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Fandom Winged

Callie heard Lillies scream, and jumped. She knew it was her almost immediately. She sighed in relief, but also got nervous. They weren't in the clear yet. Her, Alex and Adrianna still had to be rescued without getting caught. She got up and banged on her door. "Over here!" He yelled, but she wasn't sure if they could hear her.

Keanu's eyes widened at Lillie. That little girl sure did have a temper. He heard faint pounding noises from a few doors on the side of the hallway. "Go check those doors out, i'll distract the trackers!" He yelled, motioning for the Flock to go try and open them. Right after he said this, two trackers came barreling after him. He grabbed one, sending burning heat into his blood system. He dropped the tracker, his body burning him from the the inside out. He took the other one, and slammed his head into a wall. Keanu had turned into a ruthless killer, and anyone who tried to keep his family from him would learn that pretty quick.
Lillie heard the pounding and she ran over to the guard who was dropped to his knees in pain, she grabbed his gun and took his keys, still unable to kill anyone as she ran off towards the room that was hitting against the door the hardest, "Alex?" She called out.

Alex's eyes widened as he heard Lillie's tiny voice just on the other side of the door, "Cuddles!" He yelled and the door made a clicking noise as it unlocked and a small figure hurled herself at the boy, clinging to him for dear life, "Alex!!!" Lillie began to sob and he picked her up with his good arm, taking the gun from her with his bad hand, she sobbed harder as he walked out of his door, looked to the left and saw Keanu and the others kicking butt. "Wow." He looked to his left and saw a man running at them with a gun, he took no hesitation in putting a bullet through the tracker's head. "Stupid trackers, now where's Adrianna?" He knew Callie would be holding in better than Adrianna and his first priority was finding her. He looked around once more and sent a quick message, 'Adrianna, what room are you in? I'm out and I'm coming to find you.'
Adrianna sighed deeply and tried to remember. room 243. She sighed looking at her sore arms. She looked down trying to think of a reason why they won't leave her. She closed her eyes not coming up with one. Nor could she explain why Alex tried to comfort her.
Callie kept banging on the door. "Keanu? Can you hear me?" She yelled, kicking the door a few times. It didn't budge, of course.

Keanu saw the coast was clear at the moment, and he quickly ran over to Callie's door. "Yeah, I can." He looked for some keypad or finger scan or anything that unlocked the door. He sighed when he saw it was a key that unlocked the door. "I don't have a key to the door." He looked up and down the hallways, seeing a door a few down from hers open. "I think Alex got out. He probably has a key, hold on a little longer." He yelled, loud enough for her to hear.
Alex nodded and ran to the room she had mentioned, it was only a few down from his, Lillie had stopped the sobbing but was still clinging to him. He shot a bullet through another Tracker as they turned the corner, Lillie giggled and he smirked, kicking open the door after unlocking it. He ran in and saw Adrianna chained up, he put down Lillie for a moment and growled to himself, "Damn bast**ds" He ran over the key managed to unlock the chains aswell, he grinned and flipped the key in his hand, "I need to get me one of these" He pulled Adrianna up gently, "Stick close alright?" His voice soft as he spoke, he picked Lillie back up and walked back out of the room, shooting a few more bullets at the relentless trackers, he saw Keanu and yelled, "Hey Night!" He chucked the key at him and carried on shooting at Trackers, making sure to protect Lillie and Adrianna.

(I got to go! Night night x!)
Adrianna gathered her energy and put up a light wall around them. Alex would be able to shoot out but nothing would get in. She kept it up blasting fire at the tackers and keeping close to Alex. Her wings extended to help protect Alex and Lillie. If they got through her light. She'd be the one hit first. No matter what Alex thought of this. It wasn't going to make a difference to her. She wanted to protect them because she knew she had friends and as much as that frightened her, she wanted to keep them.
Keanu caught the keys in the air, quickly making his way back to Callie's door. He found the right key, and unlocked her door. Callie threw her arms around Keanu's neck once her door was open and sighed in relief. "I've never been so happy to see you in my life!" She practically yelled into his shoulder. She let go after that, Keanu rolling his eyes. "Are the others ok?" She asked, looking at her wounded arm. It was better to see in the light of the halls. Keanu nodded. "Yeah, Alex just got Adrianna out." Callie nodded, taking no time and running after Alex and everyone else. "Let's get out of here!" She yelled, simply smashing a trackers face into the ground that had tried to jump on her.
Blaire lashed out her hand, her water reacted and sliced into the tracker's stomach. As he fell to the ground more appeared behind him, she clenched her outstretched fist and several of the trackers fell after their comrads, frozen. A tracked snuck up behind her and got his elbow around her neck. Blaire clawed at the arm for a second, then her training kicked in. She grabbed the arm and threw the tracker attached over her head. Jabbing him in the face with a hard kick when he tried to get up. More trackers filed in the hallway. Demitri made his way to her side after seeing what happened and they fought back to back. Demitri grabbed a tracker and slammed him into the wall, suddenly roots shot out of the ground, tearing apart the metal floor, and wrapped around the tracker, binding him from head to toe. "I think it's time to make it rain," Demitri muttered to her and nodded towards the sprinklers on the ceiling. Blaire didn't answer, she stood still and concentrated on the pipes in the walls, her hands drew into tight fists, her face a mask of dangerous seriousness. The was a deep pitted rumbling from the inside of the walls, enough to make the trackers stop for a second, but then resume attacking. Suddenly the overhead fire sprinklers burst, the fixtures exploding off and hitting a few trackers in the head.

Water poured down from the ceiling. Blaire was immediately soaked, her hair plastered to her face, she calmly ran a hand through it, all weariness that might had been there was now gone, she was invigorated. Her eyes narrowed and orbs of water started floated in the air. A few trackers tried swatting them away but their hands went through them. Blaire's muscles clenched and the orbs attached themselves to every available tracker head. They clawed uselessly against it, slowly they fell to their knees suffocating--drowning. When they were all on the ground unmoving, Blaire relaxed and the water dropped. However, she felt drained, it had taken so much energy to track every since orb to make sure it stayed on the faces, and to control so much water.

Feeling a bit dizzy, she put a hand to her head. Demitri steadied her as she swayed, "Just hold on, okay," he whispered. Blaire nodded and leaned into him while she regained her strength.
Alex nodded and followed after them, his t-shirt still blood stained and torn with the slashes and bullet holes, it was a surprise he was even able to hold the gun. He aimed at more trackers and let off bullets as he slipped beside Blaire, "Keep strong soldier." He grinned at her slightly and winced as Lillie put her hand on his back. He looked down at her as they kept moving, seeing her wide blue eyes, "Alex?" She looked at her crimson covered hand and he shrugged, "It's nothing Lils, just a scratch." She gave him that look that means, 'I totally don't believe you' before Alex's eyes flicked to some water and it cleansed her hand off the blood completely.
Adrianna sighed deeply. She looked at Alex feeling something deep inside her. She ignored it for now and kept running. Blasting trackers and everything the stood in their way short of other flock members. She looked at Lillie and whole breathing heavily assured her. "He'll be fine let's just get out of here and worry about him when we're safe." she smiled and then used her wings to cover the two. From the sides. She extended the light sheald to cover the whole flock but it was not weaker. Stringer guns could probably get through but be slowed down less chance of a deadly injury and kill shots.
Callie knocked a few more trackers out, holding her injured arm close to her body. She quickly examined the slash, frowning at her torn and red sweatshirt. She lightly pushed everyone down the hall towards the door. "Keep going!" She yelled, punching a tracker in the face. Keanu burned another tracker, followed by a second while he made his way to the door. He had a feeling that the door would probably be blocked by now. Oh well, they could clearly handle all of them.
Drake however was guarding the door with a few extra weapons on him. He had been gone gathering some stuff like medical kits. He was keeping the trackers far away. His leg was shot but he stood tall waiting for his sister.
Alex sighed, trying to hold Lillie's weight but struggling, he had lost a lot of blood today and it was having its effects. He stumbled slightly then shook his head determined, the wound on his back was still bleeding and he stopped for a minute, losing the protection of Adrianna's wings as a bullet managed to whizz through her light shield - barely - and struck him in the leg. He yelled out in pain and spun around on the other foot, his eyes ablaze with pain and fury as he flicked his hand and water flew into the man's mouth, ears and nose, drowning him in seconds. He winced and Lillie leapt down from his grasp, grabbing his arm, "Alex!" He groaned and looked down at her, "Come on Lils, let's get out of here." She raised an eyebrow and spoke in a small voice, "You're not invincible Alex." He grinned weakly, "I know Lillie, but we need to move." She folded her arms, "Can you move?" "Yes." He spoke instantly, his wings flapped out and he hovered in the slightest, making sure his bad leg wasn't putting any pressure on it for fear of collapsing on it. "Now let's go?" She nodded and ran off after the others, Alex following rather awkwardly, blood already trickling down his leg, his vision stirring slightly with all the missing blood.
Demitri nudged her side, "Come 'mon, we gotta move," Blaire blinked a few times, trying to keep herself awake, and forced her body to move forward but not before stumbling in the ankle deep water, "Dammit, move," she growled, and pushed herself into a jog. Blaire put her hands out in front of her and the water moved to the sides of the wall, she had more important things to worry about that slip hazards. Demitri ran behind her, making sure they were covered from behind if the trackers made another attempt to follow them. Soon they caught up to the others. Blaire cursed herself for rendering herself so useless, knowing that if they got attacked again, she might not make it through.
Adrianna stopped and looked angry as she saw alex's condition. There was nothing she could do for him now as long as he was in the air she couldn't sheild him. It was frustrating that she couldn't do anything about it. She got shot twice one in the leg and the other in the arm. "Darn it....I can't keep the bullets out." She managed to keep running ignoring her injurd leg at the moment just puting pressure on her arm. Killing th traker that did it she kept moving. Tring to strengthen the light she was getting tired.
(I am really sorry you guys and I really do love this rp and its idea but I just can't keep up plus I have joined too many rps. That is why I am withdrawing I hope it doesn't create too much of an inconvenience in the rp, you can have my characters die in the raid or just pretend they didn't exist. Sorry again :( )
Callie finally got to the door, seeing Drake. She sighed in relief, going to push it open. She saw another group of trackers, and her eyes widened. "Run!" She yelled, pushing the heavy door. Keanu followed Callie to the door. He was just about to get out when he heard a gun shot, and then a pain in his side. He grabbed his side And cried out in pain. The blood was already seeping through his fingers and staining his shirt. (Awee! Ok, thanks anyways though!)
Blaire's vision was going foggy, she couldn't keep running for long. Luckily they had gotten to the door, which was good because she couldn't focus on anything but getting out of the wicked place. There was a commotion around her, but everything sounded muffled to her, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Keanu had just been shot and how bad Alex and Adrianna were fairing off with their bullet wounds. Blaire tried to clench her fist, to make a thick wall of ice between the flock and the trackers, but her hand only closed weakly. Demitri stepped in though, he turned and put his palms up facing the trackers. Suddenly a wall of rock jutted through the ground and blocked off the hallway between them and the enemy. Demitri saw that Keanu's wound was serious, causing him to already loss a lot of blood, any move movement and he would loss more if he didn't crumple from the pain. Demitri ran over to Keanu, put his arm under his, and supported him while trying to make their escape out the door. He felt bad, all the others had been hurt badly fighting for their lives, while he had nothing more than a few bruises and cuts. Demitri gritted his teeth, he felt guilty, he didnt want to let his flock down, he was going to get everyone out of there alive.
Lillie looked around at her injuried flock, feeling such angry and emotion that it was unreal, she hadn't a scratch on her and yet they were nearly all dead. She glared at the rock on which the enemy were on the others side of. They all got out through the door and she saw more trackers ready to attack. This was enough. She stepped infront of the flock and glared at the Trackers, before they could shoot - even though her presence threw them off for a moment so they weren't likely to for a second or two - she opened her mouth and let out another screech of pure fury, directed at the whole group of them. Her words merged into the scream as she yelled furiously, "STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!" They all dropped to their knees in agony, the wretched pain spreading from their heads throughout their bodies as they all dropped their weapons, clutching their heads.

Alex's eyes widened at Lillie, a new power? He quickly took advantage of the situation and fired a bullet through each Tracker's head, ending their pain and their life. He was tired, weak and about to pass out. He didn't give a damn about the Tracker's pathetic lives right now. Lillie ended the scream as soon as each was dead and grinned at Alex, she took charge now, "Let's move people!" Alex found it amusing how a five year was leading them currently.
Adrianna was helpped by her brother running out of there quickly and smiled at alex and Callie. She ran as fast as sh could but her leg was killing her but so did her brother's so she didn't say anything.
Callie heard the gun shot and cringed. She looked at Keanu, who was clutching his side in pain. He gave her a weak smile. She ran out after Lillie, almost laughing at her leadership. She grabbed one of the trackers guns, and shoved it in her backpack. Just in case they got followed. She looked over at Demitri. "Do you think you can carry Keanu and fly at the same time? He's loosing too much blood and he can't fly like that." She asked, snapping her wings out. Keanu leaned against Demitri for support, getting dizzy from blood lose and pain. He knew he wouldn't be able to fly, but he didn't know if Demitri could carry him and fly at the same time.
Lillie ran back over to Alex, thinking the same thing Callie was. He rolled his eyes at her thought, "Lils, I'll be fine." Even as he spoke his vision was darkening slightly, his eyes were about to close when a sharp slap on his cheek awoke him, he opened his eyes to see Lillie glaring at him, "Now you listen here Alexius! You're going to listen to me and that's that! Now take your t-shirt off!" His eyes widened, "What?" She rolled her eyes, "Just do it!" He sighs and tugs off his t-shirt, revealing a deep, red gash across his back, a gun wound in his left arm and another slash just below it. Lillie sighs and rips the top, Alex's eyes widen but he shuts up, scared by this new side of Lillie. She ties a bit of it around the gash on his back and tightens it, then does the same to his arm and his leg. "There, it will help stop you losing so much blood, and this..." She pulls out a water bottle and throws the water right in his face before he has time to react and stop it, he shakes his head, eyes wider than before, "What the?" "Will wake you up." She continued, shoving the remains of the water at him, "Drink." He does as she says once again, his eyes still wide as she waits impatiently with her hands on her hips. She takes the empty bottle from him and looks at the others, "We ready to go?" She asks, hands still on hips.
Demitri raised them all high into the air on a earthen platform, they way they wouldnt have to exert so much energy to take off. Blaire jumped into the sky, falling a bit before snapping her wings out to glide before pushing them down and climbing higher. Blaire watched below her, waiting for the rest. She didnt know where they would go, only that they had to get far from this place before they could rest. Demitri stood on the ledge, holding Keanu up. He pulled off his shirt and tied it around Keanu's torso the best he could to slow the blood loss. Demitri nodded once, he was pretty strong, and bird kids were pretty light. He gingerly picked up Keanu, who was heavier than expected, but he gritted his teeth--Demitri was in the best condition out of all of them as far as he could tell--it was nothing he couldn't handle. He jumped off the ledge after Blaire.
Lillie jumped off with Alex, trying to help support his weight but only helping the very slightest, not even that really. She flew ahead with him, now leading the direction. She knew where they were going to rest.

Alex tried his best to keep up with Lillie, his vision blurring slightly as he flew badly, dipping up and down every now and then. He kept taking rain from the clouds and trying to build up his energy by absorbing it, it was slowly working since the water was being used to help re-make the blood.
Callie watched Demitri pick up Keanu, nodding in approval. "Thanks. Yell if you need anything." With that, she jumped off the platform, flying in the opposite direction of the school. The only problem was, she had no idea where they were going to go. They couldn't go back to the old camp. It would just be a lot easier, and safer, to leave the whole state. Keanu nodded weakly, his eyelids barely open. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He answered, leaning his head back. He was asleep in seconds, from the pain and plus he hadn't slept in two days, not even when they stopped at the cave.

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