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Fandom Winged

Drake sighed and sat up. "They will...if Adrianna is angry...well I fear for Alex...I have a feeling he's the on who ticked her off." he said and leaned against the wall. "In fact i think callie has something to do with it as well. Unless I'm incorrect Adrianna has been acting a bit stance around Alex. Her outrage might have to do something about maybe a little crush. Even worse is the fact that she never wanted a guy getting close. After seven well saposivly died. If she saw something happen between Callie and Alex it would explain her anger. Not that, that is the problem."
Keanu actually shivered as Blair's fingers ran down his arm, and he felt his cheeks redden. He threw his arms over his head, stretching. He shrugged after dropping his arms back down. "I wouldn't doubt it. Alex is pretty strong, they should be fine. I don't think they should be gone much longer anyway." He said, thinking the last part out loud. He knew if they stayed out much longer, Callie would make them go look for them anyway. Callie snapped her attention to Drake. "But...where would she see anything?" She thought, out loud as well. "It's not like anything happened, anyways!" She added, because she didn't want anyone freaking out, especially Keanu. He would kill Alex if he got any wrong ideas.
Drake looked at her. "Then something happened to Adrianna that made her run. She did arrive ticked off before you two showed up. Could it have been seven again?" he asked wondering why she seemed a bit worried.
Blaire stared blankly, "The Flock isn't exactly one for rationality...act first, think later, right Callie?" Frankly, she didn't really know what was going on, her brain was starting up like one of those old computers that takes forever to dial up, like she was in the middle of a reboot. Blaire blinked a few times and started rubbing her eyes to make herself wake up, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Demitri was still asleep and thick headed as ever, then looked back at Keanu and the Flock. The darkness and the limited amount of light from the moon that night hid Keanu's complexion from her view. Blaire sighed, "So, what are we gunna do? Chase them? God knows the last thing a girl like Adrianna needs is company," she continued bluntly in a soft tone, "She ran off for a reason."
Callie chewed on her thumb nail, purposely trying to avoid any eye contact with Keanu. "I think we should wait a little longer. In a little while, if they don't show, we go after them." She said simply, staring at the cold marble floor. She tried to get her mind to think about things other then what Drake had said. Keanu rose his eyebrows at Callies outburst. As far as he knew, Callie and Alex hadn't dine anything that would set Adrianna off. But then again, they where alone for at least an hour during the night, and they came back with Callie sound asleep in Alex's arms. Maybe that was it.
At Callie's word, Blaire fell back down into the padded stuffing of her sleeping bag and rolled over with her back to them. She remained there awake, she didn't want to get left out if anything bad started happening. She listened to Callie's nervous voice and concluded something sneaky was going on. Something she was trying very hard to cover up that it made her look suspicious.
Keanu continued to stare down his sister. He knew that if he did this for too long, she would eventually break. Callie looked up from the floor, to see her brother staring right at her. She store back for a few seconds, but soon enough gave up. "What?! Nothing happened!" She yelled, throwing her blanket at him. Keanu caught the blanket and rolled his eyes. "Sure."
Blaire was very aware something had happened, though for the most part she was unsure of if it. She kept quiet, trying to stay out of it, it wasn't her ordeal, and she was sure she wouldn't want them to obviously overhearing her and Demitri either. She just hoped they wouldn't notice her. For Callie's sake, she couldn't blame her for liking Alex, he was cute...and a bit of a charmer. She blushed, and squeezed her eyes shut to force the idea out of her head,'That is so not your fight. Stop it.' ​Blaire berated herself.
Keanu smirked, and stood up. He started skipping in circles around the flock, and singing, which was probably waking up anyone who was still sleeping. "Callie likes Alex, Callie likes Alex!" He chanted, like a little immature kid. He jumped over Callie, and then easily cleared Blair. Callies jaw dropped, and within seconds she was on her feet and chasing him. "I do not!" She yelled back, her cheeks as red as tomatoes. She was just glad Alex wasn't hear to actually witness it.
Blaire sat up with the possibility of being trampled. Calmly she climbed out of her sleeping bag, she sighed heavily, and while Keanu skipped past her again she grabbed the back of his tee-shirt, Callie was in hot pursuit and before she could react Blaire caught the back of her collar. Once they were standing still Blaire let go and glared at them both, "How old are we?" she asked, her voice low and deliberate, "Now how old are we acting? You realize the time, correct?" she nodded to the weak moonlight spilling in from the west. Blaire looked at Keanu who she had caught first, "Keanu, running around sing songs past midnight to embaris you lr sister definitely wasn't the right approach. Embarisment is best done subtly, trust me." she looked at Callie. Callie was the leader, but right now this was brotherly-sisterly antics and it was going to get ridiculous fast, "Callie don't get so flustered, and don't allow your brother to get you so worked up. You're the leader, you should know how to keep your cool," At this point Blaire didn't care what came out of her mouth, just as long as she could get back to sleep and get some decent rest.

--- Merged Double Post ---

I gotta go to sleep, :)
Drake nodded. "I agree. Since this is true we got a heart broken flock member who has been known to run away from her feelings." he gets up. "Adrianna is trying to run away from the flock. Since Alex is the problem was it wise to let him go after her? She might break down and I promised I wouldn't say anything but the reason she was out. and about while Alex was gone...was to recharge. I call it moon soaking, so she charged up as well and pretty mad."
Blaire had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She sighed deeply and rubbed her forehead, "Look," Blaire started, "If Drake is right, and Adrianna is upset over Callie, her going after her will just cause more conflict. She won't listen to Drake anyway--guys don't know what to in this situation anyway. So if they don't come back in a few minutes, I'll go see if I can't get through to her."
Keanu was still skipping and singing, when his shirt was suddenly grabbed and he got yanked back a few inches. The same happened to Callie, and they both yelled 'Ow' at the same time. They both folded their arms across their chests, frowning like two little kids getting yelled at. After Blair was done talking, Callie spoke up. "Ok," She hesitated, nodding. "But I still don't know what I did wrong." She mumbled, now rummaging through her bag for something to eat.
As she tried to run past him Alex reached out and stopped her with his body, his voice reassuring, "Adrianna, calm down" He looked at her teary face and his eyes widened, "Hey what's wrong?" He spoke gently, his muscles were tense as he knew Adrianna tended to get violent when her emotions overtook her.

Lillie blinked her eyes open sleepy as Keanu began yelling, "Callie likes Alex, Callie likes Alex!" She giggled lightly and pulled herself up as she watched Blaire tell them off like a mummy would. She frowned, thinking about mums again. She listened again and managed to pick up on Adrianna running off and Alex following her...she began to worry a little bit, what if Alex got hurt? She shrugged it off and listened to what the older girls were saying, she would give it a few more minutes, if Alex was in trouble he would let her know via mind. She giggled loudly and ran over to Callie, grinning up at her, "Awwww Callie! You love Alex!" She giggled again, she ran around the older girl in a circle beginning to sing in a sweet, young voice, "Callie and Alex sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes Love, then comes Marriage...then comes Keanu in a baby carriage!" She stopped and ducked behind Blaire, popping her head out and sticking her tongue out at Callie.
Adrianna looked at him and backed up starting to create light in her hand. "..." She wasn't about to talk but she tried to get past him again. She really didn't want him in her head. All she could think about was what she heard and saw while he was with callie and only being there to moon soak. She also thought about the intense mentle pain she was feeling as well.
Keanu laughed at Lillie singing, and smirked at Callie. "Go Lillie!" He yelled, pumping his fist in the air. Callies face went red again. If it was anyone but Lillie singing, she would beat the living crap out of them. "Lillie!" She yelled, but she was smiling while saying it.
Blaire smiled and ruffled Lillie's hair as she hid behind her legs. Lillie was actually the age to act like a kid. Blaire started thinking, and slowly her eyebrows started to dent...If Adrianna was all 'charged up' with power, she would be more likely to use it. Her eyes roamed and fell on Lillie, remembering how kids act out as if to assure everyone they really don't care to hide their true feelings. Blaire couldn't help thinking that with all the conflict swarming around in Adrianna's head, she would be no different. She couldn't trust Adrianna to act out, the way she treated her brother when he was concerned for her was proof of her hostility. She bit her lip, "I think I should really go now," she said to herself.

"Will you be okay, 'cuz...you know..." Demitri said with a gravely voice. He had awoken by the ruckus, and begining to get up clumbsly from his sleeping bag.

"You know how suave I am," Blaire joked, tapping her temple. He frowned slightly in a silent 'you know what I'm talking about' look. Blaire rolled her eyes, skooting away from the group towards the open section of wall, "I don't always have to use my powers," she told him quietly, thinking to herself, "though it would be a real help if I had them".
Alex's eyes narrowed and he flicked to the light in her hand, he looked back up at her pain-stricken eyes and a wave of pain hit him also. He'd done it again. He'd hurt someone once more. He blinked and spoke, "Are you thinking of hitting me with that Adrianna? 'Cause if you are I will not be responsible for how I react. I'm not saying I'd hurt you or nothing, 'cause I don't hurt girls." He looked around them and back at her, "But this area may become nothing more than a wasteland" He frowned and pain was in his voice, "What did I do to make you so mad?"

Lillie giggled at Keanu and then frowned as Blair moved, her eyes following the girl with slight worry. If Blaire was worried enough to go now, does that mean Alex is in danger? Yes. Lillie leapt up from her place and headed right over to Blaire, looking up at her determinedly. "I'm coming with you." For such a small child, it was rather funny how old she sounded, how she phrased it as a statement and not a question, like she thought she was in charge.
Keanu watched Lillie and Blair go. He quickly sprang up. "If you guys are going, I wanna come too!" He yelled, springing into the air. Callie rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall. She thought about going, but staid back. If Adrianna really was mad at her, it wouldn't be a good idea to go. She looked down at her hands, and started twiddling her thumbs out of boredom.
Adrianna feel on her knees. "PLease...just leave me alone....I...was just out to....moon soak....to recharge....then I saw you and callie....I didn't mean to but..." She put her hands on her face and sobbed. "I don't want you near me!" She yelled.
Blaire turned around and looked at them, she folded her arms and firmly said, "No." She glanced between Lillie and Keanu, "There will be time to explore in the morning, this isn't field trip time. Adrianna is overwhelmed, the last thing she needs is to feel more uncomfortable if there are people around to watch her, she doesn't need an audience," She knelt down to look Lillie in the eye, "Alex is a big boy, he can take care of himself--that I am sure of. But I'm not going for the sake of Alex, I'm going for Adrianna," Blaire's gaze rotated to Keanu, she sighed, "Its a girl thing." Giving them one stare-of-daggers as if daring them to follow, she quickly turned and pushed off from the edge of the ledge, and shot away from the building, too fast and unexpected for them to follow.

She weaved through buildings, wondering where the two had gone off to until she spotted a light illuminating some of the trees in Central Park with her raptor vision. It was too out of place to be a flashlight or something and she flew in low and fast along the treetops. She settled for a tree with thick foliage about half a mile away. She could see Adrianna and Alex, Blaire wanted to assess the situation before she jumped in. It didn't look to good at the moment, but Alex was talking to her earnestly with a look of dead seriousness. Blaire waited strategically under the cover of darkness and the, not wanting to interupt and mess everything up.
Alex blinked with shock inside him and pain at her yell. "I don't want you near me!" He took a step back as he looked down at the bundle of tears and anger. What had he done? He shook his head at himself and took another step back. You did it again Alex, you ruined another person's life. He gripped his head and spoke in a low tone, it was still hearable to Adrianna's ears though. "Ok." Without another word his wings beat the air and he shot off like a rocket, heading back to the one place that he could think of. Home. He didn't want to ruin anyone else's lifes, he knew he shouldn't have opened up, he shouldn't have gotten close.
Adrianna looked up as soon as he's gone and then ran off again. She kept running taking a few dashes using her wings. She hid in an ally away away from sky sight. She sighed and sat down still slightly quietly crying still. "..."
Lillie glared after Blaire and turned around to face the others, her eyes became distant yet concentrated as she sent out a message, 'Alex, are you ok? Blaire is coming to help.' She waited patiently as her eyes re-focused on the others. She frowned slowly, 'Alex?' She still stood by the exit, waiting. Her eyes slowly grew panicked, 'Alex! Please answer me!' ....She got nothing. Not even a 'hold on cuddles' Her eyes watered and without the rational thinking that adults contained, she turned around and jumped, falling slightly before her wings lifted her and she flew off, looking out for Alex.
Drake saw the little girl go and sighed. He followed her and flew beside her. "Come on let's go." He said and looked at her worried face. "It's going to be ok." He looked forward and then sighed making sure he kept close to her. (Um fighting school?)

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