I didn't mean t kill the guy but he kept shocking me! And when the other guy came I sent out some fire by mistake. She thought hoping he would hear her. She arms already getting sore from all the weight of her. She looked around and then down. It really did hurt alot.
Alex heard her and fury spread throughout him. How dare they hurt his Flock? His eyes widened as he realized that he was getting too close to them. He needed to distance himself...but at the same time he didn't want them to get hurt. He was confused. He sighed and hit the door once more, he decided that he would get them all out of the school, then go back to normal. As if nothing had happened. 'Hang in there Adrianna, I can hear The Flock, they're just down the hallway. If I could get to you I would but none of my powers can help me break out of here.'
Adrianna sighed. (Sorry I can't make her thoughts bold at the moment my phone won't allow it.) she thought back. I know...I have no chose but to hang in here." she laughed to herself. Sorry if I don't laugh I'll surely cry and my face burns because I've already gotten a beating." (by the way I only put " at the end to separate her thoughts and what she really says at the moment)

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