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Fandom Winged

The guy stumbled back, still holding onto Lillie. Until she bit into his hand, he let go and even though she wasn't facing the guy, she closed her eyes and let out a horrible scream, imagining his dirty, ugly face. He yelled out and dropped Lillie, clutching his throbbing head as she stopped and ran over to Blaire, her eyes wet as she hid behind the girl.

Alex's eyes cleared themselves of their confusion as his eyes widened, "You're the guy?" He frowned as 'Seven' said how cool having wings were, "They're not cool at all." He said, slightly angry. He handed Adrianna over to the boy with the simple explaniation of, "She's got a broken wing" He then looked to Adrianna's brother to check that he made sure the boy didn't fly off with Adrianna or fail to keep up with the Flock before speeding up, placing himself beside Callie without knowing it. He looked down slightly angry and then lifted his head to see where he was going.
Adrianna looked up at Alex slightly upset that he was. She sighed and saw him next to callie and even more made her dreppressed look deepen. She looks at seven and sighs. "It's kinda a curse for some of us..." she sighed and looked up at seven. Seven looked at her and held her smiling. He looked at Alex and sighed deeply flying with Adrianna. "For someone who didn't have wings before it's great having them now. I'm sorry." he sighed and looked at Adrianna who seemed quite sad about something.
Blaire was absolutely furious, she wanted to freeze his veins in ice for making Lillie cry--even though the feeling was there, the same that came with freezing someone over, the cold tickle in her fingertips--nothing happened, which only made her more angry. The tracker was backing away at this point, startled by the glare of pure hatred in her eyes; however, tendrils of roots curled up from the ground and tightened around the guy's legs. It made him trip and fall over on the ground, the man started exclaimed in frightened yelps as more roots sprung from the ground. More and more snaked around his body slowly dragging him down into the dirt. They could hear his muffled cries until they were finally dimmed under the thick layer of earth. The ground closed over itself, grass sprang up naturally, and there where no traces that there had been a disturbance.

Blaire grimmaced at the ground. She turned and sunk into a croutch in front of Lillie, she put her hand softly on the girl's small shoulders, "Are you alright, honey?"
Lillie nodded, wiping her eyes, trying to erase the teary evidence. "T-Thank you" She hiccuped, looking over to see Demitri and smiling at him weakly, trying to let him know the Thank you was intended for both of them. She paused and pulled out one of the items of food, "I-I got it" She smiles despite her puffy red eyes and hiccups once more.
Blaire smiled encouragingly, right now she didn't care about the food, only that Lillie was safe, "You did an excellent job, and I'm proud of you, sweety," she gently wiped Lillie's cheek, "But I was more worried about you, knowing that you are safe is more important to me," Blaire wrapped her arms around the girl and gave her a comforting hug.

Demitri cleared his throat from behind them, "I hate to be the stiff here, but we should probably get going before the Flock gets too far ahead," Blaire nodded, she took Lillie's hand and they went to a more secluded area in a forest and took off.
Adrianna sighed and crossed her arms. She looked at Seven and he looked back at her with a smirk smile. Adrianna shifted uncomfortable again.

Drake saw Seven smiling at Adrianna. He flew beside him glaring. He didn't like the way he was looking at Adrianna. In fact when they were kids he didn't like him. He never really was fond of Seven.
Alex looked at Callie, speaking in a slightly agitated tone, "We got a newcomer back there. Adrianna seems to know him although she seems a bit put off by him." He pauses and looks down, "Should we check him over before, or after we get there?" He asked, you could never be too sure. Adrianna hadn't seen him in years, maybe he was working with the trackers. Where else did he get wings from?

Lillie held Blaire's hand as they took off, seeing the flock way up ahead and looking to her other side to check Demitri was with them.
Demitri caught Lillie's eye and gave her a reassuring smile, he held out his hand and took hers, "Lets catch up with the others! Keep your wings out and glide, okay!" He grinned and he layed on some speed, not enough to startle her, but fast enough for fun. In a couple minutes, they double timed and caught up with the others. Blaire following them easily. When they joined the flock, something didn't seem right, Blaire did a quick head count and realized the boy carrying Adrianna. Alarmed she sprinted up to where Callie and Alex were flying at the front, "What is going on here, who is that kid!?" she hissed quietly to them, her eyes were wide, she didn't want to alarm everyone then realize the threat was false.
Alex shrugged, obviously annoyed for some reason, "That stupid boy back there is an old friend of Adrianna's, though neither her or Drake seem too comfortable with him there. I reckon we should do a check-up." By check-up he meant the usual thing they did when they encountered a new bird-kid. Ask them questions about where they came from, where they got their wings, the usual. He looks to Callie, "What do you think Callie?" He asks, still not used to his increased amount of talking he was doing.

Lillie giggled as they sped along, then frowned as they mentioned the new boy. She did what she usually did and flew back so she was beside him and Adrianna. She smiled at him kindly, "Hi! I'm Lillie, what's your name?" She looked up at him with her irresistible big, blue eyes.
"Guys," she said quietly, "I don't like this, listen; we went down to the gas station to get something to eat, on the way out, we got jumped, Lillie was almost snatched, luckily I got there in time and stopped him, Demitri took care of him--you'd be a fool to thing this wasn't a coincidence, that this kid happened to pop up out of Adrianna's past the moment the flock split up momentarily while they got attacked, while just before Adrianna got a 'calling card' from a group of people after her head..." Blaire was still wild eyed, she snuck glances back and to her horror, she saw Lillie flyed right next to him. She bit her lip hard, she could almost taste blood. This whole ordeal was freaking her out.
Callie narrowed her eyes while thinking at bit down on her lip. She didn't like this whole deal either. She looked over at Alex. "I think we should check him out now. He could be working for the school. If he is and we lead him to our next spot, he could tell." She said, only loud enough for Alex, Blaire and Keanu to hear. Keanu nodded, glaring back at the newcomer. There was something about him that he just didn't like. "I don't trust him..." He mumbled, turning back to the group.
"And it doesn't look like Drake, or even Adrianna, truly do for that matter," Blaire said, then let her wings fill with wind and she drifted back to fly on the newcomers other side, "Hello there," Blaire said, faking amniably, "I don't believe I've caught you name. I'm Claire, by the way," She gave him her wrong name, if he had any intel--at least on her--it might throw him off. Blaire watching his face avidly, extra aware, she didn't like that this guy simotaneously showed up out of nowhere right as another part of the flock where attacked.
Seven watched them till the girl came up. "I'm seven." he said and looked at drake who grabbed Adrianna from him. He sighed. "None of you trust me." he said looked at the blood on his hands from adrianna's wing. "..."
Alex had flown back to them by this point and was flying backwards as he faced Seven. He raised an eyebrow and his tone was harsh as he spoke, he was still annoyed about the whole 'wings are awesome' thing, plus this boy seemed to have unnerved Adrianna. "Why should we? We're in a strange situation right now. Seven." He spoke his name like he already hated the boy, "And you showing up out of the middle of no-where and acting all jolly like you're part of our group...just seems suspicious." His eyes narrowed as he stared the boy down.

Lillie frowned at how Alex was acting, she knew he wasn't very open to new members of the Flock, but why was he being so rude? She looked over at Blaire and noticed she was also acting strange. What was going on? She shrugged it off and decided to leave them to it, they always seemed to know best anyway. She flew over to Keanu and whispered to him, quiet enough for Seven not to hear, "Why is everyone being mean to that boy?" She asks in a small voice, she didn't understand.
Seven looked to adrianna. "She's my friend shouldn't I be happy to see her again?" he said then looked back to alex. "So why are you so diffensive?" he said and crossed his arms. "Ticked off at me for no reason."
Alex resisted the urge to punch this boy across the face, his fists clenching at the thought of it. "You cheated death Seven." He made no more of that comment, it was a fact of why he disliked him. His parents didn't get that chance. "You show up out of no-where, suddenly having wings and you make Adrianna and Drake both uncomfortable, for whatever reason." He glares at him and without him intending to it begins to rain, he doesn't even notice it though, "Where'd you get your wings from Seven?"
Seven put his hand in his pocket. "I see there is no point lying is there?" he said and sighed looking at Adrianna. "Sorry but..." he pulled out a hand gun and pointed it at Alex.
Alex showed no signs of fear as the barrel of the gun stared him in the face, he looked up at Seven with furious eyes, "You tell us what the fu** is going on right now Seven." He pauses and adds something, "And if you pull that damn trigger, it won't be me who it hits."

Lillie looks back, sees the gun in Alex's face and her eyes widen, she grabs Keanu's arm and lets out a yell, "Keanu! That boy's going to hurt Alex!" Her eyes water and she grips Keanu's arm so tight that it could hurt him, "Alex!" She yells, her voice sounding full of tears, "Alex! Don't you dare die on me!"

Alex's eyes flash slightly with pain as Lillie calls out to him, "Alex!" He hears the sadness in her voice and grits his teeth as he faces Seven grimly, "Alex! Don't you dare die on me!" He glares at Seven angrily, not liking that this boy made Lillie upset.
Callie flew next to Alex, eyeing Seven the whole time. She could tell thus whole thing between Alex and Seven probably wouldn't end well. She crossed her arms. "And why did it take you so long to get your wings?" She added on to Alex's question. Keanu looked over at Lillie. "Because hes new, and he came at a...weird time. He's making himself look suspicious." He explained as best he could to the child.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Wait ugnore that
Seven smiled grabbing another gun and pointing it at Adrianna and drake. "...any of you move and I pull both triggers." Adrianna gasped and then slowly created a light spear. As she was about to throw it he shot drake in the arm. "..." drake dropped adrianna as he shot him. Adrianna screamed falling.
Callies eyes widened at the gun, and instinctively grabbed Alex's arm like that might help. She glared at Seven, hatred filling her eyes. She yelled when he was shot, immediatly dropping to his side Keanu held Lillie close to him, in some attempt to keep her calm. "It's going to be ok, he's going to be ok," He whispered to her.
Without moving Alex's eyes flicked to the rain and then formed an almost water blanket that caught Adrianna before she could hit the ground, it turned into a mix between ice and water so that it could hold her but not freeze her to death. He glared at Seven and spoke viciously, "I'll only ask once more before I tear you apart limb from limb." His voice was filled with venom and sounded deadly serious, "Tell us what the fu** is going on and why the hell you are pointing guns at us."

Lillie clung to Keanu as she started to sob, scared to death by the sound of the gun and the way people were reacting to it. She didn't like this one bit.

(Sorry guys! Gotta' go! (By the way Drake was shot, not Alex xD ))
Adrianna looked up. "That's it...you want to shoot my brother?" she said light swurling around her. It healed her wing as she released more and more. Suddenly seven shot her three more flea but the light stopped them all. Adrianna shot up and grabbed seven in light and fire. Light ball surrounded them all and light restrained seven. He sighed. "The school sent me to kill you all or turn you in." he said strugglin and looked at Adrianna surprised. "Wow."
Blaire, unable to do anything with water, soared forward and punched the guy across the face hard, "Lets rip his 'awesome' wings off and let the cold hearted b*tch fall to his death," she spit, her voice full of malice, how dare he threaten their family and think he could get away with it, then she added, "Again,"
(Yeah I know, but my stupid iPod wasn't working. xD ) Callie jumped at the gunshot, but was somewhat glad to see it wasn't anything too serious. An arm could heal. "Make sure he can't get away!" She yelled, to no one in particular. She wasn't sone with this guy. Keanu wrapped his arms around Lillie, and his her face in his shoulder so she wouldn't have to watch anything that was happening. He rocked back and fourth to calm her down.

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