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Fandom Winged

Alex looked at Callie, not a smile on his face or anything, he was starting to return to his old self, "Thanks, you too." He answered simply, his thoughts overtaking his mind as he realized how chatty he had been today. He guessed it was an exception but he needed to stop it now or else it could spiral out of control. He watched the pebble, trying not to meet her eyes.
Adrianna glanced at Alex and then got up and walked out of the cave. She couldn't help it. She laid in the grass and messed around wither light making it dance. She giggled.
Callie traced the outline of the pebble she was playing with. "I like it when you talk," She said simply, talking quietly so she didn't wake the others. "You have so much to say, but you never do say it." She glanced up from the pebble to look at him now.
Alex shrugged, keeping his eyes on the floor, also speaking quietly "How do you know I have a lot to say?" He frowned, thinking of his parents almost instantly before shoving that thought from his head. He had noticed Adrianna leave and got slightly anxious, what if she went down to the ground and the trackers had somehow managed to find them?

Lillie's body moved slightly, but it looked like she was just shifting in her sleep, reality is that she was awake the whole time, listening to them, after the eventful day she hadn't been able to sleep. She hadn't heard what Alex had said to Adrianna though.
Adrianna messed with the water and smiled lighting her fingers on fire. The fire went out in the water. She heard and sound and looked around scared.
Callie shrugged, pulling all of her hair over one shoulder. "All the talking you've done in the past two days. Plus, you're so bottled up. People who are like that always have a lot to say." She went quiet for a second, before opening her mouth again. "Who was that man? How did he know you?" She asked quietly, her eyes resting on his.
Alex frowned again, a bit of hate and pain flashing through his eyes as he kept his gaze on the pebble, "He was a friend of my dad's." He snorted in a mocking fashion, "Friend." He said the word scornfully. Some friend he was, he thought to himself. Turning in his best friend's son to a bunch of freakin' torturers. He blinked as he had an image of the man coming into his home with his dad, laughing and joking as if he actually cared. Maybe he did...back then.
Callie nodded slowly, realizing he wasn't really the good type of 'friend.' "Oh," She said silently. "Did...did your parents know about the school? Did they know it existed?" She didnt want to ask too many questions and get Alex mad at her, but she was curious. She had just found out so much about his history, and she was curious. You couldn't blame her.
Adrianna looked were the sound came from and out came a dog. She smiled and then laid back down. The dog laid by her wagging his tail. Adrianna blinked and looked at the dog. She tilted her head and then sighed. Rolling over to her side she looked up at the sky.
He shook his head, "No way. I don't reckon he worked for the school then." He lifted his eyes to look at hers and tried to hide the emotions in it; pain, sadness and anger. Hoping he succeeded in masking it. "Even if they did, they wouldn't go out of their way to kill themselves and Allie just to get me sent to it." He swallowed at the mention of Allie, he still couldn't believe he had forgotten. Maybe that's why he so protective of Lillie. He should have had a little sister, although Allie would have been 11 by now. He sighed and lay back down, "Night Callie." Signalling the end of their conversation as he rolled over and faced away from everyone, staring at the wall as one single tear left his eyes and he sneakily wiped it away.

(Gotta' got to bed! Night night!)
Callie swallowed at the mention of his unborn little sister. It was almost as bad as when the man mentioned it. She saw the pain in his eyes, and was about to say something, and then stopped. "Goodnight." She whispered, and turned around so her back was facing his back. She feel asleep a few minutes later. (Night!)
(Yeah let's do that) Keanu woke up first, since he was the first one to fall asleep. He looked around, seeing everyone else was still asleep. He quietly got up, going to the edge of the cave. The sun was just starting to rise. He sighed, pulling up his shorts. He didn't have a shirt on, he never liked to sleep with one on. He had a visible six pack, so it wasn't like it was a bad thing. He watched the sun rise, looking at all the colors.
Demitri stired and blinked a few times after hearing the 'swish' of fabric, he was a light sleeper. Demitri was slumped against the cave's rock wall next to Blaire. He got up, Blaire didn't react, she was still fast asleep--usually she was a lighter sleeper than he. Demitri padded over to the entrance of the cave and stood on the ledge next to Keanu. He stretched and said quietly through a yawn, "I can't believe we slept that long," remembering that they excaped the School a little after this time the day before.
Keanu heard Demitri get up, but he didn't turn around or anything. He glanced over at him for a second through his long bangs, and then back at the sun. "I know. We didn't really get much sleep the other few nights, so that's probably why." He stretched as well, listening to his stomach growling. "I'm starving." the last thing he had eaten was the left overs from the restaraunt.
"Do we still have food?" Demitri said, hungry as well. Then a thought began to haunt him, his eyebrows pushed together, "Do you think the School will try to find us? We should move on soon,"
Keanu nodded, and walked over the the handmade cooler. He opened it, taking out a few packages of bacon and sausages. He went over to the fire Lillie had made the night before seeing it had blown out. He picked up a piece of the warm wood, holding it for a second and lighting it on fire. He flew out of the cave and ripped two small twigs off of a tree. He flew back into the cave, giving Demitri a stick. He put a sausage on his and walked over to the fire. "Probably. I know Callie already knows we should move, probably to a whole different state. It's the safest option. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing some new scenery. And I'm getting pretty sick of the weather." He mumbled, turning the sausage over the fire.
Adrianna awoke and got up. She went to the others and looked at Drake who was still sleeping. "..." She looked at the others. She smiled a bit and then gently poked her brother to wake him up. He swatted her away. Adrianna looked at him and then kicked him. Drake sat up and then looked at her glaring. "Uncalled for!" Adrianna put her finger to her mouth. Drake sighed. "Back to being quiet..."
Demitri thanked Keanu, taking the stick and buring it a bit on the end before putting his own sausage on and roasted it, "What state do you think she has in mind?" He didn't think he could fully relax now until they were out of the area, thinking about the School being on their tail and all.
Keanu shrugged and twisted his stick around. "Don't know. Probably somewhere kinda far from here." He stuck his sausage in the fire. It caught on fire and Keanu quickly blew it out. He mailed in satisfaction of the perfectly cooked meat, taking out off the stick and popping it in his mouth. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth. "Hot, hot!" He yelled, spitting it back out into his hand.
Demitri laughed, blowing on his to cool it down before stuffing it in his own mouth, "Way to go, man," he chuckled, his mouth full of meat. Blaire's eyes tightened. Drake had stired her, but Keanu had woken her. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, then sat up. Sitting up she groaned and held her head in a massive headrush, she could feel her temple pounding. Blaire stayed still for a moment before cautiously getting up and padding over to the fire barefoot.

Demitri frowned, "You still look like hell," It was true, she was a little better, she looked well rested, but she was still pretty pale and her face looked thinner.

She glared at him, her head was still throbbing. "Thanks." she said sarcastically, but decided to go for a swim later. For once she was actually thirsty.

"You should go for a swim," Demitri suggested.

"Yeah, I know," she said and ran a hand through her hair, "I don't know what the heck is going on...I can run ten miles easy, now I try using my power and I go all soft as a creme puff. I'm not some little pastry..." she grumbled, then snorted, "Fatigue my ass, we have wings for god's sake."

--- Merged Double Post ---

>>I take it back, well sorta, Blaire's got Katarra's skills but has more of Korra's personality (Legend of Korra is the new avatar series :8D:)<<

>>>Here's the trailer::

Keanu glared at Demitri kiddingly before stuffing the cooled sausage back in his mouth. He twisted his head to look at Blaire. "He's right, you look like you just went through hell and back." He said, smirking. He knew it wasn't helpful in anyway. He reached into the package of frozen bacon and held a piece out to her. "Bacon?" He asked, wiggling it around in the air infront of her for a second.
She took the meat from him and ate it with a smug look on her face. "I'll deal with it," She shrugged, "Maybe its like a kind of cold or Charlie Horse element users get...Makes me feel like a damn dandelion," Blaire picked up another peice and plopped it in her mouth, "It'll blow over,"

Demitri sighed and rolled his eyes realizing she was in a bit of a sour mood, "You're so stubborn,"

Blaire rolled her head to the side to look at him and raised her eyebrows sarcastically, "And you're Mr." she changed her voice to a ridiculous barratone for emphasise, "'Easy-Goin' Man'?...Right."
Keanu ate a few pieces of bacon himself. "Well I know I haven't been able to use fire a lot here because it's already so hot and I get overheated," He looked back over at Blaire. "But I don't see how that would be an issue for you." He shrugged. "It's probably because it's actually too hot for Blaire too, and it's sucking out all the water from her." Callies voice came over them. She hadn't announced she had awoken, but she had been listening to everyone talk for a few minutes now. She got out of her bed roll and walked to the fire. "Even though you guys are opposites, you still have the same problem." She gestured to Blaire and Keanu.

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