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Fandom Winged

Callie was running a brush through her long blond hair. She turned to Adrianna. "Why not? It's either go out dancing or go back to that trashy building and do absolutely nothing. Plus, I have a plan." She said, for what seemed like the tenth time. God, did anyone listen to her? She put the brush down when she was finished with her hair. She looked over at Alex when he got out of the bathroom, but quickly looked away so no one would catch her looking. She immediately started looking for Lillie once Alex announced she was missing. "She couldn't have left the room either, I don't think, we would have heard the door." She opened the big closet door, peering inside the darkness. "Lillie?" She called, and when an answer didn't come, she closed the door and looked around more. She was actually starting to get worried.
Adrianna looked at Callie and sighed deeply. "I don't care if you have a plain I'm not going. Anyhow I would look in smaller places for her if she's hiding." She said and then sighed again. She looked around and then sat down again unwilling to help other then that drake of course giving her problems but she didn't care.

(Ok so the plain was that Drake and someone elses character got captured right? What if Drake 'Died' I died in ' because he didn't die another guy was mistaken for Drake;who looks just like him, and got killed by trackers. So Adrianna goes on her own to get revenge and the flock try to stop her. The thing is all through this Adrianna gets the flock captured and then has to choise between the flock or her revange for her brother. I just came up with it I was wondering you're imput on it. Then sometime between then the real drake comes back. Unless I coud get rid of my male character but it's up to you on that.)
Blaire got up to aid the search for Lillie, wondering in disbelieve how she could just disappear without any of them noticing...Blaire dropped to her stomach and looked under the beds, checked the balcony, under the desk, but with no such luck. "Lillie, com'mon sweetie, it's time to come out," Blaire called in defeat. Was she just playing a game?

--- Merged Double Post ---

((That sounds pretty good))
Alex started to panic. Endless possibilities running through his mind, maybe she went on the balcony for fresh air and a tracker got her? What if she managed to sneak past the flock while he was showering and go out of the hotel room? He looked around, his eyes probably showing the panic within them. He noticed Callie open and close the wardrobe but thought nothing much of it. He closed his eyes, sending a thought, 'Lillie? Lils are you alright?' He thought that since he couldn't hear her, maybe she could hear him. Though if the trackers had knocked her out there would be no chance or hearing her or her responding. He re-opened his eyes with no answer and sped over to the balcony, going to the very edge and looking down, his fingers tapping against the balcony side as he looked down at the far away ground, then at the sky. No sign of her in either. He let out a groan of irritation and walked back into the room, his eyes flicking around once more as his eyes showed huge worry. He walked further into the room, "Lillie?" He called out, his voice sounding strong but you could hear the underlying worry in it. "Where are you Lils?"

Lillie kept quite, even as Callie opened the wardrobe, called her name and then re-shut it. It was only as she heard Alex's desperate, "Lillie?" "Where are you Lils?" That she doubted her hiding, she would have to come out eventually....why doesn't she just explain to them? She shook her little head, no...they might not understand or listen. Maybe if she waited long enough they would go look somewhere else and she could clamber out of the closet and follow them. That sounds like a good plan...right?
(Good I wanted something around my characters but invovled everyone else as well It took me a while but while I was doing some chores it came to me. lol Sorry I'm not sure what to post yet)
Callie sighed and rolled her eyes at Adriannas attitude. Her back was to her of course, so the only one who might have seen her do it was Alex. She quickly dropped it though, it was no time for fighting. She walked over to the door, slowly and cautiously opening it. She looked up and down the hall, with no sign of Lillie. She sighed and stepped back in the room. "No sign of her out there," She crossed her arms and looked around the room, not thinking if anywhere she might be. She noticed that they had messed up the room quite a bit during the search, but she could care less.
(Haha, I really want a tracker to attack Lillie later on and for Alex to freak out majorly infront of the whole Flock...would be fun xD Oh yeah, and your idea sounds good Fire, gives your characters more of a plot thingy)
(Yeah that sounds good. And we said it would be drake and Demitri right? They get taken and the flock has to go through all the training and what not to help rescue them?)
Alex fists shook slightly but he calmed them down, closing his eyes and thinking rationally. He then remembered back to when Callie had opened the wardrobe, had she moved the clothes out of the way? He shook his head, storming over to the wardrobe, he pulled it open surprisingly gently, moved the clothes aside and saw the cowering/hiding Lillie. He sighed and scooped her out the wardrobe, she struggled as he did and held her tightly, his worry vanishing, "Cuddles, why were you hiding?" He speaks in a soft tone and Lillie struggles even more before bursting into tears, Alex's eyes widen as she sobs on his shoulder, looking over at Callie and Blaire, showing his confusion. "Lils?" He speaks once more and Lillie sobs, "I'm sorry Alex I'm scared!" She sobs more and Alex frowns, "Scared? Of what Lils, there are no trackers here..." As he speaks he looks around quickly, double checking his words are right. Lillie clings to his shirt, getting it damp with her tears, "The shower!" His eyes widen, "Uhh...you're scared of the shower?" He looks at the girls once more, deciding this was probably their area of expertise.
Callie sighed in relief when Alex pulled the hiding Lillie out of the shower. She listened carefully to the young girls words, her head tilted to the side. She walked over to Lillie and Alex and smoothed the girls hair back. "Lillie, there's nothing to be afraid of," She said calmly. She then stole a glance at the bathroom, and idea popping into her mind. "Come with me." She said to Lillie, walking into the bathroom. She went to the sink, pulling the cupboard doors open. She found what she was looking for, a container of soap. She put the plug in the bathtub, and turned on the water, the tub filling slowly. Once there was a few inches of water, she dripped a good amount of soap into the water, watching the bubbles start to form.
Adrianna looked at the girl and got up. "You want us to go in there with you?" She asked tilting her head to the side as she aproched slowly. Mostly because of Alex, she stood there suddenly with her eyes n the crying child. She didn't look at Alex. She looked at Drake who had just been standing there quietly noting her distance from alex. He was worried for his sister, to push away someone that he thought she could talk to since he showed that he cared in the past. Suddenly to stop. WOuld she stop leaning on others like before again? He sighed pushing that aside.
Lillie nodded and jumped down rather slowly, wiping her wet eyes with her hand. She grabbed Adrianna's hand without another thought and they both went into the bathroom, she shuddered slightly as she saw the showerhead but then as she realized what Callie was doing a weak smile appeared on the small girl's face. No shower? She just stood and watched as Callie filled up the bathtub, her hand warm in Adrianna's. An image of one of the guards laughing and shooting the powerful water into her face flicked through Lillie's mind and looked down, it wasn't the worst of the memories, but certainty not nice either, it always got in her eyes and mouth and she would end up spluttering to the point of where she would have a panic attack from fear of drowning.

Alex watched as Lillie walked off with both Callie and Adrianna, he sighed and turned to look at the others, his guard came back up once more, as it naturally did and he walked off from them all, sitting down on one of the chairs and letting his eyes drift to the television in the corner, he smirked slightly but then remembered that they weren't going to be here for long. He looked down at his feet and subconsciously cracked his knuckles, as if preparing for a fight.
Adrianna looked at Callie and smiled a little trying her best not to hold anything against her or Alex but was failing. She looked down at Lillie and watched her. "You ok?" She asked kneeling down to her level of hight and then gave a gentle smile. "You'll be fine." She said and then looked at the Bath. "We'll be here if you need us." She said and then looked back to lillie. She was trying to be nice to this little girl. A change of aditute might help with her bonding with the flock. Of course she thought she was still held in a bad light. Not that she was helping with that.
Callie let the tub fill up a little more then half way, before turning it off. "Start undressing," She said to Lillie, grabbing her own backpack. She opened the closet door in the bathroom, seeing it was big enough for Callie to stand in. She went in, coming out a few seconds later in surfer shorts and a bikini top. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun, to keep it from getting wet. She looked at Lillie. "Ready?"
Blaire stayed behind, the bathroom was surely crowded, and it was a chance for Adrianna to bond or something. Blaire plopped back down on the sofa and closed her eyes once more listening to classical music drift through the space. She sighed.
Lillie smiled at Adrianna and hugged her quickly, making sure that she didn't hug her for too long - as she knew some people needed their personal space. It was just a hug to show her that her words meant something, it was a Thank you hug. She stepped back and smiled, "Thank you Adrianna" Her voice sounded rather vulnerable as she spoke, showing the fear she had for the shower. When Callie walked back in Lillie did as she said, taking off her clothes and feeling slightly self-conscious thanks to all the guards, once Callie had come back Lillie nodded in response to her question, she walked over to the bathtub and looked down at it, watching the water move a little bit and shimmer slightly in the light, she frowned and reached her hand out, tapping it gently, she giggled lightly as it sent ripples across the whole bathtub. Maybe this whole water thing wasn't so bad, as long as it wasn't attacking your face or anything.
(Waitng for a reply on fighting academy) Adrianna smiled as she hugged her and then went and sat near the door looking to the side. She sat there thinking just waiting for them to be done. She blinked just staring off not doing anything. Not even playing with light. Although she still had a smile on her face. She was just occuping her time while she waited for the two girls to finish. She sat purfectly still as she let her mind drift off.
Callie nodded a quick thank you to Adrianna, before standing at the edge if the tub. She giggled at Lillie playing at the water. She then put her foot in the nice warm water, followed by the other. She held her hand out for Lillie. "See, it's not so bad. Nothings gunna happen, I promise." Callie flashed her a smile. Keanu sighed and laid across the bed, looking at the clock on the end table. The numbers told him that it was just past five.
Lillie hesitantly took the girl's hand and slowly stepped into the warm water. She looked down at it as it lapped around her legs, she smiled a little bit and very, very slowly bent down until she was sitting in the water, she grinned even more and her eyes flicked to Adrianna, just to check she was still there, she gave her a grin as if to say, 'Look at me! I'm doing it!' Before she looked back at Callie and smiled, guessing that she probably wouldn't be able to do this without the support of both girls, "What now?" She asked, slightly nervous.

Alex looked over as Keanu lay across the bed, he frowned lightly as he remembered that Keanu knew about his house. He shrugged it off and looked across to the other side of the room, at the bathroom, wondering if Lillie was alright, he looked back up at Keanu, still frowning, and then looked away as his eyes suddenly found the carpet rather interesting.
Adrianna glanced at Lillie and smiled. "Yeah good job...nothing to worry about right?" She asked and then looked down slightly still in her little world. Although she was aware of the girls and what they might say. She tilted her head a bit and then strightened it. She had a slight pain probably from staring at the same wall for so long.
Callie smiled encouragingly at Lillie, and sat down in the water herself. She pulled her knees closer to her body to give Lillie more room. "You just kinda wash yourself," She explained, leaning over and grabbing the shampoo. "Here, I'll help you wash your hair." She squeezed a small Amount of shampoo into her hand, and then slowly started to wash Lillies hair. Keanu tapped his hand on the bed, humming to the beat of the music. He wondered how the girls were doing. Obviously pretty good, if they hadn't come out yet.
Blaire got up finally and started tidying up the room, knowing the girls would be out in due time, so that the owners of the room wouldn't get too suspicious. Remembering a mental picture of the room when she first stepped in it, she moved things that had been displaced and straightened things like curtains and such. Blaire tucked away the money from the safe, putting everything back, including the key, locking the safe behind her, then she straightened the bed. Blaire motioned to Keanu with a little flicking gesture of her fingers for him to move aside so she could straighten the bed. All the while she thought about their plans that night, excited they could finally break away and do something extraordinarily fun in this big new city. Blaire chewed on her lip because of nerves, not helping but to imagine everything that could go wrong and just worrying.
Lillie cringed a little bit as the shampoo touched her head, but as soon as Callie began massaging it with her soft fingers she relaxed, even giggling a little bit as one of the bubbles floated down infront of her, she clapped it and it burst, causing her fit of giggles to increase.

Alex heard Lillie giggling and looked over at the bathroom, a small smile on his face. As Blaire began to tidy he got up from the chair he was on and walked over to the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with his usual 'leave me alone' expression back in place. His eyes drifting to the floor as he waited for the girls to return, he wondered if he appeared to the others the way Adrianna did: silent, withdrawn and slightly scary at times. He frowned mentally, did he?

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