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Fandom Winged

All the muscles in Blaire's body clenched, and she bit the inside of her cheeks to keep herself from throwing herself across the room and doing something she might--but probably not--regret, "You're telling me to cool off?" Blaire said smoothly, "Why don't you get a reality check before you blow your top again, kid. We're all in the mess because you can't take responsibility for you're own life, and you dragged us down in your train wreck. All of us have lost family, most of us don't even know if we have family," she continued, her voice lowering dangerously, "And you're going to ditch your sister so you can go on some joy ride? You don't even know what you have and you're going to carelessly throw it away," Blaire tasted blood in her mouth, and her there was a pinching pain in her palms as she dug into them with her fingernails.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Deputy Director Cross was quiet for a few moments, staring at her thoughtfully as she began to shut down, "We're not your enemy. I'm not going to lie to you, California, I know you know what I'm talking about. We're after the same man," he paused, "Have you heard of a man named, Mr. Chu? He is one of the FBI's most wanted. Mr. Chu represents a select group of wealthy business men across the world who profit from the School's...er, experimentations. Haven't you ever wondered why the School has been tracking you down all these years? Why they want you back so badly that they are willing to risk anything and everything, including their own people to get you back?"
Heather's eyes became slits. "I dong think you heard me. I said...don't talk about my family. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me and I never said you didn't have it rough. Now shut the hell up and relax cause you are angry spice!" She looked at the rest of the group who seemed bored and relaxed. " why not be like that cute guy over there looking at the ceiling? Hes calm! Why aren't you! And don't call me kid I may be a year younger than you but that doesn't mean anything. And if I don't want to take responsibility for Ny actions and be immature, I can! Its nit your decision! You could have ran out of that club just like me!
Callie chewed on her lip and listened carefully. We're not your enemy. Yeah, that was something she heard nearly everyday at the school as the tested her with more substances and new experiments. But something was different, this man didn't give off the same dangerous vibe. When he asked about Mr.Chu, she shook her head slowly. The only time she had heard about him was when Alex had heard the thought from Demitri. It was true, she did always wonder why the school wanted them back when all they did in the first place was sit in cages most of the time. "So what are you saying? Because I dint think we're that much help if I don't even know who Mr. Chu is. All I know is he has Demitri, and I want him back." She stated simply but firmly. Keanu looked back and fourth between Blaire and Heather. Oh boy, this probably wouldn't end good. None of them had a good temper to begin with, and fighting amongst eachother was the worst. Someone always got hurt.
Johnathan sat in his hard metal chair, he saw the little glimpse in her eye of the truth, she was defiantely interested, "Have you no idea what you're worth? California, each of your family members in you "Flock" are worth over 195.7 million dollars, if not more. Why? I know for a fact you are a smart girl, you can figure it out. Countries around the world have already placed bids with the School, if they get their hands on you, Demitri, your flock, you are all in danger. We both know the School has the capabilities for brainwashing, I wouldn't put it past them to resort to such measures if they can't break you family into complying...The FBI wants to help, California. We will let you have your freedoms, but we will offer you protection and a home....as well as Mr. Todd,"


Energy was building up in Blaire's stomach. The rain outside the window was coming down harder by the minute. She could sense every single droplet that streamed down the glass, even with her back to it, it fueled her and made her feel stronger and confident. Blaire towered over Heather, she was as tall as a lot of guys at nearly six feet. Blaire smiled, it was calm and slightly forced and it contradicted the piercing glare in her eyes, she notched up her chin, and when she spoke she was collected and defiant, "Just because you waltz on in here, claiming that we don't know you so we can't judge you, doesn't mean we're going to take that dirty lip of yours. The truth is, you will never understand what it's like actually fending for yourself in the wild and catching your own food, you couldn't comprehend what we've been through while you sit on your ass all day and drink until you vomit your stomach inside out while your sister is at home by herself--raising herself. Unlike you, I don't runaway when I'm scared, I own it, and I fight for my right to freedom. You have absolutely no right to tell me to shut up," Blaire said ever so suavely, "Your nippy little condescending attitude is going to get you into some serious trouble one day--I would watch myself if I were you."
She couldn't believe it. Blair had beat her. Heather was shocked. A face of amazement and fear crossed over her face. Her face turned red and she wanted to cry so bad. Her skinny little body couldn't take it any more. Blair was right. A tear streamed down heather's face. She wanted to run and hide but where could she go? Instead she said slowly and shakily, "yo- your right." She walked slowly to a coach and buried her head in her arms. All the feelings shed oppressed were coming out. She went out and drank all the time not even caring about her own sister. This thought made the tears come more. At the same time heather was mad at Blair, she also found a new respect for her. Blair was strong, independent, and smart. Heather on the other hand was just another pretty face, a slut, and concieted. Heather had never felt so lonely and vulnerable in her entire life.
Alex sighed at them both and stood up with Lillie still in his arms, "Alright guys, I think that's enough Drama for today." He gave a glance to Heather who looked as if she was about to burst into tears and spoke in a low tone, "Heather. I can tell you feel like s**t right now, but you need to pull yourself together before the cops come back." His voice wasn't sharp or mean in anyway, he was in fact trying to be nice although he was telling himself to shut up and hide away with every word he spoke, still he didn't listen to himself. It seemed Callie's words about him being the rock of the Flock had gotten to him slightly. He looked to the shut door and spoke absent-mindly although his words were directed at Heather, "I don't think you'll be going to Jail Heather. I think they know something.." He shook himself lightly and looked over at Blaire, she looked like she was about to explode. He couldn't think of any words to comfort or calm Blaire, if someone had taken Lillie away from him, he knew he would be just as bad, maybe even worse.

Lillie blinked sleepily and almost freaked out as she saw they were someone else, but then as she looked up and noticed it was Alex holding her she immediently calmed down. She looked around at the others and jumped down from Alex's grip, she then looked back up at him and frowned, "Where are we Alex?" She asked in a tiny voice, Alex looked down at the toddler and smiled lightly, trying not to freak her out, he knelt down to her level and grinned, "It's a little place callledd....the tickle room!" He reached out and started tickling her tummy, she let out a laugh and began squriming around as he tickled her, she fell onto his lap and laughed crazily as she tried to escape from the 'tickle monster' "Alex! Alex stop it!" She laughed as she spoke and he grinned at her, "You'll have to pin me first Cuddles!" Lillie laughed and then let out a mini-scream, Alex fell back, "Ow!" She grinned and jumped ontop of him, pinning him to the ground, "Got'cha!" Alex looked shocked, "But you cheated!" Lillie grinned, "Nope! I just used my power!" Alex narrowed his eyes, "That is cheating!" Lillie shook her head as she jumped up and her waves bounced with her, "Nuh-uh" Alex pulled himself so that he was leaning against his elbows, "Yeah-uh!" "Nu-uh!" "Yeah-uh!" "Nu-uh!" Alex glared at her jokingly, "Pfft, whatever!" He got up and sat down in one of the sofa's. Lillie grinned at him and looked around at the others, wondering where Callie was, "Where'd Callie go?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oh, what are the two new kids bios? Age, looks extra extra?)
Heather looked up from her cuddled position on the coach, her make up smeared with her tears. She looked like an Asian Gothic princess. to conceal the fact she was crying from the police, she grabbed a couple of tissues and got them wet at one of those water despencers with the jugs on top. She wiped around her eyes revealing a much more simpler eyes. She looked at Alex. Boy was he cute. And he was strong, smart to. Heather felt like jumping up and down and squiling out of exitment when Alex said she wasn't going to be jailed. So far he was her favorite. She sat on the couch and tucked her legs underneath her. She smiled and giggled as Alex tickled lillie.
Callie felt her jaw drop just the slightest bit as he told her the amount if Monet they were worth. She figured they were worth some money, but never that much. They were worth nearly 200 million dollars. Each. She quickly regained her attitude, though. "What kind if home exactly? Cause every home we've been in has either been blown up, destroyed, or filled with trackers." She leaned forward again, trying her best to get comfortable. "Look, can you just tell me where Demitri is and where to find him?" She tried her best nit to whine. The furthur they were put off, the further they could hurt or take Demitri.

Keanu listened as Alex tried to calm the girls. It seemed to have worked. He store at the plain table, and bounced his leg. He only talked to answer Lillies question about where Callie was. "She's being questioned right now."

(I mad their forms in the character thread for Winged. I'd link you to it, but I'm on my iPod. You can go to like my first few posts and find it though.)
(Yeah, spotted it about an hour ago, looks good though :D I like them both already! Just thinking, is Keanu going to ask Alex about him and Callie?)

Lillie frowned and nodded slowly, taking it in. She knew what that meant, although she probably had a distorted image of it in her head because the only time she had heard of it was in the old detective movie she had managed to watch a bit of when they briefly stayed in a place with a - sort of - working TV. She ran over and sat beside Dally, Lillie was close to pretty much everyone in the Flock and no issue with talking to any of them. "Dally? What do you think's gonna happen?" Lillie asks, slightly nervous. She didn't want to go back to the School.

Alex sighed, sitting the chair near Keanu as he rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes drifted to the door as he wondered what was happening with Callie, was she alright? Had she snapped yet? He immediently brushed that thought away, Callie was strong, she wouldn't break down because some stupid police officers were asking her questions.
(Ooh yeah, forgot about that. xD I'll have him ask now.)

Keanu drummed his fingers in his leg. He listened to the ticking if the wall clock, a sound only they would be able to hear with their super human hearing. Another perk if being a bird kid. His thoughts wondered back to earlier in the night, when Lillie had mentioned something about Alex telling Callie he loved her. He turned his head a little to look at him. "So what's going on with you and my sister?" He asked, as casually as he could.

Dallas and Brinley sat side by side. For the past hour or so they had been quietly playing I spy, the game Alex had taught them. Dally looked over at Lillie and shrugged. "I dunno, but I'm sure Callie knows what to do. She always does, she can kick butt!" He yelled, smirking and then laughed for a second.
Lillie nodded and grinned at them, "Can I play?" She had heard them playing the game and she loved it, even if she wasn't too good at it.

As Keanu turned to him and asked about his and Callie's 'relationship' Alex's eyes hit the floor, glad he didn't blush because he sure thought he was going to. He shrugged non-chantly, "I have no idea what you're on about." He spoke at a low level, then his eyes looked at up at Keanu, void of any emotion. He hadn't even admitted it to himself yet, no way was he about to tell Night of all people.
Heather crossed her legs and rested her face on her fist Wichita was propped up by the coach arm. She raised an eyebrow at Alex and smiled. "Someones got a girl friend!" She laughed at her own comment. She glanced at Keanu and the others still smiling. This made her feel closer to the group. "I can see it now!" She looked off to another direction and acted like she was day dreaming. "The wedding dress with wings popping out. The reseption! You better invite me to the wedding!" Heather was a very playful person. She got up and sat by Alex. She wanted to get to know the group better and this was a start.
Alex shifted uncomfortably as Heather, "She's not my girlfriend." He muttered, looking at the floor again as she came and sat beside him, as she spoke of weddings and dresses his fists clenched lightly. It reminded him of when he was younger, his Mum would tease him about the girls in nursery and speak of his wedding. He always thought she and his dad would be the first ones to know about it, the first to congratulate him. Now that could never happen.
Heather's face went expressionless. She noticed he was uncomfortable. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that.." she put her hand on his shoulder. "You know your really cute?" She got off the coach and sat on the floor in front of Alex. "You know people who are cute...should show it off. For instince, the fact that yo always have your head down." She tried to get closer to him but not so much it was uncunfortable. She leaned her head down, trying to make eye contact with him. "Cmon, hold your head high!" She put her hand underneath his chin and raised it slowly. "I'm sure who ever she is, she likes you a lot." Heather sat back on the coach and drank out of a water bottle that was in her purse.
Keanu made a pft nose and smirked. He could tell Alex was lying. "That's not what Lillie told us." He said simply and shrugged. He felt kinda bad for throwing Lillie under the bus, but she would forgive him. He rose an eyebrow at Alex now. He started smirking again at Heather saying how Callie was Alex's girlfriend. Of course he knew they weren't dating, or at least not at the moment. He bit his lip when Heather called Alex cute. If Callie heard her call him that, she would probably try to curb stomp her.

Dally nodded. "Sure," He answered Lillie. Brinley spoke up. "My turn! I soy with my little eye...something big!" She said. She waited in silence, Dallas looking around the room. "Oh, I know! A dinosaur!" Brinley rolled her eyes and sighed. "Dallas, dinosaurs got extinct like a few years ago." You could tell they didn't have a very good education. Just street smarts. "And why would they be in a police office anyways?" She asked, and looked at Lillie, waiting fir her answer.
"Any home you like, virtually anywhere you choose. The FBI will provide special agents that will keep surveillance as well as invisible agents that will follow you around if you decide to go into town, etc, only so that if something happens, they will be able to intercept and we may be able to capture and gain intelligence. The sooner the Chu enterprise is taken down, you and your family will be free to do whatever you like," Cross said, "We have our own suspicions on Mr. Chu's location. You have to remember that we are after the same goal. We can't let foreign governments get their hands on Demitri, and at the same time eliminate the Mr. Chu enterprise. We need your help to find Mr. Chu, we can help you find Demitri; the FBI can provide the equipment you need to find him, as well as protection. We need you and you need us. You don't have to make your decision now. But lets just say that we can hook you up with a five-star hotel suite tonight, as well as a full buffet--we know how much you kids eat. Talk with your 'Flock', and make your descion in the morning," he smiled genuinely and held out his hand, "How 'bout it, California?"


Blaire turned back to the window. Winning didn't make her happy, it didn't make her feel anything. She had made grown men cry over broken femurs and ruptured internal organs, like she would be worried about some girl who got her feelings hurt; Blaire was merely being 'brutally honest'. As suspected, the girl easily got over herself and started clinging to Alex.

She grabbed her triceps, hugging herself tightly, and frowned out the window at the cold rain pounding the sidewalk and late-night pedestrians. Blaire was deep in thought worrying about her brother, Callie, the Flock...she felt overwhelmed. What would happen to them now...?
As she mentioned he was cute he did blush very lightly then it quickly vanished like that. When she sat down infront of him his eyes widened. He flinched away as she touched him and muttered a thanks. He immediently looked back down though at the ground, it comforted him, plus it helped him avoid making eye contact with others and starting unnessacary conversations which could lead to possible friendship. He shook his head at her last comment, "I don't know" He muttered and pulled his head back so that he was looking at the ceiling, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he thought of what she had said to him, about how he mattered to the Flock. Alex's eyes then widened as Keanu spoke, "Lils!" He exclaimed, looking over at Lillie now. "Why did you tell Night!"

Lillie was about to make her guess when Alex yelled, she looked over at him with a super innocent face, "I didn't do nothing Alex! I just told Keanu you guys were in love was all!" Alex's eyes widened, "Lillie! We are totally not in..." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence, he made a 'pfft' sound that was similar to Keanu's and leant back in the sofa as she smirked truimphantly and turned back to the others, "Umm....the table?" Lillie guessed, considering the table was pretty long and tall.
Callie bit her lip, and thought about what Cross's offer meant. A nice home, protection. And it meant getting Demitri back, who was like a brother to all of them, not just Blaire. She could practically feel her mouth start to water at the five star buffet, she was starving as it was. She store at his hand. "I have to talk to the Flock about this before I make any decisions," But a few seconds after she said this, she slowly stuck her hand out as well. Maybe this guy wasn't all that bad.

Dallas stuck his tongue out at his sister, and then leaned back. Brinley smiled widely at Lillie and nodded. "Yeah, it was the table." She sighed and crossed her legs. "When are we gunna get out of here? I'm starving. And tired." She whined, mostly asking Keanu or Blaire since they were the ones that seemed to take charge when Callie wasn't around.

Keanu smirked at Lillie. He pushed his chair back slightly, so he could prop his feet up onto the table. "As soon as Callie gets back." He answered Brinley, closing his eyes for a moment. "What do you have to do to get some food in this joint?" He asked no one in particular.
Cross shook her hand in a business-like fashion, not smug at all, then stood up, "How about you deliberate with your team tonight in the hotel, and I'll deliberate with mine, and we can rendezvous in the morning with a group meeting," He led her back out of the interrogation room, talked while walking. They stopped outside the door of the meeting room where the rest of the Flock was, "How does that sound?" He waited for her response and nodded. Deputy Director Cross pulled a key out of the inside of his jacket and unlocked the simple lock on the door and opened it for her, walking in after.

Blaire had been listening silently to the various conversations in the room. She turned around and approached one of the two agents in the room, "It's getting pretty late, and we have little ones. Is there any way we could get some food? We have rather large appetites, we're usually good about it, but its harder for the kids," Blaire said, her emotion blank, but her tone was calm and reasonable. The woman agent looked up at her through dark tinted glasses, "No can do," she explained, "We're on strict orders--" The door opened and Blaire looked up to see Callie back with the man in the expensive looking suit, but he stayed quiet, waiting for Callie to speak, she supposed.
Callie nodded at Cross, telling hum that she was ok with it. Once the door was unlocked and opened, she stepped in, seeing all seven pairs of eyes on her. She stood there, motioning for them to get up. "Let's go, were leaving," She said kinda quietly, and turned back around. She eyed the guards and other FBI agents waiting to lead them away. Keanu shot up onto his feet, mire then happy to get out of this place before he started climbing the walls. Brinley followed the others, catching up to Callie. "Callie, where are we staying tonight? Do we have to sleep in that building again?" She whispered, so only they could hear. Callie shook her head. "No, we're staying in a hotel." She said simply, keeping her eyes ahead.
"Yay! I'm soooooo hungry!" Heather didn't eat very much like the others. In fact, heather was anorexic. She wondered why all the others were always so hungry and she wasn't. She figured the school genetically enhanced her that way. She grabbed her water bottle and threw it away but when she did she got water on her self. She made the water come off her cloths and sent it flying at the 2 guards. She laughed at them and said "you might want to clean that up." She left the room. When she heard the word hotel come from callie she got exited and started to hum to herself.
Blaire frowned and followed at the back of the group. Her eyes passed over the police men and the water rolled off of there clothing before it could soak in, then evaporated into the air as it fell to the floor. She crossed her arms tightly as they walked through the building, she gave cold stares to every person that looked at them with a questioning or judgmental eye. The man in the suit lead them out to a couple of all black SUV's, with comfortable leather interiors instead of the metal benches like there had been in the NYPD van. Who were these people?


The FBI suburban was special issue, mostly used to transport investigatory agents and those in the higher ranks because there were three rows of seats behind the driver's row. Which meant that they could fit all of the Flock comfortably as well as Cross's special agents. He talked to one of his agents while everyone was getting buckled in, then climbed into the passenger's seat while the woman agent from before got in the driver's and started the engine. Johnathan pulled out his iPhone and started tapping silently on it, making plans for their arrival, "So what kind of food do you guys like? Any specific requests?" he asked them, his eyes glued to the phone.
Callie gave everyone in the flock reassuring looks, especially Blaire who seemed the most uncomfortable, telling them it was ok. They're on our side. We'll talk about it later tonight. She sent the thought into everyones mind, and then slid into the big black SUV. She moved all the way over, to the window seat, making room for the others. She shrugged at Cross, and store out the tinted windows for a second. "Anything digestible, really." Most normal people would say this as a joke, but she was all serious. Sometimes their meals only consisted of a granola bar or something stale. So literally, anything digestible.

Brinley climbed into the SUV after Callie, quickly putting her seat belt on. She looked up at the vehicles high ceilings. "Oooh, can we open the sunroof?" She asked excitedly. Her excitement was ruined by Callie. "It's almost two thirty in the morning, and it's freezing out. Not to mention the rain. So no." Brinley frowned and slumped back against the leather, quite for about thirty seconds. "My favorite foods are chicken nuggets and pasta. I like it with lots o sauce, ya know?" She leaned forward, sticking her up to the front of the SUV since she was in the middle seat of the first row. "Whats your favorite food?" She asked Cross, her motor mouth turned on again. It was Keanu's turn to interupt her. "Brinley it's been a long three hours, could you just try and stay quiet for the ride there?" He begged. Brinley sighed exasperatedly and crossed her arms. "Fiiine."
Heather sat in the row behind Brinley, in the middle as well. She laughed at Brinley as she asked her one million questions. "I like Chinese food! I was raised there after all." She said to Jonathan. Then she leaned forward in her seat, still buckled, and braided Brinleys hair. Brinley seemed a lot like Amber, Heather's sister. Brinley reminded her a lot of Amber. She finished braiding Brinleys hair and began to think of Amber. Heather and Amber looked very similar exept Amber had tons of freckles. Where the hell was Amber?
Cross chuckled lightly, "My favourite food would have to be baby back ribs," he said, "Don't worry kids we're almost there," They drove along for about thirty minutes, traffic was heavier on a Friday night than any other time in the day. Finally they stopped at a large, fancy hotel in central Manhattan, "The New York Palace Hotel, kids. This is the FBI paying for this, so don't go too crazy, okay guys?" He got out and lead the group up to the marvelous hotel. A bellhop opened the doors for them with a slight nod. Another man in a dark suit and tinted glasses stood waiting by the check-in desk, Cross walked up to him and took a small packet from him. Cross opened it and pulled out a small piece of plastic, like a credit card. When they all were in the elevator, he slid the card through a scanner next to the buttons and pressed the floor number printed on the packet.


The Flock had to endure a few minutes of cheesy elevator music before the doors dinged opened to a hallway. Again, Blaire followed behind the rest of the Flock as the suit man opened pushed the card into a scanner on the handle of a double doored suit. She had to appreciate the presidential suite's debonair, they stopped nothing short of the best quality of everything... Blaire blinked and stood around awkwardly, partially wanting to explore this new place, but feeling slightly guilty. She spotted several carts of food trays, but she ignored them...for once she didn't feel like eating.


Cross stepped only so far into the suite, wanting to give them their space, he knew how tired the poor kids were, "I'll get out of your way. Rest up you guys, eat as much as you want, relax, we'll meet up in the morning," He gave a bright smile, he liked being able to help these kids. Johnathan Cross had a very high clearance, he read the files, he heard what they went through at the 'School', and wanted more than anything to put a stop to it, and if they could eliminate Mr. Chu on the way and give these kids a piece of mind as well, then he would do everything in his power. He handed the hotel room keys to California, then turned and left.

http://www.hotels.com/ho109318/the-new-york-palace-new-york-united-states/ [[OOC: the hotel]]

--- Merged Double Post ---

[[OOOC: they are in the suite in the second row of pics towards the left side of the middle--the one with the tall windows and the grand piano]]

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