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Fandom Winged

Blaire watched Alex take off and Adrianna run off distraught as ever. Blaire followed her silently and approached her slowly and calmly in the alley Adrianna had retreated into, "Adrianna?" she said softly, as to not startle her, "Its me, Blaire, can we talk?" She felt so sad for the girl, all she wanted to do was help, and it made her mad that Alex just gave up on her and left her alone. Her eyebrows knitted together in concern.
Adrianna looked at her and her eyes turned cold blasting light towards her but missed on pupose. She hid her face and then hugged her knees not wanting to go anywhere. SHe started feeling bad for what she said to Alex but was more upset about what happened between Alex and Callie.
Callie watched Lillie suddenly get very panicked, and then jumped into the air. "Lillie!" She yelled, also jumping into the air after her. The last thing she needed was Lillie getting hurt or lost or anything. Keanu sighed deeply, and followed everyone else.
"I'm gunna take that as a 'no'," Blaire said but sat down on the ground anyway, crossing her legs. The blast of light bothered her, but I was nothing she couldn't tough out. "I'll just talk then....Look, I know it's been a rough and stressful past couple days, and I can't promise it will get much better...But I can promise that all of us will be here. We don't give up, and we won't give up on you. I don't know what's going on, and its not my business." Adrianna's eyes were flooded with tears, Blaire didn't know what kind of help she would be, but she decided to help her calm down. She took a deep breath and started from the begining, telling her her life story. When she got to the part of joining the Flock she recalled stories of the fun lovable moments of embarising stories, funny little things, and always having Demitri by her side for her no matter what; but she also told about the hard things, when people got hurt or sick, when the outlook of a battle was looking bad, people coming after them. Blaire finally ended with their travels, describing the wonderful places they visited in full detail, and maybe even elaborating a bit. Her story came to an end and Blaire ran a hand through her hair, that was possibly the most she'd ever talked in one go.
As people began to follow her Lillie sped faster, not realizing that she could not match their speed, but in her panic she was putting up quite a fight. 'ALEX!' She practically yelled her thought at him and she entirely came to a halt as he responded, just about. 'Lillie, you ok?' She was aware of the others surrounded her but she focused on Alex's thoughts, 'Where are you? Are you ok? Why didn't you answer me!' Lillie was holding back the urge to cry and Alex's voice flew through her head as it had no emotion in it, 'I'm sorry Lillie. I need some time to think.' She frowned and sent another thought back, 'To think about what?' She waited...no reply. 'Alex?!?' ...Nothing. She hit the air and spun around to face Callie, "Alex wouldn't answer my thoughts! Then when he did he said 'I'm sorry. I need time to think' Now he's not answering again!" Her voice was exasperated and worried at the same time as she looked at Callie with big eyes.

Alex landed back outside the house after his mind conversation with Lillie, too focused on what had happened with Adrianna to remember that Callie knew this place aswell. He went back inside the house and this time when he trooped up the stairs he headed into a different room. Even though the wallpaper was faded you could see it was intended to be a cream colour, in the middle of the room was a big deep red bed and Alex lay in the middle of it on his side, looking at the wall blankly as he re-gathered his memories.
Adrianna looked at her and sighed. "At least your brother loves you...Mine bairly tollerates me." She looked down and sniffed. "At least her heart isn't torn to peices. At least you don't have to push everyone away to keep yourself from getting hurt like I always do!" She yelled and then hit her fist on the wall really hard making her fist bleed.
Callie put a hand on Lillies shoulder to try and calm her down. "It's going to be alright." She said, and then dropped her hand. She tried to think about what could be wrong. She then thought of something, his house. "Follow me." She instructed everyone, nit waiting fir anyone to respond. She flew in the direction of Alex's house, remembering the way.
Lillie followed Callie without another thought, if she knew where Alex was. There would be no doubt that Lillie would follow her instantly. She sped along at the same pace as her, wondering where she was leading her.

Alex lay on his parents bed, the comfort of it still remaining even after all these years. He blinked numbly as a memory flashed through his mind.

'Mummy! Mummy!' Little Alex ran into his parents room as his mum sat up sleepily, rubbing her eyes, 'What's wrong darling?' Little Alex climbed onto his parents soft bed with teary eyes as he snuggled into his Mum, 'I had a nightmare about Mr. Pumpkin again!' His mummy smiled at him and tugged the duvet slightly, 'Alright, lay down honey, Mr. Pumpkin is too scared of Daddy to come here' Little Alex looked over at his snoring father and grinned through his rapidly vanishing tears as he clambered under the duvet and snuggled up to his Mum, breathing in her comforting scent as he slowly fell asleep.

Alex blinked his eyes once more as he came back to reality, sighing and closing his eyes.
Blaire didn't dare touch her, she was still too upset, "Drake does love you, Adrianna," Blaire assured her gently, "Isn't he always there for you? He tolerates you because you're his sister, you're the only one he has left. There comes a point when you can only help a person so much until you push them so far away you get separated. Everything he does is because he cares for you, he wants you to be happy. Drake has a big heart, he will be there through the good times and the bad, and no matter what he will always be you're brother--there's no getting around that--I know he is more than glad to open up his heart to you if you are willing to let him." Blaire twisted so she was sitting on her knees looking Adrianna intently in the eyes, even if she didn't want to look at her.
Adrianna looked at her heand and how it bled. "..." She remembered that day. The day they were taken away from her by a rubber. The gun fire shots and how he had looked stright at her. She suddenly dashed in front of her little brother. He's cold hands grabbed her wrist as he held her up. "You will not say anothing of this or I'll kill you.' He put a gun to her head when she didn't speak. She cried out tirrified. He dropped her and kicked her away as he ran out the door. That's when it happened. On instinked she blasted light out at the man and pushed him infront of a moving car. She saw as he was killed. Adrianna looked down remembering looking at her parents just laying there. She closed her eyes. She got up holding her hand without saying a word she walked away even further from the flock.
Callie continued flying for a little longer, and then finally landed on a pretty quiet street. She saw Alex's house right away. She ran up to the front door finding it unlocked. She made sure Lillie and Keanu were following her. She walked straight past the living room, and up the stairs. "Alex?" She yelled. She checked his room first, finding it empty. She then saw another open door, and looked in seeing Alex. "There you are." She said, leaning against the door frame.
Blaire stood up, and walked after her. She stopped, "Adrianna." she said then paused before pleading, "Just give your brother a chance...please...not for me, for him," Then she let her walk off, hoping she would think about what she said and know there was at least one person who cared about her.
Lillie followed Callie, she gripped Keanu's hand as she did, getting slightly scared of this empty sounding house. As Callie entered the room Lillie quickly following, tugging Keanu in with her. She looked around and frowned as she saw Alex's form laying with his back to them, he was spread out across a deep red bed and as Callie spoke his body jumped as if he had just been shocked. "There you are."

Alex jumped at the sound of Callie's voice and abruptly turned to see her, Lillie...and Keanu, standing at the door. His eyes widened and he leapt from the bed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he saw Keanu. He then sighed and dropped his butt back onto the edge of the bed, placing his face in his hands and groaning before he looked up at the three of them, raising an eyebrow, "What are you guys doing here?" He looked at Callie, mainly asking her.
Adrianna yelled back. "My brother is not the real problem!" She continued walking far away from her till she ran into some men who got alittle to close. Adrianna flipped them olver her making them land on their backs and then punched and kicked two more. She Beat them all down letting out all of her anger. When she left they all could bairly get on their feet again. She flew up heading back to the flock. When she saw only drake their, she dashed off following were drake said they went.
Callie slowly walked over to him, and placed her hand on his arm, remembering how it had calmed him down the first time. "We were worried about you," She said calmly. "Lillie said she couldn't get through to you." She looked into his eyes, hers reassuring and soft. Keanu held on to Lillies hand tightly. He had no idea where he was, but Callie obviously did. He watched Alex.
Blaire frowned, Adrianna was a tough case. Stubborn, conflicted, and if Blaire didn't know any better, she would have guessed she was some tycoon's spoiled daughter from the impatient way she couldn't control her anger or emotions. She shoved her hands into her pockets, staring at the groaning people laying on the ground. Blaire turned on her heel and explored the passageway of alleys, making sure she wasn't followed, before opening her wings and taking to the air.

Back at the structure they were calling 'home' for the time being. Blaire tapped the cement floor lightly as she landed just inside the opening to the floor they were crashing in. Demitri was sitting awake in his sleeping bag and rolled over. He tapped his forehead with a smirk on his face. Blaire rolled her eyes, "Shut up," she sighed. Then it occured to her, "She came back here didn't she?" Her eyes flickered to Drake. "And where did the other's go?" Blaire sighed and rubbed her forehead in exasperation. Couldn't all of this wait til morning?
Drake sighed and pointed it out. "That way Adrianna followed." He said and then got up. "What happened she didn't beat up a flock member did she?" He asked worried. "If she did I'm feeling bad for Alex right about now...If he didn't kill her...or she killed him." He sighed.

Adrianna Arived a the house and walked up. She peered through the door where the others were but stayed quiet. She was now acting like a scared child not wanting to have Alex mad at her. Seeing Callie's hand on his arm. She flinched back. Swallowing it she looked back to them all looking quite fearful at they're reaction to her.
Blaire sighed, her head in her hand, "What do you think she did?" she said tiredly, "She got mad, defensed, almost bit my head off, yelled, beat up some random people on the street, and stormed off." She walked over to her bed, she planned on seeing the city in daylight and having the energy to do it. "I don't know why they went after Alex, he's sixteen, sometimes people need time off on their own when you are constantly surrounded by people every hour of the day. She picked up her sleeping bag and her back pack, "I'll be on the next floor up if you need me." With that she roll up her bed so she could toss it through a square hole, cut in the ceiling for whatever reason, onto the next floor, followed by her back pack. Then jumped, her wings opened a bit, allowing her enough thrust to grab the floor and pull herself up agilely. Her head peaked out from the hole above and she waved her fingers, "Nighty-night."
Alex's muscles untensed as she placed her hand on him and you could see how he visibly relaxed slightly, he then listened as she spoke, "We were worried about you." His ears were cut off as that one sentence warmed his heart and scared him at the same time. His eyes hardened and he opened his mouth to say something sharp but as he looked into her eyes his mouth closed, seeing the kindness in them. He sighed and looked over at the others, he saw Adrianna trying to hide behind them and pain flashed through him as he dropped his face back into his hands, speaking with exasperation in his voice as he said the words that he wouldn't be able to say if he were looking into Callie's eyes, "You shouldn't be worried about me."

Lillie looked around the room as Alex spoke, and her eyes caught onto a picture frame on the dresser, she frowned and walked over to it lightly, she gripped it gently in her small palm and frowned down at it, she then turned it around so that the others could all see it as she spoke gently, "Alex? Who's this?" The photo was of a small boy with deep green eyes, the same nose as Alex, the same lips, ears and face shape. The boy had the same shade hair as Alex and it was styled so that the fringe covered his forehead and it had a slightly wild look to it, the thing that stood out the most was the happiness and joy radiating from the boy's eyes as he grinned at the camera, holding a buzz lightyear toy in his hands. It was obvious the photo was Alex, although Lillie couldn't tell.

Alex looked up at the sound of Lillie's question and as he looked at the picture he froze, staring at the 4 year old version of him. He wondered why all the pictures were still here, of course they had no where else to go, but surely they would have been destroyed? He was glad they weren't though. He remained frozen, remembering how his Mum had taken that photo on his fourth birthday.
Callie felt all of Alex's muscles in his arm relax at the touch of her hand. She glanced behind her, seeing Adrianna trying to hide. She bit her lip, looking at Alex once more. She opened her mouth, about to say something else, when Lillies small voice filled the room. She spun around, seeing her hold the picture of a young Alex. Of course she knew who it was, but Lillie didn't. Keanu sneaked a glance at the picture frame, his eyes landing on the boy. He easily made the comparison, by looking back and fourth between the pictures face, and Alex's face.
Adrianna walked in suddenly looking down. "Alex..." she sighed and then looked at the picture for a second. "I'm sorry for what I said...I..." suddenly she choked up. She backed up alittle seeming almost scared to death. She grabbed her arm and tightened her grip. "Um..." she tried to speak again but then looked at Callie and sighed deeply with pain. Her shallow breath was bairly keeping her standing. "It happened again....that's all." she looked at her feet knowing she probably wasn't making much sense.
Alex broke out his trance at Adrianna's voice and his head snapped to look at her, his gaze holding various emotions. Pain at how he hurt her, Confusion at why everyone was in his old house, and slight anger at the fact that nearly everyone was inside his old house. He shook his head and dropped his gaze as he stood up, "You shouldn't be sorry." He sighs, his fists clenched as he looks over at Lillie, still waiting for Alex to tell her who is in the picture. Rather than gathering the courage to answer her he shakes his head, "You guys shouldn't be here....not here." He mutters to himself, but of course it is audible to them all.

Lillie notices the emotions Alex is flying through and slowly makes her way back to him - still holding the photo - as he mutters something, she reaches out and takes his hand as she looks up at him carefully, "Alex?" His sad eyes connect with hers as she speaks softly, "What's wrong Alex?" He frowns and his jaw clenches, "That kid is me Cuddles....can we go now?" He looks up at Callie again, trying to ignore the fact that Keanu - of all people - could see how weak he was being right now.
Callie hadn't even realized that her hand was still lightly placed on Alex's arm, until he asked if they could leave. The sharpness of his voice made her jump, and she nodded quickly. "Yeah, let's go." She said quietly, looking back into Alex's eyes. Keanu continued to stand in the doorway, staying quiet the whole time. He had never seen Alex look so weak. Normal Keanu would love seeing him like this. He cleared his throat, waiting for Callie to lead them out.
Blaire spread her sleeping bag and curled up inside of it. She set up about five feet from the hole, if she stood up she would be able to see the flock in the floor below. The wind whistled through the building, and through a hole in the wall cut for a large window she saw the wispy clouds parting away from the moon, leaving it slightly blurred by fog. Blaire felt better under it's glow and settled deeper into her covers, almost instantly falling asleep.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Demitri rolled onto his back, and starred at the ceiling were Blaire had dissapeared off to, knowing she was shutting down from the frustration of not being able to do something/accomplish something to her satisfaction--he had no idea what had transpired after she flew off. Demitri wanted to join her, he didn't like being separated, mostly when they were sleeping and off guard, but he knew that if he followed her she would just call him a Mary's Little Lamb and become more upset. Demitri sighed and closed his eyes, trying to go to sleep.

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