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Fandom Winged

When Callie, Alex, and Lillie finally returned, Blaire practically squealed in delight. She saw Adrianna and assume she was feeling better, Blaire looked at Callie, "Since Adrianna's feeling up to it, you guys can come with us," she got closer so the others couldn't hear her, "I was thinking we could go out dancing or something for a surprise? Up to you," She then turned to the others, "Drake, Adrianna, Demitri, come on!" She turned and grabbed Keanu's wrist and said with a smirk, "You're going too," as she got the vibe he was somewhat reluctant to go. She pulled him over to the ledge then let go as she jumped off. She waited for the others before streaking off towards Times Square, hoping to find a department store, "First things first, we need to get new clothes," she called behind her.
Adrianna followed even with a few glares from Drake but flew woth the others. She looked down not really wanting to go shoping. It wasn't her favorite thing to do at all. Drake kept close so that he could keep an eye on her. She seemed a bit distressed still.
Callie nodded, glancing at Adrianna. "Ok." She didn't say anything else before jumping up and into the air. Keanu jumped when his wrist was suddenly grabbed, and he was pulled over to the ledge. "Oh yeah, I just love shopping!" He said jokingly, jumping up into the air. He let himself fall for a few feet, before snapping his dark wings out. Callie thought about going to a dance club. "Yeah that sounds fun." She said nodding. "Hey, maybe we could have Alex's party there. Remember we were supposed to do that?" She asked, flying near Blair.
Blaire smirked as her thoughts began to turn, she nodded slowly, "That sounds excellent," Blaire looked around the Flock, they all looked amazingly mature for their age, they could pass as eighteen, they were all stretched out to look it. But they all looked like a rag-tag bunch of kids, they needed to look like they were serious partying hipsters if they were even gonna get in. She tucked her wings in and fell out of the sky, aiming for an alley near Times Square. She shivered as cold air drafted down the natural channel of the alleyway, "Lets get inside, shall we? Pick out some new clothes and go get some hot chocolate?" Blaire smiled, it was only about four o clock, but the winter sun was already beginning to set, letting shadows settle across the city.

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Blaire cruised down the sidewalk peering into shop front windows until she found a promising department store and went inside. She looked around for a while, thinking about appropriate attire, she decided on a pair of tight black jeans, a silver sequin blouse, and a thick black fleece jacket. Blaire turned to see Demitri at her back, feeling kinda of nervous with so many people around. Even though the top she picked out wasn't really her style and she would dump it as soon as they left NYC, it was necessary plus it was nice to dress up and pretend to be some classy New Yorker out for some fun on the town with her friends. Blaire hung her arm around Demitri's neck, "Cool it, okay, everything's fine. Just relax a bit," she tried to calm him down, it worked a little bit. With the clothes she chose hung over her arm she led Demitri over to the men's section to help the guys. She liked shopping every once in a while, but sometimes, others needed a bit of a push. She left Callie and Adrianna to pick out their stuff.

(Aren't you guys forgetting something? How's Lillie gonna get into a club? xD )

Alex followed Blaire and Demitri into the shop, he actually smiled a little bit as he realized he didn't recognize this shop. No reminders here. He then let Lillie drag him along to a sign that read, 'Children's Clothes, floor 2' She squealed happily and Alex looked to the left of him as he felt someone's gaze on him. He noticed a very pretty girl, about 16 with long blonde hair and pale green eyes smiling at him flirtatiously. Although he couldn't help but think how much prettier Callie's hair and eyes were. She walked over to him and smiled at him, "Hi." She spoke and held out her hand, "I'm Catherine." She grinned at him and looked at him curiously, "I swear I've seen you around before." Alex frowned and tried to act as if she had no idea what the girl was on about, "Maybe, I've been here with my little sister a few times." He nodded down to Lillie and she smiled up at the girl, the girl looked down at her and gushed, "Oh my gosh! She's so cute!" Lillie looked up at the girl with her most adorable look and giggled lightly, holding out her hand, "Hello! I'm Daisy!" Lillie grinned, thinking of the Daisy-Chains she had made before, the girl smiled down at her and shook her hand before looking back to Alex, "What's your name?" She smiled once more and Alex could hear her thoughts, 'He's got such nice eyes, and hair. Oh gosh, did I remember to brush my teeth earlier?' Alex almost laughed at that, like a freak on the run who had no-where to shower or even sleep could care less about whether the girl had damn brushed her teeth or not. She smiled at him, as he answered, "Kane" Her smile increased as gave him a piece of paper with some numbers on it, "How about you call me? Kane" She spoke his name seductively and winked and walked off, leaving Alex to look down at the piece of paper in slight shock. "Uh...alright?" He muttered to himself, Lillie laughed loudly and he turned to look at her, "What?" She covered her mouth as she tried to stop giggling, "That girl just hit on you 'Kane'!" He rolled his eyes at her, "Come on...'Daisy', Mum wants me to get you a new winter outfit." Lillie giggled and nodded as they went up a floor.
Callie followed Blair into the department store, and then to the womens section. Once there, she looked for skirts. Callie would never buy a skirt because it was hard to run in, and even harder to fly in. Plus, she was most definitely not girly enough to like them. But if she wanted the plan she had in mind to work, she would have to get one. She looked through the racks of skirts, finally finding a black one that fell a few inches above her knees. After that, she picked out a tan colored v-neck tank top with a few sequences that ran along the neck line. She picked out a white dress jacket, that had one button right in the middle. "Perfect." She whispered, laying the clothes over her arm. NOw that she was done picking out the clothes for her plan, she went to look for some winter clothes. She picked out a simple dark pair of skinny jeans, a long sleeved striped shirt, and a black fleece jacket. She followed Keanu to the mens department to help him pick out some clothes. Keanu only picked out a new pair of jeans, and a heavy sweatshirt. Since he could control his body temperature, he didn't really need to worry that much about 'winter clothes.'

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Don't worry, I got a plan! :D )
Adrianna was being stared at. She looked down and stood still looking shy. SHe didn't like this at all. As soon as a guy bumpped into her she ran be3hind her brother. She looked around as drake shook his head. "Come on..." He grabbed her wrist and pushed her with the other girls. "Get some clothes....scaredy cat." He said and sighed deeply.
Blaire picked out for Demitri, a pair of jeans that were somewhat skinny, that were both casual and made him look classy while showing off his legs--though Demitri denied they did nothing of the sort. She then picked out a tightish grey tee-shirt with a v-neck and a dark navy blazer with quartered sleeves. Demitri grumbled while she shopped around, "Why are you even looking for this stuff anyways..." he mumbled. Blaire smirked but said nothing except, "It's nice to have a pair of good clothes," When they were done, she met up with Callie and told her about the money she got so they could pay.
Alex and Lillie suddenly appeared beside Blaire and Lillie was almost bouncing with excitement as Alex rubbed the back of his head looking at Callie, "Uh, sorry, I tried to tell her that we might not have enough to get her that aswell..." He pointed to the pretty sky blue dress that Lillie was holding and trying to show to the others, it flared out just below her knees and had a strap that went around the middle with a blue flower that was the same shade as the dress and a silky material. "But...she wouldn't listen" Lillie stuck her tounge out at Alex and grinned at the others as she exclaimed, "Alex got hit on by a girrllll!" She said it as if it were the funniest thing in the world and gripped the piece of paper from his pocket, "Lillie!" He tried to snatch the paper back but Lillie showed it to the others, revealing a phone number, "Look what she gave him!" She giggled loudly as Alex took it back, rolling his eyes as he shoved it into his pocket, "It's no big deal Lillie. It's not like I even have a phone to call her on, and even if I did..." He cuts off, not ever finishing his sentence as his eyes drifted to Callie. Lillie noticed it and gripped the clothes Alex was holding up, "Look! I even made Alex pick out a nice outfit aswell!" She showed off the pair of dark blue jeans that were the same sort of style as Demitri's and a light purple v-neck short sleeved top, leaving the black hoodie in his hand.
Callie looked down at the dress that Lillie was holding. She looked back up at Alex and shrugged. "Don't worry, we should have enough. Blair got a few hundred more today, so we should be covered." She explained, putting her and Keanus clothes on the counter. She took everyone elses clothes, and put them on the counter as well. She heard what Lillie said about Alex being hit on, and she felt that ping of jealousy again. She passed the money over, and then turned around. "Was she pretty?" Callie asked, looking at Lillie, although the question was mostly directed at Alex.
Blaire smirked at Alex and quirked her eyebrow, "Callie got some competition?" she mouthed when the others weren't looking. She turned her attention back to Lillie and crouched down, "Oh, Lillie! That dress is adorable! But it lookes even better on you!" She beamed at the little girl, taking her hand to twirl her around to get the full view. Blaire inadvertantly checked the price tag, it was a bit high, but they could splurge this once--as long as they could pick pocket some business person after they paid for it to keep their cash stash up. After they had paid Blaire addressed Callie, "So, should we get some lattés or expressos or pastries or something while we walk around til it's time?"--- Merged Double Post ---((If you guys have iTunes or something and have the app iBooks, I suggest the book "The Rockstar's Daughter" its a truely awesome book. I gave five stars and I fully recommend it! Plus, added bonus, its totally free! :o ))
(Ok I got to admit...I'm thinking about leaving. Nothing too serrious just that I'm not as involved as I would like to be in this role play. If you want me to stay I will but if you agree with me...And I will not take affence; because I love it when people are honest with me; I will leave this role play.)
(Aww I don't want you to leave! :/ I know things are kinda slow right now, but I'm trying to think so some plans to get things moving.)
((D: I'd hate to see someone go! Honestly I don't really think your characters are very active, I won't lie to make you stay when you don't want to--i dont like when people arent honest either--Ultimately it's your own choice and what You think you should do. I hope this helped at least a little bit, like I said I don't really want to see another person leave :o ))
(Yeah, I agree with Magic and Dance, your characters aren't very active, but it would be awful to have someone go, maybe we can think of a plot that majorly involves Adrianna and Drake?)
(Yeah I know that's the problem...I wish I could but My idea's go into the fighting school I'm drained right now. lol sorry. I do like this role play...and role playing with you guys so I will stay.)
(Oh ok that's fine. But the roleplay is kinda based off the books. The books are about a group of kids who have wings that escape a school that they used to live at, and now they're on the run and everything, while trying to save the world. In one if the books, I forget which one plus it's been a while since I've read them, they have to go on a mission in a submarine but I forget what it was for. We could try something like that, like the flock has to go on a mission or something?)
:D yup! That's why I'm here!

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They were looking for maxs mom when she was taken by mr shu or ku or something and taken to his underwater lair

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Well they would have to gave connections for that...you know to the military...But I love the idea of them going to Hawaii!! The whole navy training program and whatnot! And then random stuff like reef exploring and stuff! Maybe the government could find them and ask a favor?
(Should we have one of our characters taken rather than some guys mum then? (Never read the book's either xD ))

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