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Fandom Winged

Alex nodded, glad no-one had pushed it any farther. "I'll be back soon." He walked over to where they had landed and took off without a head start, flying at an average speed, he was building up nerves. Was it such a good idea to go back there? He sighed, he was going to do it anyway.

Lillie heard the sound of Alex taking off and her eyes flicked over to the empty space where he had been. She frowned and sat down on the bed she had made for herself, she watched the others casually, not really feeling like speaking. She sighed - freakily it was at the same time Alex did - and put her head on her knees as her arms wrapped around her legs, she still thought about what they had said earlier. Surely if her mummy wanted what was best for her, why was she running for her life? Did her mummy want her to die? Didn't her mummy love her?
Adrianna sighed and looked at Lillie. She sighed and sat down beside her. She smiled at her, but other then that she had no idea what to do.
Callie slowly sat on her bed roll next to Keanu, crossing her legs. She really didn't like the idea of Alex going off by himself in such a big city. Especially after everything that had happened in the fast two days or so. She waited a few minutes, before deciding to follow him. "I'll be back soon. Everyone stay here." She said, not sure if anyone was awake to hear her. She as well jumped out of the building from where they had landed, taking to the sky. She stayed behind Alex, not close enough for him to detect her yet, but close enough to keep him in sight. Keanu nodded, not questioning her. He knew Callie would be worried about Alex going off by himself.
Once Demitri thought Blaire was asleep--she always went to sleep easier when she knew he was watch her back--Demitri got up and went to in an unfinished section of wall were he could sit on the ground and dangle his legs off the side. He nodded at Callie's departure and watched her jump out and fly after Alex. Demitri sighed. It was a gorgeous night, he could tell it had been recently cold since he could feel the warm front in the air mixing with the cold creating a nullifying fog that settled across the city like a gaussain blur. He sighed, the air was heavy with humidity, the air had a slight chill but not frigid, it still felt a bit warm. Demitri pulled one leg up and wrapped his arms around it then rubbed his nose as it started to chill in the subtle cold of the air. The lights of the city illuminatedthe fog in blurred out balls of light, that made the bustling city seem cozy and sleep somehow. Demitri sat there watching the serene city beneath him.
Alex flew steadily along, the lights below him reminding him of so many things. He was completely unaware of Callie following him as he dropped to the ground in a quiet neighborhood. He still pulled his wings in anyway though. He walked along and froze infront of a house. He took it in silently, shocked it still looked the same, same paint, same garden, same gate, same everything. Had someone else not moved in here yet? He slowly walked down the steps of the house, stopping at the front door. He knocked - just in case - but when he received no answer he gently pushed down on the handle, it opened easily. He looked inside the house and sucked in a breath, everything was exactly the same, even the furniture. He walked inside the house, drawn in by his memories. He peered into the living room and an image of him and his parents laughing and opening presents at Christmas replayed in his mind. He then looked at the stairs and went up them cautiously, he headed straight for a certain door and pushed it open very gently, once it was open he stepped inside and looked around at his old room. The blue space walls were worn but still visible, his buzz lightyear bed sat in the same place and his matching buzz lightyear lamp was resting beside it on his dresser. He blinked as old memories came back to him and a lone tear found it's way down his cheek. He chuckled without humour, "Boy I was a buzz lightyear freak back then." Trying to make a joke to cheer himself up.
Adrianna sighs and looks outside thinking about some stuff. Her mind driffed to Alex and then sighed as it also driffed to Seven. She sat alone feeling quite sad. She wasn't going to talk anymore. If she hadn't said something about Seven Drake wouldn't be working on his wound right now. And the craking of the stick he had in his mouth was making her flinch.
Callie landed on the ground after Alex, still making sure to keep herself hidden. It would be harder though, on such a quiet road. She put her hands in her hoddie pockets, staying behind Alex. She rose an eyebrow when she saw him walk into a house. She got a little more cautious, waiting until Alex went upstairs to slowly and quietly enter the house. It was full of furniture, looking untouched.
Alex sighed and walked over to his old bed, he sat down on it and looked around the room, it still looked as if a 5 year old boy could live in it now, strangely enough his old race-car set was in the corner where it used to be....he swore that they took that out of the house when he went into social services. He rested his elbows on his knees and sighed deeply once more, his face hidden in his hands as he sat and thought, about them, about his old life, about how much he missed it.

Lillie lay down, also closing her eyes, she was super tired after all that flying and she pulled her sleeping bag so that it covered up to her chin, keeping her snug and warm. Rather than letting bad thoughts invade her head she thought about how much she loved the family she had right now - The Flock.
Callie slowly walked into the living room, looking around. She knew Alex was upstairs, but surprisingly hadn't detected her yet. She walked by the couch, running her fingertips along the smooth surface. She saw a fireplace near the front of the room, lined with pictures of what looked like a small family. She walked over to it, looking at the pictures. She squinted to try and see it better in the dark room. Picking it up slowly and gently, she realized who it was. Alex and his parents. Not knowing what to do with it, she quickly put it down. Probably a little too loudly out of shock, and then remembering that Alex was still only a few feet upstairs, probably in his old bedroom. She made her way over to the stairs, slowly going up them one by one, her hand griping the banister.

Keanu sat up in his sleeping bag, watching the the full moon help to light up the bright city. He wondered where Alex and his sister were. He knew they would be ok though, so he layed back against the hard floor, closing his eyes. He hoped sleep would overcome him soon.
Alex heard a small noise from downstairs and it made him jump out of his memory filled trance. He leapt up from his old bed and wiped his eyes, only just now realizing he had been crying. (Boys can cry too! xD ) He looked out of the open bedroom door and heard someone coming up the stairs. His eyes narrowed, was it a tracker? No....they wouldn't be walking so slowly. He saw their head appear and his eyes focused on the blonde locks, he frowned. That looked like Callie. He rubbed his forehead and kept in his sigh of exasperation. Why did she follow him? His eyes widened, did she know this was his house? No...she couldn't know. He knew what he'd do, just play it cool, say it was a random house that he thought The Flock might have been able to stay in. He turned his back as if he was observing the room. Play it cool Alex. Keep it together. His fingers brushing across the planet covered curtains as if he were checking them.
Callie finally made it to the top of the stairs. She looked up and down the hall, seeing one of the doors open. From her spot in the hallway, she could see a shadow in the room. Alex, obviously. She figured he probably had some idea she was here now, as she made her way over to the door. She stood in the door way of the room, looking around. It looked like it belonged to a small child, most likely a boy. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to think of something to say to Alex, who was running his hands along the curtains. "Alex?" She finally squeaked out, her arms limp by her side.
Adrianna sighed and went for a flight herself. She couldn't take it anymore so she flew off. She sighed knowing there wouldn't be any forest to hide herself she sighed. She couldn't do it in front of everyone. WHat the heck would they think? She landed sighing deeply at a park. "Not good enough...." She held her head angry. She looked around and then flew up again no one seeing her so far. "..." She sighed deeply.
Alex heard Callie's small voice and turned around to look at her, he blinked and looked around, "Oh hey Callie." He looked back at her and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact without realizing he was doing it, "I just thought I'd check out this house, it seemed pretty empty and I thought the Flock could live here but I don't reckon it's big enough..." He looked up and as his eyes connected with hers he froze, stammering slightly as he tried to keep the lie going, "I mean, it's um, it's..." He cut himself off, just staring at her as he fiddled with his fingers, his eyes holding an immense sadness.
Callie sighed and closed her eyes for a second, listening to the lie go on and on. She made her way over to Alex, and rested her hand lightly on his arm. "It's ok, I know," She looked into his eyes. "I know this used to be your house, I saw the pictures." She explained, the moon giving off just enough light for her to see his face clearly.
Adrianna flew faster and faster. "I got to..." She looked at the sky and sighed deeply. She looked around needing a place to hide right away. She landed somewhere pretty far from the others. She held her head and entered a house that was old and somewhere she could be alone. Little did she know Alex and Callie was upstairs. She went into the kitchen and sat down near a window. She closed her eyes and glowed a bit and soaked in the light. She smiled happy and her hair turned black suddenly. Light surrounded her.
Alex swallowed and he looked down, not knowing what to say. As she placed her soft hand on his arm he felt a tingle go through him, the kindness of the gesture making his heart warm slightly. He blinked and looked back up at her, his voice quiet but still trying to sound strong, "Why did you follow me?" He couldn't believe she was here, in his old house, around all of his secrets. It was bad enough that she knew about his family, now she had to see his old life aswell? His amazingly perfect old life that had ended so quickly and so cruelly.
Callie kept her hand on his arm, since she saw that it was keeping him calm. She had no idea Adrianna was downstairs. She shrugged. "A few minutes after you left, I decided to follow you. I didn't want you being alone, ya know, with everything that's happened. I didn't know you would be coming here." She let her eyes wander away from his and around the room that had obviously once belonged to Alex. She smiled a little at all of the buzz lightyear.
Adrianna sighed and soaked up the light. She relaxed and her skin glowed and she her hair was very black. The color she was born with, it changed white when she started using her light powers. With the releasing of so much light with seven she needed to recharge. However fearing the others staring at her she rather be alone.
Alex nodded, he sighed and noticed her looking around, he followed her gaze and grinned rather weakly, "I know...I was a major buzz lightyear freak when I was younger, apparently I had an obsession with things that could fly." He chuckled darkly, "Kind of ironic right?" He then looks down at the ground again, "Uh...Callie...did you tell anyone else about...um.." He paused, "My family?" He looked up at her, it even being painful for him just to mention the fact that he had a family.
Callie actually giggled lightly at this. She moved away from Alex, and sat on his bed carefully, like if she out her whole weight on it, it would break. She thought for a second, and then shook her head. "Nope. Why?" She answered, running her hands along the bed sheet. She looked back over at him, folding her hands in her lap.
He grinned at her giggle and watched as she sat slightly down on his bed, he shrugged, "Dunno, don't particularly want them all to know." He looked at her, his mood lightening slightly just because she was here, "I don't know if you can tell this or not, but I'm not one for attention." You could almost hear the smirk in his voice as he walked over and sat on the floor beside her, making a thumping noise as his butt hit the floor, he looked at her blue eyes and smiled, thinking they looked beautiful with her blonde hair. He almost smacked himself in the face as he realized he had said that last bit outloud, what was wrong with him? What was he? Some kind of cheesy boy in a romance novel?
Callie smirked. "Yeah, I kinda caught on to that," She nodded, and then slid off of the bed so that she was sitting next to Alex. She pulled her knees to her chest. "I like it better now, that you talk and all." She said, staring at the wall in front of her. She bit her lip and blushed when she heard him. She tried to play it off like she didn't hear him, but a smile was starting to play on her lips.
Adrianna had heard them and went up to see who it was. When she heard alex she looked down and ran off. She should have known. Flying up she pretty much was heart broken but nothing she wasn't use to. She sighed again and held her arm. At least they didn't see her while she was light bathing. This surely put her in a non talkive mood.
He smiled back as she didn't comment on the beautiful thing, glad she had spared him the embarrassment. He shrugs with a frown on his face as she mentions the talking thing, "Yeah...I have a slight issue with getting close to people.." He looked down at his hands as they sat in his lap, twiddling his thumbs as he for the first time ever let his thoughts break down the wall he had put up and just spill out of his mouth, "Ever since Mum and Dad died I've been trying to keep people out....I'm worried that if someone gets too close, I might lose them aswell. I don't want to put anyone in danger by letting them get close to me..." He grit his teeth, "Losing someone close to you is the worst feeling in the world." He rubbed his forehead while hiding his face as he realized he had just spilled out his feelings to her. Great, nice move Alex. His thoughts muttered sarcastically to him. Alex didn't hear nor see Adrianna, he was too focused on Callie and their conversation.
Adrianna went back to the others and then went into a corner hiding herself in her wings not saying anything. She just sat there. When her brother tried to see what was wrong she threw him to a wall across the room standing up and then turned back to her corner and sat down puting her wings up. She didn't want to be here anymore. Should she run?

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