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Fandom Winged

Callie was sipping her water lightly and watching Lillie, to make sure she didn't get lost in the big group of people, when she looked up at Alex. He was dancing with that girl, and Callie frowned. She looked down at the floor, getting that feeling again of jealousy. When she looked back up at them, she dropped her water, the glass shattering and getting some water on her feet and legs. They were kissing. Callie felt tears tug at the corner of her eyes, and she blinked quickly to keep them back. She ignored all of the looks she was getting from people after she dropped her glass. She made her way towards the door, pushing people to the side without saying excuse me or anything. She walked out the front door, and went in the opposite side that Alex had gone. She found a bench a little ways down, and she sat on it. A few small tears had started running down her cheeks now, but that's all she would allow. She used the back of her hand to wipe them away, sniffling, and watching taxis and people walk by.

Keanu only saw the part where Callie left, looking like she was about to cry. Oh, boy. His first thought was that if was Alex's fault, and if it was, Keanu would kill him. But he wasn't as worried about that now, he just needed to know what happened. He scanned his eyes and found Blaire, quickly moving his way to her. "Do you know what happened?" He yelled over the loud musi.
Heather being as hyper and happy as she was, she wasn't passed out for long. She got right back up and danced while she walked over to adrianna to congratulate her. She jumped onto the coach and tucked her legs underneath her. She looked at the crowd of people while she talked to adrianna. "That was great! The wings of an angel and a voice of an angel....its a triple threat." Heather giggled at her slightly funny comment. "Any way...I'm heather!" She jumped of the coach again and found a new boy to make out with. She was having the time of her life
Adrianna watched and then sighed looking around. No way would she do that. To many creeps here for her taste. She sighed and leaned back thinking. She was starting to become a bit to popular. A few boys sat beside her trying to get her to talk. She looked at them and then got up. They only followed her. She glared, she wasn't having fun she was having a terrible time. She soon just left the club herself.
Heather was at the bar now. She had watched adrianna leave. Miz went over to Blair and said, "hey umm....that girl adrianna just left. Should I get her?" Mizuki knew that she wasn't very close with the flock but decided since they all have these dreaded wings, that they should stick together.
Blaire looked up at Keanu, "I have seriously no idea," she shouted, another loud rap-techo-pop sounding song playing, then Blaire remember that Demitri had called it 'dubstep', she loved the sound of it; but it also made her wonder about Demitri, she hadn't seen him in a while--but it was also a big club, "What's wrong? If no body has blood gushing out of their head, I wouldn't be worried. Let people sort out their own problems...it works a lot of times,"

Blaire stood up after Adrianna left. Heather approached her again, her breath smelling like alcohol, "No," she sighed, "Let her go, she probably just doesn't feel comfortable here is all, I wouldn't force her to stay," After all her dancing she was a bit thirsty, "I'm going to get something to drink, if you want to join me," Blaire shrugged to Keanu then walked off without an answer, allowing him to follow if he wanted. She sat down at the bar and looked at the menu, she still had money from the hotel room she robbed. The strawberry daiquiri looked really good...Blaire shook her head, 'No-no-no, you are so under-aged, you don't need this crap," Instead she ordered a Shirley Temple, which was Sprite with grenadine, and she ordered extra cherries.
Keanu shrugged. "I don't know. I just saw Callie run out looking like she was about to cry, but I dunno why." He shrugged again and sighed. He listened to Blaire though and let it go. Callie was tough, she could handle it as long as she wasn't getting attacked by trackers or anything. He listened to Balire ask if he wanted to get a drink, and he nodded. He followed her to the bar, and as well skimmed his eyes over the alcohol. He closed the menu so he wasn't tempted to order anything bad, and just stuck with and orange soda. He sipped it while moving from side to side in the spinny bar chair. He looked at Blaire. "So, you having fun?" He asked, putting his glass down.
Blaire laughed, "I think fun is an understatement," She held her arms out, "I would love to be able to do this every weekend, if not every other week or once a month," Blaire lowered her voice, "Even more so to just act normal like normal kids, you know, and just let go sometimes," Blaire was tapping her foot to the beat of the music, "New York is so exciting and fast paced and interesting...I--" she stopped and took another sip of her drink, realizing what she was about to say would probably be really stupid.
Keanu laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I wish we could stay here forever. But I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the trackers find us again..." He mumbled, sipping his drink again. He listened to her stop, and raised an eyebrow when she stopped suddenly. He gave her a look as if to simply say 'go on.' He leaned back in the chair, his dark hair starting to fall in front of his eyes like always.
Wobbly, Miz found her self next to Blair and she was of course, ordering another bear. She got the Money from the boys who paid her to dance for them ect. She looked at Blair and the other guy (she didn't know his name) and hugged them both while saying, " I love you guys!!" As soon as she stopped hugging them she vomited all over the floor and past out in it. She was defanitly under aged but who the hell cared? She loved to party.
Alex pushed open the exit doors and sucked in a deep breath of air, rubbing his face with his hands as he mutters to himself, "Not good, not good.." He sighs and walks over to a wall, he begins bashing his head against it, "Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

Lillie follows Alex and watches as he smashes his head against the wall, she sighs and rolls her eyes, "Alex..stop!" He turns and looks at her guilty, she places her tiny hands on her non-existent hips and raises both eyebrows - since she can't raise one - "Alex!" She snaps at him and he jumps, eyes wide, "What?" "GO AFTER HER!" She sighs again, exasperated at his stupidity. He frowns, "But..I just kissed another girl..and she--" "ALEX! She kissed you! You did not kiss her back! You pushed her away!" He blinks, "But--" "You love Callie!" His eyes widen, and Lillie gets closer to him, looking up at his eyes, "Do you?" He blinks dumbly and closes his eyes, sighing before speaking in a small voice, "Yes." Lillie cups her ear, "What? I didn't hear you" "I said." He swallows, "Yes." Lillie smiles, "Good." They stand there for a moment and Lillie glares at him, "Well! Go on! Go get her!" Alex jumps, "Oh yeah! Right!" He runs off, back into the club and in the direction that Callie went.
Callie had slowly started to stop the tears from running, but her eyes were still red and it was obvious that she was crying beforehand. She sniffled again, and crossed her arms. She closed her eyes and thought. How could he do that to her? Couldn't he tell that she liked him? She sighed deeply and pushed it away, because she knew that if she kept thinking about it she would only get all worked up about it.
Blaire sat forward a bit and her hair fell and covered her face from Keanu's view,"--Its only a matter of time before the trackers find us again," he had said. It confirmed her fears, of course they could stay, it would only endanger the flock further. Blaire had hoped for one glimmer of possiblity that-- "It's...it's nothing,"

They belonged anywhere, and they never would.

Suddenly Heather showed up and grabbed both of their necks in a hug before vomiting all over the floor and collapsing in it. Blaire suppressed a yelp of surprise and was sitting on the counter in a second out of horror and disgust. Her mouth opened as she was about to say something, then realized she didn't know what to say and closed it. She was silent for a few moments before finally blurting, "What do we do?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

[[OOC: Anyone notice that 'hats' is one of the tags for this rp??? :dot dot:]]
Adrianna was grabbed someone. He took off her jacket and then grabbed a knife. "Hello there winged girl." He pinned her and then covered her mouth. He stabbed a knife through her wing pinning her to the wall. He chuckled and laughed. That's when it happened. A guy that looked and dressed exackly like drake came out and attacked the Man. Boom...the sound of a gun shot. The guy was dead. The man ran off suddenly. While the real drake was captured and taken away. All of this without anyone else noticing. Adrianna heart suddenly broke. She was a state of shock.
Keanu silently store at the floor and nodded. Thinking about how the trackers might even be on their way to get them now made him think. When the trackers came, where would they go next? How long would they have to go without a home? Without food? The food thing couldn't last too long, they all needed to eat every few hours, flying used more energy then anything. Since they were inside, he obviously didn't hear the gunshot. He was caught up in thought when he was grabbed by Heather. He was snapped out of his trance by what he thought was a tracker for half a second, before he heard the 'I love you guys' and then watched her vomit. He quickly jumped to the side, in an attempt not to be covered in vomit. He frowned in disgust and looked at Blaire. "More importantly, who is she?" He asked, looking at her limp body. He of course hadn't been briefed in one who Heather was.

(HAHA yeah I saw that a while ago and I was like what the...?)
Alex stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed her red eyes and he felt a sharp pain in his chest as he looked at her heartbroken expression. He slowly took a few steps closer and managed to silently sit beside her without her noticing, of course as soon as he sat down she must have heard him, since he was close now. He put his face in his hands and spoke softly, "I'm so sorry Callie..I-I didn't know she was going to do that" He tried to carry on but one glance at her face shut him up, he swallowed nervously and looked at her, the obvious pain showing in his eyes. Pain that he had hurt her.

Lillie meanwhile had gone back into the club and found Keanu and Blaire, she jumped up beside them and sighed, "Alex is so silly! He just needs to tell Callie that he loves her!" She swung her legs and the seriousness of her words and the childish action combined made it laughable.

(Why is Drake being replaced? I thought it was going to be Demitri and Drake taken and not replaced, that's how they find out they are missing? =S I'm confused)
Blaire sighed, "Her name is Heather," she explained, then leaned closer to him and said softer and purposefully shrugged one shoulder, "She's one of us,"
[[OOC: Alrighty, I think we need to have another deliberation. So with Heather passing out and being underaged and all, how about they find out who took them; as in some big organization--hired by the school--that the government is after as well. Since Heather is underaged, they can come in and find her and thats how they get their government connections--through a special operation/investigation NYPD unit or something? Then they can be flown to San Diego, where its the biggest navy port on the west side of the mainland, and take the submarine to Hawaii where Drake and Demitri have been taken?? What do you think?]]
Callie heard footsteps approaching and just assumed that it was some random stranger. She knew it was Alex before he even sat though, and she continued to stare directly in front of her. She didn't like it when the flock saw her cry, she was supposed to be the brave and tough one. She sniffled again and listened to Alex. She could see Alex's face out of the corner of her eyes. She took a deep breathe before talking. "It's fine." She lied simply. She was afraid that if she said anymore she would start rambling on and on and probably start crying again.

Keanu nodded slowly at Blaire. He looked at Heather again, and shrugged. He watched Lillie bounce over to him, and he grabbed his orange soda. He took a sip of it, and almost choked and spit it out everywhere at Lillie's words. He took a few seconds to swallow, and set his glass down. "He needs to do what?"

(Yeah that works good)
(Sound good to me.)

Adrianna pulled the knife out and falls to the ground and then fell down crying. She held her stomach feeling terrible all over. She started sobbing. She looked at the dead boy and then looked around. She was alone....all alone. Not even the flock was here. She covered her mouth sobbing harder.
Blaire stepped down carefully around the vomit. She closed her eyes for a moment to focus, anyone else would have interpreted it like she was trying to get a handle on her stomach because she was grossed out. Blaire took a deep breath and picked Heather up by the back of her shirt, there was enough water in the vomit that she made most of it fall off of Heather without too much clinging to her. But Blaire was still totally grossed out. An older bartender man in his late thirties leaned over the bar and looked at the damage, "That girl isn't 21!" he exclaimed and looked down the bar counter to a younger bartender down the long counter, the younger one looked about twenty five, and the older one was getting red in the face out of anger. Blaire's eyes widened in horror.


Demitri was having a fabulous time on the other hand, after having escaped the Flock and finding his own way around the dance club. "So are you going to go to Julliard?" Cameron asked him, he was a boy about a year older than Demitri with darker skin, he worn tight jeans, a graphic tee-shirt under a hoodie jacket, and a beanie hat. He and Cameron had gotten to know each over through the night and stuck together mostly. Demitri had learned Cameron was a amateur dancer studying at Manhattan School of Arts--a prestigious high school for teens interested in the Arts. Demitri looked at him confused, they were sitting in a larger sized lounge in the balcony with a group of Cameron's dancer friends from school and a few miscellaneous others, "Er, Julliard?" Cameron looked at him strange, "Bro, seriously? You...don't know Julliard? The Julliard School for the performing arts? It's the best in the country," he asked incredulously, "I would have sworn you were planning on going...cuz, you know," Demitri smiled shyly at the compliment. "You can't be serious, Mason," Genny said, tugged at his arm, of course he hadn't told them his first name--only his middle--Genny was practically on his lap, snuggling into his side with his arm around her. He would have thought she was so out of his league any other day, being that he was normally dirty and not always presentable, now he was clean and had a particular talent that made him stand out in a place where it was most appreciated. Demitri supposed it was the power of popularity that attracted Genny, she was drop-dead gorgeous with hazel eyes that complimented her shoulder-length cheasnut hair that bounced around her face when she smiled that dazzling smile. She looked a bit concerned then and touched his shirt, "Aren't you from New York?" Demitri chuckled a bit, "I guess you could say me and my flock are Birds of Passage--we travel a lot," Demitri said as an inside joke. Genny smiled, "Oh, cool! What do your parents do?" "They're in the Airforce," Demitri said, again another inside joke, "Well, nature calls," he said, the others would take that as he had to go to the bathroom, but really he was getting a weird feeling like something was wrong--inside joke, he could control nature, "I'll be right back," Genny smiled sweetly and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Hurry," she said simply. Demitri smiled and stood up, Cameron stood up too ready to accompany him like he had all night. Demitri held up a hand, "Nah, dude, chill, I'm just going to the bathroom," Cameron nodded and sat back down, "Kay, Mace," and started nodding to the beat of the music.

Demitri walked downstairs, trying to find the others, but he kept being pushed with the crowds until he was at the back door of the building. Suddenly the door opened and pulled Demitri through the door.
Eyes flickering, heather gained some conciouseness. But only a small amount and she didn't realize the calibure of the situation. " oh hey Blair!" She said with a smile but eyes still shut. "What are you doin?" She started to laugh hestarically. She looked at the red faced bar tender. "Someone looks mad...haha!" Mizuki, still wobbling, poked him in the nose and then vomited on his hand that was on the counter. Then she sat on the floor and drew the word "hi" in her vomit
Lillie giggled at Keanu's reaction, not really paying much attention to the vomiting girl, "Well isn't it obvious? Alex loves Callie and Callie loves Alex!" She bit her lip, "But another girl just kissed Alex and now Callie got all upset! So Alex just has to tell Callie that he loves her and it will all be okay!" She grinned at Keanu, Lillie didn't really understand the real world of relationships too much.

Alex shakes his head, "No it's not." He sighs and hits his forehead with his hand, "Why do I always do this?" He speaks to himself, but obviously Callie can hear, he speaks more quietly now, "I always f**k up the people around me...that's why it's better if I just keep quiet and leave people alone..." He forgets he has spoken that bit out loud. He doesn't realize he has just told her why he never speaks to anyone, why he never lets anyone - besides Lillie - too close.
Mizuki began to Sober up a bit and stood up shakily. She looked at the floor and realized the vomit that was all around."oh my God!! Was that me?!?!?" She looked at Blair who was helping her and mouthed the words "I'm so sorry" she then noticed the red faced man....with vomit on his hand. She was so mortified she almost fainted. She had just vomited on a mans hand. "I'm so sorry!! I really am!" She grabbed a ton of napkins and Bevan's trying to clean up the watery mess. She had no clue she could be going to jail for being under aged. She drank all the time but never got caught
Callie finally allowed herself to look at Alex and talk. "You don't f**k everything up. Think of the flock; where would we be without you? What would Lillie do without you? What would I do without you?" She asked quietly, pulling her knees up to her chest and shivering slightly from the cold. "We wouldn't be the sme without you. You're like the rock, you keep us put together." She looked back over at him to see if he was following her.

Keanu nodded slowly at Lillie. He then shook his head, kinda regretting that he even asked in the first place. He swung his head around when he heard the security gaurd. His eyes widened slightly as he looked at Blaire. Of course just their luck, three cops were walking towards them as well. Any of them could be trackers, and start morphing in to their wolfish creature at any moment.

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