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Fandom Winged

Adrianna looked at her still not plaining on going. However she sighed and looked at Lillie. "Um..." She tilted her head and sighed deeply. She looked at her brother. He glared her down. Adrianna sighed deeply. "FINE! I'll go." SHe said crossing her arms.
[[OOC: okay then]]

Blaire sighed, everyone was taking too long, she wanted to leave already. She flew up to the level again with a burst of speed and landed on their floor. It looked as though everyone was still getting ready or something except Callie and Keanu. She told everyone the club name and the direction (it was a block and a half down the street in the direction of Times Square). She took Callie and Keanu by the wrists and told everyone to rendezvous out from of the club. Blaire jumped off the edge, stretching out her wings just before she hit the dirt of the construction site.
Callie and Keanu were only standing around and waiting for everyone else when their wrists were grabbed. They twisted around, stumbling over themselves, but quickly re-gained balance. They followed Blaires directions for which way the club was. Callie turned around to face the flock for a few seconds. "When we get their, wait outside for my signal." She said, making eye contact with every member before turning back around.

((Someone go capture Jo! xD ))
Alex quickly followed them, annoyed that he had to take his shirt off again to stop it from being ripped, Lillie once again in his arms as he dived down and hit the ground. He caught up to them quickly as he placed Lillie on the floor once again, "Uh guys? How is Lillie going to get into a dance club? She's five years old..." Lillie looked up at him and frowned, starting to panic, "What?" Her eyes watered, "But..but I want to dance too!" Alex immediently bent down to her level, "Ssh Cuddles, it's fine. I'm sure they have a plan." He smiled at her encouragingly, and her eyes lost their wateryness just by seeing him smile, she grinned back and spoke very lightly, "You look nice when you smile Alex, you should smile more" His smile wavered and he looked down, not answering.
Adrianna and Drake followed as well. She sighed crossing her arms looking down. Her hair hiding her face. She didn't looked up and then sighed deeply. Drake looked at Adrianna and hit himself in the forehead. He shook his head and then watched as Adrianna didn't react to him
Callie made it to the dance club, and stopped infront of it. She read the plain sign on the door; 'Must be at least 18 years of age to make reservations' She bit her lip and slipped the drivers license she had taken from the car earlier and read it over. It said on it that Callie should be 19 years old. 18 she could definatley pull off, but 19 could be pushing it. She fixed her clothes and hair again quickly, flipping on the sun glasses she had picked up in Florida for good measurement. She took a deep breathe before pushing the door open, faint music from a different room over flooding into her ears. She waited patiently at the front desk for her turn, stealing a glance at the rest of the flock. If they wanted Lillie getting in, thus was the only way to do it.
Blaire sighed, the others still weren't following, did they really need more invitation? Blaire huffed and flew back up to the floor and dragged everyone out and shoved them off the edge, "Lets get going here, no more stalling," she ordered. She dropped down next to everybody back down on the ground, "Hey, let's get moving here, huh?" she prompted again and led them to the club, where Callie had taken off to, no dobt making plans for their arrival.
(That's so creepy O.o My best friends call me Jo xD (If you were talking 'bout me of course))

Alex followed behind Blaire as Lillie clung to his hand happily, reassured Callie must have a plan since she went off first. She giggled to herself, "I can't wait!" Alex grinned down at the excited child, happy to see that for once she could possibly have some fun, have a REAL smile on her face, rather than that fake one that seemed to convince everyone else. Alex's hand slipped into his pocket and he felt the piece of paper inside of it, wondering about the number on it and the girl who had given it to him. He frowned, would he ever be able to pick up a phone one day and call a girl? Would he ever be able to go out on a normal, average date without having to worry about a tracker following him or having to worry about looking after the 5 year old girl who wasn't even his sister? It terrified him that none of them, would ever be able to have a normal life. Even if they somehow got rid of the wings, they would still know too much. If they managed to get away from the trackers, they would send more out, and they would still have the burden of having and hiding wings. Not to mention their inhuman powers. He looked down at the ground as they walked, lost in his depressing thoughts.

(Sorry, guys, gotta go to bed! D:)
They pushed their way through the crowd on the busy sidewalks. Blaire glanced over her shoulder frequently to make sure everyone was en route to the club. It wasn't like the club was that far away, but it seemed to take longer out of anticipation. They finally got there and waited outside for Callie's "signal" whatever it would be.
Callie strod up to the front desk when she saw it was her turn. Leaning against the counter casually, she smiled at the lady standing behind it. "Hi, I would like to make reservations for my brothers birthday," She explained, smiling again. She stopped when she saw that the women wasn't exactly smiling back. "Do you have an ID?" Callie nodded and pushed the license across the desk. She watched as the women looked from the ID to Callie a few times. She finally sighed, passing it back. "Table 7 in the main dance room is yours from 6 to 11." Callie flashed her another one of her dazzling smiles. "Thank you!" She quickly walked away, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she walked out the door. She turned to the flock. "We have a table reserved for us for the night, which means Lillie can come," She explained, taking the sunglasses off since it was pretty much dark now.
Lillie let out a rather loud squeal and leapt up and down with excitement, "Yay yay yay yay yay--" Alex covered Lillie's mouth and grinned at Callie sheepishly, "What time is it? Please say it's soon." He whispered the last part to her as Lillie carried on bouncing around. Alex winced and looked down at Lillie, "Lils! Please stop shouting Yay into my head before I block you out." Lillie stopped bouncing and grinned up at him, he sighed and his eyes flickered back to Callie as he waited for her to answer.
Callie winced at Lillies loud squeals of delight. She looked over at Keanu. "What time is it?" Keanu stole a glance at the watch around his wrist. "5:45." He answered, putting his hands in his pockets. Callie sighed and looked back at Alex who was desperately trying to calm down Lillie. "Ok, so we have 15 minutes to kill." She nudged a rock with her toe. "I guess we just wait now." She shrugged, putting her hands on her hips.
Lillie groaned, "15 minutes! That's like...forever!!" She whined and Alex rolled his eyes, remembering something from when he was younger, "Wanna play I spy to pass the time Lils?" He leant against the wall and Lillie frowned at him, "What's I spy?" Alex's eyes widened, how could she not know what I spy was? He sucked in a painful breath, of course she wouldn't know. She'd spent all of her life inside the same room, day after day after day. He blinked lightly, speaking in a slightly shocked and upset voice, "Uh, well. You look around, see something and you tell the other person the first letter it begins with, they have to guess what it is that you saw." He looks around, "For example, I just saw some grass. So I would say: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with G." Lillie nods, "Ok! My turn," She looks around, then grins back at Alex, "I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with A!" Alex frowned, "Is it Alex?" Lillie giggled, "Yup!" Alex slammed his hand against his face and dragged it down from his forehead to his chin, "Lilliee...it's not supposed to be me!" Lillie shrugged, "Fine! You do it then." He sighed and looked around then back at Lillie, "Alright, I spy with my little eye...something beginning with C." Lillie looked around, "Car?" "Nope" "Cat?" "No" "Clock?" "Nuh uh." Lillie groaned, "Alex! Pick an easier one." "Aw come on Lillie, guess again"

(P.S The answer is Clouds if anyone else wants to guess! xD )
Callie tilted her head to the side as Alex explained I spy. She had heard of the game, but never played. They didn't really do those things in the School, and didn't have time to do it while on the run. She looked around, trying to find things beginning with the letter C. She looked to the sky, spotting the puffy white clouds. She snapped her attention back to Alex. "Clouds?" She asked, wondering what else it could be if she was wrong.
Alex looked over at Callie and smiled, "Callie won." He announced to Lillie, "It was Clouds." He looked back at Callie, "That means its your turn now Callie, what do you spy?" He smiled at her, realizing by her slight confusion that she must have not played it either.

Lillie let out a little groan as Callie guessed correctly, "No fair!" She pouted, "I want to spy something!" She looked up at Callie, hoping she would pick an easy one so that she could guess it. She liked this game already - even if she wasn't very good at it.
Callie smiled back at Alex, and giggled at Lillies frustration. "I'll make it easy," She looked around for something, biting her lip. "Umm...I spy with my little eye...something blue." She finished, smirking. She was talking about the letters on the building that had the dance clubs name on it, in blue lights. She waited quietly for someone to get it. She could already tell this would become a favorite among the flock to pass time, along with all of the other games they made up.
"My pants!" Demitri shouted and showed off his legs, he popped his collar and strutting in place with an exaggerated model frown/pout, "Don't lie, you were totally staring at my butt!" Blair's laughed at how ridiculous he looked, "Oh please tell me its time to go inside, Cal," Blaire pleaded, slightly embarrished at her brother.
Lillie looked around with a small frown on her face, her eyes caught onto the bright blue lights above her and she looked up grinning, "Those words!" She pointed up at them and beamed back at Callie, "Is that it?"

Alex smiled at the enthusiasm he had brought to Lillie just by introducing one of the simplest games ever. He nodded in agreement with Blaire, I spy was fun, but rather tedious.
Callie gave Demitri a questioning look, and opened her mouth to say something. She closed it and waved it off, she wasn't even going to comment. She looked back over at Lillie, actually surprised she had gotten it so fast. "Yeah, it is. Good job," She smiled and turned to Keanu, who looked at the watch. "It's time." He answered simply, holding the door open for everyone. Callie nodded and looked back over at Lillie once again. "Sorry Lils, we'll have have to finish the game later." She said, ruffling the girls hair before walking through the open door.
"Yeahhh..." Demitri said and fist-pumped to the beat that flowed through on his way in the entrance. Demitri figured that since they were in the scene, he might as well act like he belonged there, right? Blaire rolled her eyes and followed them excitedly.
Alex rolled his eyes at Demitri and followed them, grinning lightly as Lillie gripped onto his hand, looking around at all the dancing kids with wide eyes. He whispered down to her, "Don't worry Lils, they won't hurt you." She smiles up at him, forgetting her worry as she looks around once more, "When do we get to dance Alex?" She emphasizes the 'we' and Alex's eyes widen, "Uh, Cuddles, you do realize I'm not actually going to dance...right?" Lillie makes a snorting kind of 'Pffft' sound, as if to say, 'Yeah right' Alex shakes his head, and opens his mouth, Lillie looks up at him with raised eyebrows and he shuts it quickly, looking away with a frown on his face. "Not dancing." He mutters to himself, Lillie just shakes her head like a mother would and they carry on following the others.
Callie followed what looked like another group of teens towards the main dance room. She heard Lillie and Alex talking about how he wasn't dancing. She turned around, smiling. "Oh don't worry, he's dancing." She winked at Lillie and smirked at Alex. She swallowed, looking at the huge amount of teens dancing around. None of them did well in large groups of people. Keanu maneuvered his way around clumps of people, finally finding a halfway decent spot where he could breathe. He soon found himself bobbing his head slowly to the beat of the music.
Adrianna was trying to get away from the people. In fact she was so nervous she tried to get out. To many people and her brother was having such a good time. The only problem was she tripped and fell on the floor a few mean girls giggling. Great it was the school all over again. She got up freaking out basicly.
As the mean girls laughed at Adrianna, Lillie stomped over to them, she stood infront of Adrianna and glared at the girls, "You leave my big sister alone!" She threatened, looking extremely angry, "Or else I'll get my uncle to kick you out of his club!" She smirked at them and one of them snorted, "Yeah right kid, like the owner is your uncle." Lillie folded her arms and spoke with confidence, "How else did I get to dance in here?" They all frowned at each other, it wasn't often you saw a five year old in a dance club and the stupid girls didn't know about booking. The one who had spoken earlier now looked slightly panicked, she looked to Adrianna, "Look we're sorry" She then looked to Lillie, "But please don't get us kicked out, we're meeting up with some guys here soon and we don't want to miss them." Lillie shrugged, "Ok, but I suggest you dance over there instead" She pointed away from the area they were in and the girls walked off without another word. Lillie turned to Adrianna and smiled at her kindly, taking her hand, "Come on Adrianna, you don't have to dance but there's a free table over there." She leads her to an empty table which is beside where Keanu is standing.

Alex was about to correct Callie on his statement about dancing when he noticed Adrianna fall over, he moved forward to help but before he could Lillie was over there. He watched her with amusement as she lied through her teeth and had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing. He grinned to himself, "Gotta' love that kid sometimes.." He looked around for somewhere to sit - since he was NOT going to dance - when someone tapped him gently. He turned around and his eyes widened to see the same girl from earlier - Catherine - standing infront of him, she smiled at him, "Hi Kane! I can't believe you're here!" He blinked in shock and then nodded, "Oh yeah, hey Catherine, what a coincidence right?" She nodded and smiled at him, "Want a drink?" He shrugged, glancing back at the Flock to check they were alright, Catherine took the shrug as a yes and practically dragged him over to the counter, he frowned as he realized something, she was 18?
Callie glared at the girls who were laughing at Adrianna. She was about to go over and show them who really was boss, when Lillie stood up. She actually smiled to herself, the flock had taught her good. She was facing away from Alex now, and she swung her arm out to grab him. "Come on, were going dancing!" She frowned when she felt her hand hit nothing but air, almost knocking a kid out. She spun around, looking for Alex, and frowned when she saw him standing by the counter with some unrecognizable girl. Who was she? Keanu watched the whole conversation with Lillie and the girls go on from a distance. When she brought over Adrianna to the table, he frowned. "Is she ok?" He asked Lillie, grabbing a glass of water and passing it to Adrianna to cool her off.

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