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Fandom Winged

Alex looked up and smiled slightly as he saw Callie, feeling slightly warmed that she had bothered to check up on them. "She's hanging in there" He paused, "How long is it gonna take to get to..." He pauses and clears his eyes of the painful emotion he was having, "New York?"
Callie dropped down next to Alex. She thought for a second. "Hmm...probably a few hours. Might not get there until later tonight. Plus we have to stop to eat at sometime." She noticed the pain in his eyes. She didn't know if it was something that was bothering him, so she sent him a thought. "Are you ok with that?"
Adrianna looks up at him. "Alex...is there something wrong?" she asked seeing he seemed to be uncomfortable. She looked down hoping it wasn't her.
Alex frowned at how they both seemed to care. He looked at Callie since she asked first and he answered by sending her a thought, 'New York, bad memories is all. I'll be all right.' He then looked down at Adrianna and noticed she had that 'guilty' look again, "It's not you Adrianna, just still thinking about the school is all." He answered simply, letting sure to make it clear that it wasn't her fault at all.
Callie nodded and continued to look at him. "We can go somewhere else if you want," She sent back. She didn't want Alex to be miserable the whole time they where there. She didn't even know how long they would be there.
Adrianna looked at him and tries to shift. She cluched her shoulder. "Ok...I just...I don't like not being able to take care of myself...it not fair someone else has to take care of me when they have their own worries." She sighs and looked at him. She then looked at Drake who wasn't talking. She tilted her head confused.
Alex shrugs at Adrianna, "Everyone needs someone to take care of them. If you let someone else take care of you, that means that maybe one day you can repay it and take care of them. A favour for a favour right?" He looked at Callie, 'No, it's alright. It's close and we're already on our way there...' He thought about his old house for a moment, smiling slightly as he remembered his old room. He sighed as he realized how much he was talking to everyone, it was not a good thing.
Adrianna sighed and looked Callie then Alex. "..." She sighed again and looked away. After her parents died she never wanted to rely on anyone. She looked at them all and sighed. Needing to relax she played with light.
Callie didn't reply, because she didn't really feel like there was anythin to say. She stayed quiet for a few minutes. "It's probably going to be cold there. It is the middle if fall, after all." She pointed out. She was kind if happy to be in cold weather after being in Florida for so long.
Blaire had been quiet the entire time, finally she spoke up, "We don't really have any gear for winter, we should probably hit up a store for some heavier jackets,"
Adrianna looked at Alex. She sighed again getting bored. She looked down below at the ground. She wanted to fly and then looked down. Suddenly she closed her eyes and groaned in pain.
Lillie let out a squeal at the mention of winter and did a spin in the air, "Will it snow!?!?" She asked happily, Lillie had only ever seen snow in photographs and postcards, she hadn't ever experienced it yet, and from the photographs she could tell it looked like a fun thing.

Alex looked down at Adrianna as she groaned, "Sorry about this, I'm guessing you'd rather fly..." He looks back up and smiles a little bit at Lillie's exclamation. He frowns at his tummy's grumbling as he remembers he hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday.
Blaire heard Alex's stomach grumble, and she realized how hungry she was, she had already burned off the sausages from earlier, she imagined Alex was starving, "Perhaps we should get something to eat." she glanced at Alex, Blaire didn't like the idea of stealing, but it seemed to be their only option at the moment, "Lillie, would you like to help me with something?"
Lillie grinned and nodded, her eyes flicking to Alex for a moment and looking worried before she looked back at Blaire and smiled, "Sure!" She loved the idea of helping the older girl with something, made her feel like she was helping out the Flock. She flew beside Blaire, ready to help her.

Alex watched the pair suspiciously, what was Blaire planning?
Adrianna giggled as his stomach growls. "It's sounds funny..." She smiled and looked up at him. She couldn't help but laugh a little. She looked back to the side of her watching were he was going.
Callie giggled at Lillie. "I think it will. New York gets pretty cold, so it should snow." She then frowned at what Blaire said. She was right, they had no winter clothes. "Yeah, we definatly need some of those." She nodded, flying in between two trees. Keanu spoke up. "Do you we need to steal them? I don't think we have enough money to pay for 8 winter coats and clothes, those get pretty expensive."
Blaire smirked, "You guys wait up here, we'll be right back," She gestured to Lillie and Demitri to follow, and dived down towards a gas station off of a interstate exit. They landed swiftly in the back, and Blaire turned and squatted down in front of Lillie and told her seriously, "I don't approve of stealing unless it's nessescary, and right now it is for the flock," she knew Lillie liked to play family and this was the perfect set up, she cracked a smile, "But that doesn't mean we can't have fun doing it,"

She whispered instrutions to the both of them then they waited until a car pulled up in for gas to go in. The cashier was reading a book at the front desk. Demitri walked in with Lillie's hand in his, about less than a minute later Blaire walked in, hands in her pockets, and the hood of her jacket pulled over her head, with a grim almost smuggish look on her shadowed face. Blaire went over to the knick-knacks aisle and Lillie and Demitri went over to the snack aisle and pretended to look at things on the shelves. Blaire started to suspiciously pocket some of the more obvious items in her jacket, she hoped Lillie would cue Demitri to attack her as planned, take the food and run out.
yes, stage fight, she wants it to be like lillie and demitri are siblings and they dont know her

--- Merged Double Post ---

sorry it took so long to post before :(

Lillie pretends to notice the stealing girl, her eyes widen and she grabs Demitri's arm, "Danny! That girl's stealing!" She points at Blaire with her eyes wide, looking shocked at her behavior, she came up with the name on the spot, pretty good for a 5 year old child.

Alex grins at Adrianna, "Glad my stomach amuses you so much" He chuckles to show her he is joking, secretly wondering about what Lillie was doing with Blaire and Demitri.
"Danny" looked up "shocked" and went after the girl. Blaire dropped the useless junk, slightly wondering why anyone would want it anyway. "Danny" started after her, he lundged, she dodged, and they played chicken on either end of the aisle shelves as "Danny" tried to catch her.

The clerk at the counter, a scrawny fifteen-year-old, had dropped her book and leaned over the counter watching the action advidly, panicing on what to do, she completely forgot about the little girl pocketing the snacks near the front of the store.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blaire would wait for Lillie to make her exit.

Adrianna smiled and looked around. She suddenly Jerked trying to see something below. What she saw shocked her. "Seven?" She looked down to see a boy flying below the flock. "Seven?!" She watched him and eyes widened. (Hey do you want me to make his form now? Kinda on my iphone and It's going to be very hard to do that.)

Seven looked up to see a boy carring someone filmirar. He watched seeing the whole flock. "Adrianna?" He blinks seeing shift looking like it was givving the boy a hard time carring her.
Lillie slipped around the back of the aisles, her small frame easily blended in before she slipped out of the shop. The food with her. She was grinning over Demitri and Blaire's fake fight.

(Sorry, getting writers block xD )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alex frowned, "What's up Adrianna? Who's Seven?" He asks, also looking down briefly to see a boy.

Lillie was waiting for Demitri and Blaire when a man walked up to her; he was a tracker. He grabbed her tiny arm and she let out a yell as he hissed, "Shut up Birdy, come on! You're coming with me!" He began to drag her away, a grip so tight on her arm that it was paining her. "Let go!" She yelled, feeling tears prick her eyes as he tugged harder. She went to scream but he had been informed of her power and put a hand over her mouth, picking her up swiftly.
Seven flew up seeing Adrianna. "Adrianna!" he smiled and went to hug her bu looked up at Alex. He put his arms down. Adrianna looked up at seven. "Since when did you have wings?" she said tears in her eyes. "They said you were dead!" Adrianna sniffed and wiped her eyes. "They said I killed you." Seven looked at her and sighed. "No...no you didn't they lied to keep you away from me. Oh and I apparently have slots in my back that keep my wings in. I didn't even know but isn't it so cool!" he chuckled and looked at her. "Man I missed you!"
Blaire burst out of the store, Demitri in hot pursuit. Blaire swiftly looked around for Lillie and saw she was being abducted. Blaire layed on serious speed, leaving Demitri behind her--the game was over. Blaire lept into the air and roundhouse kicked the guy in the face.

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