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Fandom Winged

Seeing the guards was horrible for miz. She might have just blown the flocks cover. She jolted for the bathroom and didn't look back. She wasn't about to go to jail and ruin Blair's life.

she climbed out of the window and desended to the side walk below her. She looked around for police, didn't see any, and hid in a near by alley
Blaire really wished Callie was here. She didn't want to be responsible for this train wreck, but at the same time they couldn't leave one of their own on their own for trackers... The bartender was absolutely furious, "SECURITY! SECURITY!!!" he yelled, easily heard over the music. Of course people started to get closer to them in curiousity and crowd around, leaving it almost impossible to get out of the situation. Blaire stepped away from Heather, she hardly knew the kid, Why should they get mixed up with her own problems, Blaire argued against herself. Subconsciously she was searching for escape routes, without revealing her wings, while she was looking about and arguing with herself, she saw many. Then something dawned on her, If she got drunk this easily, whose to say she hasn't done it before and showed off her wings!? "Callie, where are you!?" she muttered softly, she didn't want to make this decision about whether to take on this bad influence or not.


Tight muscular arms circled around Demitri's from behind. He squirmed around but couldn't break the vise grip, "Let--Me--Go!" Demitri yelled between thrashes. The was a rag pressed into his face. Demitri tried not to breath it in, but it was too strong. Someone punched him in the gut, the breath flew out of him, instinctively he took a breath and immediately inhaled the smell of thick chemicals. His vision fogged and his eyelids drooped, but he still tried to fight back. Demitri tried calling on the earth, but there was too much cement and metal. True cement was rock, but there was so much chemicals and agents in it that he couldn't manipulate it, his power was draining as well. "who...who--the hell...?" he tried to say. The rag was momentarily removed for Demitri to see a short, stocky, plain-looking Chinese man with glasses stepped into his line of vision, the man wore a traditional Chinese dark navy suit like the kind you would see in the old movies and his thick black hair was brushed severely away from his face. "Well, well, Demitri," he sneered, "Let me introduce myself...I am Mr. Chu. Too bad we got you and your friend, Drake. I was hoping for one of your team members with more importance and influence--you two are by far some of the weakest. However, I suppose you will suffice for our...cause," the Chinese man snickered darkly.

If Demitri hadn't been drugged and temporarily mentally disconnected, Demitri would have shot back some very sarcastic retort. Instead, all he could do was spit in the pudgy face. Mr. Chu roared in outrage and slapped Demitri across the face so hard it broke the skin across his cheek bone. "you...******* bastard...go to hell," Mr. Chu held up his hand, since he was now busy cleaning his face with a silk handkerchief, and the rag was replaced on Demitri's face again. He began to see stars.

'Alex....please...' Demitri called through his mind weakly with the strength of a whisper, 'Captured...mr. chu...got drake too..........alex...' Demitri rolled his eyes up to Mr. Chu's small slanted one, and Demitri mustered all of his energy to say, "just...promise......you won't...eat my cat...while i'm out--"

The last thing Demitri saw was a large square fist flying at his head before he blacked out.

They threw Demitri in the back of an windowless van, posing as food delivery truck, next to Drake who was tied and gagged on the cold metal floor. Demitri was tossed carelessly in by the hired muscle, luckily his head was turned to the side so he didn't break his nose, but he jammed his knee when it hit at the wrong angle--although Demitri couldn't feel it since he was knocked out, he surely would when he came around. Mr. Chu climbed into an armoured Lamborghini that pulled out of the small reclusive alley, the 'food truck' behind it. While on their ride, Demitri was tied up and gagged as well.

--- Merged Double Post ---

[[OOC: they don't exactly have windows in clubs or stores and things in New York and they cant exactly go anywhere. And they have to the NYPD.]]

[[ohmahgosh so long]]
"What the hell!!" Heather said in between deep breaths and crying. She was hiding in a disgusting dumpster in an alley. She saw Mr. Chu enter the building. She knew it was Mr. Chi because back in China where she used to live, people talked about him all the time. "Why the hell is chu here!?!? He is such a ******* discrase!

She peered her head out of the alley and then made her way home to her sister. Her parents were dead so she raised her sister by her self. Miz had already told her sister about the wings. Miz made dinner and put her sister to bed. Then she her self fell into a deep sleep
[[OOC: look they have to be captured, and Mr. Chu never went in the building. I should clarify what happens next]]
[[Ooc: yes I have already said it. So my charecter can feed her younger sister and put her to bed. Then my charecter also falls asleep. Plus so she can get away from the club. If you don't want her to than I can edit it.]]
Alex frowned and looked at her, he was about to respond when Demitri's faint call echoed through his head, 'Alex....please...Captured...mr. chu...got drake too..........alex...' He leapt up with his fists clenched and his dark eyes flickered to Callie, after about a few seconds of searching for either Drake or Demitri's thoughts - and getting none in response - he concluded they were already knocked out, "Drake and Demitri have been taken, he mentioned someone named Mr. Chu?" His eyes looked around them into the darkness and - with the anger and slight worry coursing through him - he forgot all about their conversation as he grabbed Callie's hand and headed back into the club, "Come on, we gotta find the others." As they entered the noisy building he muttered to her, "Thanks Callie, but I'm not so sure." He referred to her calling him the rock, in his eyes he was just the violent one who always got them into trouble, who got Callie and Adrianna taken? Him. If he had just held up for a bit longer, they would have had time to escape.

Lillie's eyes widened as police looking people surrounded them,
"Keanu!" Lillie spoke in a small, scared voice and she hid behind his legs, sending a message to Alex, 'Alex Alex! Bad people are trying to get me, Keanu and Blaire! Help!' She heard an angry response that calmed her slightly,'Don't worry Cuddles, me and Callie are coming!'

Adrianna was still trying to get her wing free. She could hear all someone comming. She needed to get out now. Looking back at the dead body she choked up. Still she had to brake free. It just hurt to much. She fell to her knees her wing was pinned good. She looked around. "No one." she whispered to herself and then still pulled once more, no good.
Callie looked up at Alex who had sprung to his feet now looking very angry. Was it something she had said? She was about to ask what was wrong when he mentioned something about drake and Demitri being captured, by some Mr. Chu. She frowned and tried to think when Alex grabbed her hand and start pulling her towards the club. She was all serious now, her free hand clenched into a fist. No one hurt her flock.

Keanu protectively stepped infront of Lillie as instinct when the police continued to come closer. Now there was four. Keanu swallowed and looked over the problem. There was no easy exit and they couldn't just snap their wings out and fly without a few hundred people noticing. "Callie where are you..." He mumbled, preparing for a fight if these police officers actually turned out to be trackers.
Before Alex and Callie got to the others Alex spotted Adrianna with a wing through her wind, his eyes widened, "S**t! Adrianna!" He let go off Callie for a second and ran over to her, pulling the knife out of her wing and throwing it onto the floor. "What happened?" As he speaks he grabs Adrianna gently and carries on heading towards Lillie, checking Callie is following before carrying on. As he neared the others he lets out a yell directed at Keanu, "Hey Night!" His eyes flicker to Lillie and at seeing her so scared his teeth grind together.

Lillie hears Alex yell and she looks over to him with relief, she notices the anger in his eyes grow and she pegs it over to him, jumping up and flinging herself at him as he catches her small body and lets her cling to him tightly, "Bad people! Everywhere!" He looks over and frowns, "They're police Lillie..." He looks at them all, trying to figure out if they are disguised trackers or not.
Callie saw Adrianna as well but staid silent. She grabbed the knife and looked it over as they ran. Like all the knives that belonged to the school, the knife was marked with a big I riggt in the middle. She threw it before following Alrx into the club. She skidded to a halt when she saw all of the police officers. She whispered to Alex without looking in his direction. "What do we do?"

Keanu hear his last name being called and he looked up to see Alex, Callie and Adrianna. He sighed in relief but soon realized that the number of police were getting larger, and so was the amount of people staring at them. He looked at Callie for what to do.
Alex frowned, holding Lillie tightly as he spoke to Callie. "I'm not sure, they don't look like Trackers." What he meant by that was that they didn't have that cocky, 'we're going to get you' look in their eyes. He sighed lightly, "Just act natural, once we get away from all these damn people we can try and escape, I think they are just police though.." He walked over to the rest of the Flock, still holding onto Adrianna's arm. He looked at Keanu, his voice tight "What's going on Night?" He looked around, his suspicions were confirmed when he didn't see neither Drake or Demitri.
Callie nodded and looked over the police officers. Yeah, they didn't give off the whole bird-kid murderer vibe. She swallowed and followed Alex towards Keanu and the rest of the group. She gave him questioning looks, her hand brushing Alexs out of instinct.

Keanu straightened up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh I dunno Kane, there was this drunk passed out girl that was under aged. But she's gone now." He shrugged, shooting Callie and Alex the same look. She sent a glare at a police officer that wasn't looking. This just kept going downhill.
Blaire looked around wildly, however she was glad Callie and Alex were there with them, she was starting to get a bit claustrophobic. A police investigator in front held out a badge, "NYPD," he said sternly, "We're going to have to take you kids in for questioning. Please come quietly, we don't want any trouble here, kids," Blaire was wide eyed, she glanced at Callie, there was nothing they could do without revealing themselves or making a scene in front of at least a hundred people.

Her expression fell to one of defeat, there was really nothing else they could do, they couldn't really hurt them since they were actual Police officers, except..... Blaire nodded somberly, "Com'on guys," she said quietly and walked forward. To the police officers, she put out her hand to grasp for Demitri's and realized he wasn't there and started to get panic-y, he was always right behind her, where the hell was he?

But it was too late to do anything, the investigator put a hand on her shoulder and waited for the others before guiding them out to the police cruisers out front, and loading them into their NYPD SUVs.

Blaire didn't know where Demitri was, but he would be safe from the police force. Alex could talk to him telepathically and them him where they were.
As they were lead away, Alex came to the same conclusion Blaire did. They couldn't escape. As Lillie clung to him his hand reached out and gently took Callie's, it was almost like an instinct, he didn't mean to do it either. It was reassuring, comforting. He noticed Blaire's panic and he silently sent her a message, trying to be as gentle as possible, 'Blaire, don't freak out or else the Police will notice...but...Drake and Demitri have been kidnapped. Demitri sent me a message and I think he is knocked out right. He mentioned someone named Mr. Chu...does that ring a bell?'

Lillie clung to Alex tightly as her eyes began to water and she sobbed silently into his shoulder, were they going back to the school? No..Lillie couldn't go back to the school. She couldn't. She badly wanted to jump down from Alex's hold and run, run like hell. But she trusted Alex. Wherever they were going, she knew he would look after her. He always had, since that day in the school....

Alex was bored, as usual, and as he lounged across his metal bed - if one could even call it a bed - he once again searched through the minds of those around him, he found it interesting to peek into the minds of the guards and laugh at their stupid thoughts of being scared by these 'freaks with wings' But this time was different, he flicked through minds like channels, until he heard something that made him freeze. A little girl's voice, she sounded extremely young and she was scared to death. Forgetting his policy of never sending a thought into one of their heads, he sent her a message,
'Hey, are you ok? What's your name?' The scared voice replied instantly, shocking Alex as he didn't expect one, he thought he was the only one with telepathy, 'Hello? Who are you?' Then a pause, 'My name's Lillie.' 'I'm Alex....how old are you Lillie?' He waited with baited breath for her quiet reply, 'Five.' His eyes hardened as he glared at the wall infront of him, "Cruel bas**rds. A five year old!" He punched the wall and the desperate voice was in his head once more, 'Alex? Where are you?' 'I'm in another room, a bit like yours Lillie. I can speak to through your mind, just like you can speak to me.' There was another pause as Alex leant his head against the wall, the girl's incredibly young age running through his head, then again, he had been only five when he was taken. Maybe that's why he was so against it. 'Alex?' 'Yeah?' 'I'm scared.' The tiny voice had almost broke his heart and he looked up as he heard his own door unlocking, 'It's alright Lillie. It's going to be fine. I promise you that you'll get out of here one day. I'll get you out. And I'll make sure no-one ever hurts you again.' He cut off the communication as the guards walked into his room with needles galore. He had killed three men that day.

Callies eyes were wide as the police started leading them away. She clung to Alex's hand tightly, almost afraid to let go. She tried to ignore all of the looks the other teens were giving them as one of the police officers hands laid on her shoulder, leading them away. She instinctively flinched away from the officer, and closer to Alex. She knew this would end awful, the police would find out their secret and possibly expose them.

Keanu looked around once more for some kind of escape, coming up empty handed again. He sighed and reluctantly and followed the others. He actually heard himself growl at one officer who started pushing him to go faster. This was the end of their freedom. They were going to be put back into cages and metal rooms.

(By the way Magic, I got your message but I'm on my iPod and it won't let me respond to it. I will as soon as I can get back on my computer)
As they were shoved into the vans Alex made sure that he was still holding onto both Callie and Lillie, luckily all the Flock members were thrown into the same van. The police didn't get in with them, but they did shut the big doors on them and lock it. Alex looked around at the whole Flock and groaned, hiding his face in his hands as Lillie sat beside him on the bench like things, "Dammit..." He muttered to himself and looked up at them all, then again, there wasn't many to look at. Just him, Lillie, Keanu, Callie, Blaire and Adrianna. He noticed Adrianna's mentally messed up state, "Well...this is just great isn't it?" He mutters mostly to himself, unsure of how to tell them that Drake and Demitri have been taken.

Lillie snuggles into Alex, she has stopped crying but is still frightened out of her wits, "Alex?" She speaks in a tiny voice, much like the day they first communicated, and he looks down at her, "Yeah Cuddles?" His own voice is suddenly much softer as he looks at her like a worried big brother would, "Where are we going?" He sighs, "I dunno Lillie.." She blinked tearily, "Are we going back to the school Alex?" His fist that wasn't holding onto Callie's hand tightened, "There's no way I'm letting them put you back there." He didn't look at Lillie as he spoke, his eyes on the floor, "If that's where we are headed...then they'll have to kill me before they can touch you Lils." He brushed away his violent thoughts and looked up at Lillie, "Plus, I think this guys are actual cops. They don't have the whole, 'I'm going to kidnap you while laughing in your face' look in their eyes"
Callie sighed as she sat down next to Alex on the hard metal bench thing. For once she was quiet, and didn't know what to do. When she looked up, she saw most of the remaining flock looking at her, waiting for her to say something. She looked back down at the metal floor and quietly listened to Alex talk to Lillie, her hand still tightly holding on to his. She finally spoke up. "Either way, if we want Drake and Demitri back, we have to go back to the school sometime. We'll probably be thrown back there once the police find out about us anyway..." She mumbled the last part and leaned her head back against the cold metal. Of course, she didn't know that they had been taken to the other side of the world with some Mr. Chu.
Heather felt absolutely horrible. She was at home, sate and sound while her kind was at a club being punished. She knew some random cop would show up at her door due to the under aged drinking and she resisted arrest by running. She noticed flashes of faight red and blue come through her window. Then she heard the sirens. The dreaded cop car sirens. She would never forget that sound. As she lay there in her bed, staring out at the passing cop cars she cried. "Why?" She said. "Why do my kind have to be subject to this cruel punishment? So what we have wings? We still have feelings!" As the sirens and lights passed her house she thought, "there they go....off to a horrible place of cold metal rooms, all because I got drunk...."
Blaire got Alex's message as she was being pushed into the vehicle. As the officer shut the door, she took in a sudden broken gasp. She sat in the car, her eyes wide and staring at the SUV's floor, completly frozen and clenched, her fingers gripped her knees until they turned white, she dared to even breath much more than a shallow breath. Demitri was like her rock, a rock that was always around and didn't move much. Knowing that he was in danger, gone, and she couldn't protect him, and he couldn't protect himself had hit her hard. He was the one she trusted most in the entire world, the one whom she cared about most. Blaire was in utter shock. The vehicle drove on, it took a long time between all of the stop lights and traffic, but they were almost to the police station.

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