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Fandom Winged

Blaire was only half aware of Lillie now leading the way in front of her. It felt as though she were only half awake, functioning only to fly and follow Lillie. She needed to stay awake...went they got to a safe house...she couldn't go to sleep... Demitri kicked Blaire's foot, she had started drifting down, her wings spread, just gliding on air. her eyes opened partially again.
They reached the area that Lillie was leading them to and she quickly flew inside. It was a cave like area high up inside a cliff beside a waterfall, it would be hard for the trackers to get to unless they had a helicopter, a plane or another winged kid. Once inside Lillie discovered that it had a small rocky pool at the back of it and wasn't nearly as damp nor cold as she thought it would be. She waited for the others to land inside the cave before telling them what they were going to do next.

Alex followed Lillie slowly, once landing inside the cave he almost collapsed against the wall, his leg pained and his eyelids heavy, he felt himself drifting off and he was grateful that Lillie didn't slap him to wake him up again; she didn't need to, they were safe.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Once everyone was inside Lillie quickly darted down to the ground, grabbed some wood and hay then darted back up to the cave, she piled the sticks down together and lay the hay out for people to sleep on. She gently nudged Alex onto it and then returned to the pile of sticks, rubbing two of them together in an attempt to make fire.

(Got to go, night night! x)
Adrianna stayed pretty close to Alex. She tending to her wounds with the stuff Drake gave her. He held up the medical Supplize. "Hey you guys need anything?" He said sighing a bit at Adrianna's silence. He looked at her watching her take care of the wounds.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(kk good night)
Callie followed Lillie to the cave, landing besides her. She was surprised she even knew about this place, but she didn't ask questions. So looked around the cave. It was big, enough room for all of them. And, it wasn't that cold. She nodded. "This will be good for now." She kicked a rock that was on the floor of the cave, watching it fall off the edge and into the water far below. She looked over at Drake and nodded. "Yeah, I need something for Keanu."
Drake looked at her and gave her a first aid kit. "This should do for now...sorry I wasn't around before I was gathering all this....um Adrianna I used up most of the spare money we had..." He said holding up a hand gun he bought and the supplize. Adrianna glared at him and tapped her foot.
Blaire landed inside with a less than graceful landing. She immediately fell to her hands and knees and rolled over onto her back. Demitri stumbled after her, he set Keanu down on some of the hay and sighed looking around at the beat up flock. He went over to Blaire, she said something quietly to him and he shook his head in response. "Do it!" she demanded, sitting up weakly. Demitri bit his lip then smacked her in the face. Blaire mumbled an "ow," and rubbed her jaw, it gave her the shock and adrenaline she needed to wake up. She rolled up from the ground and surveyed the damage, "Whose hit the worst?" she said. From the multiple bullet wounds and the blood covering everyone like dirt after a sand storm, she couldn't tell. It looked like Keanu was lossing the most blood so far, she knelt by his side. Quickly checking his pulse and opening his eyelids, she determined he was out cold, "Good, he won't feel a thing," Blaire raised a hand to the side and a ball of water shot out of the little spring which she immediately send back, "Uh, disgusting," Demitri became alarmed, "What is it, that's perfectly good water, it's crystal clear," Blaire frowned deeper, "Exactly my point, you boil that water and it will become brown. Its stagnate, there's no sunlight so the bacteria hasn't grown for you to see anything." she raised her palm that was to the side of the entrance, a second later another ball of water attached itself to her hand, it was slightly murky, "Running water, bacteria breaks apart before it can form and grow. I can feel the quality of the water," she explained. She separated the ball into parts and began cleaning the wounds, she preferred to use alchohol to clean, but since she had none... Ribbons of blood sifted through the dirty water as she discarded it to the side. Another ball of water in the wound and she closed her eyes, looking for her water map, she could see the outline od the bullet, and she formed the water around it and pulled it out of his side. Some of the water escaped in his veins and she saw the bullet had hit an artery. She kept her eyes shut, squeezing them tighter to concentrate. Blaire pulled off her jacket, folding it and laying it on the wound after the bullet was out. She seeped water through the fabric and started healing. The water map started to dim as the water thinned, but she could see the damaged flesh being repaired. She pulled the water out and instructed Demitri to hold the fabric down and compress. Blaire moved onto Alex, his numerous wounds providing a bit of a challenge. However he had drunk so mch water she could see his veins and was able to heal him better with her eyes closed.
Callie chewed her nail nervously, and watched Blaire work on her brother. She wisghed there was something she could do to help, but there wasn't. She didn't have the water or fire power or anything. She could just track and read minds. "Is he gunna be ok?" She asked nervously, watching Keanu sleep through everything. If he wasn't ok, she didn't know what she'd do. He was the only family she had.
Adrianna had taken care of herself and worked on her brother. "There's some dineftant in the first aid kit." She said having Drake bitting down on a stick. He looked away closing his eyes.
"He'll be fine," Blaire said softly continuing on Alex, "Theyre lucky the bullets didn't touch the bone..." she mused, "Would have hurt a hell of a lot worse and take twice as long to heal..." Blaire was breathing heavily, her heart was pounding in her ears, and her face was blanching, but despite the tiredness, her limbs felt like live wires, it was enough to make her go on. She wrapped Alex's wounds in gauze from the first aid kit, and moved onto Adrianna to help her with her brother's wounds, seeing as she fixed herself up.
Lillie had by this point managed to make a fire - after a lot of effort and many sticks - and she noticed Blaire's tiredness walking over to her gently as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Blaire, I made up a bed for you over there" She pointed to the bed beside Demitri's and smiled at the girl, giving her a hug as she whispered into her ear, "Thank you." She then let go and ran over to her bed which she had set up beside Alex, snuggling down into the hay as she clutched her rabbit to her chest, her eyes closing, glad they had rescued their family.
Adrianna Sat alone after she cleaned up her brother. She sighed and held her knees looking out. She still couldn't sleep so she sighed deeply and kept watch over everyone. Humming a soft tone. "You come into the threshold of another

Starless night of fear

You're running from the "demons" that

Would drag you down again

Illusions of the world are spinning out of

Time and frame and synchronicity

You're so sad

You're such a sad-eyed girl

You're so sad in your sub-plot.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Another morning it comes running

Up your bedpost with the wind

You face yourself just like you always

Do, time and time again

The mortal coil of image, inner

Peace and satisfaction.

And so you keep it on the down-low

Hiding all the secrets that are down below

And so you keep it on the down-low

Tell me baby was it worth it all.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance

It's my existence.

Wassup Girl

It's my turn

You cry and your eyes burn

What's your life's turn

Beautiful girl

Who all the guys yearn

What's more to your story

You still learn

Despite why your eyes burn


I seek and find the ole merchant

The high beacon

Your eyes talk

When you ain't speakin'

And at school

You cry out

Why does water deep dry out?

Your getting gyped

Flat out.

What is, what is this, this mess of my existence is

All these politics of life and death and relevance.

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all,

You're my existence

Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense

Just take it all

You're my existence

You're my existence." She sighed deeply and set her head on her knees.
Alex was drifting in and out of consciousness when he heard Adrianna's song, he frowned, not recognizing the voice of who was singing. He struggled for a while and then opened his eyes, looking over to see Adrianna singing very softly. He pulled himself up, holding in the wince of pain, and leant his head back against the hard wall and watching her with a slight smile on his face. She had a beautiful voice. He looked down at his wounds and grinned to see that they had been treated, probably by Blaire. Alex looked back up as her song ended, still sitting there in silence. He didn't want to freak her out by clapping or commenting.
Adrianna stretched out and then sighed deeply. "..." She looked around and noticed Alex watching her. She blushed and looked away knowing he heard her. She sat there rubbing her neck. She looked at Drake who was sleeping.
Alex caught her eye and saw her blush, he slapped himself mentally as he spoke, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop..." He scratched behind his ear lightly, his sign of nervousness, "You're really good by the way.." He looked down to see Lillie curled up right beside him, her eyes closed peacefully, he smiled, at least she could get some good sleep.
Adrianna nodded and looked back at him. "Um....thanks." She said quietly all of a sudden getting quite shy again. She swallowed and started to speak again. "I....learned from my....mother." She covered her face slightly with her hand feeling herself blushing.
Callie crawled into her bed next to Keanu. She examined her arm under the moonlight, seeing it wasn't as bad as she had originally thought. It could have been a lot worse. She listened to Adrianna sing, but didn't comment on it. She just listened to Alex and Adrianna talk back and fourth. She was just happy to see Alex talking more. She just hoped it would last. Keanu at this point had gained consciousness, but kept his eyes closed. He moved his hand to the patched wound on his side, feeling it recover. He knew almost immediately it was Blaire. He didn't know if she was awake but he sent her a thought. "Thank you"
Alex smiled at her blush, he stood up and walked over to her, sitting down beside her gently, he spoke in a low tone, not really wanting the others to hear, "My mum used to sing to me aswell." He smiled slightly, his fringe flopping over his eyes as he looked straight ahead, chuckling to himself, "She was never any good, but she damn well tried." His eyes shifted to look at Adrianna, softening as he spoke, "I'm guessing your mum was a good singer?" He asked tentiavely, not wanting to upset her. He knew how upset he could get when people brought up the topic of mums, let alone his.
Adrianna smiled and nodded. "Yes. Every night." She looked down smiling still. "She was better then i'll ever be." She looked at him keeping her voice quiet as well. "it was always fun singing with her." She said and then wipped a tear from her eye. "Man I never talk this much." She said hiding her sadness.
Alex chuckled slightly, "I think it's a new thing for both of us." He then became more serious as he looked at her, "Well she must have been amazing then, because your voice is beautiful." He looks away quickly, a small blush creeps onto his face as he realized what he just said. "I, um, I'd better try and get some sleep" He stammers slightly, getting up from his spot and retreating back to the hay bed beside Lillie quickly, "Night" He says before rolling over and facing the wall, trying to hide the blush he had gained.
Adrianna looked back at him and nodded. "Good night." She smiled and then kept looking out of the cave. She set her head on her knees. "Your voice is beautiful." She giggles quietly and then stared out at nothing.
Lillie hugged her and Blaire now smiled, weak as it was. Her stomach twisted and she got lightheaded. The thought of standing made her sicken physically, her limbs were trembling from fatigue, she felt nauscious. "What is wrong with me?" she thought to herself. Blaire half heartedly nodded to the flock at their appreciation, and crawled over to the bed Lillie had made her. Her muscles felt like pudding and the effects of adrenaline were wearing off. Blaire curled up in a ball, feeling a bit better now that she was laying down.

Demitri watched Blaire, she looked aweful; but he knew if he went over to her to help her, it would make her feel insuperior and weak--at least thats what she had told him. Blaire's face was as white as a sheet, her cheeks slightly sunken, and she lacked normal signs of vitality, her hair was dull, skin was dry and pale, and heavy bags under tired blank eyes. Demitri bit his lip, there wasn't much he could do except sit next to her and rub her back between her wings calmingly.
Alex sighed and rolled over, he noticed Blaire's appearance and sucked in a breath. He looked over to the pool of water and shook his head, having the same thoughts Blaire had had earlier about the water. He then waved his hand and some clear water from the waterfall shot into his hand. He sat up slightly and moved the water so that it was gently touching Blaire's skin, trying not to wake her. He watched as her skin absorbed the nutrients from the water, he then sighed and threw the useless water back outside, hoping he had done some good before laying back down and closing his tired eyes.
Blaire had fallen asleep almost immediately when her head touched the mat, she didn't notice the water, but she slept lighter. Demitri, however, noticed it, her skin automatically absorbed the water like a dying plant, leaving no evidence there was water there in the first place. He wondered if Blaire was asleep yet, but from the way her breath had changed to longer and softer, he assumed she was. Demitri looked over his shoulder, Alex was the only other person who could have done it, but he was turned on his other side away from them. Demitri shrugged, if it helped Blaire, he shouldn't question it.
Callie rolled onto her side, now facing Alex. She watched him help Blaire, propping her head up with her arm. "Good work today," She commented, nudging a small pebble with her finger. Surprisingly, she wasn't all that tired like she thought she would be. Maybe she just was still full of adrenaline from earlier.
Adrianna watched Alex from the corner of his eyes. She smiled silently to herself and then looked out watching again. She laid down twirling around some light. She smiled and felt more relaxed.

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