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Fandom Winged

(Ooh yeah that sounds cool! Good idea. The main character in the book, Max, gets a chip put into her arm and that's how the school tracks them down and they send erasers after them. (Erasers are the same thing as trackers). We could say that when Alex, Callie, and Adrianna were brought back to the school, they put a chip in Callies arm?)

--- Merged Double Post ---

You guys should really read them! They're so good and I heard that they're making a movie eventually.
Well in that particular book the main characters mom gets kidnaped and taken to the bottom on the ocean. So max and the flock go to the military and since maxs mom is this big protester, researcher they agree to help them and let max and the others go on the submarine onluly if they passed that training thing--survival, self defense, and stuff from the books, things like that for a while in hawaii around the area of Hawaii and such. And dude I could have sworn u read them cuz I thought you based Lillie off of Angel...one of the actual flock members whose 6 too! Lol weird... Anyway; I guess it's my turn for kidnappings, xD I kinda wanted Demitri to have something like this happen to him--I won't give anything away though
(Nope, never read 'em xD I just like making young, innocent characters. 'specially when she's the only lil' one xD )
(Oh gosh, just read up on the characters and realized Fang reminds me of Alex... 'He is generally quiet, rarely showing his emotions (the "strong and silent type")' xD and 'He leaves in the second epilogue because he thinks he is endangering the Flock by distracting Max from her role as leader. ' Haha xD )
(Haha yeah that's another reason why I thought you read the books, because of how much Akex and Fang are alike. Well, and because of Angel and Lillie)
So uh, should they walk around new York and get Lillie a toy at toys r us america or just go straight to the club? Oh, and Blaire asked a question.
(Yeah, we can have them go to toys r us. I also have a plan for the club, so that way they can get Lillie in. Because I'm pretty sure 5 year olds can't go to them. xD I'll start posting now.)--- Merged Double Post ---Callie said a quick thank you to the cashier, and picked up the bags of clothes. She passed them out to the people they belonged to, and walked out of the store. "Yeah, I think lattes would be nice," She said, answering Blaire. "But first..." She cut off, watching an expensive looking silver car pull up to the side of the road a little ways down the street. She crossed her arms over her chest, and casually watched as a young girl that couldn't be much older then Callie herself walked out of the car. She wasn't holding a purse or anything, which Callie took as a good sign. She turned to the rest of the flock quickly. "Stay here." She whispered, before turning back around and walking over to the car. She turned and looked at the store that the girl had gone into. She was standing at the counter, laughing and talking with the boy behind it. She then glanced at the car, seeing it unlocked and the girls purse laying on the floor in the back. She was tempted to laugh right then and there at the girls stupidity. "Stupid rich people," She muttered, before slowly walking to the drivers side, keeping her eyes on the cars owner the whole time. She felt like she came straight out of grand theft auto, since she was so used to doing this. She looked to the left of her, then to the right, before slowly opening the door. She bit her lip, before slipping into the front seat. So far, so good. She quickly leaned back and grabbed the girls purse, wasting no time in getting to her wallet. She flipped it open, finding the drivers license. She looked it over, finding that the girls name was "Alexa Brookes," and the sate of birth claimed that she was 19. It would be perfect for her plan. Callie nodded to herself, putting the drivers license back in place and slipping the whole coach wallet into her backpack. She quickly got back out of the car, and beeped the horn once just for fun. She actually did laugh this time, when the girl didn't even look. She took her time walking back to the flock, and once she got to them, she pulled the wallet back out. She hurriedly looked through the money, not even counting it all. "There's at least 500 dollars in here, probably more." She explained, putting the wallet back in her bag. It was over all a very good steal, for lack of better terms. Not to mention all of the credit cards they could easily hack into.
Blaire burst out laughing and put her arm around Callie's shoulders, "You, my friend," she said after getting ahold of herself and getting her breath back, "Deserve more than a latté and an apple turnover," Blaire couldn't get over the fact that even here in one of the most educated cities of America, that people could still be so stupid...Plus the fact that Callie had the gall to walk into a busy New York street, jump in a car and steal money, was completely awesome. Blaire and Demitri disappeared for less than a minute to change into their new clothes, and returning with their old ones in Demitri's backpack. Blaire came out and suggested a cafe, she went outside and decided on a petite, fancy, European themed cafe that sat adjacent on top of a shop next to a Macy's overlooking Times Square. Blaire took Demitri's hand and pulled him along up to the counter where she ordered, and Demitri ordered after.
Callie smiled and shrugged. "Whatever, it's not like it's nothing I don't do every week," Callie as well went to change into her new jeans and jacket, followed by Keanu. They had to admit, it felt nice being in clean new clothes. They followed after Blaire, and ordered after her. She waited for the rest of the flock to order, before pulling out a twenty dollar bill, getting a few dollars back in change. She felt almost normal, wearing clean clothes and walking around with more cash then they most defiantly had ever owned before. She grabbed her drink and pastry, taking a sip of her double chocolate chip latte. "Hey Blaire, where'd you go to shower? We could all really use one," She mumbled, glancing at all of the kids. Although they where good at hiding it so people wouldn't stare, she knew how bad they needed it.
Blaire leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and blowing softly at the caramel toffee expresso at her lips. She smirked as she relayed the story back to them about how she snuck into the couple's hotel room while they ate breakfast, then took their money right as they were out the door, "And that's where I got my couple hundred," she said with a shrug. Blaire had given Callie all of the money except for a fifty which she kept folded tight into a squre in the mini pocket of the skinnies she was now wearing. She nibbled savouringly at what the menu called 'Princess Cake' with had a sugary sweet taste that didn't over power. Blaire closed her eyes as it melted across her tongue; it might be a while before she could get something like that again...
Callie nodded, listening to the story carefully. From what she heard, it sounded like they might be able to go back and take quick showers. "Do you think we could go back there? 'Cause chances are that couple won't be there, because who would want to stay in a hotel all day in new York? Maybe we could even find some more money." She said shrugging, she but into the big brownie she had gotten, chewing slowly to savor it. Between the chocolate chip latte and the over sized brownie, you could tell she was into chocolate.
Blaire snugged her shoulders slightly, "I suppose, but they most likely found out about the money I, uh, borrowed, so I don't think they would leave anything around. I wouldn't want to put the hotel staff on the spot...." she sighed, "Our best bet is if we can scope out another room where the people just left and take our chances there, two hits in the same room would definitely be suspicious..." Blaire bit off another piece of her cake, "What do you think?" Demitri set his glass down, drained down to about an inch at the bottom, "I'm down for a shower," he interjected.
(Ok what's going on...Sorry I was watching sucker punch....wow that is a sad sad movie...yet pretty cool if you understand it.)
Callie nodded, putting her elbow on the table and leaning her head against her hand. "Good point. It might be better to hit a completely different hotel," She thought outloud, finishing off her brownie and siping down the rest of the latte. She looked over at her brother. "Good with you?" Keanu nodded, his mouth full with latte. "As long as we don't have to go bathe in some random river, I'm always good with a shower." He answered, swallowing his mouthful and tipping his chair back. By the way the group acted, any random stranger would just see them as a group of friends hanging out, probably coming from school since it was late in the afternoon and they all had backpacks. And then of course Lillie, who could easily pass as a younger sibling.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Well basically right now their just getting lattes. After this they're going to break into a hotel room to take showers and then of course going to the club and everything.)
Blaire polished off the rest of her 'Princess' cake, with a little help from Demitri which earned him a hard jab in the side, then took her drink up to the counter and ordered it in a to-go cup since she had only drunk less than half trying to savor it. She turned to see the rest ready to take off and shouldered her own back pack and zipped up her fleece jacket over her new sequined tank-top to prepare for going out into the brisk autum air. Demitri was right behind her waiting for the others at the door before they would move on.
(Got it...)

Adrianna didn't get anything. Her sight was kept low. When she looked up at everyone, she sighed. "They keep staring." She stated reffuring to some of the people there. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea." She looked down again and sighed. "I grab to much attention." She looked around again and sighed deeply hiding her face in her hair.

Drake looked at his sister. "Get something to drink and maybe you'll seem more normal...or stop bleaching your hair." He said with a laugh. "You guys to know her real hair color is black...till she started using that light stuff." He said not wanting to say anything about her power put loud. He chuckled looking at his sister as she glared at him.
Callie stood up and adjusted her fleece jacket. She glanced down at Drake. "We'll never look normal," She whispered to him, and waited for the whole flock to be done. Keanu piped up, rolling his long sleeved shirt up. With his heat power, he was natural keeping his body temperature up so that he didn't need a sweathirt or jacket. He realized how suspicious it looked though. "Well, we can look normal, we'll just never be normal in general." He pointed out, putting his hands in his pockets after shouldering his bag.
On their way out Blaire leaned towards Adrianna, "We're in New York, they have artsy people walking around everywhere, white hair certainly isn't the first thing they've seen. I didn't think it was wierd, I thought it was just a statement or something, you should be proud of it--white hair really suites you, Adrianna! Everyone's probably just staring because youre so pretty and you keep hiding your face--like you have something to hide, which would make people curious," Blaire explained simply, keeping in hushed tones. Demitri was on his way out back, following an alley that lead away from watchful eyes. He sprung into the air with a running start so he could rise faster in such a populated area.

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