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Fandom Winged

It hadn't answered her question but oh well, "You know it," Blaire said as Demitri said, "As I'll ever be!" then he lept up and fluffed his wings.
Lillie grinned at Callie, "Too late! I already counted on it!" She stuck her tongue out again and looked thrilled at the prospect of going dancing, "Let's go, let's go, lets goo!" She giggled and ran over to Blaire, gripping her hand gently, "Where is the dancing place Blaire?" She looked up at her with excited blue eyes, an unstoppable grin on her face.

Alex smirked as Callie moved her hair out of her face, unable to stop himself from watching her as he replied absent-mindly, "Sure" After quite a while - a noticable while - he shook himself from his trance and looked over at Blaire and Lillie, "Do we need to fly to this place? Or just walking now?"
Adrianna was watching Alex. She sighed deeply and then looked out. She had already desided she wasn't going. She sat down trying to make her intentions known. She put her head on her knees and as soon as she did her brother glared at her knowing she wasn't go to go peacfully.
Callie noticed Alex looking at her, and her cheeks flushed. She looked away, and nodded. "Yeah, we have to walk. There's now way we could fly in without getting noticed," She replied, fixing the skirt that wa startin to irratate her more and more. She frowned and then stood straight up again. She did a quick head count, and then clapped he hands together. "Ready?"
Adrianna didn't answer in fact she just sat there. Drake sighed annoyed. "Oh not again." He sighed and looked at Callie with sadness in his eyes. He went and sat down by his sister. She rejected his presence and he got up feeling hurt. He walked off his head low. "She's not coming..."
Lillie looked over at Adrianna and folded her tiny arms, "Oh yes she is." She walked over to Adrianna and looked down at her, her arms folded and a look so serious on her face that it was comical. "Listen here Missy! You are going to come out dancing, and have fun!!" When she got no reply she groaned in irritation, stamping her small feet, "You're just like Alex! Never wanting to have fun for some unknown reason!" She glared at Adrianna.

Alex froze behind Lillie as she shouted about him and Adrianna being the same, not wanting to fun for some 'unknown reason' His eyes glazed over and drifted to the floor. Some unknown reason. He turned his back on the others, dropping down to open his bag and tug out his new top. He pulled it over himself and his posture was rigid, closed off from the others. He kept his back to them as he pretended to busy himself with sorting out his backpack.
Callie frowned at Adrianna and walked over to her. "Why don't you want to come? It'll be fun," She tilted her head to the side slightly. She didn't want to leave Adrianna behind, either way. Keanu folded his arms across his chest and watched Adrianna and Callie. He didn't understand why she wouldn't want to go, it seemed like a fun time to him anyway.
Adrianna looks at Lillie and then looked angry. She got up and moved away from the girl and sat down again. Her reasons wer her reasons. She sat down sighing. She layed down and then sighed again looking at her disapointed brother and then turned her back to him.

Drake shrugged and sighed. "Come on lillie she's just tired I guess. I think she's had enough exposure to other people. I mean we were pushing our luck a lot today." He said half heartedly. He looked at his sister and sighed again. "Really we did take her out for a long time. She grew up in a basment for crying out loud." He sighed again.
Suddenly, a side of Lillie no-one had seen came out. Maybe it was her true side, maybe it was a random thing. Who knows. But her eyes turned furious and she stormed over to Adrianna again, completely ignoring Drake as she seethed at Adrianna, answering Drake as she glared at Adrianna with fury, "Yeah well I've been growing up in the school!" As she spoke more and more her words turned to angry yells, "This is the first time I've been able to even see outside places and you're telling me to give her a break because she grew up in a BASEMENT!" Her face was quickly turning redder and redder, "AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T HAVE MEAN PEOPLE JABBING PAINFUL NEEDLES IN YOUR ARM ON YOUR 3RD BIRTHDAY! AT LEAST YOU KNEW YOUR MUMMY! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY YOU HAD A CHILDHOOD! AS BAD AS IT MAY HAVE BEEN, AT LEAST YOU HAD ONE!" She screeched at the girl, using many of the big words she had picked up from Alex and the others. She would have carried on screaming but by this point Alex's strong arms had wrapped around her and pulled her back from Adrianna, holding her tightly as she thrashed around then burst into tears, hiding herself in his t-shirt. Alex was shocked, he realized that all the pressure, all the confusing stress of living their lives had finally gotten to Lillie and burst out of her from no-where, all he could do was hold her as she sobbed and try to whisper soothing words to her. Well this was a great way to get the 'party' started.
Adrianna looked at her and glared. "Having one and losing one is more painful then not having one at all little girl...so BACK OFF!" SHe said and looked at Alex glaring. She shook her head at Lillie the tears not fazing her. "I don't even know why I try...No one wants me here anyways." SHe said streatching out her wings. "I'm not about to stay and get yelled at just because I don't want to ruin everyone's fun I don't do parties. Yeah your life was terrible my life was no better I had to sit there watching HIM pull the trigger." She yelled and then rubbed her throat. "Then after that I went to the school....After seeing that."
As Adrianna yelled at Lillie; dear little Lillie, and as Adrianna directed her hateful glare at Alex, he felt his anger grow. He shoved Lillie at Blaire, not wanting to hurt her, and stormed over to Adrianna, getting extremely close to her. "Not having one at all may be worse Adrianna. We don't know. We both lost our parents, and yes it damn hurts, it hurts like hell to know you will never be able to see them ever again, never be able to hear your mum laugh, or apologize for being such a brat to them on their last day of life" He spoke bitterly, "But you're not the only damn one who lost their parents, and you're not the only one who has freaky powers and wings." He flicked his eyes to Drake and back to Adrianna, "He had to watch that man pull the trigger on your parents too. He had to lose them both. And now he has to put up with your damn attitude." His fists were clenched but he knew he wouldn't hurt her, he doesn't hit girls. "Stop acting like you're the only one in the whole world who has a sh** life Adrianna." His eyes looked back to Drake then her again as he spoke coldly, "Appreciate what you have before you lose it again." His eyes were alive with cold hard fury, he'd had enough of her selfish attitude.
Blaire frowned at the confrontation, Alex had just spoken her thoughts, but she didn't know if she would have been able to say them. When Alex gave her Lillie, she held the girl close and stroked her hair. Lillie was very upset. Blaire walked away to the other side of the floor to get away from the yelling, then began humming softly to help Lillie calm down.
Adrianna glared at him. "Get Away From Me!" She said her own fists tightening. She own nails piercing her skin till they bled. She turned her gaze to drake then back at Alex. Her own eyes full of furry. "What would you know about him!" She said pointing. "I've had to raise him...act as mom, I've been with him longer then you have known him." She looked down. "I try my best to keep him safe sorry I'm such a B**** then." She said looking at Drake. "I've done everything for him...even going hungry sometimes you know nothing of me! Yes I'm a cruel monster I know that!" She growled.
There was silence for a few moments as Alex glared at her, "Well, as far as I've seen." He looks around at the Flock, "As far as all of us has seen." He turned back to glare at her, "He acts more like the parent and you act more like the child." He looks at Lillie, who is trying to stop crying as Blaire rocks her and his eyes flicker back to Adrianna, "I thought you might understand." He speaks cooly now, but still giving her that glare, "Since your childhood was ruined, quickly cut off, torn away from you." He pauses, "I thought you might understand why I'm always so nice to Lillie." He chuckles without humour, "But you seem to be immature enough to actually argue and shout at a five year old child" He shakes his head, not making an effort to move, "Fine, go away. Go wallow in self-pity for the rest of your oh-so-tragic life. Don't bother trying to make the best of what you have now before you lose it." He stares her dead in the eyes, waiting for her reaction. Ready for her reaction.
Callie swallowed and watched back and fourth as Alex and Adrianna fought. Before, she would have tries to stop them. But she had learned that the best way for them to figure it put, was fight it out. She cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest. She breathed out, and wondered why there was always someone fighting.
Adrianna looked down. "..." She sighed and shook her head. "Yeah....I know..." She said backing down herself. "I know." She repeated and looked at him. "You would think I would be the one...but....over the years....I guess I hid my emotions, now when I overflow it gets pretty bad." She said and closed her eyes tears comming. "I just get so mad. I can't handle it."
"Since you recognize that you have a problem," Demitri said calmly, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, "What are you going to do about it? It unfair to everyone else that has to deal with your fluctuating mood swings" He frowned and gestured behind him to Blaire comforting Lillie in her arms on the other side of the room.
Adrianna sighed deeply. She didn't answer and looked to the floor. "..." She went silent and backed up into a corner. She didn't want to answer because she didn't know. She didn't look up till Drake walked up hugging her. She still didn't say anything.

Drake sighed deeply and looked up at her with a smile. "I think one step at a time?" He asked looking at Demitri and then back at his sister. "Can't you at least apoligize?" He asked and Adrianna sighed swallowing a bit. She looked at Alex and then at Lillie. She sighed as her brother released her and let her go to Lillie.

Adrianna sighed and was really quiet. "I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry." She said and looked down kneeling down to her level. She rubbed her arm nervous. Very nervous. She looked down to the floor again.
Lillie heard footsteps approaching and she looked up just as Adrianna spoke, "I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry." Adrianna came down to her level and Lillie rubbed her eyes with her wrist, sucking back her sobs as she stumbled out of Blaire's comforting arms and wrapped her arms around the back of Adrianna's neck, hugging her softly. "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to shout at you" She sniffled a little bit then let go and stepped back, still remembering that Adrianna didn't seem to be into hugs that much. Heck, no-one loved hugs as much as Lillie did.

Alex watched as Adrianna backed down, defeat filling her voice as she spoke. When Blaire lifted her voice into the conversation he decided that he had said enough for now and he stepped back, ironically finding himself standing beside Callie as he fell silent and his eyes hit the floor. Had he said too much? Maybe he went too far. "I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry." He heard Adrianna speak and looked up to see Lillie hugging Adrianna, a smile threatened his lips as they apologized to each other. At least Lillie wasn't crying anymore.
Adrianna smiled and grabbed lillie pulling her back into the hug. "..." She smiled slightly and held the little girl for a whoile more before letting go and then stood up. "..." She crossed her arms before Drake hugged her. Adrianna looked at him. "Don't push it." Drake held his hands up and backed away smiling. Adrianna looked at Alex and then looked away. She grabbed her shoulder and sighed.

Drake grabbed her hand and looked at it. "You have a nasty habbit of making your hands bleed...I mean look at some of these scars?" He looked at her as she suddenly hid her hands. He glared at her as she insisted him not to look at her hand. He sighed deeply.
Callie glanced at Alex, who was now standing next to her. After Adrianna and Lillie were done hugging it put, she clapped her hands together. "So are we ready?" She rocked back and fourth on her heels slowly, looking back and fourth between the flock members. She hoped everyone was still up to going.
Demitri stepped closer to Callie to say quietly, "I think after all that drama, everyone could use it now, it'll make everything less awkward if everyone can take their minds off of it," He straightened his clothes To show he was ready, Blaire appeared at his side, "Yep, we should go. We'll be on the ground when you're ready," With that, Blaire grabbed Demitri's wrist and they dove down to the deserted construction yard that blocked off the area to pedestrians underneath the skyscraper in progress.
Callie looked at Demitri and nodded. She hoped Adrianna would at least consider going now. She fixed her hair so it stayed out of her face. "Everyone ready?" Keanu nodded in response, leaning up against a pole. He had been ready for a while now, long before the fight.

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