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Fandom Winged

Adrianna nodded keeping him held tightly in light. She sighed and looked at seven disappointed. She closed her eyes focusing on the light holding seven.
Alex was fuming mad and the rain around them became heavy until the point of pain. He looked up, realized it and stopped the rain completely with the unclenching of his fists. He looked back at Seven and growled, he looked over at Callie and spoke furiously, "Can I please drown him from the inside out?" He asks, completely serious. He made Lillie cry. He looks back at Seven and flicks his wrist slightly, a small amount of water filled Seven's lungs, not enough to kill him or drown him, just enough to make him feel the pain of drowning and to cough and splutter.
Callie nodded over at Alex slightly. She didn't care what he did to him at this point. While Seven was choking on the water in his lungs, she took the opportunity to go over and talk to him while he couldn't talk back. "How dare you come into my flock and even try to harm them?" She growled. You could see the anger in her eyes. No one hurt her flock. "Have fun in hell." She added, giving him her most charming smile.
Blaire shook her head in disgust, she wanted to freeze the kids blood from his fingers to his already cold-blooded heart. She concentrated but only saw his fingernail start to turn purple. Blaire frowned and turned away, she saw Lillie's distraught face. She went to close to Keanu and Lillie, and stroked the small girl's hair comfortingly.
Adrianna stepped in and looked at them all. "Stop it.." she said and looked at seven who looked back at her. Adrianna put her hand on his head. She closed her eyes and slowly let warmth fill him. "Don't hurt him." she said and then sighed deeply. "Sorry seven." she said put her other hand over his eyes. With a flash of light he screamed and when she uncovered his eyes they were blind fully.
Lillie flinched at the scream and struggled to break free of Keanu's grasp as she yelled out, "Alex! Alex!!!" She struggled more and tears were free falling down her cheeks.

Alex looked over at Lillie as she shouted and with a few beats of his wings he had pulled Lillie from Keanu's grasp and she clung to him as her sobs slowly stopped and turned into sniffles, he looked at Keanu in a slightly grateful - if that was possible - way. He flew back over to the others with Lillie in his arms as he eyed Seven, speaking to Adrianna as he kept his eyes on the blinded boy, "Why'd you do that?" He was neither disappointed or happy, he didn't like killing but didn't mind doing it when necessary.

Lillie sniffled on Alex's shoulder, she was glad he was alright but she was worried about this boy, why was he going to kill them? What had they done wrong? She sniffled once more, she had seen kids playing in parks when they flew over places. And as much as she loved her little family she had here, she had always longed for that dad that made you laugh and tickled you endlessly, maybe that mum that always cared for you no matter what happened. She sniffled again as she wondered what had happened to her own mum, where was she? And why wasn't Lillie with her?
Callie turned to Adrianna. She took a few hesitant steps backwards, frowning. She then jumped at Sevens scream, her own eyes widening at his now blinded ones. She didn't know Adrianna was capable of that. She nodded in agreement with Alex, not actually saying anything. Keanu let go of Lillie so she could go to Alex. He nodded at Alex, understanding that he was somewhat grateful. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. He still didn't like this boy, blind or not.
Adrianna looked at them all. "A blind boy can not follow us." she said letting her light fade around him watching him freaking out. "Your sight my return but I couldn't care less anymore seven....if you try and follow us we could quickly lose you...if you return to the school your fate will be in the hands of them. If your sight does return I will not be as kind as I was today." she said and lead him to a talk tree where he put away his wings and climbed down. As she flew back up she looked at Lillie. "Hey...cheer up...we are ok. See my wings were healed and drake is fine." she smiled reassuring her.
Once they were a considerable distance away from where Adrianna dropped off the now blind Seven, Demitri thought it was safe to speak up, "How much longer to New York, and Drake...are you okay, man?"
Drake nods smiling. "Um yeah...I'll be fine...but um Adrianna can you do what you did to your wing on me?" He said hoping she would be able to but Adrianna shook her head no. "I can not control the light when it heals. It's beond me right now." She said sighing deeply being quite exahstied from releasing all that energy into the light. She kept flying through pretty much gliding making her lower in the air then anyone else. Drake sighs watching Adrianna. She seemed to be more bothered by seven's sudden appearence then she is letting on. In fact he knew she was hiding her disapointment and sadness about the whole thing.
Lillie stopped her crying, but she was still sad. Now that she had the thought of her mum into her head, it wouldn't go away. She started to fly beside Alex, wiping her puffy, red eyes occasionally.

Alex looked down at Lillie and frowned, they were flying beside all the others and his hand reached out and touched her arm gently, her wide eyes shot up to his as she was snapped back to reality, "You alright Cuddles?" Usually he would ask her in her mind, but lately he had been feeling more comfortable around the others. He needed to stop that, he told himself, he needed to distance himself.

Lillie looked back up at Alex, she looked down slightly and then back up, her eyes wide. Lillie had never had any idea about her mum, or dad, or anything to do with her family, all she was ever told was that her mum didn't want her, some of the particularly spiteful guards tormented her with it sometimes. "Alex...." She spoke in a small voice, still loud enough for the others to hear, but still small. "Why doesn't my mummy want me?" Her voice sounded slightly broken and Alex's eyes widened, not knowing how to respond.
Adrianna stops hearing Lillie's question. "I'm sure it's not like that Lillie." She said quickly and smiled. Looking at Alex she then turn and continued flying. She sighed deeply unsure if she helpped.
Callie lead the flock again, in the general direction of New York city. Usually she would lead them to a much less crowded part of the state, but she figured it would be fun to walk around the city. Most of the flock had never been to such a major city. She heard Lillie, and her heart dropped. She had wondered the same thing many times when she was younger. She flew back to where Lillie and Alex where, letting Keanu lead for a while. "Adrianna's right, it isn't like that. Sometimes..." She sighed, trying to think of a way to properly word this to a five year old. "Sometimes people just don't have a choice. Your mommy wanted what was best for you." The first part was the truth, but the second not so much. Lillie would be so much better if she was with her mom now, instead of circling the world with wings and crazy people after them at all times. She looked over at Alex, her eyes filled with sadness.
Blaire stretched out her limbs in the air, they had been flying a good portion of the day. It was getting darker as the sun set and it was getting easier to New York as the big blob of light approaching fast on the horizon. She grinned, she had always wanted to go to New York, this was gunna be really fun. As they got closer Blaire looked around for places to 'roost' so to speak. Blaire pointed out to a skyscraper under contruction at a point where they had layed down concrete for the floors and there were partial walls. She didn't say anything, she was towards the front so she motioned for the flock to follow.

Blaire swooped in, flying through a great gap in the unfinished walls that were wide enough for her long, narrow, sea bird wings to fly through. She didn't stop just inside, but went further in, floating through the floor, scoping everything out. It was cool flying in a building, the next floor up was about twenty feet above her head. She circled around once more then landed towards the center, it would be warmer there, as the buildings structures would be somewhat of a break from the winds at this height, and that it would be a good place to keep an eye on their surroundings. Demitri lofted in behind her, tapping lightly to the ground. Blaire noticed and said, "Nice landing, princess," Instead of retaliating, Demitri quirked an eyebrow and retorted with a smug smile, "Thanks, I've been practicing." Blaire smirked and rolled her eyes, then plopped down her heavy back pack and stretched herself out again, now that she was standing vertical, she stretched her back out and flexed her legs.
Callie followed after Blaire, seeing the building. She tucked her wings in close to her body, careful not to accidentally clip them on the side. She landed next to Blaire quietly. She walked over to one of the few windows in the unfinished building. "This should work," She thought outloud, and dropped her backpack. Keanu came in towards the back if the flock, dropping his backpack as soon as he landed. "This views awesome!" He exclaimed, looking out the window with Callie. It was true. It was getting dark out, and all of the city lights were on and shining bright, all if the taxi's making it look like the whole city was moving.
Alex landed slightly behind them all and then turned, Lillie came crashing in his direction and with a simple movement he reached out, caught her around the waist and plopped her down on the floor, smirking without the meaness it brought, "Careful Cuddles." He was thrown off by her question earlier on and was now trying to cheer up her, he knew she was still thinking about her by the silence she was giving off. It didn't suit her to be quiet.

Lillie smiled at Alex as he caught her and put her down, "Thank you Alex!" She hugged his legs quickly and then looked around, being briefly distracted by the building. She noticed the others looking out the window and ran over to it, she jumped a few times trying to see out of it until two strong arms lifted her up slightly, allowing her to look out. She gasped and took in all the bright lights with big eyes, it was beautiful. "It's so pretty!" She commented, not knowing who had lifted her.
Demitri grinned and jogged over the wide space. Blaire smiled and went to stand next to Keanu and the others to take in the cityscape, "Wow..." she mumbled. It was extravagant, it looked alot better from a slightly horizontal view than from a specificly areal view. She yawned suddenly, there would be time to admire their surroundings in the morning, "Imma go to sleep," she mumbled softly, not sure if anyone heard her or noticed her disappearance as she turned and headed for the center of the building where she spread out her bed roll. Blaire tied her short hair back into a high ponytail with a hair band around her wrist, then dropped down to sit on the floor to take her shoes off before crawling into the sleeping bag and curling up underneath.

"I can take the night shift," Demitri volunteered, not moving his gaze from the city lights. This place...it just seemed so foreign to him...it was fascinating, he was entranced.
Adrianna landed and was thinking about seven. It hurt her deeply that he was working for the school and to punish him like she did made her feel worse. She looked up only once not interested in the city. She rather hated large places. Just more risk o being exposed. She looked down again. Her brother however was looking out the window amazed.
Alex looked around, and a distant look filled his eyes as he peered out of the window from the background. He looked over at the occupied Lillie and then walked over to Callie, he thought it was best to check with her before he left. "Hey Callie, I'm just going to go for a fly to clear my mind." He looked at her in the eyes, hoping she wouldn't notice that was not what he intended to do.

Lillie turned her head at the sound of Alex's voice and frowned at the look on his face, he was lying. How could she tell? She had no idea. She just knew, she couldn't tell by his thoughts because he was blocking anyone from reading them but she could see it in his eyes. Why was he lying?
Adrianna looked at Alex. "Hmm? Alex is something wrong?" She asked standing up looking at him. She sighed deeply and then glanced around before looking back at Alex.
Alex turned to look at Adrianna and frowned, she was talking so much more now aswell. "Nothing, just thinking about what happened earlier." He responded simply, that was true. He was thinking about earlier.

Lillie jumped down and ran over to a corner space, setting up her bed and Alex's, it was her habiat to do stuff for both of them rather than just herself. It was the same for Alex, he always thought of Lillie when sorting out beds, food and their stuff.
Blaire could feel tension in the air, she wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but she lay awake, listening. Something was off in the tone of Alex's voice.

Demitri noticed nothing, dense as he was. He pealed himself from the window to croutch besides Blaire, he rubbed her shoulder knowing she was awake, "'You okay, how are you feeling?"

Blaire sighed softely, Demitri was such a light hearted person, "Just tried," she told him then assured, "I'm fine,"

Demitri sat beside her, she wasn't tired enough to go to sleep yet as far as he could see, "Do you know what's wrong with your powers?"

Blaire shook her head slightly, "I dunno, maybe I just exhausted them, I just need more training is all," she whispered, almost assuring herself it would be alright rather than her brother.
Adrianna looked down and nodded. She grabbed her arm and sighed deeply. "I didn't know I could do that to a friend...even if he betray me." She looked out. "I guess I shouldn't hold you back from your flight." She looked at Drake who was having a fun time. "Even with a bullet in his arm...he is cheery."
Callie jumped slightly at Alex's voice, it breaking her out of the trance she was in. "Ok, just be careful. Call if you need anything." She said, looking back at him. She hoped he was ok, the tone of his voice sort of confused her. Keanu took his and Callies bed rolls, and spread them along the floor. He sighed, listening to Blaire and Demitri. He also had started wondering why this was only happening to Blaire, but no one else. Sure sometimes he got a little strained if he used his powers too long, but never like this.
Blaire sighed exasperatedly, stressed over thinking about it, she rolled over and squeezed her eyes shut hoping sleep would come soon and distract her. Demitri rubbed her arm again comfortingly then got up to sit in the wide window sill that was waiting for inulation and frames.

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