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Fandom Winged

Blaire sighed in deep thought. But that couldn't have been the case, it had been raining all before the fight... "You're probably right," Blaire admitted, despite what she thought, she didn't what to make the whole thing an issue. She ate another peice as an excuse to quit talking and listen to Callie.
Keanu leaned against the rock wall and nodded. "You have a point." Callie shrugged and ate a few pieces of bacon and sausage. "Of course, I could be totally wrong. But it's what makes the most sense to me." She sighed, staying quiet for a minute. "We have to find out where to move to next. We can't stay here, not this close to the school. We stay here too much longer and they'll find us again." She said to no one in particular, mostly just talking to everyone.
Adrianna sat down looking at them all. She got hit with somthing. Blood trickled down her back. It took a moment to take affect. Suddenly she screamed out in pain. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY WINGS!" She fell down an arrow in her wing. A note on it saying "I will get you." Adrianna cried out her brother holding her. "Adrianna! Adrianna!"
"And we have to move soon," Blaire agreed, speaking softly. She turned her head away, "They're gonna want revenge...After everything...They aren't gonna stop until they find us...and get retribution." Blaire clenched her fists, "You guys understand what this means right? We cannot get caught again. Period. I don't even want to think..." her sentence drifted off, but she was sure the others knew where it was going.
Callie nodded In agreement. "Yeah, but we need to plan out exactly what state and town we're going to this time. We can't be unorganized. We know how well that worked the last time." She mumbled the last part. Keen chimed in. "Can we go to New York? I've always wanted to go there." Callie was about to answer until Adriannas scream interrupted her. "What's wrong?" You asked, going over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder.
Adrianna barily moved her wing to let them see the arrow. The note on it all bloodied up but still readable. Drake grabbed the note and gently took it off but it still caused her pain. "It says....I will get you all." he looked up at them. "Signed...x y and z trackers?"
Callie took the note from Demitri lightly. "X, y, z...x, y, z..." She paced back and worth for a few seconds in silence trying to figure out who it could be. Suddnely she stopped. "X y z! The boss of the school, and his two bodyguards. You remember them from yesterday, right, Adrianna?" She asked, looking at the bloodied note. Keanu read the note over Callies shoulder, knitting his eyebrows together. "I remember them."
Blaire ran over to entrance of the cave, sticking herself to the inside wall, she surveyed the area, "No one in sight, they are gone." she said quietly, "We need to get out of here now." Demitri took her place besided her and gestured for her to look at Adrianna. Blaire nodded and went over. It didn't look like the wound was too bad, mostly an impalment, the mark was thin from the arrow head, and most likely just cut the skin, "Did it hit any bones?" she immediately asked, glancing periodically over her shoulder at the cave entrance. She didn't like being cornered in this place, even if Demitri could make them a tunnel.
Adrianna laid there. "Yeah they have a few gruges against me...I tried to kill...him....three times." she breathed hard. "So he likes beating the crap out of me..." she closed her eyes in pain Drake looked at her wing. "Ouch...yeah that should hurt." adrianna slaps him. "Yeah that should hurt..." she glared at him like he was stupid. Drake rubbed his face. He looked over e wing and lifted it looking at the other side. His eyes widened the bone was sticking clear out. "Oh yeah that hit a bone!" he cover his mouth and ran out his head out of the cave and threw up. "Oh....." and then again.
"Hey, hey," Blaire soothed, "Calm down, guys. Let me see if I can do anything for your wing, Adrianna," Blaire held out her hand, she waited for the water to come to it, and waited. She grimmaced and murmured, "...I don't feel anything..." about thirty seconds later, a ball of water floated up lazily. Blaire cringed, something didn't feel right. She tried making the water glow, essentially healing nothing, as an experiment. As she thought, it glowed dimly. Blaire clenched her teeth and her nossrils flared, she closed her fist with the ball of water in her hand, the connection was separated and Blaire let the water splash to the floor, dripping from between her fingers. She didn't utter a word, but stared at the puddle of water on the ground, completely useless to her.
Callie put both hands on either side of her head and watched all the commotion unravel. She was a great leader and could control anything, but one thing she wasn't good at was being pressured. "Everybody, calm down!" She yelled, and Keanu directed his attention to her. "They are gone, but still close. They want to see how we react to them. If they see that panic at something like this, they will know our weaknesses." She said sternly, her eyes glowing. "Now. Let's get Adriannas wing fixed, and get the he'll out of here." Her temper was getting to her, and quick. She packed up her bedroll and got all of the food together.
Drake and Adrianna never caried to much stuff, So they didn't hae beds. They were find sleeping on hte ground and purfectly happy about it. Drake sat by Adrianna who was quiet but in alot of pain. It showed on her face.
Alex had been awoken by the scream and watched in anger as they crowded around Adrianna and as they mentioned who it was from, he made a growling sound as he spoke quietly, "I damn well remember them." He pulled himself up, ignoring the pain and sorting out his and Lillie's things, he froze when they mentioned New York but then pulled himself together and carried on anyway. He noticed Blaire's failure to grab the water and sighed, she needed to take it easy. With a flick of his finger he lifted the puddle of water and re-formed it into a ball, he lifted it to Adrianna's wound and even though he couldn't heal it like Blaire could, he cleaned the wound and then chucked the bloodied ball of water outside.

Lillie was gently awoken by Alex picking her up, she looked around and noticed everyone packing up, she frowned sleepily, "Are we going?" Alex nodded and she looked up at him, frowning as she realized he had gone back into his untalkative mood. She looked around at everyone else and jumped down from Alex's arm, "We all ready then?" She asked, she was used to them moving around and it no longer surprised her. It wasn't like she'd ever had a real home anyway.
Adrianna looked at Alex and nods a thank you smiling however she was still in alot of pain. Drake picked Adrianna up gently. However the slightest movement still hurt Adrianna. He sighed deeply and looked at her. "Come on it surly doesn't hurt as much as it looks right?" he frowned when she gave no answer. "Adrianna don't feel like you did this..." he looked at her and sighed at her quietness. "You are so frustrating!" he sighed deeply and looks at her. Adrianna did nothing but stare out.
Alex noticed Adrianna's brother getting mad at his sister and rolled his eyes, he knew what it was like to be in Adrianna's position. People getting annoyed with you 'cause you don't speak. Blaming yourself for bad things that happen. He walked over to them both and without a word he gently took Adrianna from her brother, he didn't care if it seemed rude. He had no difficulty with carrying someone and flying as he did it all the time with Lillie, plus his wings were big enough to help support them both, plus he was older than Drake and was slightly stronger 'cause of it, at least that's what logic says anyway. He gave Drake a reassuring look before turning his head to look at Callie, "Where we headed?" He asks simply, Adrianna's small weight not bothering him in the slightest as he held her in a princess carry.
Adrianna shocked look sudden she hid her face in her hair. Not looking at Alex. She couldn't hid in her wings so her hair would have to do. She really didn't want anyone to see her face for a reason. She was emmbarested about it.

Drake saw her hidding and raised an eyebrow. "..." He looked at Alex and sighed. "Fine carry her...but she gets pretty emmbarested about anyone but me carring her." He said and looked at the others. "Yeah so....how are we going to get out of here while not getting shot at? I mean they must have aim to do that to Adrianna's wing.

Adrianna looked at drake her face still pretty hidden. She spoke softly. "I can...hide us." She said making herself disappear. Bending the light around her so she can't be seen then reappears. "I can not do this for long...so we have to hurry." She said quietly. Then looked to Alex and looked away again.
Callie shouldered her backpack, her temper still high. "We don't get shot at." She snapped, but then realized that it had come out harshly. She sighed, trying to calm down. "All we have to do is fly in local places, just up higher so people can't see us from the ground. They can't shoot in local places." She stood at the edge of the cave and jumped off, free falling for a few feet and then snapping her wings out. Keanu followed after Callie. He hovered next to her. "To New York?" He asked, flipping his hair to the side. Callie nodded. "To New York."
Blaire and Demitri jumped off the edge after them, flying close to the others so Adrianna wouldn't have to project as far.
Drake rubbed the back of his neck. "Ok sorry." He looked back at Adrianna and smiled. "Oh come on...at least it's a friend. You likes your voice." He smiled and jumped out flying up high laughing to himself

Adrianna glared at him and then blushed. Oh no....he heard THAT!? She looked at him and then shifted uncomfortibly. She swallowed and then looked down.
He chuckled a little bit and leapt out of the cave, easily flying with Adrianna still in his arms. He followed after the others, making sure Lillie was safely flying beside Blaire before he looked down at Adrianna, "You alright?" He asked softly, seeing her blush and smiling a little bit.
Adrianna nodded and looked up. The pain was down a bit and she sighed deeply and closed her eyes feeling the wind and smiles a bit.
Blaire watched them, well Adrianna. She felt horribly guilty she was no use to them, "I'm sorry I couldn't do more for your wing," she said softly, knowing Adrianna was probably in a lot of pain.
Callie sighed and shook her head. "It's not your fault," She said to Drake. "Sometimes my temper just gets really bad. I dont mean to yell." She said quietly. She really didn't mean it when she yelled at any of the flock, at all. She flew above Alex. "How you guys holding up?" Keanu flew towards the back if flock, holding the food.
Adrianna looked at her and nodded. "It's ok...I'll be fine." she smiled and then yawned. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

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